What is Infinite: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Infinite (stylised as infinite) is the twentieth studio album by English rock band Deep Purple, released on 7 April 2017.

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  1. brainpushups

    Exploring the Physics of a Ball on an Infinite Plane

    A person asked this question of me recently and it generated some discussion amongst the people in the room (many of whom had a limited background in physics). The original question went something like this: suppose that a ball is initially at rest in a wagon and the wagon is given a horizontal...
  2. B

    Partitioning Infinite Sets: Equivalence Relations and Set Partitions

    A theorem on equivalence relation states that for any set S, the set of equivalence classes of S under an equivalence relation R constitutes a partition of a set. Moreover, given any partition of a set, one can define an equivalence relation on the set. What allows you to "create" a partition...
  3. Z

    Pre big bang infinite cold inflation?

    I was listening to Brian Cox on Intelligence Squared and he somewhat casually mentioned the general acceptance among physicists of a possibly "infinitely long" period of cold inflation predating the big bang and of the "sudden" stop to this inflation as the source of energy for the big bang...
  4. M

    Infinite series of sin + cos both to the 2n power

    Homework Statement For the following series ∑∞an determine if they are convergent or divergent. If convergent find the sum. (ii) ∑∞n=0 cos(θ)2n+sin(θ)2n[/B]Homework Equations geometric series, [/B]The Attempt at a Solution First I have to show that the equation is convergent. Both cos(θ)...
  5. C

    The probability of objects spec Q out of infinite variables

    Statistical probabilities of a objects qualities as is emerging out of infinite variable states. Can an equal emergence occur again, and as a unavoidable fact of infinites result in endless occurrences, given infinite chance in an eternal cosmos? I say no. If the (falsely inferred as)...
  6. Tungamirai

    What happens if you flip an infinite heads and tails coin?

    What happens if you flip a coin with infinite heads and infinite tails? I am not sure if this is the right place to post this question, or if my question even makes sense! just thought about it after reading about the simulation argument
  7. ranju

    Infinite Voltage & Frequency in Power Grids: What's the Reason?

    I have got to know that the voltage and frequency of the supply in the power grids is kept as infinity.>! But what is the reason behind it..?? Well for the voltage to be infinity , I have studied that losses are inversely proportional to square of supply voltage ..so higher is the voltage ...
  8. Chiclayo guy

    Why not an eternal and infinite space?

    One of the most common questions on this forum over the years is, “What is the universe expanding into?” The common answer in one form or another is always ‘nothing.’ My question is, why does current thinking preclude an eternal and infinite space… a void populated by the physical stuff we know...
  9. B

    Two dimensional Heat equation of a semi infinite strip

    Homework Statement Consider \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = k\left( \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2} \right) \\ 0<x<L\\ y>0 subject to the initial condition IC: u(x,y,0) = f(x,y) And solve with the following boundary conditions: BC1: \quad u(0,y,t) = 0...
  10. W

    Finite and infinite unitary transformation

    hi, i know unitary transformation - but could not get where do we need finite and infinite unitary transformation ? please help me in this regard. thanks
  11. A

    Infinite neutron plane source in the vicinity of slab

    hello I solve neutron diff eq for plane source in the vicinity of slab of water but if i substitute source term with 1 the flux in some places is greater than one! how it possible?! i am sure about my calculation so someone say me how it possible?
  12. ellipsis

    Relationship between DEs and infinite series.

    Not all DEs have a closed form solution. Some DEs have an implicit solution only - you cannot algebraically solve one variable of interest for another. I have seen on this forum people solving DEs in terms of infinite series. How does one arrive at such a solution, and can an implicit...
  13. Stoney Pete

    Mary Tiles confused about infinite ordinals and cardinality?

    O.k. I am seriously confused... Not being to good at math but nevertheless interested in set theory, infinity, etc. I started reading Mary Tiles, The Philosophy of Set Theory (Dover edition). I particularly wanted to know more about the relation between infinite ordinals and cardinality, but...
  14. J

    Solve Wave Equation: e^(-x^2), x*e^(-x^2), -infinity<x<infinity

    Homework Statement So it says solve this wave equation : [y][/tt] - 4 [y][/xx] = 0 on the domain -infinity<x<infinity with initial conditions y(x,0) = e^(-x^2), yt(x,0) = x*(e^(-x^2)) Homework Equations I used the D Alembert's solution which is 1/2(f(x+ct)+f(x-ct)) + 1/2c ∫ g(z) dz The...
  15. A

    What Are the Eigenfunctions for the 1D Infinite Square Well?

    Homework Statement Find the ground and first excited state eigenfunctions of for the 1D infinite square well with boundaries -L/2 and +L/2 Homework Equations $$\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}\psi(x) = E\psi(x)$$ The Attempt at a Solution Okay so I know how to solve it and...
  16. S

    Infinite wavelength resonant antennas

    Could somebody explain what does mean "infinite wavelength antenna" and what advantages does it have? What is resonant antenna and advantages? http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fHdO6P-aoIIJ:dspace.nitrkl.ac.in:8080/dspace/bitstream/2080/1320/1/MMET.pdf+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
  17. B

    Why does infinite potential well give rise to standing wave?

    For a particle in a box that is described with a wave function, why can there only be a standing wave when there is an infinite potential well? From my understanding, the infinite potential well makes it impossible for the particle to tunnel through the barrier and so the wave function cannot...
  18. J

    What is the sum of this infinite series?

    Sum= ...- 1 + 1 -1 +1-1+1... until infinite It is just an infinite sum of -1 plus 1. Can anyone tell me the sum of this infinite series and a demonstration of that result? THanks!
  19. Math Amateur

    MHB Sum of Submodules - infinite family case

    I am reading Paul E. Bland's book, "Rings and Their Modules". I am trying to understand Section 1.4 which introduces modules. I need help with one of the definitions included in the statement of Proposition 1.4.4. Proposition 1.4.4 reads as follows: In (2) in the above Proposition Bland...
  20. F

    Electron in a One Dimensional Infinite Potential Well

    Homework Statement An electron is confined to a narrow evacuated tube. The tube, which has length of 2m functions as a one dimensional infinite potential well. A: What is the energy difference between the electrons ground state and the first excitied state. B: What quantum number n would the...
  21. camilus

    Anything actually physically infinite within the universe?

    Hi guys, I'm a mathematician from Miami Florida working in paraquaternionic and symplectic differential geometry, but I come from a very extensive physics background, pretty much well-versed in all modern physics. But my favorite of all is probably the philosophy of mathematics and science as...
  22. S

    Two-dimensional infinite potential box

    Homework Statement A particle in two-dimensional infinite potential well $$ H=\frac{p^2}{2m}+\left\{\begin{matrix} 0, & |x|<\frac{a}{2}\text{ and }|y|<\frac{a}{2}\\ \infty , & \text{otherwise} \end{matrix}\right.$$ a) Find eigenfunctions and their energies. Also describe the degeneration of...
  23. 2

    Variance in position for the infinite square potential well?

    [Note from mentor: this thread originated in a non-homework forum, therefore it doesn't use the standard homework template] ------------------------------------------ This exercise pops up in the Cavendish Quantum Mechanics Primer (M. Warner and A. Cheung) but I can't seem to figure it out. So...
  24. G

    Finding the magnetic field of an infinite cylindrical wire.

    Homework Statement An infinite cylindrical wire of radius ##R## carries a current per unit area ##\vec{J}## which varies with the distance from the axis as ##J(s)=ks^2\hat{z}## for ##0<s<R## and zero otherwise where k is a constant. Find the magnetic field ##\vec{B(s)}## in all space. Homework...
  25. F

    MHB Understanding Infinite Sequences: Difference of 1 & n/(n+1)

    My textbook reads : The graph of a_n=\frac{n}{n+1} are approaching 1 as n becomes large . In fact the difference 1-\frac{n}{n+1}=\frac{1}{n+1} can be made as small as we like by taking n sufficently large. We indicate this by writing \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{n}{n+1}=1 I don't understand where...
  26. anemone

    MHB Evaluating the Limit of an Infinite Product

    Evaluate $\displaystyle \lim_{{n}\to{\infty}} \prod_{k=3}^{n}\left(1-\tan^4\dfrac{\pi}{2^k}\right)$.
  27. S

    Topic: Is there a solution to this infinite integration problem?

    Homework Statement Evaluate the limit 1 1 1 lim ∫ ∫ ... ∫ cos^2((pi/2n)(x1 + x2 +... xn))dx1 dx2 ... dxn 0 0 0 n→∞Homework Equations Well, I know that we can change this using a double angle rule, so that the integrals become 1/2 + 1/2 cos (2*pi/2n)(x1 +...
  28. N

    Our galaxy is one of the biggest

    Heard that line on one of those science channel shows. Forget who they were interviewing. But my question is what is the mathematics behind discovering this fact? How could we possibly know that our galaxy is one of the biggest in the Universe unless we counted all or most of them, how could we...
  29. A

    MHB Using Integral methods to find a summation of series (infinite)

    Hi, let's take the sum: $\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{9n^2 + 3n - 2}$ $\implies 9n^2 + 3n - 2 = 9n^2 + 6n - 3n - 2 = 3n(3n + 2) - (3n + 2) = (3n - 1)(3n - 2)$ The simplest way would be to use partial fractions, and then convert this into a telescoping series. Which makes the sum...
  30. A

    MHB Evaluating infinite sum for e^(-x) using integrals

    Hello, I have began my journey on infinite sums, which are very interesting. Here is the issue: I am trying to understand this: $\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} e^{-n}$ using integrals, what I have though: $= \displaystyle \lim_{m\to\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{m} e^{-n}$ $= \displaystyle...
  31. A

    Trying to find the infinite sum of e^-x using integration

    Hello, I am well aware of the ratio method, and the sum = 1/(1-r) but I want to try this method. I am trying to understand this: \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} e^{-n} using integrals, what I have though: = \displaystyle \lim_{m\to\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{m} e^{-n} = \displaystyle...
  32. gfd43tg

    Length of slab for infinite temperature

    Homework Statement An explosive is to be stored in large slabs of thickness 2L clad on both sides with a protective sheath. The rate at which heat is generated within the explosive is temperature-dependent and can be approximated by the linear relation ##\dot Q_{gen} = a + b(T - T_{\infty})##...
  33. K

    How can EM waves maintain their energy over infinite distance?

    EM field strength dies quickly with distance, what's so special about going up and down that allows EM waves to maintain their energy over infinite distance?
  34. D

    How can a funnel be both paintable and unpaintable at the same time?

    NB. first time using Latex so apologies if something came out wrong, I've done my best to double check it. Consider the curve y = \frac{1}{x} from x=1 to x=\infty. Rotate this curve around the x-axis to create a funnel-like surface of revolution. By slicing up the funnel into disks with...
  35. D

    Potential difference due to two uniform infinite sheet charges

    a) Derive the expression for the potential difference due to two uniform infinite sheet charges at y=5 and y=-5 in free space. b) If V=4V at (0,2,10) find V at (-4,3,1) . The surface charge density on the two sheet charges are ?s=?0 col/m2 What you guys be able to help me with this ?
  36. PhysicsKid0123

    Infinite acceleration on a string?

    I'm trying to figure out what it says in my book. Here is the link of the picture. http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/...oads/7D0D3CE4-A11E-4F0F-A2A5-836D03945AE5.jpg Could someone explain the part where it says "Otherwise, there would be a net tension force acting on the sections, and they...
  37. B

    Analytical solution for bound state energies of infinite well

    Hi there I am trying to find bound state energies assuming infinite potential. I have been told it can be done by analytically solving Right Hand Side and Left Hand Side of an equation such as: E^1/2 tan(2ma^2E/4hbar)^1/2 = (V0-E)^1/2 If solved properly, it should give one curve (RHS), crossed...
  38. M

    MHB Proving an Infinite $\sigma-$Algebra is Uncountable

    Hey! :o Show that an infinite $\sigma-$algebra is uncountable. Could you give me some hints what I could do?? Do I have to start by supposing that an infinite $\sigma-$algebra is countable?? But how could I get a contradiction?? (Wondering)
  39. D

    Surface charge of infinite conducting cylinder

    Homework Statement There is an infinite conducting cylinder positioned at the axis with radius R. An infinite line charge (+λ) is placed distance d from the axis and d>R. I was supposed to 1. Find the potential and then 2. find the surface charge on the cylinder. Homework Equations V = -∫...
  40. J

    Solve Infinite Square Well: Homework Statement

    Homework Statement The wording of the question is throwing me off. It is a standard inf. pot. well problem and we are given the initial position of the particle to be in the left fourth of the box, \Psi(x,0)=\sqrt{\frac{4}{a}} We are asked to a) write the expansion of the wave function in...
  41. O

    Infinite Solubility: Solving Ethanol in Water Without Limit

    "The extent of solubility ranges widely, from infinitely soluble (without limit) (fully miscible[1]) such as ethanol in water, to poorly soluble, such as silver chloride in water." from wiki page of solubility So does it mean that you can solve ethanol in water as much as you want? Even if...
  42. avito009

    Does mass become infinite near the speed of light?

    I read somewhere that at 90% the speed of light the mass doubles. So does mass only nearly double at the speed of light and does mass not become infinite at the speed of light? I thought nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light because mass would become infinite at light speed. Also...
  43. D

    Infinite Space & Possibilities: Exploring the Big Bang

    It would seem to me that we exist in an infinitely large space. That a big bang could not encompass all matter because all space extends infinitely. That with infinite space there is infinite possibilities for things to happen, such as for matter to exist. That space can exist and is infinite...
  44. S

    Point charge above infinite conducting plane

    This question seems to come up often, but I cannot find a satisfying explanation. There is a point charge +Q some distance above an infinite conducting plane. Supposedly, the electric field below the plane must be zero. I have trouble understanding why this is true. The total charge on the...
  45. C

    Convergence of infinite sequences

    Homework Statement Let V consist of all infinite sequences {xn} of real numbers for which the series summation xn2 converges. If x = {xn} and y = {yn} are two elements of V, define (x,y) = summation (n=1 to infinity) xnyn. Prove that this series converges absolutely. Homework Equations The...
  46. S

    E & M, Infinite sheet of charge

    The problem I have is about a simple remark made in the book 'Berkeley Physics Course Volume 2, Electricity and Magnetism', chap. 3 figure 3.4 b. It says that if we have an infinite sheet of charge but with 'other charges' present elsewhere in the system, the only thing we can predict is that...
  47. Math Amateur

    MHB Infinite Direct Sums and Standard Inclusions and Projections

    I am reading An Introduction to Rings and Modules With K-Theory in View by A.J. Berrick and M.E. Keating (B&K). In Chapter2: Direct Sums and Short Exact Sequences in Sections 2.1.11 and 2.1.12 B&K deal with infinite direct products and infinite direct sums (external and internal). In Section...
  48. deedsy

    Finding the energy eigenfunctions of infinite well with potential step

    Homework Statement The potential for a particle mass m moving in one dimension is: V(x) = infinity for x < 0 = 0 for 0< x <L = V for L< x <2L = infinity for x > 2L Assume the energy of the particle is in the range 0 < E < V Find the energy eigenfunctions and the equation...
  49. B

    Particle trapped in an infinite well (1d) - find probability

    Homework Statement http://puu.sh/bTtVx/ba89b717b8.png Homework Equations I've tried using the integral method of Schrodinger's eq, getting: (X/L - (1/4pi)sin(4xpi/L) from x1 to x2. The Attempt at a Solution I've tried plugging in the values of x given in the problem to the above equation...
  50. Z

    How Do You Determine the Ground State Energy in a Spherical Infinite Well?

    Homework Statement A particle of mass ##m## is constrained to move between two concentric hard spheres of radii ##r = a## and ##r = b##. There is no potential between the spheres. Find the ground state energy and wave function. Homework Equations $$\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d^2 u}{dr^2} +...