What is Solid: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In object-oriented computer programming, SOLID is a mnemonic acronym for five design principles intended to make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. The principles are a subset of many principles promoted by American software engineer and instructor Robert C. Martin, first introduced in his 2000 paper Design Principles and Design Patterns.The SOLID concepts are

The Single-responsibility principle: "There should never be more than one reason for a class to change." In other words, every class should have only one responsibility.
The Open–closed principle: "Software entities ... should be open for extension, but closed for modification."
The Liskov substitution principle: "Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it". See also design by contract.
The Interface segregation principle: "Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface."
The Dependency inversion principle: "Depend upon abstractions, [not] concretions."The SOLID acronym was introduced later, around 2004, by Michael Feathers.Although the SOLID principles apply to any object-oriented design, they can also form a core philosophy for methodologies such as agile development or adaptive software development.

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  1. Andy SV

    B Gravity of hollow sphere vs. solid sphere of same mass

    Would a hollow sphere measure the same gravitationally as a solid sphere if it was the same mass? Just sharing an interesting question
  2. I

    Crystal lattices and structure in solid state physics

    For the crystal lattices and structure Question picture is uploaded. Question.jpg My attempted answer is uploaded by a picture. My attempted ans. 1.jpg My attempted ans. 2.jpgThere is any mistake?
  3. J

    Can CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere sublimate into a solid?

    CO2 becomes a solid at -78.5 C or -109.3 F. The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was on Antarctica at -89.2 C or -128.6 F. So is it possible for CO2 to literally freeze out of Earth's atmosphere under certain conditions? If not then why not?
  4. K

    Is Solid Residue Present in Pure Water?

    Hi everyone! If I have a sample that didn’t present conductivity and left a solid evaporation residue but its density is approximately 1 g/mL (1,08 g/mL), can I still say it is pure water? I suppose pure water shouldn’t have any kind of solid residue. Thanks!
  5. S

    Quantum Building a Solid knowledge of Quantum Field Theory

    Hello! I read several books and took courses on quantum mechanics and particle physics and I understood the topics. However I feel that I have only pieces of informations without a global image of what is going on. For example in the particle physics classes we were given Feynman rules without...
  6. P

    I Why do protons and nuclei of light elements not ionize solid objects like metal?

    When protons or nuclei of light elements like Helium passes through gas, it ionises the molecules on it path. But that's not the case when proton or nuclei of light elements pass through solid objects like metal. What's the reason behind that?
  7. M

    What are free solid modeling modeling programs?

    What are the free solid modeling programs? Thank you.
  8. alan

    Range in solid surface for liquid-liquid phase separation

    I am investigating the nucleation on solid surface during liquid-liquid phase separation, I know the free energy change is and I don't know if it is correct to get Can someone calculate it to have a check?
  9. Jovy

    Finding Volume of Rotated Region Bounded by Equations

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by the graphs of the equations about the line y =4. $$y=\frac 3 {1+x},~ y=0,~ x=0,~x=3$$ Homework Equations $$V= \int_a^b ([R(x)]^2-[r(x)]^2)dx$$ The Attempt at a Solution I understand how to use the...
  10. F

    I Compressibility of liquid vs solid actual numbers

    I was trying to find the compressibility of water and compressibility of air to compare. For compressibility of water I found 46.4e-6 For compressibility of a gas... I am having a tough time finding anything. compressibility factor I can find, which is 1 for Hydrogen... but how does that relate...
  11. H

    Please give me adivice on solid state physics learning resources

    My university lecturer is very new, his lectures and notes are hard to follow and understand. He was a replacement to the old solid state physics lecturer and has designed the module from scratch, so it is unpolished in its current form. Can you please suggest some alternative resources...
  12. T

    Pressure wave vs. Shock wave in solid body

    Hi everyone, I'm having some difficulty comprehending "normal" transmission of stress/strain through a solid body and "shock" transmission of stress/strain. Imagine I have two bodies, one rigid - the other elastic. If the rigid body is fixed in space, and the elastic body is flying at the...
  13. J

    Solid State Solid State Physics books for undergraduates

    Hello! I am going to enroll in a Solid State physics course and I want to know what good books are out there on the subject at an undergrad level. Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!
  14. G

    B Gallium not becoming a solid again?

    Hi. I am hoping someone can explain to me, what is happening. I have a 100g of 99.99% pure gallium. I placed it in a bowl and sat it in a dehydrator (lower heat than an oven) and set it for 150 degrees. In about 20 minutes, the gallium became liquid. I placed the bowl in the refrigerator and...
  15. B

    Quantifying P or PO4 in an unknown solid

    I have a solid sample possibly containing a few species of phosphate salts from a precipitation reaction. I am only concerned with the phosphorus in the solid sample. What are the possible methods of accurately measuring the P or PO4 content in the solid? Thank you!
  16. V

    I Perpendicular loading exerted by a moving fluid to a solid

    Picture water flowing in a duct. In these kinds of scenarios, the loading exerted by the moving fluid to the solid in the perpendicular direction is often taken as being equal to the pressure of the fluid at the wall. I agree that the above assumption is true for a stationary fluid. For a...
  17. Dong Aleta

    Standard method for identifying species in solid mixtures

    I want to know of any standard method for identifying (and possibly quantifying) the species contained in a solid mixture sample. Thanks in advance!
  18. D

    Two solid hemispheres, one resting on top of the other

    Homework Statement A solid homogeneous hemisphere of radius a rests on top of a rough hemispherical cap of radius b, the curved faces being in contact. Show that the equilibrium is stable if a is less than 3b/5. Homework Equations V = mgh The Attempt at a Solution So the center of mass of a...
  19. S

    B Energy States: Solid, Liquid, Gas & More?

    Does energy have different states analogous to the solid, liquid, gas, and plasma states of matter? Would they be the same as "forms of energy" described here? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forms_of_energy
  20. D

    B Why Does Matter Become Solid When Observed? Max Planck's Theory

    The double slit experiment shows, that particle only become solid when observed, shouldn't be matter behind walls aka where it is not watched be only a potential wave and not be solid at all? Is that what Max Planck meant when he said: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a...
  21. F

    Solid with polar graph as base

    Homework Statement In this video , why for the xy plane projection , it's a circle with center = y = 1 , i can understand the r = 2sin theta ? why we can't ∬ r dr dtheta where , r = 1 , and with theta = 0 to 2 pi ? They are the same , right ? since volume = integration of area with z a-xis...
  22. Minestra

    Pressure from a fluid on a solid piece of metal

    I'm curious if anyone knows of a good video of an extreme amount of pressure being applied to a sold amount of metal or other dense object. We're learning about fluids in my class, and naturally we discussed submarines, empty bottles, etc. but everything mentioned seemed to be hollow on the...
  23. M

    Use of solid materials as medium for data transfer

    Really odd question for you guys but I'm curious about your input, and apologies if it's a foolish question to ask anyway(I'm a CS student and this came up in a discussion with a classmate of mine). So I know this is a fairly odd thought and not likely practical in any real world scenario, but...
  24. C

    Centroid of solid enclosed by surface z= y^2 , plane x=0 ,

    Homework Statement Find the centroid of solid enclosed by surface z= y^2 , plane x=0 , x = 1 and z =1 . The density is 1 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Here's my working . Centoird = mass of inertia / mass So , i find the mass first . It's clear that the circle is on zx...
  25. O

    Double integral, find volume of solid

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid by subtracting two volumes, the solid enclosed by the parabolic cylinders: y = 1 − x2, y = x2 − 1 and the planes: x + y + z = 2 4x + 5y − z + 20 = 0 Homework Equations ∫∫f(x,y) dA The Attempt at a Solution So I solved for z in the plane...
  26. C

    Solid bounded by different region

    Homework Statement By using cylindrical coordinates , evaluate the volume of solid bounded on top of sphere (x^2) + (y^2) + (z^2) = 9 and it's sides by (x^2) + (y^2) = 4x . [/B]Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I have sketched out the diagram , but i dun know which part is the solid...
  27. C

    Solid bounded by the cylinder (y^2) + (z^2) = 1 , cut by pla

    Homework Statement By using cylindrical coordinate , evaluate ∫ ∫ ∫ zDv , where G is the solid bounded by the cylinder (y^2) + (z^2) = 1 , cut by plane of y = x , x = 0 and z = 0 I can understand that the solid formed , was cut by x = 0 , thus the base of the solid formed has circle of (y^2) +...
  28. C

    MHB What is the volume of the solid bounded by two paraboloids?

    Hello Everyone, I need to find the volume of this solid bounded by the paraboloids z=x^2+y^2 and z=8-x^2-y^2. I need to find the region of integration. I need to find the limits of integration as well. I tried to graph the two surfaces. Thanks Cbarker1
  29. C

    MHB What are the y limits for finding the volume of a solid with given parameters?

    Find the volume of the following solid: The solid lies below the surface z=x^3y and above the triangle in the xy plane with vertices (1,0), (2,1) and (4,0). The region is graphed (1,0);(4,0);(2,1);I need to find the y limits in the double integral. Thanks CBarker1
  30. T

    I Substituting a solid body with mass points

    I ran into the following problem, and stuck for a couple of days now. I have a solid body, rigid and and has uniform density. Its mass M, the location of the center of gravity x_M, y_M, z_M and its inertia matrix is known: Jx Jxy Jxz Jyx Jyy Jyz Jzx Jzy Jz I have to write an algorithm...
  31. C

    Volume of solid by using projection to different planes

    Homework Statement Find the volume of solid which is bounded by z = 4-x-y and below by region in the plane of 0<x<2 , 0<y<1 When i use zx -plane projection , i found that my ans is different with the ans of using xy projection ...Which part i did wrongly ? From the ans given , volume = 5...
  32. nysnacc

    Calculating Coefficient of Restitution for Two Solid Balls Colliding

    Homework Statement Homework Equations MaVa1 + MaVb1 = MaVa2 +MaVb2 The Attempt at a Solution I found Va2 = 2 m/s e is found to be 1.75, correct?
  33. nysnacc

    Triple integral forming a solid region

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Fubini's theorum The Attempt at a Solution I drawn the diagram with the limits (for x, y, and z) and come up with something with 4 faces, 5 corners, 8 edges is that something you guys got? Thanks
  34. F

    Placing a highly viscous liquid drop on a solid surface

    Hi I'd like to ask how you would put a droplet at high viscosity (say 2.5 million times more viscous than water) on a solid surface? The droplet would have to be small (volume less than 10uL, r<1.34mm).. Thanks!
  35. Alvis

    Solid State Physics, FCC or BCC and why?

    Homework Statement Based on sizes for Na(.97 Angstroms), Cs(1.67 Angstroms), and Cl(1.81 Angstroms), which lattice type would you expect for NaCl and CsCl and why? Homework Equations My equation for the hole size for a bcc is (4/sqrt(3))(radius)-2(radius), I assume you put in the radius of Cl...
  36. O

    I Why is the E-field inside a solid conducting sphere zero?

    The common explanation is this: If the conductor has a net charge, then the charges repel each other until they arrange themselves symmetrically around the outside of the sphere, and if you do the math the electric field will cancel out everywhere inside the conducting sphere. Alright, but what...
  37. T

    Breaking solid shaft in torsion purposefully

    I am trying to design a drive shaft that breaks when i apply a specific torque to protect fro over torquing. I made a few samples, and now i am trying to compare the results to my equations. My problem is, none of the equations seem to match the actual results. Your help would be appreciated: I...
  38. H

    I Solid State NMR and X-ray Crystallography resources

    Hello, I need to learn how Solid State NMR and X-ray Crystallography work (theory and practical application). I'm primary interested in how those experimental techniques are used to determine molecular structures. I'm an undergrad physics student and I need this to pass my final exam. So if some...
  39. B

    Solid Mechanics Q: Textbook source for image?

    Hi everyone, Does someone know from which textbook the question below was taken from? The only given data the i found is q1=π*sin(πx/2). Thanks:)
  40. C

    Solid State Physics - Miller Planes/Indices and Finding a

    Homework Statement Q3a [/B] Copper (Cu) crystallises in a face-‐centre cubic (fcc) structure (with a basis of one copper atom). Draw a diagram of the unit cell of Cu, on your diagram indicate the (1, 1, 0) lattice plane and the [2, 2, 1] lattice direction. Q3b: Calculate the...
  41. physea

    I Comparison of solid and hollow cylinder

    Hello! We have a solid cylinder and then we take that and drill its core so that it becomes hollow. In which case the cylinder will be stronger? Thanks!
  42. DeathbyGreen

    Solid State No Love for Kittel: An Alternative Textbook for Solid State Physics?

    I wasn't sure if I should post this in general discussion or in solid state section, but am I the only one who finds the Kittel textbook horrible? It seems full of semi-empirical, basic math, and boring, surface level observations written as dryly as possible. I really like solid state physics...
  43. S

    A solid cylinder of uniform density of 0.85 g/cm3 floats in

    Homework Statement A solid cylinder of uniform density of 0.85 g/cm3 floats in a glass of water tinted light blue by food coloring. https://s1.lite.msu.edu/res/msu/kashy/physicsLib02/32_Fluids1_Pascal_Arch/graphics/archimedes.gif Its circular surfaces are horizontal. What effect will the...
  44. S

    A small solid sphere of mass M0, of radius R0, and of unifor

    Homework Statement A small solid sphere of mass M0, of radius R0, and of uniform density ρ0 is placed in a large bowl containing water. It floats and the level of the water in the dish is L. Given the information below, determine the possible effects on the water level L, (R-Rises, F-Falls...
  45. ElijahRockers

    Measuring volume: Solid vs Liquid/Gas

    I was just curious... what is the practical reason behind having two separate units for measuring volume? For instance, we can use cubic centimeters and mL interchangeably in practical medicine, i.e. injections. But we tend to use cubic (centi)meters for solids, and liters for liquids/gasses...
  46. H

    A I need information on a solid state question -- gas to solid transistion

    what is the best quality to know if a gas for example became solid ...soldification Speacking about small quantity of gas that we can't see with our eyes ... what electrical quantity that i need to read to know that this very light gas become a solid metal and could that quantity give me...
  47. P

    [Mechanics of Solid] Friction on a needle inserted in tissue

    Hello , I'm trying to model the forces on a needle being inserted in a tissue. Needle tip penetrates the tissue surface and as it moves through the tissue, it experiences friction from needle-tissue interaction. Friction arises from the pressure exerted by surrounding tissue as it grips the...
  48. M

    Temperature & kinetic energy of particles in solid vs gas

    Consider the internal energy of a gas and solid (different materials) both at the same temperature, which material has the larger potential energy and why? Do they also both have the same kinetic energy? Finally is the definition of temperature as the average kinetic energy of the particles only...
  49. Sam I Am

    Solid State Beginners' Solid State & Electronics Textbooks

    I have found a couple other threads like this but I am looking for something at a very beginning level. I joined an experimental condensed matter group for the summer at the school where I will be matriculating as a first-year graduate student in the fall. They study various...
  50. G

    I Why can't a (5,5,4) solid exist?

    So i was reading my geometry textbook and it said "and obviously there can be no solid where every vertex has a (5,5,4) arrangement"; unfortunately, this is not an obvious fact to me. Can somebody explain to me what makes this so obvious? This statement was the end of a proof by contradiction so...