What is Exponential: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, the exponential function is the function





{\displaystyle f(x)=e^{x},}
where e = 2.71828... is Euler's constant.
More generally, an exponential function is a function of the form





{\displaystyle f(x)=ab^{x},}
where b is a positive real number, and the argument x occurs as an exponent. For real numbers c and d, a function of the form




{\displaystyle f(x)=ab^{cx+d}}
is also an exponential function, since it can be rewritten as
















{\displaystyle ab^{cx+d}=\left(ab^{d}\right)\left(b^{c}\right)^{x}.}
The exponential function




{\displaystyle f(x)=e^{x}}
is sometimes called the natural exponential function for distinguishing it from the other exponential functions. The study of any exponential function can easily be reduced to that of the natural exponential function, since








{\displaystyle ab^{x}=ae^{x\ln b}}
As functions of a real variable, exponential functions are uniquely characterized by the fact that the growth rate of such a function (that is, its derivative) is directly proportional to the value of the function. The constant of proportionality of this relationship is the natural logarithm of the base b:











{\displaystyle {\frac {d}{dx}}b^{x}=b^{x}\log _{e}b.}
For b > 1, the function



{\displaystyle b^{x}}
is increasing (as depicted for b = e and b = 2), because




{\displaystyle \log _{e}b>0}
makes the derivative always positive; while for b < 1, the function is decreasing (as depicted for b = 1/2); and for b = 1 the function is constant.
The constant e = 2.71828... is the unique base for which the constant of proportionality is 1, so that the function is its own derivative:

This function, also denoted as exp x, is called the "natural exponential function", or simply "the exponential function". Since any exponential function can be written in terms of the natural exponential as









{\displaystyle b^{x}=e^{x\log _{e}b}}
, it is computationally and conceptually convenient to reduce the study of exponential functions to this particular one. The natural exponential is hence denoted by

The former notation is commonly used for simpler exponents, while the latter is preferred when the exponent is a complicated expression. The graph of




{\displaystyle y=e^{x}}
is upward-sloping, and increases faster as x increases. The graph always lies above the x-axis, but becomes arbitrarily close to it for large negative x; thus, the x-axis is a horizontal asymptote. The equation








{\displaystyle {\tfrac {d}{dx}}e^{x}=e^{x}}
means that the slope of the tangent to the graph at each point is equal to its y-coordinate at that point. Its inverse function is the natural logarithm, denoted


{\displaystyle \log ,}


{\displaystyle \ln ,}




{\displaystyle \log _{e};}
because of this, some old texts refer to the exponential function as the antilogarithm.
The exponential function satisfies the fundamental multiplicative identity (which can be extended to complex-valued exponents as well):

It can be shown that every continuous, nonzero solution of the functional equation


{\displaystyle f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)}
is an exponential function,









{\displaystyle f:\mathbb {R} \to \mathbb {R} ,\ x\mapsto b^{x},}



{\displaystyle b\neq 0.}
The multiplicative identity, along with the definition




{\displaystyle e=e^{1}}
, shows that








{\displaystyle e^{n}=\underbrace {e\times \cdots \times e} _{n{\text{ factors}}}}
for positive integers n, relating the exponential function to the elementary notion of exponentiation.
The argument of the exponential function can be any real or complex number, or even an entirely different kind of mathematical object (e.g., matrix).
The ubiquitous occurrence of the exponential function in pure and applied mathematics has led mathematician W. Rudin to opine that the exponential function is "the most important function in mathematics". In applied settings, exponential functions model a relationship in which a constant change in the independent variable gives the same proportional change (i.e., percentage increase or decrease) in the dependent variable. This occurs widely in the natural and social sciences, as in a self-reproducing population, a fund accruing compound interest, or a growing body of manufacturing expertise. Thus, the exponential function also appears in a variety of contexts within physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematical biology, and economics.

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  1. M

    Logarithmic and exponential integrals

    In this text, I will ask a question about the power series expansion of exponential and logarithmic integrals. Now, to avoid confusion, I will first give the definitions of the two: \mathrm{Ei}(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{x}\frac{e^t}{t}dt \mathrm{Li}(x)=\int_{0}^{x}\frac{dt}{\log(t)} where Ei denotes...
  2. E

    The CDF of sum of i.ni.d exponential RVs

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  3. C

    Integral of exponential distribution from zero to infinity

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  4. C

    Energy levels of exponential potential

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  5. M

    How can I get the sum inside the exponential?

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  6. V

    Derivative of Exponential Functions with Other Logs

    Can the derivative of an exponential function be calculated with logs base something other than e? Like base 10 or 2?
  7. P

    How to prove an inequality for a definite exponential integral

    Hello gurus, I've been trying to prove the following inequality for several days: \int_1^\infty \frac{\exp\left(-\frac{(x-1)^2}{2a^2}\right)}{x}dx > \ln(1+a)\quad \forall a>0. I've demonstrated by simulations that this inequality holds. I‘ve also proved that this inequality holds for large...
  8. E

    Charge distribution with exponential form. Halzem and Martin. exercise 8.4

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  9. S

    Solve complex exponential equation

    I'm having some trouble solving for t in the following exponential equation. $$ B = A_1 e^{-\lambda_1 t} + A_2 e^{-\lambda_2 t} $$ I can't divide out the leading coefficients A1 and A2 because they differ. I'm not really sure how to immediately take the natural logarithm of both sides...
  10. A

    How do you find the inverse of an exponential function with multiple variables?

    Homework Statement Find the inverse of exp(y-x)+5 2. The attempt at a solution I think the solution is y-ln(x-5) but I can't think of how to solve it to get that. I don't know what to do about the x and the y being together.
  11. M

    Gamma and exponential distribution

    Homework Statement prove that, for gamma distribution μ=αθ σ^2=αθ^2 for exponential distribution μ=θ σ^2=θ^2
  12. M

    Some Confusion with an Exponential Equation

    I'm reviewing for my final exam so one of the practice problems is: 5= 3^(x+5) Here's my attempt at it: ln 5= x+5 ln 3 ln 5 / ln 3 = x+5 (ln 5 / ln 3)-5= x 1.46-5 ≈ x -3.54 ≈ x I checked my answer and I get 3^1.46 ≈ 4.97 so rounding it up gives me 5 since I rounded off 1.46...
  13. E

    A little help understanding the exponential distribution

    What exactly is the difference between the mean waiting time and the median waiting time for an exponential distribution? I'm looking for a slightly intuitive understanding. I know the formulae, with the mean waiting time as 1/λ and the median as ln2/λ (which I notice is also the formula for...
  14. A

    Integral of an exponential that has a polynomial

    How would one evaluate $$\Phi = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} e^{-(ax+bx^2)} dx$$. I was trying to change it into a product of an error function and a gamma function, but I needed an extra dx. Any other ideas?
  15. P

    What is the Correct General Expression for an Exponential Function?

    Hi, I am working on a modeling exercise and I would like to know which is the correct general expression for a Exponential Function: y = abc(x+d)+e or y = abcx+d+e Thanks in advance, Peter G.
  16. C

    Help with finding the modulus, polar form and polar exponential form

    Homework Statement Consider the complex number z=(i^201+i^8)/(i^3(1+i)^2). (a) Show that z can be expressed in the Cartesian form 1/2+(1/2)i. (b) Find the modulus of 4z − 2z*. (z* meaning z-bar/complex conjugate of z) (c) Write 2z in polar form. (d) Write 8z^3 in polar exponential form...
  17. S

    MHB How Do You Solve the Exponential Equation 2^(4x-3) = 1/8?

    Solve 2^(4x-3)=1/8, find the exact answer
  18. B

    What is the most efficient method for computing exp(tA)?

    I need to compute the matrix exponential of a real matrix that has no special structure (is not symmetric, positive definite, nilpotent, normal, etc...). Currently, this is the most time consuming step in my program; I need to be able to transform this matrix, I suppose, into something that can...
  19. L

    Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

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  20. I

    How to compute the exponential map

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  21. S

    MLE of P(X<2) - Exponential distribution

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  22. A

    Exponential Growth and Logarithmic Growth

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  23. R

    MATLAB Plotting Bode Diagrams with Exponential & Complex Transfer Functions

    Hi there, I'm having a hard time trying to plot a Bode Diagram here in MatLab. The transfer function not only has an exponential function in it, but also has 3 unknowns to which I am not supposed to assign value, and on top of that it is a complex number. Let me write it down to you...
  24. V

    Derivation of imaginary exponential function

    I would like to find derivations of exp(-ik0r) respect to k in order to calculate exp(-ik1r) by using Taylor expansion: exp(-ik1r) = (exp(-ik0r))(0) +(k1 -k0)(exp(-ik0r))(1)/1! + (k1 -k0)2(exp(-ik0r))(2)/2! + ... This expansion converges when the value of r is relative low (0.3 - 1.2)...
  25. J

    Proving a distribution is a member of generalised exponential family

    I've been asked to prove that the following distribution is a member of the generalised exponential family of distributions. f(y;β) = (ky2β(y+k))/((β+3)(y+2k)(y+1)1/2) I know that i have to transform the equation into the form f(y) = exp{(yθ-bθ)/a∅ +c(y,∅)} and that to do this i...
  26. Fb.Researcher

    Integrating of an exponential of a matrix product

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  27. J

    Generalized exponential family of distributions

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  28. C

    Exponential Random Variables and Conditional Probability Problem

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  29. Mentallic

    Maths - Solving for the CDF of Y=\sqrt{X}

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  30. F

    Fourier transform, complex exponential and infinity

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  31. J

    Hooke's Law should be exponential.

    I was just thinking, shouldn't hooke's law be represented with an exponential equation? I am thinking that in class, the springs we use for the hooke's law experiment are small, but if they were very large, then the higher coils would be sustaining much more weight than the lower coils, and...
  32. L

    Exponential rule on y = (1+x)^(1/x)

    Homework Statement I am of the conclusion that, under any circumstance, the extended exponential rule can not be applied to (1+x)^{1/x}. Thus, there is no way for the extended exponential rule to arise when taking the derivative of: f(x) = (1+x)^{\frac{1}{x}}e^{x} For instance, if my first...
  33. C

    Which of the following numbers can be added directly in exponential notation?

    Which of the following numbers can be added directly in exponential notation? 1. 3x10^-4 2. 600x10 3. 32.6x10^-3 4. 0.4x10^-4 _______________________________ a. 1 and 2 c. 1 and 4 d. 2 and 4 b. 1and3
  34. B

    Exponential of an operator into bra-ket notation

    Homework Statement The question is to evaluate the expression e^-iA, where A is a Hermitian operator whose eigenvalues are known (but not given) using bra-ket algebra. Homework Equations See above. The Attempt at a Solution I have been looking around, reading the textbook and...
  35. C

    Equation with x,y as exponential functions

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  36. K

    Exponential Decay with Matrices

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  37. L

    Derivative of e^x exponential functions.

    Homework Statement In the last couple threads, it has become apparent that I need to organize my understanding of some of the derivative rules, specifically as they relate to exponential functions, such as e^x. So I wrote out a couple possible ways of evaluating e^x. Could you tell...
  38. B

    Derivative of a surd containing exponential sum

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  39. W

    How to decompose a function into exponential functions?

    now i have a function defined on Z+ that is, it is defined on all positive integers, and it is complex now i know that it is the sum of a few (perhaps 6) exponential functions in the form of A_i exp(k_i x) how can i decompose the original function into the exponential functions? i.e...
  40. N

    Derivative of an exponential function using logarithms (lon-capa)

    Homework Statement What is the derivative of y=x^(13/x^2) with respect to x? The Attempt at a Solution I went through multiple techniques to solve this, but all of them have failed so far ._. In my latest attempt, I took the natural log of both sides: lny= lnx^(13/x^2) I...
  41. E

    Using L'hopital's rule in exponential function

    Is that any way to find a finite value which is not equal to zero using L'hopital's rule in limit(z=-ia) exp[-A/(z+ia)]/(z+ia)^2 i kept getting 0/0 after differentiation Thank you
  42. Y

    Series of exponential prime reciprocals

    Sum of reciprocal of some base (I just chose e as example) to prime power? Ʃ \frac{1}{e^{p}} = \frac{1}{e^2}+\frac{1}{e^3}+\frac{1}{e^5}+\frac{1}{e^7}+\frac{1}{e^{11}}+\frac{1}{e^{13}}+\frac{1}{e^{17}}+... p\inP Brute force simulation gives me ~0.19279118970439518 Is there an...
  43. U

    An error related with matrix exponential

    Hi guys I have a problem in finding my error in a calculation, I will be glad if you help me to find the error that I am doing ok the problem is basically about matrix exponentials, here we go: A, B, U, P are matrices n is a natural number t and T are rational numbers and T=n*t now in...
  44. MacLaddy

    Derivative exponential problem

    Homework Statement Compute the derivative of the following function (1-2x)e^{-x} Homework Equations Product Rule and Quotient rule The Attempt at a Solution My problem here is that I come up with two different answers when I use the quotient rule vs. the product rule. Trying it with the...
  45. D

    Exponential growth differential equation

    Homework Statement A biomedical company finds that a certain bacteria used for crop insect control will grow exponentially at the rate of 12% per hour. Starting with 1000 bacteria, how many will they have after 10h? Homework Equations Topic is application of differential equations...
  46. P

    Complex exponential X delta function

    1. Problem Statment: Sketch the sequence x(n)=\delta(n) + exp(j\theta)\delta(n-1) + exp(j2\theta)\delta(n-2) + ... 3. Attempt at the Solution: The angle theta is given in this case Can someone remind me of how to multiply a complex exponential by a delta function? This sequence represents...
  47. X

    Tough exponential integral (QM, Variational Principle)

    Homework Statement http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/224/32665300.png The Attempt at a Solution http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/2920/scan0003xo.jpg I've uploaded my work so far since its much faster than typing and I'm stuck on the last line trying to solve the integral. The first...
  48. P

    Proof of commutative property in exponential matrices using power series

    I'm trying to prove eA eB = eA + B using the power series expansion eXt = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}Xntn/n! and so eA eB = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}An/n! \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}Bn/n! I think the binomial theorem is the way to go: (x + y)n = \displaystyle \binom{n}{k} xn - k yk = \displaystyle...
  49. E

    Magnitude of Complex Exponential Polynomial Inequality

    Homework Statement Digital filter analysis - this is just one part of a multi-part question I can't move forward with. It's supposed to be an auxilliary question and isn't the "meat" of the problem. Find b, such that maximum of the magnitude of the frequency response function...
  50. V

    Complex conjugate of absolute exponential

    Hello all, I am trying to figure out how to solve for the complex conjugate of the following: (-0.5)^abs(x) Thanks for your help. -Brian