What is Measurement: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Measurement is the quantification of attributes of an object or event, which can be used to compare with other objects or events. The scope and application of measurement are dependent on the context and discipline. In natural sciences and engineering, measurements do not apply to nominal properties of objects or events, which is consistent with the guidelines of the International vocabulary of metrology published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. However, in other fields such as statistics as well as the social and behavioural sciences, measurements can have multiple levels, which would include nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.Measurement is a cornerstone of trade, science, technology and quantitative research in many disciplines. Historically, many measurement systems existed for the varied fields of human existence to facilitate comparisons in these fields. Often these were achieved by local agreements between trading partners or collaborators. Since the 18th century, developments progressed towards unifying, widely accepted standards that resulted in the modern International System of Units (SI). This system reduces all physical measurements to a mathematical combination of seven base units. The science of measurement is pursued in the field of metrology.

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  1. SmritiB

    Detecting Current Flow in a Circuit with LEDs

    I am desgning a circuit(network), where i need to show the path traversed by the greater part of the current at each node, consecutively. using an ammeter (or voltmeter) in every branch (around 20) makes it too tedious. Will LEDs do the required work? But they would light up at all locations...
  2. entropy1

    B Superposition of measurement apparatus

    Does measuring a polarized photon after it passed a polarization filter put the measurement apparatus in a superposition of detected/not-deteced (the photon)? Does this depend on whether the photon is part of an entangled pair?
  3. Ackbach

    MHB Different Kinds of Quantum Computing Measurement Operators

    So in quantum mechanics, there are at least three different kinds of measurement operators: the General, the Projective, and the Positive Operator-Valued (POVM). They have different properties and relationships. In a typical QM book, these are not delineated, but in Quantum Computing they are...
  4. entropy1

    B Measurement and the creation/loss of information

    If we measure, say, the polarisation of a photon, the polarisation state of the photon collapses along the eigenvector of the observable corresponding to the measurement. This may seem as a loss of information of the original polarisation (for it is now collapsed into another value). However...
  5. Negatratoron

    B What constitutes a measurement of which slit - double slit

    In the double slit experiment, when you measure which slit your photon passes through, it will land in the corresponding location on the photosensitive film at the end of the apparatus. If, however, you don't measure which slit it goes through, an interference pattern will appear on the film...
  6. B

    Measuring Friction at a curved surface

    Hi, if I have a block of metal with a quarter circle curve cut out of it, and a metal roller of matching radius that contacts this curved piece, what are some ways I could go about measuring the friction between these two surfaces? The roller is fixed and the block is pushed into it with a...
  7. L

    A Performing Bell State Measurement in Teleportation

    Most protocols on Quantum Teleportation (using Alice and Bob as performers) include a crucial step where Alice performs a Bell State Measurement. Usually the applicable math is given in the protocol, but many protocols make the following kind of statement with no explanation: "Alice must...
  8. P

    I Calculate top of curve, and the time it takes to get there

    Hi, I'm doing a lot of temperature measurement, and I would like to add a function that could estimate how high the temperature would rise and how long it will take to get there. The calculations would be based on the current temperature relative to the past x measurements. Anyone have any...
  9. K

    I Exploring the Nature of Time: Is it Just a Measurement?

    I'm wondering if time is just a way we have to "measure" how things change its characteristics in space. Is that correct?
  10. JotWe

    I Combined measurement uncertainty for mass computation

    Problem I would like to determine the combined standard measurement uncertainty for a mean mass ##\bar{m}## computed from a mean volume ##\bar{V}## and a constant density ##\rho## with $$\bar{m} = \bar{V} \, \rho.$$ I know the mean volume ##\bar{V}##, volume standard deviation ##\sigma_V##...
  11. S

    QM:Finding the probabilities of a Hamiltonian measurement

    Homework Statement This problem is from Zetelli 3.21 http://imgur.com/wYTNVwz http://imgur.com/wYTNVwz Homework Equations Just the standard probability via product between the eigenfunction and the wavefunction The Attempt at a Solution I've found the eigenvectors for the Hamiltonian...
  12. Q

    I Keeping a subspace decoherence free, with the Zeno Effect

    I am currently reading papers discussing the Zeno Effect, which discuss how measuring a system at high frequencies can almost freeze the state of a system, or keep the system in a specific subspace of states. This can be easily seen using the projection postulate. Often the topic of decoherence...
  13. T

    I Uncertainty in Scale Measurement

    Having a bit of trouble estimating total scale uncertainty. In this experiment, I used four precision weights (error << scale resolution). Each weight has a known mass and is weighted on a scale 20 different times. Therefore, for each weight, I have a mean scale measurement, a standard...
  14. M

    I Measuring entangled state of degenerate eigenstates

    Let's suppose that we have an entangled state of two systems ##A## and ##B##: $$ \frac{1}{2}\left(|\psi_1 \phi_1\rangle+|\psi_2 \phi_2\rangle \right) $$ where ##|\psi \rangle## and ##|\phi \rangle## are energy eigenstates of ##A## and ##B## respectively. However the eigenstates##|\phi_1\rangle##...
  15. Nader AbdlGhani

    The unit of measurement of degree of dissociation ( α ) ?

    What's the unit used to measure α ? if α=(Kd/C)0.5 where Kd is the dissociation constant and C is the total concentration of electrolyte .
  16. Alettix

    Measurement of Focal length with Laser beam

    Homework Statement Hi! I have lately come across some tricky experimental physics tasks, where no solution is given. Some of them involved parts where the focal length of a convex lens had to be measured with a laser. How do you do this? Homework Equations 1/l + 1/d = 1/f (1) where f is the...
  17. UseAsDirected

    I Actual measurement of radioactive decay

    Hello, Are there any anthropologists, archaeologists, or geologists around on this board for help? I am trying to teach myself about radioactive decay via beta emission whereby a neutron spontaneously transmutes into a proton, releasing an electron. But, I do not understand the practical side...
  18. naima

    A Is measurement a yes/no process?

    the wave/particle duality is no more seen as the opposite sides of a coin. We now see it as a point in a segment [0 , 1]. It is the same with pure states. The visibility of the fringes varies between 0 and 1. In regards to measurement, We are often in the old yes/no habit: At a some point the...
  19. Jilang

    Is the direction of spin changed by measurement?

    I have been under the impression that application of a magnetic field will quantise the z component of an electrons spin in that direction. I see this as a physical process, but Is this incorrect as it is often described as a measurement of a random variable/ wavefunction collapse? I am familiar...
  20. Svein

    Insights Administering TCP/IP In Automation or Measurement Networks - Comments

    Svein submitted a new PF Insights post Administering TCP/IP In Automation or Measurement Networks Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  21. ShayanJ

    Stern-Gerlach experiment as a measurement

    Its been a while that I'm thinking in what sense we can say the SG experiment is a measurement. What I concluded, is that there are two kinds of measurements. 1) Measurements that advocates of the ensemble interpretation (like our own @vanhees71) declare as the only one that QM has anything to...
  22. Jorrie

    How is the redshift of gravitational wave events measured?

    LIGO reported the announced event with a redshift of 0.6 < z < 1.3. With no em radiation event reported (AFAIK), does anyone know how they have determined the redshift? I understand how they could measure the pre-merger, chirp and ring-down frequencies with good accuracy. In order to determine...
  23. sidabao

    Gravity Wave Measurement: Measuring the Relative

    Hi, here is my thinking about the gravity wave measurement. Could we actually measure something relative?
  24. pixel

    Detecting Interference Pattern Changes in LIGO Measurement

    As the length distortion due to a gravitational wave as it passes by Earth is on the order of the dimension of an atom, or << a wavelength of light, can someone describe in a general sort of way what measurement steps are employed to detect such small changes in an interference pattern? It would...
  25. hideelo

    Does measurement violate unitarity?

    I am taking my first semester of QM so excuse my question if it is way off mark, totally wrong, or very well known. As I understand it, one of the postulates of QM are that states evolve unitarily, a consequence (but not THE defining feature) of unitary transformations is that they are...
  26. entropy1

    Does a polarisationfilter do a measurement?

    Consider a measurement of a photon after it has passed a polarisationfilter. Does the photon jump in a (polarisation-)eigenstate by passing the filter? Does the filter do a measurement? Is the filter part of the entire measurement?
  27. naima

    Measurement and Preparation in the Double Slit Experiment

    Is there a difference between measurement and preparation? When we have two Young slits we prepare a superposition of position. The apparatus which can measure this state is a copy of these slits near them with detectors outside them. If they never click you have build the correct measurement...
  28. B

    Is Weighing Quarters Individually More Precise Than Together?

    Homework Statement What is a more precise way of finding the total mass? Weighing 5 individual quarters or weighing them all together? 2. Relevant equation individual weights n1+n2+n3+n4+n5 = total weight total weighed together N = total weight The Attempt at a Solution I think weighing...
  29. durant35

    Understanding the Measurement and Interaction of Electrons: A Beginner's Guide

    Hi guys, I'm a newbie in quantum physics and it has blown my mind so far. I feel a bit confused because it seems very unintuitive, but I'm ready to learn more and I need some help on this forum. I have few questions. 1) I red that the wavefunction of an electron is spread all over the universe...
  30. R

    XRD for grain size measurement

    Hello, Could you explain or prompt me to an article or source that mentions the advantages/setbacks from measuring the grain size of materials using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)?
  31. L

    How can I accurately measure the mass air flow in my intercooler heat exchanger?

    Hey guys, long time reader first time poster. I'm undertaking a project in partial fulfillment of my Mechanical Engineering degree with regards to the cooling of an intercooler heat exchanger with an exterior water spray. basically i have an intercooler and i am using a hair dryer to supply a...
  32. entropy1

    Questions about measurement of a particle in superposition

    I have a very basic question about superposition. Suppose two experimenters do a measurement on a particle in superposition. Does de measurement apparatus become in superposition? Do the experimenters become in superposition? What is superposition?
  33. F

    How Does Sampling Strategy Impact Measurement Accuracy in Statistics?

    Hello Forum, I am taking a lab and we are learning about measurement and uncertainty. Suppose we have to measure the length L of an object. Once the data has been collected we can calculate the mean (average) and the standard deviation s. The resulting measurement would be expressed as [ mean...
  34. A

    Quantum Measurement: Explaining Collapse & CPTP

    I am taking a course in quantum information theory. In this theory, the state of a system is given by a density matrix, while a measurement is completely positive, trace preserving map of the form: Λ = ∑il i >< i l ⊗ Λi , where Λi is completely positive. Can anyone tell me how this is...
  35. entropy1

    Decoherence in measurement apparatus

    I was wondering about decoherence: Suppose a measuring apparatus measures a single quantum property (say, spin). After the actual measurement of the property has taken place, the result 'decoheres' into the apparatus until the apparatus shows the measurement result, after which it decoheres...
  36. RJLiberator

    Static measurement of Spring constant with error value

    Homework Statement It's been a little while since I did one of these. My question is: We have to use http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/mass-spring-lab/mass-spring-lab_en.html to find the measurement of k, the spring factor using two different methods. For the method I am looking at, is the static...
  37. C

    Definitive measurement that determines state of matter?

    What is an (the?) empirically demonstrable method used for determining a substance's state of matter? If a new substance was discovered and scientist A said it's solid and scientist B said it's a liquid, how would it be demonstrably proven to be one or the other? The books I have define states...
  38. cyriac

    Atmospheric pressure and weight measurement

    Whats the significance of Atmospheric pressure being refereed as 100kPa ? Does that really mean 10000 kg/m2 acting upon us ? If we are measuring only collision force on the surface and not the weight of the entire column of air above us, then why figure 100kPa (100000 N force/m2) which is huge...
  39. K

    I Projective measurement and correlations: examples

    Hello, Can anybody help me to understand the solved example as attached here. How can I follow that using dirac, bra notations. Regards
  40. D

    Askew Pitot tube, airplane velocity measurement

    Homework Statement A horizontal Pitot tube (with one end open for airflow and another closed) is accidentally installed into an airplane askew, so that the tube is not horizontal. Instead the closed tube end is higher (in the y-direction of a xy-plane) than the inlet end. How does this affect...
  41. N

    Force measurement from accelorometer in Soccer ball

    I have a 3-axis accelerometer suspended on rubber bands inside a soccer ball and am wondering how to calculate the impact force of the ball with it. I have an intuition that the force will be proportional to the frequency of the oscillations of the sensor after a collision but I am having...
  42. entropy1

    Multiple universes, measurement and laws of nature

    Considering the multiple universe view, if a measurement (or something else) makes visible which universe we are in, is it then also possible we find ourselves in one with (slightly) different laws of nature?
  43. reson8r

    Understanding Core Loss Measurement

    Hello folks, I'm looking for a way to measure core loss in RF transformers and inductors. I found a PhD thesis here: https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/19296/Mu_M_D_2013.pdf which looks like just the ticket, but I'm having trouble understanding key parts. I've tried...
  44. A

    Is an electron a delocalized excitation before measurement?

    When we observe an electron it is always a localized excitation in the electron field. But when it's not being observed, does the excitation begin to spread through space and become a delocalized excitation?
  45. R

    Quantum No-Deletion/No-Partial Erasure vs. Measurement

    I'm currently working with several No-Go-Theorems in Quantum Mechanics for my master thesis and there are two, which are confusing me: The No-Deletion-Theorem and the No-Partial Erasure-Theorem. This is what I found out: The No-Deletion-Theorem shows that "there is no quantum deleting machine...
  46. A

    Measurement of a missile's trajectory and maneuver

    Hey I am trying to tweak a Fighter jet game to make it more realistic. I am trying to the US Air Force AIM-120D AMRAAM missile like what it can do in real life. The question is what is the effective range of the missile against a maneuvering target or evading target, for a fighter let say 6Gs...
  47. A

    Are electrons smeared objects prior to measurement?

    before measuring an electrons position, is it physically a smear,like a wave? Or is it just nothing?
  48. PetePetePete

    How Does Changing MPa m^0.5 to MPa m^-0.5 Affect Calculations?

    I know the units of measurement for this are: MPa m^0.5 However a question I am working on has it as MPa m^-0.5 What is the difference and does it affect the way I calculate the answer? Would appreciate your insight. Thanks Pete
  49. R

    Measurement problem and many worlds

    Hello, sorry if I created new thread that is already open, but I did not find answer. I would like to ask you about measurement problem (double slit experiment) and many worlds. When interference pattern is created, the dot on screen just show us in which branch or world we are. But if we...
  50. M

    Repeated measurement question

    A ket is expanded as \vert \nu \rangle = c_1\vert \nu_1\rangle+c_2\vert \nu_{2}\rangle . A measurement results in the eigenvalue a1. Is it possible to measure the other eigenvalue a2 at a time t after the first measurement? Could I write something like \vert \psi(t)\rangle = e^{-i \hat H t...