What is Graduate: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (e.g., master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech–language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa.
Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term "graduate school" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g., Canada), "postgraduate education" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called "graduate students" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as "postgraduate students" and, colloquially, "postgraduates" and "postgrads". Degrees awarded to graduate students include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and other postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates and professional degrees.
Producing original research is a significant component of graduate studies in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. This research typically leads to the writing and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In graduate programs that are oriented toward professional training (e.g., MPA, MBA, MHA), the degrees may consist solely of coursework, without an original research or thesis component. The term "graduate school" is primarily North American. Additionally, in North America, the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called "medical students"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher.
Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia, and other countries) is often offered by some of the same senior academic staff and departments who teach undergraduate courses. Unlike in undergraduate programs, however, it is less common for graduate students to take coursework outside their specific field of study at graduate or graduate entry level. At the Ph.D. level, though, it is quite common to take courses from a wider range of study, for which some fixed portion of coursework, sometimes known as a residency, is typically required to be taken from outside the department and college of the degree-seeking candidate, to broaden the research abilities of the student. Some institutions designate separate graduate versus undergraduate staff and denote other divisions.

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  1. S

    Schools How important is a senior thesis for graduate school applications?

    At my university the program for a B.S. in Physics does not require students to take a senior thesis course, but I have been told it is recommended for people who want to go to graduate school in Physics. I'm not sure if I want to take the course because I have no idea what I would write the...
  2. C

    Schools Importance of [reputation of] Graduate School

    Hello, Do you think the university where you did your phd is important when it comes to finding a job / a postdoc / a professorship? Question applies in the US but also in Europe. Let's say I have a master of science from the one of the best universities in Europe, and I am accepted at...
  3. J

    Hofstra Graduate Medical Physics Program

    Are there any thoughts about the Hofstra Graduate Medical Physics Program from current or other prospective students. I don't think they are Campep accredited yet. What does that mean for any graduates. Would I be able to get into a residency afterwards?
  4. C

    Schools What graduate schools are competitive for me?

    Hi everyone. I am an University of Montreal joint physics-mathematics undergraduate student with a GPA that is either 3.7, 3.67 or 3.61 (depends on how you report and calculate it). I want to make a MSc despite lack of research experience as an undergrad. I have good recommendation letters in...
  5. C

    Schools Is math graduate school too competitive?

    I've been considering graduate school in math. I go to a small liberal arts school with no math reputation, but a recent graduate got into Ohio State University for statistics. I have a lot of research experience in physics/chemistry/biology making mathematical models, and I'm just...
  6. C

    Courses Currently taking graduate course as an Undergraduate

    I am currently taking graduate algebra as an undergraduate (junior) in University of Toronto, and I just took a midterm today. Since I am an undergraduate, the grade matters. In order to get a good chance to go into graduate schools for Mathematics in Canada and USA, is it must have to get a A...
  7. E

    Over specialization in aerospace graduate studies?

    Hey all, to give you some background info: I'm about to graduate with an undergrad degree in mechanical engineering and I'm planning on pursuing a graduate degree in aerospace. Originally, I was only looking at Masters programs. But I am now strongly leaning towards doing a PhD track because of...
  8. A

    Schools ADHD & Physics: Finding a Career Path

    Hi: I started Graduate school this year (Physics), but my performance has been awful, I think I'm going to be kicked out from University. I recently was diagnosed with ADHD, which explains my hard struggle through school during my whole life. I find this horrible and I'm full of anger...
  9. B

    Schools I am preparing for graduate school

    Hello my name is Andrew. I am new to this forum, but have skimmed over academic advise in the past (much appreciated). I have a list of the major courses that i have taken as well as what research i have been involved in, among other things below. My main interests as of this moment not in any...
  10. M

    Exploring Graduate School Admissions for ME PhD Programs

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  11. M

    Going Back to Graduate School - How to Proceed

    Hello, I am not sure if this is possible or not, and I might be too ambitious, but I am determined to pursue my goal and if I fail, at least I'll know that I tried. Just turned 31. I have a BS in Physics (I was a non-traditional student and graduated 4 years ago). I have been working as a...
  12. M

    Schools What are the Best U.S. Physics of Gravity Graduate Schools?

    Hello friends, I am graduating in a few months with a bachelor of physics and willing to apply for graduate schools. I am very doubted about which grad school I should apply. I just know what I don't like,but how can I know what I actually like? My main questions are the following: What is...
  13. T

    Schools At what level should a high school graduate be at in terms of mathematics?

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  14. K

    Graduate Engineering - Linear Algebra (Graham Schmidt + more)

    Homework Statement No idea how to solve this using graham schmidt. I know how to do graham schmidt and how to solve this problem if I didn't have to use graham schmidt, but I have no idea where to start in order to get my vectors to add to V Found c to be 87 by using vector...
  15. M

    Schools Astrophysics and Aerospace Engineering in Graduate School?

    I am just a freshman in college but I am really confused in what to do. I was thinking about doing a double major in physics and mechanical engineering. Would that get me ready for graduate studies in astrophysics and aerospace engineering? Also, I wanted to know, is that a good career? I...
  16. C

    Schools Chance me for graduate school please

    Chance me for graduate school please! Stats: Junior at a SMALL liberal arts school Math/chemistry double major 4.0 GPA 2 years of research (thesis at home school) + 2 summers of REUs in biophysics at Princeton and the Czech Republic (hopefully 3 coming up) = lots of presentation and...
  17. A

    Physics Research in mechanics for a physics graduate possible?

    I am deeply interested in classical (Newtonian) mechanics (gyroscopes, spinning tops, toys) and want to pursue a career in research in this field. What are the possible options? Also, can anyone suggest me all possible branches in applied physics related to mechanics?
  18. F

    Schools Graduate school without ANY research experience

    Hello, By next summer I'll have completed my bachelor's degree in geophysics at the University of Zagreb (Croatia). My GPA is perfect (5.0/5.0, although i know that a good gpa from a globally unknown university doesn't stand for much), my GRE's are great (General test, quant-170, verbal-160)...
  19. J

    Relationships when moving abroad for graduate study.

    I have put this post in academic guidance because I am not looking for relationship advice, but for info about how easy it is keep friend and family ties when moving to study somewhere completely new, as well as the practicalities involved. I'm considering graduate study in the USA(I'm from...
  20. J

    Schools Admittance to MIT for Graduate School?

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  21. L

    Schools Graduate school Personal Statement length if word count not given?

    My word count right now is around 1200 words. Some applications say 1-2 pages, or "briefly describe x y and z" which my statement definitely falls into (slightly less than 2 pages). None of them explicitly give a word count, but I'm worried that I should still try to keep it under 1000 words...
  22. D

    What are the must-have textbooks for graduate school classes?

    Hi all, Can you provide the names of the textbooks you used for your graduate classes along with the name of that class? Thanks! DScheuf
  23. S

    Schools Physics Graduate School Chances

    Hello, I go to a College with a small physics department and as a result I do not have a very helpful adviser (I don't blame him we have only a handful of professors and after one left, this new one got charged with being an adviser all of a sudden). Because of this I am a bit in the dark...
  24. L

    Schools Graduate applications, how many safety schools, and am I deluding myself?

    (chemistry major applying for grad school) I would consider myself a very good candidate, but I'm pretty biased. I won't run down everything, but I feel like I am on the very high end of all the things they look for in an applicant. My trouble is in figuring out where to apply, and how many...
  25. S

    Graduate Student Struggles to Keep Up in Quantum Field Theory

    I just entered graduate school. As an undergraduate I took a graduate course in Quantum Mechanics, mostly for fun and practice because I knew the credits wouldn't transfer to the uni I was applying to for grad school. So, I got accepted there and even though the credit wasn't transferred the...
  26. phyzguy

    Funding Graduate Studies in the US

    I have a question for this august body, prompted in part by this article. In the US, if I choose to get a PhD in the physical sciences, I receive a stipend that covers my tuition and pays me a modest salary, so that I come out of graduate school debt free. However, if I want to become a...
  27. L

    Schools Graduate school personal statement- how specific about field of interest?

    I'm working on writing my graduate school application right now. It was easy to talk about my academic qualifications and all the research I have done. But I don't know how specific I need to get when talking about what I'm interested in. I'm a chemistry major. I have a broad interest in...
  28. A

    Schools Is graduate School Supposed to be This Easy

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  29. Arsenic&Lace

    How does mathematics research look for physics graduate?

    I'm interested in mathematical or theoretical physics (and, I am quite aware of how daunting it is to obtain a career in this field). I'm curious, if I do research with the mathematics department, does this look good? Currently I might have a project in dynamical systems, although I could...
  30. I

    Is it really a bad idea to do a Masters before doing graduate in the U.S?

    Hi, I've read and been told that it's not a good idea to do a masters (in Europe) before doing a graduate course in the U.S. Is it really a bad idea? would it reduce the chances of getting a place in a graduate program or is it just that it's not required? I understand that it might be...
  31. L

    Departments with low/no graduate enrollments worrysome?

    I have been looking at several graduate programs in astronomy/astrophysics and I've come across a few with track records of low enrollments according to AIP: http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/archives/astrost10.pdf Statistics from previous years...
  32. S

    Schools Graduate School Electrical Engineering with a BS in Math

    My long range educational goal is to complete a PhD program in Electrical Engineering. I am currently enrolled in a dual degree program to get a BS in Math completed in the Spring and my BS in EE completed in the Fall of 2013. There is a specific federal engineering job I was interested in...
  33. K

    What are some good graduate level statistics textbooks?

    Did a search on statistical textbooks on the forum but did not find much except introductory statistical textbooks. Just curious as to what are some of the better intermediate to advanced level statistics textbooks on the market?
  34. M

    Schools Applying to Graduate school, Thoughts?

    Hello All, I am a senior computer engineering student at a small university in West Virginia. I am in the process of applying to graduate school for a masters in computer science next fall. I have picked my target schools and contacted each department. I am looking at: Carnegie Mellon...
  35. D

    Admissions What is a respectable GPA to graduate admissions?

    What is a "respectable GPA" to graduate admissions? Hello, incoming sophomore math and physics major here. I'm about to start my third semester of my undergrad, but I have a lot of transfer/AP credit from high school, so a majority of the GPA determining credit on my transcript is going to be...
  36. D

    Schools Overcoming Poor Grades in Graduate School Admissions: A Scientist's Perspective

    Hello, I am entering my last year of the undergraduate physics degree program at a small school called Delaware State University. I initially enrolled in University of Delaware and after 3 years I was dismissed for the 3rd time with a 1.9x GPA. After refocusing I transferred to the...
  37. S

    Programs Math & Computer Science Double Major - What Graduate Degree?

    I am heading into my Freshman year in college. I know it's going to be far in the future, but I want to start brainstorming what my 5-10 year goal is. Any help is appreciated. With these majors, I'm planning on getting a masters in Computer Science, but what should I do with the math degree...
  38. C

    What are the significant differences between graduate and undergraduate research?

    I understand that undergraduate research is big at UCSC and that it is required for both of my prospective majors (physics and robotics engineering). What I'm trying to figure out is the specific differences between undergraduate and graduate research. I would guess that undergraduate reseach...
  39. H

    Physics Graduate in Computer can be theoretical Physicist?

    Hi friends, I am Harsh kumar from India. I am a computer graduate, with a good sense of district Mathematics. I always want to be an theoretical physicist but i unfortunately ended with computer graduation due to my personal reasons I am physically handicap, never mind that, but as my life leads...
  40. V

    Graduate assistantships and defaulted loans.

    Hello, I'm a permanent resident of the US and some years ago I began my studies in a US university on grants+loans. After my first year, I found myself in a terrible financial and living situation which forced me to move back to Europe and I ended up defaulting on my school loans (under $5k)...
  41. G

    Schools Can I transfer between graduate schools

    I'm going to a top-tier graduate school this year. However, the professor whom I intended to work with is moving to another school, which I don't want to go. And then there will be no one possible to supervise me in the current department. I'm thinking about transferring to another graduate...
  42. T

    Programs Need help deciding between two graduate majors

    Masters in Applied Math with a concentration in Statistics vs Professional Masters in mathematical finance I guess some info about me would help: -Bachelors in Computer Science and Bachelors in Mathematics -I am interested in a financial career, but i am also interested in...
  43. D

    Schools Graduate schools for Condensed Matter Physics

    Hi, I am planning on applying to graduate school for condensed matter physics. I'm not entirely sure how I should narrow down my choices though. I have a good GPA, three summers of research experience in different areas (though no publications as of yet, but hoping to have one possibly before...
  44. M

    Schools Graduate school visits, before applying

    Hey guys. I'll be applying to graduate schools for the term of Fall 2013. I'm really interested in actually visiting some of the schools I'm applying to and meeting some of the faculty, before I actually send in my application. Do graduate programs generally allow this? Are visitations before...
  45. 6

    Schools Graduate school profile for Caltech

    I am an undergrad at Texas A&M, College Station studying aerospace engg. I started college this past spring and will be a sophomore this fall, meaning I start taking aerospace classes,finally! I am aiming to go to CalTech for grad school for the same, Can someone please provide what all I will...
  46. S

    Schools Does self-study even matter to graduate schools?

    Hello everyone, Forgive me if this question has been addressed elsewhere in the forum. I've searched through the topics but did not find anything similar to my question, so I appreciate if anyone has any advice that they may be able to offer. I would love to go to graduate school and get...
  47. A

    Schools Starting graduate school; advice on deeper understanding?

    (PREAMBLE: skip to the third paragraph if desired) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am currently a physics student about to begin my graduate studies. I will be attending a top-5 school, so I am quite fortunate in that...
  48. N

    Schools Graduate School in Mathematics

    Hi. So my first year of university was good. I had a 3.7/4 gpa then. Then, I transferred to another university and my marks dropped significantly (for certain reasons, not all of which were entirely my fault). My gpa in my second year was 2.88/4. Now, I'm in my 3rd year, first semester, and I...
  49. J

    Math Prep for Graduate Physics

    I've taken the typical undergraduate physics program required math: calculus series, linear algebra, Diff Eq (this fall, 2012), and an extra mathematical reasoning/proof writing class. I need a few more maths to complete my physics degree and pick up a math minor, and to prepare for physics...
  50. H

    Does anyone know some graduate program of NMR

    Hi, everyone. I am a junior student major in physics, and after an internship in a NMR lab this summer, I am really interested in this field, and I decided to learn it in my graduate program. Does anyone know any program of nmr, cos I find out that most of these programs are set up by medical...