What is Spin: Definition and 1000 Discussions

SPiN is an international chain of franchised table tennis clubs and bars. The company was founded in 2009 by actress Susan Sarandon, her then-boyfriend Jonathan Bricklin, Andrew Gordon, Franck Raharinosy, and Wally Green.

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  1. J

    Do All Objects Have Intrinsic Spin?

    What does and does not have intrinsic spin? Wikipedia Spin (Physics) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_(physics ) says: “In quantummechanicsand particlephysics, spinis an intrinsic form of angularmomentumcarried by elementaryparticles, composite particles (hadrons), and atomicnuclei.”But it...
  2. drFredkin

    How to solve Rashba and Dresselhaus SOC Hamiltonian

    Homework Statement How can I solve this hamiltonian equation? H= p2/2m +α/ħ (σxpy - σypx) + γ/ħ (σxpx - σypy) + βxσx + βyσy Homework Equations Rashba coupling effect equation: HR=α(σykx - σxky) The Attempt at a Solution H0=ħ2k2/2m + HR+ HD

    Understanding Electron Spin: The Mystery Behind a Fundamental Property

    okay , this question might look a little silly .. But i have been wondering about this for a while .. i know electrons move around the orbit because of the electrostatic force between electron and proton .. But what what makes an electron rotate about its axis ? i believe even without the spin...
  4. M

    2D Projective Complex Space, Spin

    Just reviewing some QM again and I think I'm forgetting something basic. Just consider a qubit with basis {0, 1}. On the one hand I thought 0 and -0 are NOT the same state as demonstrated in interference experiments, but on the other hand the literature seems to say the state space is...
  5. J

    Does a Buckyball spin like an electron or like a baseball?

    Does a Buckyball spin like an electron or like a baseball? We are often told that an electron does not really spin like a baseball. Only one (or two, if you count up and down) spin states, for example. How about a Buckyball? Does it spin more like an electron, or more like a baseball? Where...
  6. K

    R-parity and conservation of angular momentum

    Assuming R-pairity and thus the creation/destruction of supersymmetric particles happens in pairs, how is angular momentum conserved when a particle and its supersymmetric partner have different spin by 1/2?
  7. K

    Total spin of triplet and singlet states

    I'm a litte confused about spin triplet and singlet states. How do we know that for ↑↓+↓↑ the total spin S is 1, and for ↑↓-↓↑ the total spin S is 0? Also, how is total ms computed for these two states? (I understand that they are both 0, but not sure where that comes from) Thank you very much...
  8. Molar

    Spin 1/2 Particle: Uncertainty Principle Explained

    In my book (Griffiths) it is said : A particle is in ↑ state. The z-component of the particle's spin angular momentum [Sz] is h bar/2. The x- component of the particle's spin angular momentum [Sx] can be either h bar/2 or...
  9. B

    Representation of spin matrices

    I have just started to study quantum mechanics, so I have some doubts. 1) if I consider the base given by the eigenstates of s_z s_z | \pm >=\pm \frac{\hbar}{2} |\pm> the spin operators are represented by the matrices s_x= \frac {\hbar}{2} (|+><-|+|-><+|) s_y= i \frac...
  10. M

    High Spin: Unraveling the Mystery of Mono Atomic Gold

    What does 'high spin' mean? I have heard of mono atomic gold having unusual properties. What is going on inside the atom?
  11. X

    Understanding Spin in Quantum Mechanics: The Mystery of Schrodinger's Cat

    Hello, I have read about Schrodinger's cat saying we do not know whether or not a particle has a spin up or spin down. It is only when we check it that we know which one it is. I understand the concept however I do not understand what do scientists mean when they say "spin up/down". What...
  12. Ryan Reed

    Do Spin-Orbit Interactions change the Orbital of an Electron

    Does the orbital of an electron change when it experiences a spin-orbit interaction, and if so, how?
  13. K

    Is spacetime a massless spin 2 field?

    since a massless spin 2 field when perturbatively quantized gives rise to gravitons, which couple to everything and is identical to gravitation, is spacetime itself massless spin 2 field? do virtual graviton exchange also modify time and space?
  14. Ryan Reed

    Does the Spin of an Atom's Electrons Affect its Orbital Configuration?

    In the stern-gerlach experiment, silver atoms with a +1/2 would be deflected up, and atoms with a -1/2 spin would be deflected down. With that in mind, would electrons' orbitals within an atom be affected by its spin?
  15. ATY

    Find the Spin Eigenvalues for Two Particles with Spin=1

    Hey guys, I really need your help. I have an exam tomorrow and no idea how to solve this task. Sorry for my bad english (did not use it for a long time). I hope that I translated the task correctly so that you might be able to help me. So We have two particles with spin=1 which means they have...
  16. tomdodd4598

    Spin Matrices for Multiple Particles

    I have two questions, but the second is only worth asking if the answer to the first is yes: Are the spin matrices for three particles, with the same spin, σ ⊗ I ⊗ I, I ⊗ σ ⊗ I and I ⊗ I ⊗ σ for particles 1, 2 and 3 respectively, where σ is the spin matrix for a single one of the particles? I...
  17. Thor90

    Eigenstate solution for a spin chain with Hubbard model

    Homework Statement I am trying to solve the model analitically just for 2 sites to have a comparison between computational results. The problem is my professor keeps saying that the result should be a singlet ground state and a triplet of excited states, but when I compute it explicitally I...
  18. V

    Lagrangian of two body problem with spin

    I know how to solve "typical" Kepler problem but I'm interested in a global view to "binary" systems. For example Earth - Moon. If I set lagrangian of system as ##L=\frac{1}{2}(m_1\dot{r}_1^2 + m_2\dot{r}_2^2)-V(|r_2-r_1|)## there isn't included a spin. My questions are: 1) If it is solved as...
  19. 24forChromium

    Will this gyroscope spin forever?

    I have been learning about precession lately. Suppose there is a pole with a rope on it (like the things they used to hang people), and there is a wheel hung on the rope. The wheel spins and it precesses around the rope, now suppose there are no air friction or friction within the system, will...
  20. B

    Does the Sun Spin? Answers Explained

    I know that the sun is a gas, but like the earth, no matter how hot the core, the enormous weight would turn it to a solid. So the suns core is a solid and would it spin on an axis? Or just randomly?
  21. tomdodd4598

    Eigenstates of 3 spin 1/2 particles

    Hi, I have learned about how to find the 4 spin states of 2 spin 1/2 particles, and how to find them by using the lowering operator twice on |1/2, 1/2> to find the triplet, then simply finding the orthogonal singlet state, |0, 0>. I started to attempt finding the states of 3 spin 1/2...
  22. V

    Can You Measure the Spin of a Neutrino Along the X or Y Axes?

    Neutrinos are always left handed* and so, if you set up a coordinate system with the z-axis pointing in the direction of a neutrino's momentum, any measurement of its spin's z-component will always yield ##-\hbar/2##. What if you measured the spin of the neutrino along the x or y axes? Or is...
  23. tomdodd4598

    Probabilities of the States of a Spin 1 Particle

    I have been following a series of Leonard Susskind's lectures called 'Quantum Entanglements' (Part 1). In general, he explains how to find the probabilities of measurements of spin ½ particles' states, both single particles and pairs of them. I have learned the following: how to use the 2x2 spin...
  24. DeathbyGreen

    Question of spin 1/2 particles in a rotating field

    Homework Statement So I'm given a spin 1/2 particle in a rotating magnetic field in the (x,y) direction and a constant field, B_0, in the z direction and am asked to find the S matrix describing it. Given is: B(t) = [B_1 \cos(\omega t), B_1 \sin(\omega t), B_0] Homework Equations H = \sum...
  25. Spinnor

    Spinors and spin in String Theory.

    Assume String Theory is headed in the right direction, can one understand electron (or any Standard Model particle spin for that matter) spin roughly in terms of some small spinning string? If so, would you consider that a selling point of the theory as it provides an explanation for intrinsic...
  26. avito009

    Difference between "Spin" and "Angular Momentum"?

    I am hesitant to write this post. I am a bit overwhelmed that many members have questions of a higher level. They may be reading scientific journals. My question is very basic. I might be called stupid. Coming to the question. Is angular momentum same as spin of an electron?. But I read that...
  27. J

    Unraveling the Mystery of Spin Connection in an Expanding Universe

    Hello, I've worked through most of Carroll's appendix on the non-coordinate basis. I see and agree how the spin connection and tetrad one-forms are useful while calculating. However as an example he sets out to apply the formalism to a spatially flat, expanding universe. ds^2 = -dt^2...
  28. C

    Electric field and potential on a singular spin helix

    Hello dear physics masters on earth, I am very grateful to be priviliged to ask you a question regarding electric fields and potential of a single-cpin helix. It is portrayed as below. It is a line of uniform charge, and 1-turn helix with radius R and height H. I have came to ugly answers, and...
  29. Gvido_Anselmi

    Calculating the Average Value of Square Spin for a Composite System

    Hello everyone. Let us consider two fermions whose spin state wave functions are certain (normalized) ##\psi_{1}## and ##\psi_{2}##. So the overall normalized spin state wave function of this system is of the form: ##\psi = (1/\sqrt{2})(\psi_{1} \psi_{2} - \psi_{2} \psi_{1})## Is there any...
  30. Ryan Reed

    What Dictates the Spin Direction of an Electron?

    Spin is an intrinsic property of particles meaning that they have it naturally. Electrons can have either +1/2 spin or -1/2, what dictates that it is one instead of the other?
  31. CyanGrinMonk

    Why does a stationary magnet cause plasma to spin ?

    Hello, this is my first post, i only have what we call an O Level Physics here in the UK, but i have a strong layperson's interest in the subject, so I'm looking forward to picking the brains of the more educated people here. My friend's professor showed him something very interesting, all to...
  32. U

    What is the nuclear spin of this atom?

    Homework Statement A singly ionized atom exhibits hyperfine structure in a ##^3P_1 \rightarrow ^3S_1## transition. Assuming ##I## is greater than ##J## and given that the ##^3S_1## levels are split by ##66~GHz## and ##54~GHz##, find the nuclear spin ##I##. Homework Equations E_{HFS} =...
  33. ChrisVer

    Measuring Higgs Spin to Detecting Symmetry in Decay Products

    How would someone measure the Higgs spin? I have a feeling that the spin would somehow affect the symmetry of the decays...? A spin zero would have to show a spherically symmetric distribution of decay products (independent on ##\theta##, maybe a little dependent on ##\eta## due to the...
  34. Isaac0427

    Spin 1/2 - Is √3/2ħ or √¾ħ Correct?

    Hi, I was looking at the wikipedia article for spin 1/2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin-%C2%BD and it stated that √(½(½+1))ħ=√3/2ħ. According to my math it is √¾ħ. Is this just a typo or am I missing something?
  35. J

    Massive spin 1 propagator in imaginary time formalism

    Homework Statement I have the following massive spin-1 propagator- $$ D^{\mu\nu}(k)=\frac{\eta^{\mu\nu}-\frac{k^{\mu}k^{\nu}}{m^2}}{k^2 - m^2} $$ I want to write down the propagator in the imaginary time formalism commonly used in thermal field theories. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  36. LarryS

    Are there separate quantum fields for spin 1/2 particles in modern QFT?

    The spin observable for spin 1/2 particles is represented by Pauli Matrices acting upon a 2-dimensional Hilbert Space. In RQM, forgetting about the matter-antimatter duality for the moment, that TWO-state Hilbert Space is directly related, through the Lorentz Group, to the TWO separate...
  37. B

    If the universe has a spin, was it causing the similar

    What If the universe has a spin, was it causing the similar results like dark energy?
  38. B

    Final translational and spin velocities of spinning disc?

    1. Problem: Determine the final translational speed of a spinning disc that is dropped on an infinite horizontal plane. Think of spinning up an automobile wheel suspended over a road (wheel spinning normal to the road), then dropping the wheel on the road. When the wheel rim touches the road...
  39. D

    Eigenstates in a 3-state spin 1 system

    I have been looking at the solution to a question and I don't understand how the eigenstates are calculated. The question concerns a 3-state spin-1-system with angular momentum l=1. The 3 eigenstates of L3 are given as ## \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} ## , ## \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 1...
  40. X

    So why does baryon octet have the extra spin?

    baryon decuplet and octet have same quark content, but has spin 1/2 and 3/2. So what gives octet the extra spin?
  41. E

    What is the relationship between spin connections and tetrads on a 2-sphere?

    I wish to imagine Spin connection on a 2-sphere. Now, I am reading Carroll's http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9712019. He begins to write about spin connections in page 88. Calculations of ##\Gamma## on sphere are evident in page 84. Can you help me, how spin connection on a 2-sphere look like and...
  42. thankz

    Need some confermation on electron spin meaning?

    I just need a simple confermation, when the outermost shells of an atom have unpaired electrons is it the pairing of electrons between two different atoms say oxygen and two hydrogens that causes them to bond together? I keep going back to counting subshells and their spins? my mind went...
  43. F

    Using nuclear shell model to determine parity and spin

    Homework Statement Use the shell model to determine the parity and spin assignments for all the stable isotopes of calcium. Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a Solution The stable isotopes seem to be 40Ca, 42Ca, 43Ca, 44Ca, 46Ca, and 48Ca I believe all of those isotopes except 43Ca are...
  44. J

    Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Hi pf, Please could someone kindly answer a few questions about proton spin in the context of MRI. As I understand it when an external static magnetic field is applied to a patient the magnetic dipole moments of the protons in the hydrogen nuclei will experience a torque causing them to align...
  45. gfd43tg

    Spin angular momentum operator queries

    Hello, For the spin angular momentum operator, the eigenvalue problem can be formed into matrix form. I will use ##S_{z}## as my example $$S_{z} | \uparrow \rangle = \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} = \frac {\hbar}{2} \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0...
  46. J

    Interaction of photon+electron with parallel spins

    As I understand it, the fundamental unit of interaction in QED is a term with a pair of (spinor) electron factors and a (vector) photon factor, represented in a Feynman diagram as two (anti-)electron lines and one photon line meeting at a vertex. I get the case where the photon and electron...
  47. C

    Find the probability of measuring spin up an axis.

    Homework Statement Set |Ψ> = (1/√ 2) | ↑, z> + (eiθ / √ 2) | ↓, z>. Find the probability of measuring the spin component of sz to be up the z-axis. Find the probability of measuring the spin component of sx to be up the x axis. Homework Equations I'm not sure. The Attempt at a Solution I...
  48. BradC

    Deriving Massive spin 2 propagator from polarization vectors

    In A. Zee "QFT in a nutshell" in chapter I.5 Exercise 1.5.1 on page 39 for spin 2 massive propagator. I know I’m missing something very simple (self-taught beginner). I'm trying to derive equation (13) on page 35, which is G_{\mu\nu,\lambda\sigma} = G_{\mu\lambda}G_{\nu\sigma} +...
  49. akashpandey

    Effect of prton spin& nuclear interaction on binding energy

    I just want to know what is the effect of proton spin & coloumbs repulsive force & nuclear interaction on binding energy. Plzz explain with derivation.
  50. akashpandey

    Effect of proton spin & nuclear interaction on binding energy

    I just want to know what is the effect of proton spin & coloumbs repulsive force & nuclear interaction on binding energy. Please explain with derivation.