What is Group: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, a group is a set equipped with an operation that combines any two elements to form a third element while being associative as well as having an identity element and inverse elements. These three conditions, called group axioms, hold for number systems and many other mathematical structures. For example, the integers together with the addition operation form a group. The formulation of the axioms is, however, detached from the concrete nature of the group and its operation. This allows one to handle entities of very different mathematical origins in a flexible way, while retaining essential structural aspects of many objects in abstract algebra and beyond. The ubiquity of groups in numerous areas—both within and outside mathematics—makes them a central organizing principle of contemporary mathematics.Groups share a fundamental kinship with the notion of symmetry. For example, a symmetry group encodes symmetry features of a geometrical object: the group consists of the set of transformations that leave the object unchanged and the operation of combining two such transformations by performing one after the other. Lie groups arise as symmetry groups in geometry but appear also in the Standard Model of particle physics. The Poincaré group is a Lie group consisting of the symmetries of spacetime in special relativity. Point groups describe symmetry in molecular chemistry.
The concept of a group arose from the study of polynomial equations, starting with Évariste Galois in the 1830s, who introduced the term of group (groupe, in French) for the symmetry group of the roots of an equation, now called a Galois group. After contributions from other fields such as number theory and geometry, the group notion was generalized and firmly established around 1870. Modern group theory—an active mathematical discipline—studies groups in their own right. To explore groups, mathematicians have devised various notions to break groups into smaller, better-understandable pieces, such as subgroups, quotient groups and simple groups. In addition to their abstract properties, group theorists also study the different ways in which a group can be expressed concretely, both from a point of view of representation theory (that is, through the representations of the group) and of computational group theory. A theory has been developed for finite groups, which culminated with the classification of finite simple groups, completed in 2004. Since the mid-1980s, geometric group theory, which studies finitely generated groups as geometric objects, has become an active area in group theory.

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  1. W

    Reconstructing Group from Covering Maps

    Hi, let p : E--->B be a covering map. Then we have a result that for every subgroup of ## \pi_1(B) ## we have an associated covering map. Now, going in sort-of the reverse direction, is there a way of figuring out what ## \pi_1(B) ## is, if we know a collection of covering maps for B; what...
  2. R

    Group Homomorphism & Group Order

    I came across this problem in class note but I was stuck: Assume that ##G## be a group of order 21, assume also that ##G'## is a group of order 35, and let ##\phi## be a homomorphism from ##G## to ##G.'## Assume that ##G## does not have a normal subgroup of order 3. Show that ##\phi (g) = 1##...
  3. M

    Group velocity and information

    What is the relationship between transmission of information and group velocity of a wave packet? I always keep hearing things like information always travels at the group velocity, it can't go faster than light etc. While I do understand (to an extent) about information not exceeding the...
  4. T

    Lie Algebra of Lorentz Group: Weird Notation?

    In Srednicki's text on quantum field theory, he has a chapter on quantum Lorentz invariance. He presents the commutation relations between the generators of the Lorentz group (equation 2.16) as follows: $$[M^{\mu\nu},M^{\rho\sigma}] =...
  5. Xiaomin Chu

    Is there any learning group for QFT?

    Want to learn QFT but often lose courage when seeing such a huge book(M. Srednicki). The author also suggests learn with someone else. Is there any group for this?
  6. M

    MHB What Determines the Galois Group of a Polynomial's Splitting Field?

    Hey! :o We consider the polynomial $f(x)=x^3+x^2-2x-1 \in \mathbb{Q}[x]$ and let $E$ be its splitting field. How can we find the group $Gal(E/\mathbb{Q})$ ?? (Wondering)
  7. C

    Valuations and places - decomposition and inertia group

    Hello, I feel very uncomfortable with some aspects of the theory of valuations, places, and valuation rings. Here is one of my problems : Assume that L/K is a finite Galois extension of fields, and that F is a place from K to its residual field k, whose associated valuation ring is discrete. F...
  8. T

    General Process for finding elements of a group

    Hi, I'm trying to understand the process of finding the elements of a given group, such as SE(2). What I do understand is limited to finding elements of very simple symmetry groups, such as those corresponding to rotations/reflections of shapes. My overall knowledge of groups is also pretty...
  9. A

    Group 6 Acid Strength: H2O vs. H2S vs. H2Se vs. H2Te

    Homework Statement What is the strongest acid among the following: H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te 2. The attempt at a solution I noticed they are in the same group so I think the idea is to pick the compound with the group 6 element that is largest in atomic size...I think it's H2Te because atomic size...
  10. M

    Center of a group with finite index

    Homework Statement Let ##G## be a group such that its center ##Z(G)## has finite index. Prove that every conjugacy class has finite elements. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I know that ##[G:Z(G)]<\infty##. If I consider the action on ##G## on itself by conjugation, each...
  11. Heisenberg1993

    Basic Questions in linear algebra and group theory

    1- How can infer from the determinant of the matrix if the latter is real or complex? 2- Can we have tensors in an N-dimensional space with indices bigger than N?
  12. TrickyDicky

    Electromagnetic tensor and restricted Lorentz group

    How exactly is the EM field tensor related to the proper orthochronous Lorentz group?
  13. V

    Understanding Lorentz Group Generators: Derivation & Step in Eq 15

    Hi, I am trying to understand the derivation of the Lorentz generators but I am stuck. I am reading this paper at the moment: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1103.0156.pdf I don't understand the following step in equation 15 on page 3: \omega^{\alpha}_{\beta}=g^{\alpha\mu}\omega_{\mu\beta} I don't...
  14. maverick280857

    Group Theory query based on Green Schwarz Witten volume 2

    Hi, In chapter 12 of GSW volume 2, the authors remark, "spinors form a representation of SO(n) that does not arise from a representation of GL(2,R)." What do they mean by this? More generally, since SO(n) is a subgroup of GL(2,R) won't every representation of GL(2,R) be a representation of...
  15. J

    Solving Cyclic Group Questions: How Many Elements of Order What?

    I was hoping someone could check the following solutions to these 3 basic questions on cyclic groups and provide theorems to back them up. 1. How many elements of order 8 are there in C_{45}? Solution: \varphi(8)=4 2. How many elements of order 2 are there in C_{20}\times C_{30}? Solution...
  16. F

    Is every diagonalizable representation of a group reducible?

    Hey folks, I'm trying to dip into group theory and got now some questions about irreducibility. A representation D(G) is reducibel iff there is an invariant subspace. Do this imply now that every representation (which is a matrix (GL(N,K)) is reducibel if it is diagonalizable?Best regards
  17. ShayanJ

    Some questions about group representations

    I was rethinking about some things I learned but I came to things that seemed to be not firm enough in my mind. 1) When we want to find the unitary matrix that block-diagonalizes a certain matrix through a similarity transformation, we should find the eigenvectors of that matrix and stick them...
  18. H

    Find All Subgroups of A = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 43, 64} | Group Theory Question

    Homework Statement Determine all the subgroups of (A,x_85) justify. where A = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 43, 64}.The Attempt at a Solution To determine all of the subgroups of A, we find the distinct subgroups of A. <1> = {1} <2> = {1,2,4..} and so on? <4> = ... ... is this true? are there any other...
  19. Breo

    Order of the symmetry group of Feynman Diagrams

    Hello, I am learning Feynman diagrams and I still do not understad quite well the symmetry factor idea. The equation is: $$ \frac{1}{O(G)} = \frac{M}{n!(4!)^n} $$ I was trying the next example: If I am not wrong it is O(G) = 10 taking care of the asymmetry of each pair of internal lines...
  20. B

    Dihedral Group D_4: Denotations & Correspondence

    In my class, we have denoted the elements of the dihedral group ##D_4## as ##\{R_0, R_{90}, R_{180}, R_{270}, F_{\nearrow}, F_{\nwarrow}, F_{\leftrightarrow}, F_{\updownarrow} \}##. Not surprising, I was rather bewildered when I searched the internet for information on this group and encountered...
  21. S

    MHB Problem about a group with two inner direct product representations

    The problem: Suppose G is Abelian with two representations as the internal direct product of subgroups: G=HxK1, G=HxK2. Assume K1 is a subset of K2 and show K1=K2. My attempted solution: I took the element (e_H, k_2), where e_H is the identity element of H and k_2 is an arbitrary element in K2...
  22. B

    Order of an element in a group

    Hello everyone, I am working with an arbitrary finite group ##G##, and I am trying to prove a certain property about the order of an arbitrary element ##g \in G##. Supposedly, if we are dealing with a such a group, then ##o(g)##, which is the cardinality of the set ##| \langle g \rangle |##, is...
  23. L

    Group Index dependence on refractive index

    In Ng (the group index for a range of wavelengths), there is an index of refraction n used, but if the medium is dispersive, meaning n is a function of wavelength λ, which n is used? Is it some kind of an average? Or does n not change much over this range of wavelengths? if it doesn't change...
  24. B

    Showing a Group cannot be finitely generated

    Hello everyone, I have to demonstrate that the two groups ##(\mathbb{Q'}, \cdot )## and ##(\mathbb{R'}, \cdot )##, where ##\mathbb{Q'} = \mathbb{Q} \setminus \{0\}## and ##\mathbb{R'} = \mathbb{R} \setminus \{0\}##. While trying to solve this problem, a thought suddenly occurred to me. Here is...
  25. G

    Proving the Isomorphism Property of the Spinor Map in SL(2,C) and SO(3,1)

    In the context of the homomorphism between SL(2,C) and SO(3,1), I have that \textbf{x}=\overline{\sigma}_{\mu}x^{\mu} x^{\mu}=\frac{1}{2}tr(\sigma^{\mu}\textbf{x}) give the explicit form of the isomorphism, where \textbf{x} is a 2x2 matrix of SL(2,C) and x^{\mu} a 4-vector of SO(3,1)...
  26. Breo

    [Undergraduate/Masters] Group Theory Exercises

    Homework Statement Exercises: https://mega.co.nz/#!YdIgjA7T!WmgIpFjCoO-elDyPtUkDNarm21sZ_xet6OTJndPGiRY Text: https://mega.co.nz/#!pVRxVKIC!RfFZiW2atRNj9ycGa4Xx_7Nu5FO4a1e6wmyQVLCcGlQ 2. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution This is what I made, obviously all help would be appreciated...
  27. E

    MHB Show the Units of Zn with modular multiplication are a group

    I am trying to do an exercise where I am showing that the set of all elements of $\Bbb{Z}_n$ that are coprime with n form a group under modular addition. So far I have shown associativity, identity, and closure, but I'm having trouble showing the existence of an inverse. I know I can't use...
  28. PsychonautQQ

    Algebra factor group, Is solution correct?

    Homework Statement G is a finite group. K is normal to G. If G/K has an element of order n, show that G has an element of order n. Homework Equations none. The Attempt at a Solution (Kg)^n = K for some Kg in G/K. (Kg)^n = (Kg^n) = K, hence g^n = 1 where g is an element of G. Is this...
  29. T

    Uncertainties of a group of results

    I got a table for a simple pendulum. I have 8 lengths, from 0.20m going up by 0.01 to 0.27. For each length, I have time for 10 oscillations (10T) that I've measured, and I have repeated the measurement twice for each length. Then I got the average time for 10T. I divided this average to give me...
  30. M

    MHB A group of even order contains an odd number of elements of order 2

    Hey! :o "Show that a group of even order contains an odd number of elements of order $2$." We know that the order of an element of a finite group divides the order of the group. Since, the order of the group is even, there are elements of order $2$. But how can I show that the number of...
  31. M

    MHB A cyclic group with only one generator can have at most two elements

    Hey! :o Show that a cyclic group with only one generator can have at most two elements. I thought the following: When $a \neq e$ is in the group, then $a^{-1}$ is also in the group. So, when $a$ is a generator, then $a^{-1}$ is also a generator. Is this correct?? (Wondering) But I how can I...
  32. mnb96

    Question about invariant w.r.t. a group action

    Hello, I have a group (G,\cdot) that has a subgroup H \leq G, and I consider the action of H on G defined as follows: \varphi(h,g)=h\cdot g In other words, the action is simply given by the group operation. Now I am interested in finding a (non-trivial) invariant function w.r.t. the action of...
  33. Y

    The application and Significance of group velocity

    Does anyone knows the application and Significance of group velocity?
  34. X

    Factorizing ##F_{ab}(M)## w/ Respect to Grothendieck Group - Lang's Book

    In Lang's book,page 39-40, he factorizes ##F_{ab}(M)## with respect to the subgroup generated by all elements of type ##[x+y]-[x]-[y]##. I don't quite understand why he does this. I know that he is trying to create inverse elements, but I don't see why that factorization necessarily satisfies...
  35. Math Amateur

    MHB Group Algebra - Cohn page 55 - SIMPLE CLARIFICATION

    I am reading "Introduction to Ring Theory" by P. M. Cohn (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) In Chapter 2: Linear Algebras and Artinian Rings we read the following on page 55:https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/3142I am trying to get an idea of what Cohn says and means by a group...
  36. Pond Dragon

    Trivial Isometry Group for the Reals

    In the following stackexchange thread, the answerer says that there is a Riemannian metric on \mathbb{R} such that the isometry group is trivial. http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/492892/isometry-group-of-a-manifold This does not seem correct to me, and I cannot follow what he is...
  37. M

    Let S be the subset of group G that contains identity element 1?

    Homework Statement Let S be the subset of group G that contains identity element 1 such that left co sets aS with a in G, partition G .Probe that S is a subgroup of G. Homework Equations {hS : h belongs to G } is a partition of G. The Attempt at a Solution For h in S if I show that hS is S...
  38. G

    Little group and photon polarizations

    From what I understand, the little group for a particle moving at the speed of light, has 3 generators. 2 generators generate gauge transformation, and 1 generator rotates the particle about its axis of motion. I have 3 questions: 1) Do all particles moving at the speed of light (not...
  39. R

    MHB Finding subgroups and their generators of cyclic group

    List every generator of each subgroup of order 8 in \mathbb{Z}_{32}. I was told to use the following theorem: Let G be a cyclic group of order n and suppose that a\in G is a generator of the group. If b=a^k, then the order of b is n/d, where d=\text{gcd}(k,n). However, I am unsure how this...
  40. metapuff

    Partitioning a Group Into Disjoint Subgroups

    Hey everyone, I've got a question in elementary group theory. Suppose we have a group G, and we want to completely partition it into multiple subgroups, such that the only element each subgroup shares with any other is the identity element. Is this ever possible? I think that such a...
  41. homer

    Anyone interested in a study group for 8.04 Quantum Physics I from MIT

    MIT OCW recently posted their introductory quantum class 8.04 at http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-04-quantum-physics-i-spring-2013/ I was wondering if anyone would be interested in going through the course. I'm primarily studying it to get ready for the MIT MOOC 8.05x Quantum Physics...
  42. D

    Conceptual questions on proving identity element of a group is unique

    Hi, I'm hoping to clear up a few uncertainties in my mind about proving that the identity element and inverses of elements in a group are unique. Suppose we have a group \left(G, \ast\right). From the group axioms, we know that at least one element b exists in G, such that a \ast b = b \ast...
  43. J

    2x2 matrix with factor group elements

    We fix some N=1,2,3,\ldots, and define the factor group \mathbb{Z}_N as \mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}, and denote the elements x+N\mathbb{Z} as [x], where x\in\mathbb{Z}. My question is that how do you solve [x_1] and [x_2] out of \left(\begin{array}{c} \lbrack y_1\rbrack \\ \lbrack y_2\rbrack \\...
  44. 1

    Finite group of even order has elements of order 2

    [The homework format does not appear on mobile] Problem: Show that a finite group of even order has elements of order 2 Attempt: The book gives a suggested approach that lead me to write the most round about, ugly proof I've ever written. Can't I just say: 1.) If G has even order, G/{1} has...
  45. M

    Beginning Group Theory, wondering if subset of nat numbers are groups?

    I know this post is in the topology thread of this forum, for group theory, this seemed like the reasonable choice to post it in. I realize group theory is of great importance in physics and I'm trying to eventually understand Emmy Noether's theorem. I'm learning group theory on my own, and...
  46. C

    Group and Quantum Field Theory

    Good afternoon : I now what I've written here : https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=763322 in the first message. I've made the Clebsh Cordon theorem with the components. Which can be represented by the Young tableau. There also the SU(3) and the su(3) representation of dimension...
  47. M

    Is still there a bird group classified as Palmipedes?

    Hi, Is still there a bird group classified as Palmipedes? I can not find enough information in the internet for it and this is also the first entry in this science forum. Best Regards.
  48. B

    Why Use a Bi-Doublet Scalar Field (2,2) Under SU(2)L x SU(2)R?

    Hello, why one can use a bi-doublet scalar field (2,2) under SU(2)L x SU(2)R ? In terms of group theory, we should have only triplets (3,1) or (1,3) since 2 x 2=3+1 ? But in left right symmetric models, indeed yukawa coupling are formed with bi-doublet scalars. Best regards
  49. PsychonautQQ

    Proving g^m is an Element of K in G: Factor Group Question Homework

    Homework Statement if K is normal in G and has index m, show g^m is an element of K for all g in G Work (I haven't done much with proofs so bear with me): |G/K| = |G| / |K| = m |G| = x |K| = y g^m must be an element of G since m|x if g^m is an element of G and K is normal to G then (g^m)K =...
  50. PsychonautQQ

    Finding the order of a factor group

    Homework Statement G is a cyclic group generated by a, G = <a>. |a| = 24, let K=<a^12>. Q: In G/K, find the order of the element Ka^5 Work: K=<a^12> = <1,a^12> --> |K| = 2 |G/K| = |G| / |K| = 24 / 2 = 12, so |Ka^5| = 1,2,3,4,6 or 12. now I'm lost ;-/