What is Effects: Definition and 1000 Discussions

An effects unit or effects pedal is an electronic device that alters the sound of a musical instrument or other audio source through audio signal processing.
Common effects include distortion/overdrive, often used with electric guitar in electric blues and rock music; dynamic effects such as volume pedals and compressors, which affect loudness; filters such as wah-wah pedals and graphic equalizers, which modify frequency ranges; modulation effects, such as chorus, flangers and phasers; pitch effects such as pitch shifters; and time effects, such as reverb and delay, which create echoing sounds and emulate the sound of different spaces.Most modern effects use solid-state electronics or digital signal processors. Some effects, particularly older ones such as Leslie speakers and spring reverbs, use mechanical components or vacuum tubes. Effects are often used as stompboxes, typically placed on the floor and controlled with footswitches. They may also be built into guitar amplifiers, instruments (such as the Hammond B-3 organ), tabletop units designed for DJs and record producers, and rackmounts, and are widely used as audio plug-ins in such common formats as VST, AAX, and AU.
Musicians, audio engineers and record producers use effects units during live performances or in the studio, typically with electric guitar, bass guitar, electronic keyboard or electric piano. While effects are most frequently used with electric or electronic instruments, they can be used with any audio source, such as acoustic instruments, drums, and vocals.

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  1. T

    Effects gravity have on Superconductors

    The electron pairs, acting as bosons, all fall to the lowest energy state, and can't get enough energy (under normal operating conditions), to make the quantum jump to the next energy level, hence as they move through the conductor they don't lose energy. That is, in a nutshell, my assumptions...
  2. Artlav

    EMP Effects on Electronics: Exploring the Reality Behind Fiction

    In a recently released computer game there is a scene where a nuclear bomb goes off in space over the active war zone on the east USA coast (too high for anything but EMP). Moments later, it starts raining helicopters and everything that uses electricity, from lights to laser sights goes out...
  3. S

    Exploring the Effects of Two Differing Donor Concentrations in a Junction

    Hi, If we had two junctions one side with Nd=1016 & another side with Nd=1015 put together. What happens in such a junction? Would we see electron diffusion from the high donor concentration side to the lower concentration side? What should the band diagram of the junction look like...
  4. Truecrimson

    Macroscopic quantum effects and gravitational wave detector

    My first thread here. Please bear with my lack of knowledge. I talked to a physics grad student about whether it's fair to describe QM as a theory applied only to microscopic objects. Although the definition of "fair" is ambiguous, at least he told me that, from his understanding, he wouldn't...
  5. T

    Hall Effects Theory: Closing the Chapter w/ Maximum Understanding

    I have done a lab sesion on hall effect. There a few points that still doubted me. 1)Why are holes considered positive charges? 2)The effects of spread in carriers velociity are assumed negligible in my lab session, how will it affect my Hall coefficient if they are not negligible. It will...
  6. J

    Exploring the Zeeman Effect: Examining the Effects of Magnetic Fields on Light

    So I am doing a practical on the Zeeman effect, and have not been able to find an answer to the following: The experiment used a cadmium lamp, with it's light going though a fabry-perot interferometer. When the magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the direction of the interferometer...
  7. O

    Semiconductors and light effects

    A piece of Semiconductor is irradiated by light, will the light effects on resistivity be intensified or reduced if the temprature is increased? why?
  8. R

    Exploring the Age of the Universe: Time Dilation Effects

    Hi All, how is the age of universe calculated ? i read a few articles/wiki etc and its estimated to be roughly 13.7 billion yrs old. Have we considered the time dilation effect here ? cause we are measuring the electro magnetic radiation traveling in an expanding universe and in an...
  9. L

    The effects of carpenter's shop on the soil

    Hi everybody, I am searching for a project and I need help. Last year I realized that the trees which are around carpenters shops' have bigger fruits than the others. I am searching about it. Can the Iron which comes from waste neils and screws affect the soil's mineral ratios? How can they...
  10. R

    Astroid Toutatis year 2012 has effects on Earth and moon

    What are the physical possiblities if the ,astroid Toutatis , crosses directly between the moon and Earth on December 12th 2012. I understand that this is a fairly large astroid and is projected to zoom near Earth somewhere in the range of the distance between Earth and the moon. What are the...
  11. J

    Gravitational effects on photons

    I was just re-reading some of Hawking's writings, and apparently he is fairly stong supporter of a quantum theory of gravity, as opposed to GR, and writes extensively about gravitons. this brought up a question for me which perhaps one of you can help clarify. classical gravity indicates...
  12. A

    Gravity effects on a solid rigid ring around earth

    I was trying this mental exercise and I need help and confirmations... so please launch your comments Imagine (as an assumption) that the surface of the Earth is completely flat with no disturbances. A perfect sphere. Imagine that is possible to build a solid ring made of a completely...
  13. F

    Exploring the Planck Length & Quantum Effects

    "The Planck length is the scale at which classical ideas about gravity and space-time cease to be valid, and quantum effects dominate. This is the ‘quantum of length’, the smallest measurement of length with any meaning." What I am wondering about this description is the word "dominate"...
  14. P

    How temperature effects bulk modulus?

    hi all. I am doing an experiment that's involvse measureing the speed of sound through fluids at different temperatures and i want to able to predict the speeds before the experiment using equations. what i have found so far is that the speed of sound in a fluid,c, is equal to the sqaure root...
  15. H

    Photoelectric Effect: Wavelengths & Metals

    I have a few questions on the Photoelectric Effect. First off, what wavelengths could be used to cause a photoelectric on Stainless Steel? What widely available metals have the lowest eV for the photoelectric effect? Could a UV light of 380nm work to cause a photoelectric effect on...
  16. L

    Heating & Nutrition: Sweet Potato's Effects

    When I heat up, for example, a sweet potato in the microwave, how is the heating process affecting the nutritional aspects of the sweet potato? Heat affects enzymes, proteins, vitamins and whatever else. Does the heat render them useless? I heard vitamin C is destroyed in the pasteurization...
  17. R

    Quantum effects at the neurological level

    I had read that Roger Penrose and others (like Hameroff and Chalmers from Arizona) have been studying the possibility that quantum events may influence the way our nerves fire and our brains develop thought. Can anyone comment on the scientific progress of these studies?
  18. J

    Orbital Effects of a Significant Mass Increase

    I've recently been pondering the following thought experiment: Assume that the Earth was to gain a large amount of mass in a very short time, which effectively increase the mass of the Earth by approx. 1.5 * 1021 kg, and this in course of say five years. What I've been trying to figure out...
  19. R

    Photoelectric and Compton Effects

    I was posting on another thread and it got me wondering: how come a photon is absorbed in the photoelectric effect but it is only partially absorbed in the Compton Effect? How come the electron in the Compton Effect does not absorb the photon entirely like the photoelectric effect? If photon is...
  20. M

    Dynamics of charged particles and quantum effects

    Why do we not consider quantum effects when we deal with motion of electrons in a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, or in a cyclotron? We derive various relations using classical physics which turn out to be quite accurate in the laboratory.How is this possible when it is expressly known that classical...
  21. N

    Relativistic effects on apparent angular size

    I'm trying to confirm my understanding of the simple effects of SR Lorentz contraction and SR aberration on the apparent angular size of an object receding at relativistic speeds. Consider a detector at rest in inertial frame S, which is observing light emitted uniformly from the planar...
  22. J

    Gravitational Effects on Atomic Clocks and Other Forces

    I was thinking that as far as I know, an atomic clock, and a mechanical clock, or a tuning fork clock might be affected differently by gravitation and acceleration. Is there any experimental verification of this? I'm trying to figure out if atoms will decay faster and that is it. Or if...
  23. C

    Experience Zero-Gravity at Earth's Core

    Imagine you were safely enchambered right at the center of the earth. Here you would "experience" strong gravitational "forces" but since they all point in opposite directions you would float around as if you were in zero-gravity. My question is, whether you would experience time dilation or...
  24. S

    Latent heat effects thermal equilibrium

    Can anyone explain that how the ice's temperature is zero degree and water's temperature is 80 degree are mix and their final temperature is zero degree if the both ice and water has the same mass? Where: mc(delta T) of water = (mc(delta T) + mL ) of ice the result for final...
  25. T

    Reaching the Speed of Light: Effects in Atmosphere & Space

    When or if an object exceeds the speed of light what will the reaction be a) in our atmosphere, b) in space? Thank you in advance Tom F
  26. M

    What is the Mass of the Ruler on a Sharp Edge?

    Turning effects of forces 3 Homework Statement A ruler of an unknown mass is 52.0cm long. To find out its mass, you put a stone of 100g on the ruler 3.0cm from its end and balance the ruler on a sharp edge. The ruler is balanced when the supporting edge is 15.0cm from its end. Calculate the...
  27. M

    How Do Forces Determine the Balance of a Supported Ruler?

    Homework Statement A ruler of 0.75N and 52.0cm is supported 1.0cm from each of its two ends. A weight of 1.00N is placed 16.0cm from the left end of the ruler. Determine the forces acting upon the ruler at the two supports. Homework Equations I know that the two forces of the supports...
  28. M

    Balancing Forces: Calculating Center of Mass and Support Distance

    Homework Statement A 20g rubber is lying on the end of a 30cm long 30g ruler. Determine how far from the rubber you have to support the ruler with your finger to keep the system balanced. Homework Equations I know that I have to calculate the forces which act downwards: the rubber...
  29. M

    Finding Tension in Cable Supporting a Horizontal Beam

    Homework Statement A uniform, horizontal 300N beam, 5.00m long, is attached to a wall by a hinge. Its far end is supported by a cable that makes an angle of 53.0° with the horizontal. A 600N person stands 1.50m from the wall. Find the tension in the cable (force). Homework Equations What...
  30. A

    Time dilation effects on spinning object

    hypothetical: If I were to spin with my arms outstretched, with the tips of my fingers moving at (or near) the speed of light the center of my head would therefore not be moving at all. Would the centre of me age faster than the extremeties?
  31. Helios

    Ancient Alchemy & Fire Magic Effects

    In many fantasy books and movies, like Harry Potter for example, there are wizards or priest who perform "fire magic" by throwing various powders into a fire cauldron. The effect is a poof of smoke or a flash. I guess the intent is to evoke some spirit or something. My question is what agents...
  32. D

    Exploring the Effects of Space Motion on Light Measurements

    In this example I make 2 assumptions 1. if an object is moving through space at time T0 it will be at point x,y,z,T0 and at a different time T1 it will be at a different position x,y,z,T1. The other assumption I make is that light is non ballistic. see the associated pics Referring...
  33. P

    Exploring the Effects of a Bar Magnet & Solenoid

    1. The problem statement, all given/known data A bar magnet is positioned at the mouth of a solenoid. The current indicated in the solenoid is then turned on. (Assume the solenoid is a lot bigger than the bar magnet.) Gravity and friction can be ignored. Describe what would happen, and...
  34. U

    Effects of Placing a Compass Under a Cable

    Homework Statement If we put a compasd UNDER a cable.. Will that effect on the compass ? I WANT THE ANSWER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  35. L

    Explaining the Effects of Removing UO2 on a Chemical Equilibrium

    Homework Statement Suppose the reaction system UO2(s) +4HF(g) <-> UF4(g) +2H2O(l) is sealed in a container and allowed to equilibrate at a particular temperature. Explain what happens to the nature of each substance if you: a. remove some UO2 from the system b. remove all UO2 from the...
  36. E

    Electric Shock Effects: Current vs. Power

    Impact of electric shock on human body is above all with electric current, not with electric power. The dead limit is somewhere 100 mA. Why current and not power? The main effect of electric shock are on heart and thermal efect. Obviously, thermal efect is by electric power, so it is not the...
  37. N

    Can we see our own galaxy out there due to gravitational effects?

    This is a bit of a dumb question, so I apologise for the bluntness, but I was wondering. Can we see our own Milky Way out there in space due to gravitational effects? I understand that gravity allows us to view single galaxies in duplicate positions across the sky, it made me question whether...
  38. H

    Effects of Friction on Deceleration.

    I've nothing more than one high school class and a curiosity in physics, and I'm sure this is a simple, albient random question. Its something I was discussing with some friends the other day, and I'd like some legitimate input, instead of our uninformed guessing. Thanks to all who read and...
  39. M

    Effects of fast moving object on air masses

    I'm writing a book and I have a question about the effects of a fast moving object on an air mass. Strictly speaking, I am wondering how to compute the effects of a human-sized (70 kilo, roughly,) object moving in excess of 30,000 miles an hour on a hypothetical mass. I'm recently out of college...
  40. M

    Effects of an electromagnetic field moving at reletavistic speeds

    before I go into this please allow me to explain I don't know where else to ask this, so I am asking here. I have had this idea for a few years now and I cannot figure out if I am correct, in what I assume will happen under these conditions Homework Statement Well the idea is this, if one...
  41. N

    Large bodies of mass and their effects on apparent time

    I'd like to expand on the example Dweirdo set in his thread and ask a few different questions. I didn't want to hijack his thread as I thought it would keep info more organised if I separated the discussion. So, let's take the example that we have a black hole and two observers, one (A) far...
  42. C

    Effects of Magnetic field applied to Hydrogen-like atom.

    1. Apply a magnetic field B to a hydrogen like atom. This gives rise to an additional potential energy term of mu_b*B*L_z/hbar a) Show that the eigenfunction PSI_nlm is still an eigenfunction in the presence of the magnetic field b) Show that the eigenvalues are E_n + m*mu_b*B How do...
  43. B

    Power Factor and Inductance: How Does Varying Inductance Affect Power Factor?

    Hi Guys, :rolleyes: What will be the effect on 'Power Factor' of the power supply system under the following conditions:- 1) If I were to connect several inductors in ‘parallel’ with the power supply system. 2) If I were to connect several inductors in ‘series’ with the power supply...
  44. C

    Building a Guitar Effects Pedal

    Hello all! I am building an effects pedal for my guitar (dont have a choice, I spent all the money I was saving on the guitar). Since electronic components are cheap, for once, I am glad I am studying EE. At first I thought I'd design the circuits myself, but after doing a bit of research, I...
  45. K

    Fortran Exploring Effects of Commenting Writes in FORTRAN SDP

    I have a stochastic dynamic program with markov process written in FORTRAN, below. If you comment out the write statement that says "uh, THIS SHOULD MAKE NO DIFFERENCE" and/or some of the other write statements that are just text, no variables being written, you will see a difference in the...
  46. R

    Exploring the Effects of KCl & NaCl on Stomatal Opening

    Homework Statement So we did an experiment where we put a leaf section in KCl and another leaf section in NaCl. There was a marked difference in the percent of stomata that opening between the two. We let the two sections sit in solution for 60 mins each. The leaves in KCl had almost...
  47. C

    Effects of Tensor + Scaler gravity

    Fifty years ago (m/l), Bob Dicke and Carl Brans developed a S+T gravity model. Concurrently, Dicke had a project to look for a small solar oblateness. He wanted the precession of Mercury caused by the scaler part of gravity to be offset by the opposite precession caused by oblateness...
  48. M

    Exploring the Effects of Speed on Laser Light

    Hello everybody I have a question about light (a laser) and speed. Let's assume a object (space probe) traveling in a constant motion that haze a vacuum inside itself. Now there are 4 lasers groped in pairs of 2 in south a way that both lasers in a group are connected with both their ends...
  49. K

    Can Quantum Mechanics Explain Biology?

    In my biology class, I've learned that most of the fundamental processes of genetics occur on an atomic level (i.e. DNA, RNA, etc.). Can quantum mechanics be applied?
  50. M

    Question on the effects of size of bulb on thermomters

    1. Hi, I've got this question that's asking for the effects of increasing the size of the liquid -in-glass bulb. I think they're asking for at least 3 points. 3. L think its supposed to accentuate the increase in volume of the liquid, and it increases the time taken to measure the temperature...