What is Measurement: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Measurement is the quantification of attributes of an object or event, which can be used to compare with other objects or events. The scope and application of measurement are dependent on the context and discipline. In natural sciences and engineering, measurements do not apply to nominal properties of objects or events, which is consistent with the guidelines of the International vocabulary of metrology published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. However, in other fields such as statistics as well as the social and behavioural sciences, measurements can have multiple levels, which would include nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.Measurement is a cornerstone of trade, science, technology and quantitative research in many disciplines. Historically, many measurement systems existed for the varied fields of human existence to facilitate comparisons in these fields. Often these were achieved by local agreements between trading partners or collaborators. Since the 18th century, developments progressed towards unifying, widely accepted standards that resulted in the modern International System of Units (SI). This system reduces all physical measurements to a mathematical combination of seven base units. The science of measurement is pursued in the field of metrology.

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  1. F

    Measuring AC current with an oscilloscope.

    I have a technical question, for research purposes. I have LED that we probe in AC mode. To measure the applied voltage in AC and the light-response in AC is no problem. However I would like to measure the current going through the device as well and I would like to link it to an oscilloscope...
  2. N

    SR830 lock-in amp measurement problem

    Hello I am currently have difficulties trying to measure dc-modulated voltages while applying a dc current, via Sr830 Lock-in Amplifier (LIA). Basically, I apply an 2 GHz ac current (amplitude modulated@10kHz and referenced to the LIA for lock-in measurement) and a dc current to my DUT...
  3. M

    Finding thermal expansion problems for measurement technique

    I am trying to find examples problems on thermal expasions related to the subject of measurement technique Google but I can't find them.. I don't know exactly what could be asked but the problem will be related to: "expansion of measurement device" is given, and "expansion of measured...
  4. I

    Repeating measurement of observables?

    I have a question on my homework set and I'm not sure the principle behind it: 1. Alice measured an observable F (a matrix) and passed the measured system immediately to another experimentalist, Bob, who is going to measure another observable G. Alice claims that she can deduce the experiment...
  5. T

    What is a dynamic spectrum measurement?

    I was going through Figure S9 in this paper yet don't quite understand how one can assign a probability density to a dynamic spectrum measurement as the authors do. To my knowledge, a dynamic spectrum simply displays the intensity for each frequency channel against time as shown in Figure 1C of...
  6. A. Neumaier

    A Key problems in classical and quantum measurement

    Quantum mechanical foundations are usually phrased in terms of measurement. I believe this is the main cause why these foundations remain shaky after almost 100 years of a good mathematical basis. Classical mechanics never had any reference to measurement in its foundations, and hence it was...
  7. A

    Linear Regression with Measurement Errors

    Hello, I have a set of data, two columns, and each datum has its measurement error like illustration shows below: x | y --------------|----------------- x1+/-xe1 | y1+/-ye1 . | . . | ...
  8. R

    How do I convert cubic picometer to cubic centimeter?

    Part of the question says: An unit cell has a cell edge of 288 pm. I got to the part where volume (288 pm)^3 = (288 x 10^-10 cm)^3 I have no idea how that equals 2.39 x 10^-23 cm^3 Only the Bold part ^
  9. G

    B Height measurement on other planets

    If you measure the height of a mountain, you compare it's height with the sea level. But on let's say mars, how do you measure height when there is no sea to compare with? For example: Olympus Mons is considered to be the tallest mountain or vulcano in the solar system, but what is the level on...
  10. yecko

    Instrumentation vs measurement

    What is the difference between the noun "instrumentation" & "measurement"? Thank you.
  11. P

    Meter R for V^2/R measurement?

    Hello all, I'm using peltier modules (also called thermoelectric modules) for a student project. If you're not familiar, they are small semiconductor devices that when heated on one side and cooled on another, power flows due to the Seebeck effect. I'd like to measure power coming from...
  12. N

    I Difference between measurement and passing through a gate

    My question is as follows, given a hermitian operator, what's the physical difference between performing a measurement on a particle to get an eigenvalue of said operator and acting on the state of the particle with said operator? What prompted my question is the swap gate used in quantum...
  13. henry wang

    What's the error in 1 repeated measurement?

    Homework Statement I have only repeated a measurement once, I cannot assume it is distributed as a Gaussian because there is so few data. How can I estimate its combined uncertainty? The Attempt at a Solution Total data: x1, x2 I calculated the individual uncertainties in x1 and x2 using error...
  14. A. Neumaier

    I Many measurements are not covered by Born's rule

    1. Within the framework of a Hilbert space for an atom one cannot find an observable in the sense of ''self-adjoint Hermitian operator'' that would describe the measurement of the frequency of a spectral line of the atom. For the latter is given by the differences of two eigenvalues of the...
  15. C

    Measurement standard for joules = Momentum in kilograms

    Basically, I found the energy of a photon using its frequency ((6.8*10^15) and E=(3.6496394*10^-16)) and so I then used "p=E/c" to find the momentum and got 1.2173887*10^-24 however I don't know the measurement of the momentum. Is there a better equation to use to find momentum, and what would...
  16. A

    I The Arrow of Time and the Reversibility of Decay Processes in Physics

    Hello! I'm an Engineer by profession with less knowledge of physics, so please be basic with me. After recently being intrigued by the double slit experiment, I started to read more and more about the same. At most of the places, it says that as soon a sensor is kept near one of the slit to find...
  17. pittsburghjoe

    I Explanation for the Quantum Measurement Problem?

    Do we yet have an explanation for the Measurement Problem that Einstein would have been satisfied with?
  18. A

    Apprentice in fiberoptics and test and measurement equipment

    I come from totally different field. studied previously business management but I was always fascinated by technologies. I find it really difficult to keep up with all the new terms and mathematical equations to follow up. I have to look after each words in every paragraphs. I have searched for...
  19. J

    B Measuring c from Earth: Is the Speed of Light Affected?

    I understand that c is the "ultimate speed" and that it is a result of the fundamental constant, the permeability of free space. But if this is a constant only to a "stationary" frame of reference, how can we accurately measure it from Earth? Since Earth is moving relative to a supposed "fixed"...
  20. quantumfunction

    B Do we measure the particle or the wavefunction?

    It seems to me that we don't measure a particle because a particle doesn't have an objective existence independent of the wave function or does it? The wave function in this case would have to be real because you can't have probability without the underlying possibility of a specific outcome...
  21. T

    Electrodes liquid contact electromagnetic flow meter?

    Hello, I'm interested in building a small non-invasive battery powered device that wraps around a pressured 1/2" pipe for measuring potable water. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_flow_meter and watching youtube videos, it seems they all use electrodes which contact the liquid...
  22. F

    I Definition and measurement of proper length

    As I understand it, the proper length, ##L## of an object is equal to the length of the space-like interval between the two space-time points labelling its endpoints, i.e. (in terms of the corresponding differentials) $$dL=\sqrt{ds^{2}}$$ (using the "mostly plus" signature). Furthermore, this is...
  23. munirah

    How to differentiate GHZ state and W state?

    Good day, I try to differentiate GHZ-state and W-state using three tangle. Suppose The value three tangle for GHZ-state equal to 1 while W-state equal to 0. I used three tangle formula, $$\tau_{ABC}=\tau_{A(BC)}-\tau_{AB}-\tau_{AC}=2(\lambda^{AB}.\lambda^{AB}+\lambda^{AC}.\lambda^{AC})$$...
  24. AdrianMachin

    Measurement Uncertainty Problem in MIT OCW 8.01x

    Homework Statement What's the answer to (0.781±0.002)/(0.551±0.002)? Well, here is the answer (1.417±0.008) that professor Walter Lewin said in one of his videos. I checked this in an online uncertainty calculator and it turned out 1.417±0.006. Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a...
  25. J

    Hydrogen Atom: Wavefunction collapse after measurement of Lz

    Homework Statement Suppose we have a wavefunction with n=4. If we measure the orbital angular momentum along the z-direction(no spin in this problem) and get 2*hbar then what are the possible values of the total angular momentum and what is the most general wavefunction after the measurement...
  26. V

    I Measuring Coordinates in Strong Gravity: Schwarzschild Metric

    We know that Schwarzschild metric describes an asymptotically flat spacetime. This means that far away from the event horizon we can safely interpret the ##r## coordinate as distance from the center. But when close enough to the event horizon the curvature becomes significant and our common...
  27. C

    Finding uncertainty of a measurement

    Homework Statement What is your average reaction time? What is the uncertainty? Homework Equations To find time I used the following equation: t=\sqrt{\frac{2(\frac{D}{100})}{9.81}} D is measured in cm, hence the division by 100 (to get meters). 9.81 is acceleration due to gravity (this comes...
  28. fsonnichsen

    Accurate measurement of pH - best methods

    I am "proofing" various pH probes in an in-situ fresh water environment--this is a low electrolyte environment where such probes typically do not perform very well. I want to routinely sample the water and obtain accurate pH data for comparison. Can someone enlighten me on the what modern (non...
  29. J

    B Why can't one metre be more than one metre?

    Hello, Recently, I have been trying to work on some philosophy that I am developing, and the subject of measurement has come up. My question goes a bit like this: Suppose that it turned out that when you measure point A to point B as exactly 100cm (one metre), there are actually three...
  30. Titan97

    B Position of a particle immediately after a measurement

    Say a particle was measured to be at a point C. Immediately after this, if i make another measurement, its given in griffith's book that the particle will still be found at C. Isn't this only possible if the particle was at rest?
  31. Q

    A Measurement of the Higgs Self Interaction

    Hello everyone. What measurements have been done of the Higgs self-interaction? If nothing has been done yet, what are the relevant groups and research articles describing the progress of work in this direction? If this has been done, I would love to know the references. Thanks!
  32. munirah

    How to calculate negativity measurement of quantum state?

    Good day, From my reading according to negativity for tripartite state, it is given as below; $$N_{ABC}(\rho)=(N_{A-BC}N_{B-AC}N_{C-AB})^{1/3}$$ with $$N_{I-JK}=-2\Sigma_i\sigma_i(\rho^{TI})$$ where $$\sigma_i(\rho^{TI})$$ being the negative eigenvalues of $$\rho^{TI}$$, the partial...
  33. Fizzics

    Power measurement of a servo motor using simple instruments

    Hello all, I have a 1kw 3 phase 10 pole servo motor which is powered from 240 volt ac single phase supply via an invertek p2 controller/inverter. The motor is only operated for short high speed bursts and I would really like to be able to measure the power usage of the motor using formula and...
  34. T

    Measure LDR Light with Microcontroller - 10bit Resolution

    I have a micro-controller with 10 bit resolution. How can I convert the voltage or digital output of the microcontroller to a Lux reading ?
  35. L

    B Bell's state measurement in the Bell basis

    Hi all My question: One of the four Bell's state are measuring in the Bell basis. Whether the result of measurement of this one of the four Bell's state will be the same Bell's state (just that Bell's state which are measuring) ? The each of four Bell's state is a quantum superposition of the...
  36. entropy1

    B Does weak measurement cause mixed state?

    Does a 'weak measurement' on the spin of an electron in a pure state put the electron in a mixed state of the previous state and the state of the measurement axis of the measurement?
  37. E

    I Question about superposition and measurement

    Hello everyone. I've gotten interested in quantum mechanics after binge watching a ton of documentaries about it. I've grown particularly interested in superpositions and the measurement problem. I'm not very good at math, so I can't understand the math behind it, but I like to take the...
  38. entropy1

    B Counterfactual definiteness and correlation

    If we assume there is no counterfactual definiteness, would that mean that measurements on entangled particles needn't be correlated, for if you don't compare the results, you just don't know if they do?
  39. entropy1

    I Macro state of a measurement device and correlation

    I have a question that seems to reflect my main concern with QM. Here it is: Consider a series of polarisation-entangled photon pairs that are sent in opposite direction to two measuring devices (e.g. at opposite ends of the universe). The measurement consists of detection of a photon after...
  40. entropy1

    I Is there a 'memory-effect' of measuring devices?

    If I'm correct, a series of with respect to some property entangled particles exhibits a correlation between several measurements of that property by means of two measuring devices. My question is: is it possible that between measurements the physical constitutions of the measuring devices...
  41. S

    B Has any experiment actually measured PI to many places?

    Ok, This probably seems a silly question, but has there been any 'serious' attempt to measure Pi PHYSICALLY, like in a lab, using say a light fiber in a circle and one down the radius? If so, where can I find the results/paper? Thanks!
  42. E

    A Progress in measurement of gravitational constant?

    I read that in 2014 the gravitational constant was measured by atomic intereferometry. Now I read that they speculate that measurements of G are in correlation with 5,9 years cycle. But, when we can expect new measurements of G? Are they in preparation?
  43. entropy1

    B Nature of collapse / does collapse exist?

    I learned that the moment a wavefunction collapse takes place is a matter of interpretation. So, I suppose the phenomenon 'wavefuntion collapse' is something that has to be witnessed by observation at some point to be able to establish it at all! So my question is: if collapse doesn't actually...
  44. S

    What equipment is needed for illuminated I-V measurements of a solar cell?

    What equipment is needed for illuminated I-V measurements of a solar cell? light source, 2 multimeters light source, 2 multimeters, variable resistor, voltage source light source of variable intensity, 2 multimeters, irradiance meter Light source, 2 multimeters, variable resistor PV analyser...
  45. ShayanJ

    A Measurement problem in the Ensemble interpretation

    The ensemble interpretation asserts that QM is only applicable to an ensemble of similarly prepared systems and has nothing to say about an individual system and in this way, it seems, it can prevent the need for introducing the concept of wave-function collapse and so it may seem that there is...
  46. M

    I Conservation of energy in quantum measurement

    A measurement of an observable that does not commute with energy will generally cause a change in the expectation value of the energy. Is there a clear formalism to describe how energy is conserved overall?
  47. Kara386

    I What Causes a Measurement to Change the State of a System in Quantum Mechanics?

    I read that measurement changes things because we have to bounce photons off an object to 'see' it and that changes its position, momentum etc... But on the other hand, Griffiths' QM book seems to suggest we don't know what it is about measurement that changes the state of something. We don't...
  48. psycho_physicist

    Errors/ Uncertainty in measurement problem

    Homework Statement [/B] The surface tension (T) is measured by capillary rise formula T = \frac {rh ρg}{2 cos\Theta} . The quantities of ρ, g and θ are taken from the table of constants while the height and diameter are measured as h = (3.00 + 0.01)cm and D = (0.250 ± 0.001)cm Find the...
  49. V

    A Measurement without energy cost?

    Hi, On the context of Maxwell's Demon, it's accepted that Landauer's principle (the erasure of a bit of information requires kTln2 of work) gives a solution to the paradox. The erasure of a bit of information can be seen as the modulation of a double well potential, as in the right side of the...