What is Spherical harmonics: Definition and 126 Discussions

In mathematics and physical science, spherical harmonics are special functions defined on the surface of a sphere. They are often employed in solving partial differential equations in many scientific fields.
Since the spherical harmonics form a complete set of orthogonal functions and thus an orthonormal basis, each function defined on the surface of a sphere can be written as a sum of these spherical harmonics. This is similar to periodic functions defined on a circle that can be expressed as a sum of circular functions (sines and cosines) via Fourier series. Like the sines and cosines in Fourier series, the spherical harmonics may be organized by (spatial) angular frequency, as seen in the rows of functions in the illustration on the right. Further, spherical harmonics are basis functions for irreducible representations of SO(3), the group of rotations in three dimensions, and thus play a central role in the group theoretic discussion of SO(3).
Spherical harmonics originates from solving Laplace's equation in the spherical domains. Functions that solve Laplace's equation are called harmonics. Despite their name, spherical harmonics take their simplest form in Cartesian coordinates, where they can be defined as homogeneous polynomials of degree

{\displaystyle \ell }


{\displaystyle (x,y,z)}
that obey Laplace's equation. The connection with spherical coordinates arises immediately if one uses the homogeneity to extract a factor of radial dependence


{\displaystyle r^{\ell }}
from the above-mentioned polynomial of degree

{\displaystyle \ell }
; the remaining factor can be regarded as a function of the spherical angular coordinates


{\displaystyle \theta }


{\displaystyle \varphi }
only, or equivalently of the orientational unit vector


{\displaystyle {\mathbf {r} }}
specified by these angles. In this setting, they may be viewed as the angular portion of a set of solutions to Laplace's equation in three dimensions, and this viewpoint is often taken as an alternative definition.
A specific set of spherical harmonics, denoted




{\displaystyle Y_{\ell }^{m}(\theta ,\varphi )}






{\displaystyle Y_{\ell }^{m}({\mathbf {r} })}
, are known as Laplace's spherical harmonics, as they were first introduced by Pierre Simon de Laplace in 1782. These functions form an orthogonal system, and are thus basic to the expansion of a general function on the sphere as alluded to above.
Spherical harmonics are important in many theoretical and practical applications, including the representation of multipole electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, electron configurations, gravitational fields, geoids, the magnetic fields of planetary bodies and stars, and the cosmic microwave background radiation. In 3D computer graphics, spherical harmonics play a role in a wide variety of topics including indirect lighting (ambient occlusion, global illumination, precomputed radiance transfer, etc.) and modelling of 3D shapes.

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  1. gfd43tg

    What do the color maps in spherical harmonics represent?

    Hello, I am watching a video about spherical harmonics, and I am at the point where the color map is being shown for various values of ##l## and ##m## My question is, what am I supposed to make of these plots? Pretty colors yes, but what do these things mean?
  2. J

    How to express cos(theta)cos(phi) in spherical harmonics

    Hi I want to ask you if you know hot to write cos(theta)cos(phi) in terms of spherical harmonics? Thanks
  3. Robsta

    Showing functions are eigenfunctions of angular momentum.

    Homework Statement Verify by brute force that the three functions cos(θ), sin(θ)eiφ and sin(θ)e−iφ are all eigenfunctions of L2 and Lz. Homework Equations I know that Lz = -iћ(∂/∂φ) I also know that an eigenfunction of an operator if, when the operator acts, it leaves the function unchanged...
  4. D

    Normalization coefficient for Spherical Harmonics with m=l

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  5. A

    What is the experimental basis for Einstein's conclusion on the Helium atom?

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  6. T

    MATLAB Is MATLAB's Implementation of Spherical Harmonics Incorrect?

    Hey guys, This is my first post here, so I will apologize in advance in case I'm posting this in the wrong section. I wrote a very simple function to calculate spherical harmonics in matla, and I used this function during 3 years. Yesterday I found that the function was actually wrong, and...
  7. N

    Spherical harmonics of Hydrogen-like atoms

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  8. Spinnor

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  9. Z

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  10. Z

    Express wave function in spherical harmonics

    1. Problem: I have a wave function ψ(r) = (x + y + z)*f(r) and want to find the expectation values of L2 and Lz. It is suggested that I first change the wave function to spherical coordinates, then put that in terms of spherical harmonics of the form Yl,m. 2. Homework Equations ...
  11. F

    Spherical harmonics and angular momentum operators

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  12. S

    How Do Different Notations Affect Spherical Harmonic Computations?

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  13. M

    Trigonometric function expanded in spherical harmonics

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  14. D

    MHB Spherical Harmonics: Showing $\delta_{m,0}\sqrt{\frac{2\ell + 1}{4\pi}}$

    I am trying to show that \[ Y_{\ell}^m(0,\varphi) = \delta_{m,0}\sqrt{\frac{2\ell + 1}{4\pi}}. \] When \(m = 0\), I obtain \(\sqrt{\frac{2\ell + 1}{4\pi}}\). However, I am not getting 0 for other \(m\). Plus, to show this is true, I can't methodically go through each \(m\). How can I do this?
  15. alemsalem

    Finding large order spherical harmonics

    is there an approximation for spherical harmonics for very large l and m in closed form?
  16. M

    Why only l=1 of spherical harmonics survives?

    Homework Statement The question is about page 198 of Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics. The magnetic scalar potential is set to be: Phi = ∫ (dΩ' cosθ'/ |x-x'|). Using the spherical harmonics expansion of 1/|x-x'|, the book claims that only l=1 survives. I...
  17. D

    Forming Hydrogen wave functions with real spherical harmonics

    Hi, I'm a little confused about how to apply the real spherical harmonics when building a hydrogen wave function. I'm doing a computational project, so I want to work with a wave function which is strictly real, and I'm hoping I can do so by building the orbitals using the real spherical...
  18. WannabeNewton

    Book(s) to gain practice with green's functions, spherical harmonics

    Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone knew of a particularly nice book that taught one how to solve physics problems that need the use of green's functions and/or spherical harmonics. I can't seem to find a book that actually does this other than Jackson but I'd rather not tread there (I'm guessing...
  19. fluidistic

    Electric potential, getting coefficients, spherical harmonics

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  20. D

    Coefficient spherical harmonics

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  21. D

    MHB Spherical Harmonics easy question

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  22. M

    Express a wave function as a combination of spherical harmonics

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  23. R

    Gravitational potential using spherical harmonics (WGS84)

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  24. E

    Normalizing the spherical harmonics

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  25. C

    Spherical harmonics and wavefunctions

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  26. E

    Spherical Harmonics: Proving Y_L^M(0,phi)

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  27. L

    Integration involving spherical harmonics

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  28. M

    Spherical Harmonics Normalization

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  29. F

    What is a Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics?

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  30. F

    What is a Linear Combination of Spherical Harmonics?

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  31. A

    Relationship between angular momentum and spherical harmonics

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  32. N

    Fortran Fortran 77 subroutine for calculating spherical harmonics

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  33. C

    Learning Spherical Harmonics & Angular Momentum

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  34. D

    Poission equation, spherical harmonics, looking for reference

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  35. A

    Do you know a formula for the integral of a product of 4 spherical harmonics?

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  36. C

    Spherical harmonics, angular momentum, quantum

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  37. I

    Expanding function with spherical harmonics

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  38. S

    What part of spherical harmonic coefficients represents physics quantities?

    Hi, I need expand a spherical function(real function not a complex function) in terms of spherical harmonics. Expansion coefficients are complex numbers. If i need to observe physics quantities that are represented by the spherical harmonics coefficients which part should i look at- real part...
  39. Y

    Help with Differential equation for Spherical Harmonics.

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  40. M

    Spherically symmetric potential and spherical harmonics

    When solving the time-independent Schrodinger equation for a spherically symmetric potential, using the separation of variables, we find that solutions of the form \psi =R(r)Y_l^m(\theta ,\phi) where the Y_l^m are the spherical harmonics. We apply this to the (idealized) electron in a Hydrogen...
  41. S

    Eigen values for a state and spherical harmonics

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  42. P

    Need help understanding spherical harmonics

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  43. P

    Question about spherical harmonics

    Hello, I had posted this in the 'General math' section and did not get any response. Maybe it belongs in this group as it is more related to function decomposition. I hope I am not breaking any forum rules and it is not my intention to cross-post. Just reading an essay about spherical...
  44. P

    Spherical harmonics and P operator

    Let's define operator P: P \phi(\vec{r})=\phi(-\vec{r}) Does anyone know simple and elegant prove that P|lm\rangle = (-1)^l |lm\rangle (|lm\rangle is spherical harmonic).
  45. D

    Dealing with addition of cosntant to wave equation? Spherical Harmonics

    Homework Statement I am trying to calculate the angular momenta for \psi(x,y,z) = A(ar^2 + bz^2) A is given as a constant. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that z=r\sqrt{4\pi/3} * Y_0^1 What I have so far is:- \psi(x,y,z) = r^2Aa +...
  46. F

    Raising momentum operator acting on spherical harmonics

    Homework Statement What is the result of raising momentum ladder operator (L+) acting on spherical harmonics Y04 (\theta,\phi) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I was expecting Y14 (\theta,\phi) I applied L+ on Y04 (\theta,\phi) and ended up with Y14...
  47. M

    Laplacian of f equals zero and spherical harmonics equation

    Lets consider the equation: \nabla^2 f=0 I know that in spherical coordinates this equation may be decomposed into two equations, first which depends only on r, and the second one which has the form of spherical harmonics equation except that the l(l+1) is an arbitrary constant, let's say C...
  48. N

    How Do You Calculate Spherical Harmonics for Given Quantum Numbers?

    Homework Statement Find the speherical harmonics (Y_1)^1, (Y_1)^0, (Y_1)^-1 as functions of the polar angles \theta and \psi and as functions of the cartesian coordinates x, y , and z. Homework Equations \(phi_l)^l= sin^l(\theta)*e^il\psi L_\(phi_l)^l=(d/(d\theta))*\phi_l^l-l...
  49. D

    Spherical Harmonics Normalization

    Hello, everyone! I'm working on parametrizing a magnetic field using spherical harmonics. The equations Yc n,m (theta, phi) = (R/R0)^n * Pn,m(cos(theta)) * cos(m*phi) Ys n,m (theta, phi) = (R/R0)^n * Pn,m(cos(theta)) * sin(m*phi) where Pn,m is a Legendre polynomial where n is degree and m...
  50. P

    Writing sin^2 theta * Sin 2 phi in terms of spherical Harmonics

    I am trying to write the term "Sin^2 theta * Sin 2 phi" in terms of spherical Harmonics (they form a combination of Y(2,-2) and Y(2,2)) but the term I get contains the imaginary number 'i'. Am I doing something wrong.. In fact this term is a part of a Hamiltonian and when I get the eigenvalues I...