Electron in a One Dimensional Infinite Potential Well

In summary, an electron confined to a narrow evacuated tube with a length of 2m functions as a one dimensional infinite potential well. The energy difference between the ground state and first excited state is 2.82 x 10^-19 eV. The quantum number n for the energy difference between adjacent energy levels to equal 1 eV is equal to the charge of the electron.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An electron is confined to a narrow evacuated tube. The tube, which has length of 2m functions as a one dimensional infinite potential well.

A: What is the energy difference between the electrons ground state and the first excitied state.

B: What quantum number n would the energy difference between adjacent energy levels be 1eV - which is measurable, unlike the result of part A.

Homework Equations

E_n=\frac{\hbar^2 \pi^2 n^2}{2mL^2}

The Attempt at a Solution

I must not be using the equation correctly, as I am getting values many many orders of magnitudes out. Is m in the equation the mass of the particle? So in this case the mass of the electron?[tex]
E_1=\frac{\hbar^2 \pi^2 n^2}{2mL^2}= \frac{(1.055 \times 10^{-34})^2 \pi^2 }{2(9.109 \times 10^{-31})2^2} = 1.507 \times 10^{-38} J \\
E_2=\frac{\hbar^2 \pi^2 n^2}{2mL^2}= \frac{(1.055 \times 10^{-34})^2 \pi^2 }{2(9.109 \times 10^{-31})} = 6.03 \times 10^{-38} J \\
\Delta E = E_2 - E_1 = 4.523 \times 10^{-38} J = 2.82 \times 10^{-19} eV

For B: I got a quantum number of around 3.5 billion :D, so I have to be doing something wrong. Also my main question for part B was the bit where it carries on with "- which is measurable, unlike the result of A", I have no idea what they mean by that, so if anyone does I would really appreciate it.

Thanks :)
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  • #2
The answer looks good. 2 meters is just an extremely wide potential well.
An energy difference of 1 eV is measurable, an energy difference of 10-19 eV (for an electron) is not.
  • #3
mfb said:
The answer looks good. 2 meters is just an extremely wide potential well.
An energy difference of 1 eV is measurable, an energy difference of 10-19 eV (for an electron) is not.

Oh right, ok thanks. Because part B was talking about 1eV I thought my answer was way way off.

And thanks for clarifying the wording on part B, that makes sense. Thanks :)
  • #4
I am really stuck on part B now, I just can't see how it can be solved. (Im using the other version of the equation with h instead of h-bar)

(1.602 \times 10^{-19})=\frac{h^2n_1^2}{8mL^2} - \frac{h^2n_2^2}{8mL^2}

So obviously the RHS has to be equal to the charge of the electron, but I just cannot see how I can solve this. Any help/advice/feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)
  • #5
Don't forget the units.

You have calculated the energy levels already, for adjacent energy levels n1 is just 1 larger than n2 (using your sign convention). This is a quadratic equation.
  • #6
mfb said:
Don't forget the units.

You have calculated the energy levels already, for adjacent energy levels n1 is just 1 larger than n2 (using your sign convention). This is a quadratic equation.

I can t seem to get a quadratic, as the way I am doing it the n^2 cancel. What I have done is below

1eV=\frac{h^2n_1^2}{8mL^2} - \frac{h^2n_2^2}{8mL^2} \\
1eV=\frac{h^2(n_2+1)^2}{8mL^2} - \frac{h^2n_2^2}{8mL^2} \\
1eV=\frac{h^2(n_2^2+2n_2+1)}{8mL^2} - \frac{h^2n_2^2}{8mL^2} \\
1eV=\frac{h^2(n_2^2+2n_2+1)8mL^2-h^2n_28mL^2}{8mL^2} \\
(1.602 \times 10^{-19})8mL^2=h^2(n_2^2+2n_2+1)8mL^2-h^2n_28mL^2 \\
(1.602 \times 10^{-19})8mL^2=h8mL^2n_2^2+2h^28mL^2n_2+h^28ml^2-h^2n_28mL^2 \\
(1.602 \times 10^{-19})8mL^2=2h^28mL^2n_2 + h^28mL^2\\

n_2=\frac{(1.602 \times 10^{-19})h^28ml^2-h^28mL^2}{2h^2mL^2}

Which if I have calculated it correctly comes out to negative one half, which is impossible.

EDIT: After using wolfram alpha, and sorting out an error, I got the result of n to be equal to the charge on the electron, which is also wrong.
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  • #7
Ah right, the equation becomes linear. Well, just makes it easier.

Something with the 8mL^2 went wrong in the fourth line.

Related to Electron in a One Dimensional Infinite Potential Well

1. What is a one-dimensional infinite potential well?

A one-dimensional infinite potential well is a theoretical concept in quantum mechanics where an electron is confined to a one-dimensional space with an infinitely high potential barrier on either side. This creates a potential well that the electron can move within.

2. What is the significance of studying an electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well?

Studying an electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well allows us to understand the behavior of particles in confined spaces and how they interact with potential barriers. This has important implications for understanding the behavior of electrons in nanoscale devices and other quantum systems.

3. How is the energy of an electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well quantized?

The energy of an electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well is quantized because the electron can only exist in certain energy states within the potential well. These energy states are determined by the wavelength of the electron, which must fit within the length of the potential well.

4. What is the Schrödinger equation and how does it apply to an electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well?

The Schrödinger equation is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of quantum particles, such as electrons. It applies to an electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well by determining the allowed energy states and corresponding wavefunctions for the electron within the potential well.

5. How does the behavior of an electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well differ from that of a free electron?

An electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well is confined to a specific space and can only have certain energy states, while a free electron can exist in any energy state and move freely in three dimensions. Additionally, the energy levels of an electron in a potential well are discrete, while a free electron's energy levels are continuous.

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