What is Computing: Definition and 730 Discussions

Computing is any goal-oriented activity requiring, benefiting from, or creating computing machinery. It includes the study and experimentation of algorithmic processes and development of both hardware and software. It has scientific, engineering, mathematical, technological and social aspects. Major computing disciplines include computer engineering, computer science, cybersecurity, data science, information systems, information technology and software engineering.

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  1. S

    How Do You Calculate Curvature from a Given Metric?

    Homework Statement I have a given Metric: ds^{2}=A(u,v)^{2}du^{2}+B(u,v)^{2}dv^{2} And I'm asked to compute its curvature, and use this result to compute the curvature of the poincare metric: Set A=B=\frac{1}{v^{2}} The Attempt at a Solution I'm using Cartan's method. So first I change to an...
  2. MarkFL

    MHB Calc 1: Area Bounded by 2 Functions | Yahoo Answers

    Here is the question: Here is a link to the question: Quick Calculus 1 question!? - Yahoo! Answers I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
  3. M

    Quantum Computing: Job Prospects, Education & Combined Degrees

    I am very interested in Quantum Computing but I am worried about getting a job, making it into a good university to do post grad etc. Do I need to do computer science to work in quantum computing research and development? I like computers but I don't like studying it, I have textbooks of...
  4. M

    Computing determinants: Allowed shortcuts?

    I had a question about computing determinants and just was wondering what was allowed. So I know that for an n x n matrix, you can go across a row and choose the matrix element as your determinant coefficient for the (n-1) x (n-1) determinant and you go across the row and do this until you're...
  5. T

    What are the applications of CAD in scientific computing and engineering?

    Hi everyone. I've been looking at some computer aided design software, FreeCAD, and while it's to my understanding that engineers use programs like this constantly I wanted to ask if anyone knew if there programs are used in scientific computing or computational science and engineering. From...
  6. Useful nucleus

    Computing lebesgue number for an open covering

    Munkres proof for the Lebesgue number lemma which is (If X is a compact metric space and A is an open covering then there exists δ>0 such that for each subset of X having diameter less than δ , then there exists an element of the covering A containing it) gives a way to compute δ using a...
  7. P

    Quantum Computing Help: Function Gates & Matrix Representation

    Hi This is help from lectures on quantum computing that I missed due to illness and now my professor is away. 1) Can anyone help me on what a function gate is and its matrix representation? I realize that the function is not something like x^2 but something that takes a value from 0 or...
  8. J

    Monte Carlo Simulation of a liquid - Need help computing g(r)

    EDIT: I'm not in my sharpest moment. I just found a bunch of posts that discuss this. I'll read them and update this post if I find an answer. I'm working on a hard-sphere MC simulation (for a class). I want to compute the radial distribution function g(r). To put you in context, as to my...
  9. S

    Computing Neutron Source Strength - Your Advice Welcome

    Greetings to all, I know activity for a Am-Be neutron source. I want to compute strenght source in neutrons/s. Yours advices are welcome. Thank you!
  10. O

    Computing coefficient of friction without experiment

    Is there theoretically any way to compute a coefficient of friction (solid on solid) without an experiment between the two materials? Say, some kind of simulation, or perhaps comparing both materials to an intermediary material?
  11. O

    Compute Ratio for Luminosity to Mass: Compare to Sun

    Hi hi hi, So guys I'm just having a little trouble with this question.. Compute the ratio between the luminosity from part B to the mass from part A. How does that ratio compare with the Sun's ratio of luminosity to mass? So for part A I got 1Msun and part B I got 1000Lsun So to compute the...
  12. S

    Computing the sum of a particular series.

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution Alright, so, I'm clueless about doing this one. I do know that it's extremely similar to e^x \sum_{n->0}^{\infty}\frac{x^n}{n!} But really, that means nothing! Usually there's another function/series I can compare and then integrate, in...
  13. T

    Understanding Limits in Calculus: Exploring the Concept and Its Applications

    Homework Statement Just checking if these are right? f(b) = 2-2√b compute limit in are as: b-> 0+ b->1- Explain in a brief sentence why it does not make sense to compute a limit as b->0- Homework Equations given above The Attempt at a Solution lim b->0+ (2-2√b) = 2...
  14. H

    Computing the Hilbert transform via Fourier transform

    I know the result: \widehat{H(f)}=i\textrm{sgn}\hspace{1mm}(k)\hat{f} I thought I could use fft, and ifft to compute the transform easily, is there a MATLAB command for sgn? Mat
  15. STEMucator

    Computing another line integral

    Homework Statement Let C be the semi-circle on the sphere x^2+y^2+z^2 = 2 from N = (0,0,\sqrt{2}) to S = (0,0, - \sqrt{2}) which passes through the point (1,1,0) Note that x=y for all (x,y,z) on C. Evaluate the integral : \int_C z^2dx + 2x^2dy +xydz Hint : Use as your parameter the angle θ...
  16. STEMucator

    Computing a line integral: How to parametrize and evaluate?

    Homework Statement Let C be the arc x=t^2, \space y=2t, \space z= \sqrt{4+3t} for t \in [-1,0] Evaluate the line integral : \int_{C} z^2dx + \sqrt{x}dy - 4xyz dz Homework Equations \int_{C} f(P) dx = \int_{a}^{b} f(P(t)) x'(t) dt for t \in [a,b] The Attempt at a Solution So...
  17. V

    Popular accounts of quantum computing

    I have never—and I really do mean never—seen an article in the mainstream press about quantum computing that didn't get it completely wrong. I don't just mean "over simplified"—physics is highly technical and ignoring important details for lay audiences is just a fact of life. I mean that they...
  18. A

    C/C++ DNA Computing: What Will Happen with C++?

    Link: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/dna/ As I was experimenting around with that simulator, and realized that the language have some similarities with the assembly language, I asked myself: "Are programming languages such as C++ (or at least some of its concepts) will still...
  19. B

    Question about computing Jacobians of transformations

    Suppose I have the following transformation: u = \frac{x}{x^2+y^2+z^2} v = \frac{y}{x^2+y^2+z^2} w = \frac{z}{x^2+y^2+z^2} Is there a fast way to calculate the determinant jacobian without having to deal with the whole 3x3 determinant? I noticed that the inverse...
  20. S

    Quantum computing - form a SWAP gate from x3 controlled-NOT gates

    Homework Statement Show that three controlled-NOT gates (for a 2 qubit system) can be combined to form a SWAP gate. The control qubit alternates between the 2 qubits for each consecutive c-NOT gate. (The diagram is Figure 5 of the following notes...
  21. S

    Doubling Computing Power Every Year: Where Will We Be in 50 Years?

    says that computing power at an economic price roughly doubles every year. this relies on the fact that we can stuff more transistors into smaller spaces. we won't reach quantum limitations until atleast 50 years. where will we (humans) be by than?
  22. M

    Is Computing Using Electromagnetic Waves Possible?

    Hi all, I was just wondering if there has been research into computing using electromagnetic waves. It seems to me like a sealed off box with internal EM pluses could be used to mould waveforms through interference, which would act as logic gates to provide useful computational results. Would...
  23. L

    Computing train value of planetary gear

    Homework Equations e=(product of number of driving teeth)/(product of number of driven teeth) e=(n_{out}-n_{arm})/(n_{in}-n_{arm}) The Attempt at a Solution e=(N_{p1}/N_{s1})*(N_{s2}/N_{p2}) e=1.25926 e should be 0.7941 however From there out it seems pretty trivial. I just need...
  24. U

    Quantum computing calls for new encryption techniques?

    With the phenomenal speed to be expected from quantum computers in the future, todays encryption techniques such as RSA will be pretty much useless. A quantum computer could factorise 600bit+ numbers in a relatively short period of time. Aside from Shor's algorithm, are there any other...
  25. M

    Computing Curvature in 3 space

    Homework Statement Consider the hyperboloid x2+y2-z2 = 1 at the point (1,0,0). Take the normal direction i to the surface. a) Compute the curvature of the circle x2+y2=1 on the hyperboloid (z=0) at the point (1,0). b) Compute the curvature of the hyperbola x2-z2=1 on the hyperboloid...
  26. S

    Python, scientific computing, and supercomputers

    Hi there! I'm currently having great fun using numpy/scipy in python for astronomical data analysis. (I've been using C for this before, but it takes too much time to implement simple things that are in numpy/scipy already) Recently I've been told that most of people are using C or Fortran...
  27. U

    Computing the age of the universe at the big crunch

    Homework Statement Consider a universe where there are two types of matter: dust and curvature. The density of dust evolves with time as ρdust(t) = ρ0R(t)^(−3) and curvature evolves as ρcurvature = −kR(t)^(-2) where ρ0 and k are constants. The Friedmann equation is: H^2 = [(8∏G)/3][ρdust...
  28. S

    Riemannian connection basic question about computing

    Does anyone have a good book or reference on computing riemannian connections. I'm looking at Do Carmo and can't find any examples. For ex. If X = y(d/dx) + x(d/dy) + w(d/dz) -z(d/dw), Y = z(d/dx) - w(d/dy) - x(d/dz) + y(d/dw), Z = w(d/dx) + z(d/dy) - y(d/dz) - x(d/dw) being the classical...
  29. S

    How to Determine the Density and Distribution for Transformed Variables Y and Z?

    Homework Statement Density of f_x (x) = 4x^4 for 0<x<1 Y=(x-1/4)^2 Z= X^-2 Determine density of Y and Distribution of Z Homework Equations The cdf of f_x (x) is invalid since F_x (x) = (4/5)x^5 so the limit to infinity does not equal 1 as a cdf should have. Am I missing...
  30. J

    Computing Jupiter's Thermal Time Scale

    1. Jupiter radiates more energy than it receives from the Sun by 8.7x10-10L0. Jupiter's radius is 7.0x109cm and its mass is 1.9x1030g. Compute its thermal time scale. Could gravitational collapse power this luminosity for Jupiter's entire lifetime of 4.5 Gyr? 2. Kelvin-Helmholtz (aka...
  31. T

    Parallel Computing Project on Kickstarter (computer for $99)

    Check this out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adapteva/parallella-a-supercomputer-for-everyone. It's a project that aims to create open source hardware for scalable parallel computing. If you pledge $99, you get one of the computer they are building. In case anyone is wondering about...
  32. S

    How would I go about computing the radial acceleration when given i and j components?

    Homework Statement I attempted this problem, and i have a midterm tommorow. I thought my approach was correct but I don't have a clue if it actually is. I drew a simple right angle triangle according to the information given in the question. A ball swings in a vertical circle at the end of a...
  33. J

    I with differential geometry computing connection forms. Please respond

    I need help with Part (b). I finished part (a) and attached it as well. My issue comes from how to apply the definition of connection forms to compute them. The definition states: Let E_1, E_2, E_3 be a frame field on R^3. For each tangent vector v at R^3 at the point p let \omega_{ij}(v )=...
  34. B

    Computing Virtual Work: Assumed Modes Method & Generalized Forces

    Hi all, I've been trying to understand the vibration of a cantilever beam subjected to a forcing function using Lagrange's equation, but have got stuck at the virtual work part. I would appreciate your inputs here. Using the assumed modes method, the transverse deformation is written as...
  35. N

    Computing the emf induced in a coil

    Homework Statement The following is Problem 1-13 on page 23 from Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd ed., by Vincent del Toro: "In the configuration shown in Fig. P1-13 the coil has 100 turns and is attached to the rotating member which revolves at 25 \frac{rev}{s}. The magnetic...
  36. S

    Programs Which degree for Quantum Computing?

    I am currently majoring in Electrical Engineering with a deep interest in quantum computing and quantum cryptography, the former being my greater passion. I'm certain that most, if not all, of those working in the field of quantum computing have at least a PhD in Physics. The same goes for...
  37. L

    Computing the expectation value of momentum, kinetic energy, and compute

    [b]1. consider this wave function ψ(x)=(√(30/L^5))(L-x) if 0≤x≤L and 0 else [b]2. Compute the expectation value of the momentum. Compute the expectation value of the kinetic energy. Compute Δ p⋅Δ x...
  38. S

    Quantum Computing Free Online Course

    Hi, I found this great free online class about Quantum Computing on coursera.org. The class is called "Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation" taught by Umesh Vazirani. - https://www.coursera.org/course/qcomp - *Umesh Vazirani is the Strauch Distinguished Professor of Electrical...
  39. T

    Computing area of equilateral triangle on a sphere

    Homework Statement Suppose T is an equilateral triangle on the sphere of radius R = 1. Let \alpha denote the angle at any of the three vertices’s of the triangle. (Recall that 3\alpha > n.) Use the result of the last problem on the previous homework and the inclusion - exclusion principle...
  40. L

    Model of the universe/quantum computing

    Hello, first off, I'm not sure if i have placed this question under the correct forum, so i apologise for that. Secondly, i don't really know what quantum computing is, I'm basically guessing... To give you an idea of what my understanding of certain ideas might be, I start my...
  41. H

    Computing a term in worldlines

    Homework Statement L is the langrangian \dot{q} is the velocity with time derivativeHomework Equations \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}} = -M \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{\sqrt{1- \dot{q} \cdot \dot{q}}} \frac{\partial}{\partial q_i} (-\dot{q} \cdot \dot{q}) The Attempt at a Solution A few...
  42. L

    Computing the angles of Vector to x,y,z axisses

    Homework Statement A vector is given by R = 2.00 i + 1.70 j + 2.81 k. (a) Find the magnitudes of the x, y, and z components. x = 2 y = 1.70 z = 2.81 (b) Find the magnitude of R. 3.85 (c) Find the angle between R and the x axis. ...
  43. I

    Quantum Computing: Deciding Between Physics & CS

    Hey guys, I´m really interested in Quantum Computers and i´d love to work on them. I´ll have to decide my carreer soon, and i wanted to know what should i study, either Physics or Computer Science? I know that eventually I´ll have to study both...but what makes more sense to you guys?. Thanks!
  44. N

    Silicon Photonics and Quantum Computing

    Hi everybody, I am currently a final year undergraduate student studying Electronic Engineering with my focus being Silicon Photonics. On exploring the advanced topics, I came across quantum computing and I have great interest in knowing more about it. Searching the web I found that some...
  45. B

    Efficiently computing the parity of the Hamming weight of a binary sequence

    Hello, I'm wondering if there are any tricks to quickly determine the parity of the weight of a binary number, i.e., whether it's even or odd. I'm not interested at all in the actual weight of the number, but in the parity of it. I know that if say x = a XOR b, then x has odd weight iff...
  46. J

    How does the computing power of my phone compare to my old desktop?

    This question came up in conversation the other day and I was wondering if anyone could quantify this. How far back in time must I go before I find a desktop computer that is only as powerful as my Nexus S smartphone? Would that be a Pentium III, for example? I understand that the answer...
  47. Chris L T521

    MHB Manifold Theory: Computing Curvature and Verifying Geometries

    I've posted a bunch of analysis questions as of late. I'm going to change things up a little bit and ask something that involves manifold theory. Here's this week's problem: ----- Problem: (i) Let $\omega$ be a 1-form. Use the structure equations \[\begin{aligned}d\theta^1 &=...
  48. J

    Mathematica Mathematica: Problem Computing Fisher Information of pdf

    Hello, I'm trying to calculate Fisher information (and eventually the Cramer-Rao lower bound) for this particular pdf with Mathematica: \text{pte}[t,\Theta ] = \frac{P_{\text{ec}}}{\tau _d-\tau _r}\left[e^{\frac{-(t-\Theta )}{\tau _d}}-e^{\frac{-(t-\Theta )}{\tau _r}}\right]...
  49. A

    What is the difference between Surface and Flux Integrals?

    Hi, so this is my first time on this forum and I've just gotten very frustrated with trying to understand this one problem. I got part A by using divergence theorem but I don't know how go about computing part B. Suppose F⃗ (x,y,z)=⟨x,y,5z⟩. Let W be the solid bounded by the paraboloid...
  50. G

    Parallel Vectors and Dot Product Calculations

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I can't get the answer above. Is u -4 over 15? if so, the dot product of u and x should be -20 + 105. I'm clearly on the wrong track.