What weird situations have you been in?

  • Thread starter BLUE_CHIP
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In summary, the conversation revolved around sharing strange and dangerous situations the individuals had been in. One person witnessed a murder and had to perform CPR on patients, while another had a close encounter with a gun. They discussed how they dealt with these situations and reflected on the surreal and unsettling feeling that comes with witnessing violence. Some of the incidents occurred in their dreams, while others happened in real life. The conversation also touched on the issue of reporting crimes and the potential lack of attention given to certain areas or victims.
  • #1
Wierd situations that uve been in.

My best was sitting in the middle of a slough trading estate in a carpark on an abandoned sofa in the blazing sunshine in the middle of febuary smoking a doobie :smile:
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  • #2
I witnessed a murder.
  • #3
eh jakkes, really?
I only get in weird situation in my dreams..
  • #4
Evo! Good grief! What? When? Who? How do you DEAL with something like that?

I've had to perform CPR on patients more than once. Each time the whole scene just seemed SO surreal... I have so many tragedies in my ER memory banks that fit this description that I couldn't possibly list them all.
  • #5
...it was my first day of work experience in a hospital, basically i had to shadow a consultant surgeon and his team. We were doing the morning rounds the last one was this old guy. Anyway, the round ended and we went to the doctors lounge to relax. About 10 minutes later the bleeper went for a us to get to the word with the old man in. We got there in time to watch the old man have a heart attack, this guy that i had laughed with and talked to died in front of my eyes...it was an... odd... feeling.
  • #6
Originally posted by Tsunami
Evo! Good grief! What? When? Who? How do you DEAL with something like that?
I didn't know the person.

When I was 14, my best friend & I went one night to a rather seedy part of town to listen to some local "underground" bands. Her parents were at a party, so she took her dad's car and we went out.

It was cold and rather deserted. The only people outside was us and a guy on the other side of the street.

We were near an intersection. I saw a car go through the intersection filled with people and one guy hanging out of the rear window holding a long thin object. The car backfired.

Suddenly the guy across the street who had just been standing there started staggering down the sidewalk then fell face down on the pavement. We commented on how stoned the guy must be.

We walked across the street and up to where he was lying and that's when we saw the blood. Just then another couple came out of a bar a few feet away and they realized the guy was bleeding profusely and started screaming for someone to call an ambulance. They asked us if we saw what happened and we said no because my girlfriend was not supposed to be out and would have never seen the light of day if her parents found out.

It wasn't until I saw the blood that I realized what I had seen. The guy hanging out of the back window of the car was holding a shotgun, the car didn't backfire, it was a gunshot.
  • #7
Originally posted by Evo
I didn't know the person...

It wasn't until I saw the blood that I realized what I had seen. The guy hanging out of the back window of the car was holding a shotgun, the car didn't backfire, it was a gunshot.
That's just creepy. Didn't you ever tell anyone? (still waiting for my PM to be resent...:smile:)
  • #8
Originally posted by Tsunami
That's just creepy. Didn't you ever tell anyone? (still waiting for my PM to be resent...:smile:)
No, we figured better to keep it quiet, my friend's parents would have grounded her until the end of time.

ooops, on it's way!
  • #9
Originally posted by Evo
No, we figured better to keep it quiet, my friend's parents would have grounded her until the end of time.
Did they ever find who shot him? Or was this 'just another event' in the life of the big city that, as a teen, you didn't really think much about after it happened?

ooops, on it's way!
Cool. Checking for it now...
  • #10
When somebody pointed a gun at me, me and a friend where walking home from a party late one night when someone ran up to us and pointed a gun at the 2 of us, he then shouted "give me your money mother*******"(very origional i thought) to which i replied "i aint got no ******* money" not the best of things to say but it was true. He then panicked and ran off. It was only a few minutes after that we realized how serious it could have been but in the heat of the moment neither of us where perticuarly bothered.

A few hours later down the police station we where told that it was only a BB gun but in the dark of the night we couldn't see what it was.

The weird thing was that i always thoguht i would **** myself if someone pointed a gun at me, but it was only after he had gone that i started ****ing myself.
  • #11
Originally posted by Tsunami
Did they ever find who shot him? Or was this 'just another event' in the life of the big city that, as a teen, you didn't really think much about after it hapened?
I thought about saying something, but all I could have described for the police was that "it was a beat up old chevy full of Mexicans". There's only like what, a million of those driving around Houston, Tx? I couldn't even tell the color of the car because it was dark. The police would not be likely to have put much effort into a murder in that part of town, unless the victim was important, which he wasn't.

Originally posted by Andy - It was only a few minutes after that we realized how serious it could have been but in the heat of the moment neither of us where perticuarly bothered.

The weird thing was that i always thoguht i would **** myself if someone pointed a gun at me, but it was only after he had gone that i started ****ing myself.
Wow, that is scary. It's true, it's not until "after" the event that it all starts to sink in.
  • #12
Originally posted by BLUE_CHIP
Wierd situations that uve been in.

I've gotten into fights when I was younger, but I never started it, just defending myself.

And another, my folks and I was held up at gunpoint once but fortunately the robbers only took our watches.
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  • #13
Originally posted by Andy
When somebody pointed a gun at me, me and a friend where walking home from a party late one night when someone ran up to us and pointed a gun at the 2 of us, he then shouted "give me your money mother*******"(very origional i thought) to which i replied "i aint got no ******* money" not the best of things to say but it was true. He then panicked and ran off. It was only a few minutes after that we realized how serious it could have been but in the heat of the moment neither of us where perticuarly bothered.

A few hours later down the police station we where told that it was only a BB gun but in the dark of the night we couldn't see what it was.

The weird thing was that i always thoguht i would **** myself if someone pointed a gun at me, but it was only after he had gone that i started ****ing myself.

Jeez Andy how come you have never told me about this??
  • #14
Happened back in 98 i think, and i never wanted the attention.
  • #15
When I was 12 years old, my brother and I rode a small, one-car ride at the boardwalk at Wildwood, New Jersey. It was like a small roller coaster through a haunted house. We were complaining about how lame it was when it got a bit scarier.

At the bottom of a steep hill, the car derailed and flipped over. We were tossed onto the track, stunned as hell. It was pitch black, and I didn't see where I was putting my hands as I got up. I put one right on the rail. As the electrical current rushed through me, I couldn't even yell. I just grunted very loudly. My brother figured out right away what was happening, but he could barely see. He knew grabbing me might kill us both, so he balled up his fists and started battering me, hoping to knock me off the rail. After a few hits, he managed to succeed.

For some reason, it didn't occur to me until years later that he had saved my life. I've never thanked him; it would just be too wierd.


Related to What weird situations have you been in?

What weird situations have you been in?

I have been in many weird situations throughout my career as a scientist, but some of the most frequently asked about are:

1. Have you ever encountered any strange or mythical creatures during your research?

As a scientist, I have not come across any creatures that can be categorized as "strange" or "mythical." However, there have been instances where I have discovered new species or organisms that were previously unknown to science.

2. Have you ever conducted experiments that had unexpected or bizarre results?

Yes, it is not uncommon for experiments to yield unexpected results. This is why the scientific method involves controlling variables and repeating experiments to ensure accuracy. However, I have not encountered any results that can be classified as truly "bizarre."

3. Have you ever had a lab accident or mishap?

Fortunately, I have not had any major lab accidents in my career. However, there have been small mishaps, such as spilling a solution or breaking a piece of equipment. These incidents are quickly resolved and do not have a significant impact on my research.

4. Do you have any strange or unexplainable experiences that you cannot attribute to science?

As a scientist, I believe that everything can be explained through science and natural phenomena. I have not had any experiences that I cannot explain through scientific principles.

5. Have you ever had to deal with skeptics or conspiracy theorists in your field of study?

Skepticism and questioning are natural parts of the scientific process. However, I have not personally encountered any skeptics or conspiracy theorists in my field of study. As scientists, we rely on evidence-based research to support our findings and conclusions.

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