What is Grad: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Grad (pronounced [ˈɡɾaːt]; formerly Gornja Lendava, Hungarian: Felsőlendva) is a village in the Municipality of Grad in the Prekmurje region of northeastern Slovenia. It is the seat of the municipality and is the largest and oldest settlement in the Goričko region.

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  1. L

    Schools Grad school with little/no research experience in between.

    Here goes another wild stab in the dark: As a quick refresher, I will be graduating with a bachelors in physics in a month. I was not successful in getting into grad school this year (I got waitlisted at UMN but was ultimately turned down, I also should have applied to more schools/bigger...
  2. M

    Schools A physics BS going into ME Grad school

    Hi everyone, So I'm starting grad school in ME in the fall, but my bachelor's degree is in physics. I went to a school with no engineering college, but I think my knowledge on anything related to physics in engineering is sound, with the exception of fluid and solid mechanics (I know the...
  3. S

    Schools Can You Take Particle Physics Courses as Electives in Grad School?

    "Electives" in grad school? Hello PF, I am an undergrad student majoring in one of the STEM field. I have a strong interest in particle physics, but I am not really interested in any other discipline of physics. For this reason, I don't think going to grad school in physics is not a...
  4. G

    Programs What kind of grad programs can I get into with a physics degree?

    A question I have always had is what sort of graduate school programs are open to you with a Physics undergrad. Obviously Physics and Astrophysics. But I have also heard Materials Science and Electrical Engineering. Is this true? What other programs would be open to a Physics major? And how...
  5. Shablong

    Schools Enough to get into a decent grad school?

    Hello PF community, I've used this site for quite a while for references on self learning and just plain entertainment. I figured it was time for me to make my own cliche "Can I make it?" thread. Thanks in advance for any responses. I'm going to skip the long part about my history with...
  6. M

    Schools Getting into top 20 grad school still possible?

    Hello guys, I just want to share my situation, to see if I can still get into a really good grad school. For the most part of my 3 years in college I have gotten straight A's however in fall of 2011 my grandfather and one of my best friend died suddenly. I was mentally broken, and...
  7. M

    Which option for courses if I am interested in going to physics grad?

    This has been a long standing issue of what I should do with my last year and a half of undergraduate education. I really would like to get into a top physics program (obviously), but I am also really interested in applied math and computer science. I would say I am equally interested in applied...
  8. S

    Schools Not leaving Math Behind in Physics Grad School

    I'm an undergraduate who finished up my junior year this past Spring. I've been looking around at grad schools for physics. However, I find myself about as unwilling to study physics in grad school and leave pure math behind, as I am unwilling to do things the other way around. Math so far has...
  9. F

    Schools Grad school for nuclear engineering.

    I'm mostly looking into fusion but also traditional fission power systems. Good schools seem to be Michigan, Illinois, Cal, MIT maybe a few others. I go to the University of Maryland. Right now I have a 3.71 GPA, downward trending though 4.00 -> 3.55 -> 3.53 over the first three years. I got my...
  10. T

    Schools Physics grad school with bio/premed major - possible?

    Hi everyone, I am a biology major (doing premed) as undergraduate right now. I was doing premed, however I volunteered at hospitals and such, and I am strongly starting to believe it is not for me at all. I loved physics in high school, took AP Physics and actively participated in Physics...
  11. O

    Grad, curl , div operator got any meaning?

    grad, curl , div operator got any meaning?? ∇x F (t) same as the first derivative of F with respect to t , or will get the gradient of F which is normal to the F ? ∇ dot F (t) , will get the scalar value of what?? lets say F is force , then can anyone please give me the meaning of those...
  12. M

    Schools Does attending a CC hurt opportunities for grad school?

    Okay, for financial reasons I am just a tad late to the party on where I will be attending school for my Freshman year in college this fall. I have been accepted to several schools in state (I do live in Alabama though, so nothing special) but I feel like saving an incredible load of money at a...
  13. G

    Schools BS/MS Math Degree and Grad School

    I'll be starting The latter half of my math degree this upcoming Fall term, and while checking some prerequisites for my degree, I realized that I can turn my BS into a BS/MS by adding one more year and a few graduate courses. Now, I've been a bit confused about PhD programs and their...
  14. D

    Schools GPA during Grad School: Does It Matter?

    How much does your GPA during grad school matter? I understand that research is the main thing here but still I wonder. I just recently ended a semester with a B and a B+ and I am not very happy about it. I feel like I worked a lot for both classes and I expected higher grades. I am also pissed...
  15. R

    Schools Did I Make the Wrong Decision for my Mechanical Engineering PhD Program?

    I will be starting a Mechanical Engineering PhD program at a highly ranked university this upcoming fall. When I first made my decision where to attend, things were fairly turbulent and I was still very unsure what I wanted to accomplish with my research. The entire application and decision...
  16. T

    Schools How Undergrad institution affects Grad school

    I have the option of transferring to either a top 5 school in my field or a school ranked about 100, but I could attend the latter with a full tuition scholarship. My question then is, assuming that I am only an average student maintaining about a 3.5 at whichever I attend, does it matter which...
  17. G

    Schools C+ in Electromagnetic Theory Grad School Chances?

    Hi, I got a C+ in my EM theory (3rd year with Griffiths book) course. I have A+'s in everything else this semester, though (including quantum mechanics II). Is this something that would hurt my grad school chances severely? My GPA is 3.48 and my physics major GPA is 3.6, for reference...
  18. D

    What does the Math Grad committee think?

    When I was in high school, I took Linear Algebra at a local community college (concurrent studies) and unfortunately did poorly (grade-wise, college class first time = nervous and panic results writing dumb stuff on exams). I am a rising fourth year and it's time to think about grad school Now...
  19. E

    Schools Will grad schools take me seriously coming from a small school?

    Hi folks. I am currently pursuing my B.S. in Physics at Indiana University South Bend. The physics department is pretty small but the quality of the program is, in my opinion, pretty good. Will the fact that I'm attending a small, relatively unknown school for physics negatively impact grad...
  20. M

    Programs Materials Science for a Grad. Degree

    Any advice on a chem major/math minor going into materials science grad degree? Most helpful curriculums? How deep should you take physics/math in undergrad? Job Outlooks/what kind of work expected? Is it really a safe jump for a chem major? Will it be easy to push away from chem and more...
  21. A

    Going to Grad School In Lieu of an Unsuccessful Job Search

    Hello everyone, I am wondering what your opinions are on going to graduate school if a job search isn't working out. While I would like to get a PhD, and always have, the fact of the matter is that I need money and cannot fund that type of commitment. The main problem with my resume is that it...
  22. J

    How can I calculate the integral for 1/r grad 1/r?

    I would like to calculate the integral \begin{equation} \int \frac{1}{|\mathbf y|} \nabla \frac{1}{|\mathbf y -\mathbf c|}~d^3\mathbf y, \end{equation} but I do not know how. I was wondering whether somebody has encountered such integral already. Do you know how to calculate it? Do you...
  23. M

    Maximizing Success in Grad School: Expert Advice for Struggling PhD Students

    I have a MSc in astrophysics and I'm a last year PhD student. My project is not going anywhere, I haven't published any paper and I'm far from finishing. My advisor is very picky and won't let me publish anything and I'm terrified the last years have been a huge waste of time. What do you think...
  24. C

    Schools How Important is Undergraduate Research for Grad School?

    I was wondering how much graduate admissions look at your research experience. I have worked with two projects with a professor, and I am going to be working with him on another project this summer. Two of these things were not "new" physics, but they were either new for our department, or were...
  25. J

    Schools Will grad school look at your GPA differently than your undergrad uni?

    At my university, they calculate gpa without the +- system. So if i got 90s (A-) in all of my classes i would have a 4.0. In general, when applying to grad school, will they look at the gpa my university says i have or will some of them calculate it to be a 3.6?
  26. U

    Direct Proof of Div, Grad, and Curl Operator Identities

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution For part (c), I showed that the tripple cross product = 2a using einstein notation. Then, I showed that 2∇(a.r) = 2a which is the same as LHS. I don't think this is as elegant as it can get.. How do I prove it...
  27. C

    Schools Some general questions about grad school admission

    1. Do grad schools consider 5.5 years too long to finish undergrad (considering I am doing a double major and a long term internship)? 2. Will research in a different major contribute to my chances of being accepted into a program in the other major? 3. Does volunteering as a tutor look good...
  28. L

    Finding practice problems on linear models grad level

    Hi, I am a first year stats grad student and I am taking a class on linear models. The book and lectures focus on the format of definition, proof, lemma, definition, proof, lemma etc. However, I cannot seem to find anywhere some practice problems where I could use these definitions before I...
  29. R

    Schools Is Math Grad School Right for Me?

    I can't decide if I want to pursue a PhD in math or not. I like the idea because it would let me keep studying math (interesting), and the challenge would help show me what I am capable of (intellectual potential). But I can't help but wonder if I would be happier if I changed my major to...
  30. K

    Taking a grad class as a senior

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to decide on classes for my senior year and I am not sure if it is worth it to take a grad class or not. I have completed all but one of the important physics undergrad courses. I will be applying to grad schools next winter Here are the option's I have: 1. Finish...
  31. Z

    Help a Physics grad read up on Chemistry

    Hi all, I am a grad student with a Physics BSc. For various reasons, I have never actually done a basic pure chemistry course, even at high school level. Naturally, I have come across many concepts from chemistry in my courses, but I lack the fundamental overview of the field, and I am very...
  32. D

    Applied Math undergrad to pure math grad school?

    The best instate college in my state for mathematics is Georgia Tech. However, it does not have a pure mathematics degree. Can I still go to grad school for pure mathematics as an applied math major? Will it prepare me for pure mathematics?
  33. B

    How Do You Solve the Grad-Shafranov Equation for Plasma Physics?

    i need to solve this equation: R\frac{\partial }{\partial R} \left ( \frac{1}{R} \frac{\partial }{\partial R} \Psi \right ) + \frac{\partial^2 }{\partial z^2} \Psi = R^2 A_1 - A_2 psi is a function of Z and R. A1 and A2 are constants can you help me? :confused:
  34. J

    Not sure about the strength of my grad application

    Not sure about the strength of my grad application (MATH)... Hi all, Sorry to post another typical grad application question, but I really need some guidance on appropriate math grad schools I should apply to. My advisors don't seem to know much. Could anyone give me a rough idea of where I...
  35. C

    Schools Starting grad school after 30?

    Hi, is there anyone here who started working on their Ph.D. after 30? I will be 31 when I start later this year, and I'm wondering how atypical this is. Any advice? Thanks!
  36. O

    Schools Biochemistry Degree: What are my Grad School options?

    Hello, I'm in something of a unique situation. I was a Cell & Molecular Biology major, but I have since realized that I'm really more passionate about Chemistry. I am deeply considering changing my major to Biochemistry (the degrees have significant overlap at my university but are offered by...
  37. I

    Schools Possible alternative for getting into grad school

    My undergraduate degree will be in mathematics and my GPA will be 2.7x when I graduate in May. I only applied to one graduate school and got rejected (only applied to one because its not a top tier school and my living situation is really good for my wife). Not a terrible shocker considering I...
  38. E

    Schools Choosing a Research Focus in Grad School: Tips for Physics and Math Majors

    Hi, I am a recently-graduated physics and math major, looking to go back to grad school after a couple years off. I am having trouble choosing a graduate school to attend, because I am uncertain of my research interests. I took a couple graduate-level classes (QM and Particle Physics), and...
  39. C

    Schools Can You Specialize in Nuclear Physics and Quantum Mechanics in Grad School?

    Is it possible to go to grad school and just study nuclear physics and Quantum mechanics?
  40. D

    Schools Too late to apply for grad schools?

    So I applied to four grad schools, my PGRE score was 830 and my GPA is a 3.92, but I've already been rejected from two of the schools and haven't heard back from the other two, which leads me to believe I'm going to be rejected from all four of the schools I applied to, leaving me with no...
  41. Arsenic&Lace

    The Should I go to grad school thread

    The "Should I go to grad school" thread So my second year of university is coming to a close, with so far so good grades (hopefully straight A's both semesters), work in two labs (particle physics and computational biophysics) and rounding it out with maybe a summer research position at an REU...
  42. E

    Schools Effect of Research/Publications on Grad School Admittance

    Hello! I currently do research for the physics department and also the chemical engineering department of my university (ranked within top 100, if I remember correctly, for context). I should be publishing at least three or more papers through this research during my time here, though I'm...
  43. J

    Dropping an EE Class: Will a W Affect Grad School?

    Is a "W" bad? I recently switched majors from EE to physics. At the moment i am enrolled in an intro to EE class. Now i want to drop this class, one because i don't need it anymore, and two, i could be working and making money instead of being there. Will the W on my transcript be bad for grad...
  44. R

    Schools Types of Applied Math Grad School?

    I was wondering what are the main types of "applied math" I could choose to study in grad school and how I can know which one I would enjoy most? Math Classes I loved were: linear algebra, number theory, intro to real analysis, discrete math, intro to abstract alg Classes I disliked...
  45. 8

    Schools Materials Science vs. Physics for Grad School

    Materials Science vs. Physics for Grad School Hello, I'm a new poster here, but have gotten a lot of great stuff out of this forum in the past... Some questions/thoughts on a Mechanical Engineer pursuing a graduate degree in Materials Science (or Physics...) I'm interested in optics...
  46. D

    Schools Effect of Dropped Class on Grad School Acceptance

    I'm currently a Bio major in freshman year, and I currently have plans to go to optometry school. The thing is, I made the mistake of underestimating a class (Freshman Biology) and "ruined" my gpa as a result. I got an A-, which is perfectly fine, but nonetheless, if I had put forth a little bit...
  47. S

    Engineering BS in physics to grad school - engineering or medical physics?

    Hi all, I'm currently a sophomore physics/applied math BS double major at a state school. My goal is to attain a well-paying(or eventually well-paying) job and career working with science and/or math. Preferably, I'd like to have some options as to the location (somewhere in the U.S. or...
  48. U

    Schools Chances of getting into good grad schools

    I'm just curious what everyone thinks. I've got an overall GPA of 3.2, but in physics it's more like 3.5. 750 PGRE score and I'll bet my letters of recommendation were strong, although I didn't see them. I had some undergrad research in the math department, and also some in the physics...
  49. J

    Medical Physics - What to do in grad school to get a job after

    Hi! I am brand new to this forum. I wanted to ask some advice about how I can best improve my chances of getting into an enjoyable career after grad school. I am currently a senior due to graduate in May with a BS in physics. I've been accepted into a large research university for their...
  50. N

    Schools Negotiating Grad School Financial Assistance

    So I've received all of my grad school offers and it is time to make a decision. Of the four schools that I am seriously considering, two of them are offering much higher financial assistance which includes tuition and no TA duties (both schools in the states). The other two schools (Canadian)...