What is Coefficient: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, a coefficient is a multiplicative factor in some term of a polynomial, a series, or any expression; it is usually a number, but may be any expression (including variables such as a, b and c). When variables appear in the coefficients, they are often called parameters, and must be clearly distinguished from those representing other variables in an expression.
For example,





{\displaystyle 2x^{2}-x+3}
, has the real coefficients 2, -1, and 3 respectively, and





{\displaystyle ax^{2}+bx+c}
, has coefficient parameters a, b, and c respectively assuming x is the variable of the equation.
The constant coefficient is the coefficient not attached to variables in an expression. For example, the constant coefficients of the expressions above are the real coefficient 3 and the parameter represented by c.
Similarly, the coefficient attached to the highest multiplicity of the variable in a polynomial is referred to as the leading coefficient. For example in the expressions above, the leading coefficients are 2 and the parameter represented by a.
The binomial coefficients occur in the expanded form of




{\displaystyle (x+y)^{n}}
, and are tabulated in Pascal's triangle.

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  1. M

    MHB Find the coefficient of x^{21} without calculating the product

    Hey! :o "Let the polynomials $$f(x)=1+\sum_{k=1}^{8}{(2k)x^{2k}} \text{ and } g(x)=1+ \sum_{k=1}^{8}{(3k)x^{3k}}$$ of $\mathbb{Q}$. Without calculating $f(x)g(x)$, find the coefficient of $x^{21}$ at $f(x)g(x)$." Let's consider $f(x)=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{a_kx^k}$ and...
  2. J

    Sum and product of coefficient binomials

    Given two coefficient binomials \binom{a}{b} and \binom{c}{d} is possbile to express the sum and product those coefficient binomials as one other?
  3. quasar987

    2nd order homogenous constant coefficient ODE question

    If we have a constant coefficient second order homogeneous ODE, the way to solve this is to suppose a solution of the exponential type. This yields a second order polynomial equation (the "characteristic equation") that the exponent must satisfy. In case the solutions of the characteristic...
  4. 462chevelle

    Coefficient of Drag: Exploring Thrust & Application

    Could someone explain to me the difference in calculating the coefficient of drag with thrust, and without. What causes the difference in application?
  5. M

    Coefficient of Kinetic Friction

    "A hockey puck is hit on a frozen lake and starts moving with a speed of 12 m/s. Exactly 5.0 s later, its speed is 6.0 m/s. What's the puck's average acceleration? What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the puck and the ice?" I've calculated the acceleration, but I'm stuck when it...
  6. S

    Why is correlation coefficient -1 to +1

    Homework Statement Why is the correlation coefficient between -1 and +1? Homework Equations we know correlation coefficient \rho = \frac{E[xy]-E[x]E[y]}{\sqrt{\sigma_{x} \sigma_{y}}} OR r = \frac{\sum ^n _{i=1}(X_i - \bar{X})(Y_i - \bar{Y})}{\sqrt{\sum ^n _{i=1}(X_i -...
  7. J

    Calculate damping coefficient of dashpot from physical dimensions

    Hi all, I am trying to calculate the damping coefficient of a linear viscous dashpot/damper given the dimensions of the piston, and the dynamic viscosity of the damping fluid. I have found this calculator, but does anyone know the equation that it uses...
  8. Entanglement

    Rate of reaction and coefficient of the reactan

    Suppose in the reaction 2 NO + O2 --------> 2NO2 Why when the the concentration of NO is doubled, the rate increases 4 times, I know that the rate is directly proportional to the square of NO concentration (I don't know why) and it's order of reaction is 2 ( I don't why ). but I still can't...
  9. D

    Coefficient of static friction of a sliding box

    Homework Statement A box rest on an incline making a 34 angle with the horizontal. It is found that a parallel force to the incline of at least 235 N can prevent the box from sliding down the incline. If the weight of the box is 800 N, find the coefficient of static friction between the...
  10. Z

    Cloth belt against Rubber coefficient of friction

    Does anyone know where I can get those values? Haven't been able to find them anywhere
  11. S

    Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) the appropriate method?

    Homework Statement I wish to determine whether a SINGLE instrument provides reliable measures (test-retest reliability). This single instrument is not random (it's the only one available), and I will take 10 measurements for each individual that is part of a control group (and then again for...
  12. R

    A thermal expansion coefficient of spacetime?

    Are there any theories or thoughts that view spacetime as 'having' a coefficient of thermal expansion... analogous to the CTE of water? An inflection with density in regards to temperature?
  13. J

    Calculating Cd and Crr coefficient experimentally

    On this site I found how to calculate Cd and Crr coefficient from experimantal data: http://www.instructables.com/id/Measure-the-drag-coefficient-of-your-car/ I am trying to implement it in a web page and in a smartphone application, so I must "replace" Excel Solver by an algorithm, but I'm...
  14. T

    Use Work (net) to find coefficient of static friction and speed

    1. a 5.0 kg block is pushed up a wall by a 90N force. Assume that the block starts from rest and that it has an acceleration of 0.5m/s^2. a. find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the wall. b. Find the work done by each force acting on the block. c. Find the...
  15. B

    Approximate transmission coefficient of a square barrier

    Homework Statement Two conductors are separated by an insulator. Model the insulator as a square barrier of height 0.01 keV and a width of 5nm. Determine the transmission coefficients for electrons of 7,000 meV. The only thing is I have to use the approximation formula for finding the...
  16. B

    Determine the transmission coefficient for an electron

    I have an example problem in my book. I have uploaded an image. The part I can't figure out is how to do the last part of the problem to come up with the transmission coefficient. The book gives me a formula but when I plug in all the numbers from the formula into my calculator I get a...
  17. B

    Coefficient of Friction and Energy

    Homework Statement A 30kg sled is sliding on a frictionless sheet of ice at a velocity of 4m/s. The sled encounters a rough patch of ice and begins to slow down. After traveling on the rough patch of ice for 3m, the sled's velocity is 2m/s. Determine the coefficient of friction between the...
  18. T

    What factors affect the heat transfer coefficient?

    1. Homework Statement and the attempt at the solution Alright, here is a picture of the problem along with my solution: My solutions gives the correct answer but the only part I don't understand is why the heat transfer coefficients are the same. If the two rods are made of different...
  19. I

    What is the Derivative of P/T with respect to T?

    Homework Statement Hi, i have a little problem with a demostration, I hope you can help me. Homework Equations this said that we have a system, a gas is containing in a recipe, there's no heat exchange neither work with the enviroment, only an expansion v to 2v, we have to find that...
  20. T

    Solving for coefficient of friction

    1. a worker can supply a maximum pull of 150 lb on a cart w/c has a handle set at an angle of 40° above the horizontal. what is the coefficient of friction if he can just move a total load of 1500 lb ? 2. μ = Ff/mg 3. so i solved it by 150sin(40) divide by 1500cos(40), but I'm not...
  21. M

    Coefficient of Friction of a piano

    Homework Statement Two men loading a 900 kg piano onto a truck lose control and the piano slips, rolling down the loading ramp. The ramp is a 12 degree incline that is 3.2m long. If the piano accelerates down the ramp at 0.4m/s^2, find the coefficient of rolling friction. Homework...
  22. P

    Coefficient of Static Fraction

    Please could somebody explain how the coefficient of static friction can be quoted as a constant in tables etc? \mu_s = F_s/ R In most cases the reaction force is constant but as I push the box harder the friction force increases. Is \mu_s actually the coefficient of limiting friction? Or...
  23. B

    What is the role of roll damping coefficient in aircraft performance?

    Hello, I am new to Aerodynamics and am having trouble understanding what exactly the roll damping derivative is. The roll damping derivative is a measure of the change in rolling moment coefficient with respect to nondimensional roll rate and is usually negative. Does that mean a glider...
  24. M

    Coefficient of Kinetic Friction

    Homework Statement A crate of bananas has an initial speed of 4.2 m/s2. It slides across a floor, traveling 6.0m before coming to a stop. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor. Homework Equations Fnet=ma v2=v02+2aΔx The Attempt at a Solution...
  25. C

    What is the maximum volume expansion coefficient of ?

    Homework Statement You are building a device for monitoring ultracold environments. Because the device will be used in environments where its temperature will change by 211°C in 2.99s, it must have the ability to withstand thermal shock (rapid temperature changes). The volume of the device is...
  26. B

    Thermal Physics Expansion Coefficient Problem

    Homework Statement When the temperature of liquid mercury increases by one degree Celsius (or one kelvin), its volume increases by one part in 550,000. The fractional increase in volume per unit change in temperature (when the pressure is held fixed) is called the thermal expansion coefficient...
  27. P

    Drag Coefficient: Does Cd Vary in Different Mediums?

    Hi Is the drag coefficient for a particular object the same in different mediums? Say we have Cd = 1 in air for one object, is Cd the same for this object in water?
  28. H

    Calculating Coefficient of Friction for Sandpaper

    Hello Fellow Forum, How would you calculate the coefficient of friction for sandpaper? I'm testing mechanical resistance of a bioplastic, and I'm going to attach the bioplastic to different weights, and then rub sandpaper over the bioplastics. The one that breaks will be used to find...
  29. D

    Transmission coefficient in reaction rate theory

    This question relates to rate constants of transition events. The transmission coefficient κ reduces the value of the rate constant compared to the transition state theory (TST) value. I understand κ to be defined as the probability that a reaction coordinate q will proceed to product given that...
  30. O

    Confidence Interval for Coefficient of Quadratic Fit

    I have a bunch of noisy data points (x,y), and I want to model the data as y = ax2 + bx + c + noise where noise can probably be assumed to be Gaussian, or perhaps uniformly distributed. My data is firmly inside of an interval and I'm only interested in modeling correctly inside of this...
  31. T

    Find the coefficient of friction of the pushed desk

    What is the minimum force needed to overcome static friction on a block whose normal force is 5.2N and has a coefficient of static friction 0.34? A desk is pushed with a constant velocity along a floor. If the mass of the desk is 25kg,and the force required to keep the desk moving is...
  32. S

    Calculating Spearman Coefficient on a TI-84 Calculator

    Is is possible to get the Spearman coefficient on a TI 84? Not the Pearson, the Spearman.
  33. P

    Finding coefficient of friction by conservation of energy

    A 20 Kg. mass slides up on an infinitely long inclined plane (that forms an angle of 30º with the horizontal) with a velocity of 12 m/s. It's known that the mass returns to the starting point with a velocity of 6 m/s. Find,μ, the coefficient of friction between the plane and the body. This is...
  34. W

    On the clockwise rotation of the reflection coefficient with frequency

    It is well known that the evolution of the input reflection coefficient, ρ, of a LTI causal passive system with frequency, f, always presents a local clockwise rotation when plotted in cartesian axes (Re(ρ), Im(ρ)), e.g. in a Smith chart, as shown in the attached figure. It must appointed that...
  35. S

    MHB Infinite Sums Involving cube of Central Binomial Coefficient

    Show that $$ \begin{align*} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \binom{2n}{n}^3 \frac{(-1)^n}{4^{3n}} &= \frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{8}\right)^2\Gamma\left(\frac{3}{8}\right)^2}{2^{7/2}\pi^3} \tag{1}\\ \sum_{n=0}^\infty \binom{2n}{n}^3 \frac{1}{4^{3n}}&= \frac{\pi}{\Gamma \left(\frac{3}{4}\right)^4}\tag{2}...
  36. K

    Coefficient of linear expansion / Bragg peaks

    Homework Statement Measurements of XRay scattering from a metal are made. The bragg peaks are θ = 53° and 48° for temperatures of 300K and 1272K. What is the linear expansion coefficient? Homework Equations linear expansion coef is given by (1/L)(dL/dT) Bragg equation (differential...
  37. C

    Statistics confidence coefficient calculation

    Homework Statement Suppose you receive calls that follow a Poisson process model Y(t). There are two hypotheses, Hypothesis1: E[Y(t)] = λ1t = 71t and Hypothesis 2: E[Y(t)] = λ2t = 74t. Let t = 30 the number of calls be 2175. Find and compute a significance level α such that both...
  38. F

    Does Coefficient of Performance depend on refrigerant used?

    Homework Statement Does Coefficient of Performance for refrigeration cycle depend on refrigerant used? In reference to vapor-compression cycle Homework Equations COP = \frac{1}{\frac{T_{H}}{T_{L}}-1} The Attempt at a Solution I am split in my answer to this question. I...
  39. H

    Find damping coefficient at a given vibration mode

    I am working on a motorcycle dynamics problem. I have written the equations of motion in matrix form in MATLAB (and mathcad). It is a 4 degree of freedom system, so I have a mass, damping and stiffness matrix all 4X4. I am able to find from these matrices the natural frequencies, and damping...
  40. marellasunny

    Experimentally determining tire friction coefficient

    In a recent lecture,I learned that the friction coefficient "mu" between the tire and road surface is determined experimentally by using a graph. i.e a graph between the longitudinal tire force and the longitudinal slip. Well,how did engineers emperically arrive at such a graph in the first...
  41. S

    Coefficient Matrix Of Cubic Spline Interpolation.

    Homework Statement I'm trying to derive the coefficient matrix (a) of a parabolically terminated cubic spline. This is the matrix of coefficients ##a_i \rightarrow a_n## where n is the number of data points provided. With this matrix you can find all the other coefficients (b and c) that...
  42. P

    [Aerodynamics] Why does the drag coefficient increase after turbulence

    As you can see, around Reynolds number of 5 105 the transition occurs for a smooth sphere. However, why is it that after this transition that the drag coefficient increases at turbulence?
  43. 9

    Finding the Coefficient of Friction using Torque, and Forces

    1. A 4.0 m long bar is suppotred by a string as shown in Figure 10-61. What must be the coefficient of friction between the bar and the floor if the bar is on the verge of slipping Image: 2. τ = r*F*sinθ or τ = r*F, where the force is perpendicular to the radius. Summation of...
  44. M

    Minimum coefficient of static friction problem

    Homework Statement I know the diameter is 30 m and the radius is 15 The period for one revolution I suppose is some multiple of 7.03 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I couldn't think of an equation where friction was involved where rotational motion was concerned. I...
  45. P

    Drag coefficient of an airplane control surface

    Hello, I was reading somewhere about how to control Rudders in RC planes. The basic equation here is the drag equation: F=0.5*ρ*v^2*C*A (take ρ=1Kg/m3) where v is the velocity, C is the Drag coefficient of the control surface (Rudder in this case) and A is the area. I am wondering if we have...
  46. S

    MHB Coefficient in a Laurent Expansion in terms of an Integral

    Hi guys, i need your help to go about his question, Question: $$\text{Show that the coefficient }C_n \text{in the Laurent expansion of }$$ $$f(z)=(z+\frac{1}{z}) \text{ about z=0 is given by}$$ $$C_n=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int^{2\pi}_0 \cos(2cos(\theta))cos(n\theta)\, d\theta ,n\in\mathbb{z}$$
  47. B

    Difference between coefficient of static and kinet friction

    Lets say you have a block on a horizontal surface connected to a pulley and then a weight hanging over the edge. If its not moving then the force applied which is just the mass of the weight x gravity is equal to the force of static friction μsmblockg. So that means μs = the mass of the...
  48. bigQ

    Understanding Coefficient of Friction: Answers to Common Questions

    hello everyone. Can anyone please help with following questions? 1. Can coefficient of friction (both static and dynamic) be greater than one? What happens if it is greater than 1 ? 2. Why coefficient of kinetic friction is less than coefficient of static friction and why it decreases at...
  49. J

    Calculating coefficient of resitution

    I've been told that the coefficient of restitution is a little like friction; it's a measure of how elastic a collision is between two objects, it's not an individual property of each object itself. Now let's say you have two balls bouncing on the ground. Ball 1 has a coefficient of...
  50. U

    How Do You Calculate the Coefficient of Kinetic Friction on a Ramp?

    A box slides down a 30° ramp with an acceleration of 1.20 m/s^2. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the ramp ok so the only equations I know are μk= Fk(kinetic friction)/Fn(normal) and that Fn=mass x gravity so i don't know how to get Fk or mass... so help on...