What is Calculation: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A calculation is a deliberate process that transforms one or more inputs into one or more results. The term is used in a variety of senses, from the very definite arithmetical calculation of using an algorithm, to the vague heuristics of calculating a strategy in a competition, or calculating the chance of a successful relationship between two people.
For example, multiplying 7 by 6 is a simple algorithmic calculation. Estimating the fair price for financial instruments using the Black–Scholes model is a more complex algorithmic calculation.
Statistical estimations of the likely election results from opinion polls also involve algorithmic calculations, but produces ranges of possibilities rather than exact answers.
To calculate means to determine mathematically in the case of a number or amount, or in the case of an abstract problem to deduce the answer using logic, reason or common sense. The English word derives from the Latin calculus, which originally meant a small stone in the gall-bladder (from Latin calx). It also meant a pebble used for calculating, or a small stone used as a counter in an abacus (Latin abacus, Greek abax). The abacus was an instrument used by Greeks and Romans for arithmetic calculations, preceding the slide-rule and the electronic calculator, and consisted of perforated pebbles sliding on iron bars.

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  1. r12214001

    Chemistry Is the Solution Manual's Approach to Internal Energy Calculation Accurate?

    Question: Solution manual: Is the solution manual correct or not? why does not contain heat transfer?
  2. r-swald

    Troubleshooting Force Calculation Errors

    I attempted this a few times but keep getting the same wrong answer... Converted the values: q1 = 6.6E-6 q2 = 1.42E-6 q3 = -2.04E-6 d1 = .03m d2 = .02m Calculation for force on 1 F1 = - F12 + F13 = - (9E9*6.6E-6*1.42E-6 / .03^2) + (9E9*6.6E-6*2.04E-6 / .02^2) (I used negative for F12 to...
  3. M

    How Can I Estimate the Tonnage Needed for a Smooth Press Fit?

    Hi All! I have an application where a bush is press fitted into a housing with repeated blows from a 1kg hammer. Is there a way to calculate(estimate) the tonnage of the press which can do the same,in a smooth (non impact) manner ? TIA !
  4. E

    Calculation involving the reactance of a combination

    If just found out about reactances and impedances today and came across this little problem. I have worked it through with a sort of brute force approach (that I'm not totally sure is correct!) but wondered if it could be done slightly more quickly? I denoted the impedance of the top branch...
  5. G

    What is the thickness of a steel bar with holes?

    I’m trying to calculate the thickness of a steel bar with holes. It’s hard to describe so here’s a picture Imgur: The magic of the Internet (the white circles are 10mm holes and the dark grey area are 2mm steel wallthickness). If the holes would be horizontal inline to each other with 2mm...
  6. H

    DIY dyno calculation with an Arduino sensor circuit

    I would like to know if this formulae i have are good enough to make calculations. My plan is to count time of each roll with Arduino.I don't have roller yet so i don't know moment of inertia.angular acceleration = radians/secounds TORQUE = moment of inertia (kg∙m2) * angular acceleration RPM =...
  7. P

    Magnetic field Calculation of a Square Wire Loop (with a changed segment)

    I tried to solve the above i have one confusion here. I have marked the areas as shown B2 = B4 = 0; B1 , B5 Out of Page ; B3, B6 Into the Page. B1 and B5 Calculation Now main doubt is regarding the B field of the finite wire let us say 1. I took the derivation of the infinite wire as below from...
  8. Saptarshi Sarkar

    Relativistic momentum calculation

    The answer is required to be in terms of M,m and c only. But, I am not able to calculate the momentum of the m mass particle using the above two. Can anyone help me by telling me what I am missing?
  9. N

    A Calculation of amplitude with n=5, k=3 using the book by Arkani-Hamed et al

    This is a pretty technical question so before I post all the details, let me first ask if someone might be able to help. I am going over the book Grassmannian Geometry of Scattering Amplitudes and I am trying to calculate the anti MHV amplitude with five particles, at tree level (or...
  10. E

    B Clarification of Romer's Calculation

    Please see the below diagram. I make the assumptions that the orbit of Jupiter around the sun is fairly unimportant for this problem, and that the period of Io is also much smaller than that of the Earth. I also assume everything is nice and circular and in the same plane. The intervals...
  11. Y

    Primary calculation involving the Dirac gama matrices

    When working on the exercise 3.2 of Peskin's QFT, I find one of the calculating steps confused for me. I read the solution, which is showed in the picture. I just don't understand the boxed part. I know it involved the Dirac equation, and the solution seems to treat the momentum as a operator...
  12. M

    I Scaling covariance for an error calculation

    Hello! I just discovered (maybe a bit late) that most fitting programs (Python lmfit or scipy, for example) have a parameter (by default turned on) that allows a scaling of the covariance matrix for calculating the errors (usually called scale_covar or something similar). After some reading I...
  13. L

    I Momentum and energy calculation in special relativity

    ## \ \ \ \ \ ##In ##K##,System ##M## is composed of a spring ## N ## and four particles ## P, Q, A and B ##. The ends of spring ## N ## are fixedly connected with particles ## P and Q ## respectively. Particle ## A ## is adjacent to particle ## P ##, and particle ## B ## is adjacent to particle...
  14. D

    Sig figs/certainty in percent error calculation

    Hello, all. Quick question about how to apply sig figs in percent error problems. Eg. If the actual/target value is 1.95 g and we measure 1.87 g, then should the percent error of our measurement be reported as 4.10% or 4%? Normally, at least abstracting from the problem, after subtracting...
  15. abeeba

    Freeware for Nanoantenna Calculation

    Anyone know any free software for nanoantenna performance calculation?
  16. fisher garry

    E field calculation for q sphere

    I have some questions about this answer. Why do they use absolute value when writing in the limits in the integral underlined with orange? And how do they get from this value where I have underlined with orange to the answer for E outside the sphere. Can someone do the rewriting? And last why is...
  17. B

    Hydrogen emission spectrum calculation

    I've first method I tried was using f = v/λ to find the frequency, then E = hf to find the energy and then using E = (-13.6eV/n^2) - (-13.6eV/n^2) to rearrange and solve for the unknown n. However I got 5, the same as the original entry level. I also tried using 1/λ = R(1/4 - 1/n^2) to solve...
  18. marielescobal

    Calculation of bond length using Raman spectra

    Hi, I really need your help. Suppose I have a Raman spectra of a hydroxyapatite, how do I calculate the bond length from the spectra? I've been trying to understand the concept of Badger's rule but I really cannot understand. Please help.
  19. D

    Understanding the Negative Sign in Laser Linewidth Calculation

    Hi guys, It's one of the questions I'm asking myself needlessly but I really wonder about this ;) Say I have a laser at a wavelength λ. I can calculate the frequency by ν=c/λ. Then the linewidth Δν=cΔλ/λ2 that can be found through differentiation of two sides of the equation. The question is...
  20. arcTomato

    I I would like to know the calculation process of this power spectrum

    Summary: Derive the formula of power spectrum from Discrete Fourier Transform. Hi all I don't know where should I post this, so if I am wrong, I apologize.(But this is almost math problem so ) I would like to know the calculation process when derive Eq(6.3) in this paper. Eq 2.4a is...
  21. P

    Can I Build My Own Tree Limbing Boom System?

    Hi all, I was hoping a guy with limited engineering skills might find a little help and understanding... I'm not formally trained but am somewhat mechanically inclined. I build things, and usually have good luck estimating strengths and designing things without doing the math or science behind...
  22. K

    A Martingale, calculation of probability - Markov chain needed?

    I am trying to estimate probability of loosing (probability of bankrupt ##Pb##) using Martingale system in betting. I will ilustrate my problem on the following example: Let: ##p## = probability of NOT getting a draw (in some match) We will use following system for betting: 1) We will bet only...
  23. E

    A How do I calculate the cross section for W+W->gamma>l+ l- at the tree level?

    Can anyone help me about cross section calculation of W+W->gamma>l+ l- (leptons), at the tree level? I am stuck to writing amplitude,after written Feynman rules, because of massive vector boson polarization states. How should I do?
  24. Alexandra Fabiello

    Force Calculation: Incorrect Result

    force = 4.2e7 J/90 m = 466666.6667 N this minus 2.10e5 = 2.57e5 N rounded This is incorrect, so I'm probably missing a formula or something.
  25. S

    MHB Probability calculation of dependent events with limitations

    Dear forum, First time posting and as English is not my native language, I'd like to apologize in advance for any linguistic errors I make. Yesterday, I received a case which sounded really easy to calculate but for some reason I can't get my head around it. This is the case: In a shipping...
  26. Addez123

    How can air density be accurately calculated at different altitudes?

    Just calculating D1 (15km altitude plane) and D2 (7.5km altitude plane) turns out to; D1/D2 = 4*p1/p2 p being the air density at each height. How am I suppose to calculate p? We have had no such formulas, not to mention it depends on temprature etc. Doing a linear estimation will yield wrong...
  27. M

    Ιntegral calculation : (sin(x))^4 * (cos(x))^6

    Summary: Ιntegral calculation : (sin(x))^4 * (cos(x))^6 Hi all, I tried to solve it, but I got stuck. An advice from my professor is to set: x=arctan(t) Τhanks.
  28. nomadreid

    I Tensor calculation, giving|cos A|>1: how to interpret

    On pages 42-43 of the book "Tensors: Mathematics of Differential Geometry and Relativity" by Zafar Ahsan (Delhi, 2018), the calculation for the angle between Ai=(1,0,0,0) (the superscript being tensor, not exponent, notation) and Bi=(√2,0,0,(√3)/c), where c is the speed of light, in the...
  29. S

    Chemistry Calculation of average molecular speed

    We can calculate the average speed using this formula: uavg=root(8PV/ΠnM) I plugged in the following values: P= pi*10 atm (bar is approximately equal to atm) V=8lts n=2mol M=32*10^-3kg/mol But it is giving wrong answer. Can you tell me what went wrong?
  30. L

    Need help with a force calculation (deformation of a cylinder)

    Trying to calculate the force required to deform a cross section of a solid cylinder. To create an image, imagine a cylinder laying on a flat surface, and then a section of it defined as a length of X, being subjected to a compressive load. I'm trying to find the correct formula for this. Any...
  31. S

    What is the approximate pressure at the center of a cool Earth with no gravity?

    The basic barometric formula for calculating atmospheric pressure is (Ph: pressure at height h) = (Pzero: pressure at height zero) x exp(-mgh/kT), where the height h unit is meters, P unit is pascals, m is the mass of an average "air" molecule, g is the acceleration of gravity, k is the...
  32. J

    Winding a toroid inductor, is this calculation correct?

    Hi, I am going to wind an tapped toroid inductor for a LCR circuit in an equalizer. I have calculated the number of turns I need for each winding. This is my first time winding an inductor so I need to get some things straight. What to do with the 10 kHz tap, should I twist a wire with the 12...
  33. D

    MCNP6.2: F2 tally and problem with the area calculation

    Hello, after many simplifications my geometry has become very simple: just a box of concrete with a cylinder of steel inside. The source is outside in the air. The cell and the surface cards are like the following: C ******************Block 1: Cells********************** 100 0 99 imp:p=0 99 1...
  34. A

    A Calculation of Fourier Transform Derivative d/dw (F{x(t)})=d/dw(X(w))

    Calculation of Fourier Transform Derivative d/dw (F{x(t)})=d/dw(X(w)) Hello to my Math Fellows, Problem: I am looking for a way to calculate w-derivative of Fourier transform,d/dw (F{x(t)}), in terms of regular Fourier transform,X(w)=F{x(t)}. Definition Based Solution (not good enough): from...
  35. ramadhankd

    Shredder Cutting Area Calculation

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to design a plastic shredder machine, but I'm stuck on how to determine the cutting area of my shredder. I've already made some research, and I think that the cutting area depends on the blade thickness and the plastic thickness. As for why the blade thickness is...
  36. T

    Calculating Uncertainty: Where Am I Going Wrong?

    So the only part of this question I am having an issue with is the uncertainty part in part e). I have included the whole question as reference. So to derive the uncertainty in ff I used the uncertainty equation outlined above but the issue is that when I propagate the uncertainty I end up with...
  37. Matt Raj

    Two Leaning Sticks (Torque Calculation)

    I attempted this problem trying to balance torques but I couldn't because the length of the left stick is unknown. From the right stick I got that mg/2* cos θ = F_f but from the left stick I got that Mg/2sin θ =N* r where r is the ratio of the length of where the sticks meet and the total length...
  38. Manasan3010

    Quickest way to do this calculation

    ## \frac{-3x^4}{7}+x=\frac{-3x^4}{7}+10 \\x=10## I solved the equation and got x=10, My question is how can I solve for x without brute-force method( Multiply all terms by (x-13)(x-7)(x-14)(x-6) and solving for x)
  39. D

    I Calculate Time & Distance Dilations: 50k Years & 1 Day

    I m a noob, I wanted to figure out the time dilation for an observer on Earth who passed 50,000 years, and the Traveler at light speed(99.9%) passed ONE DAY. I mean we pass 50,000 years on Earth and the Traveler spends One day.Problem is I tried many online calculator, but each one is giving me...
  40. G

    Calculation of minimum angular velocity of a mass on a spinning plate

    Problem Statement: How to calculate minumum angular velocity of a mass on a spinning plate Relevant Equations: f=mrw^2 Hi, here's the question: a) A rough horizontal plate rotates with a constant angular velocity of w about a fixed vertical axis. A particle of mass m lies on the plate at a...
  41. S

    Gearbox Selection and Calculation

    Hi everybody I want to buy a gearbox very near of the one used in the wind turbine I need the input RPM to be 1 rpm and the output to be 1500 rpm Please your support to can find this gearbox
  42. J

    I Why does this inverse square calculation fail to predict actual data?

    The test data and notes are attached - showing that the inverse square calculations fail to reasonably predict the actual dimming of light over a test distance of 168 mm. Did I err in my test design or my calculations?
  43. P

    Making torque calculation from spring specifications

    I was thinking about making a kind of counterbalance weight. So I was looking this spring to make a constant torque motor. https://www.ondrives.com/sr119 They come in many sizes but to take this one as an example it's listed as 6.18N (63kg) at the top of the page. At a glance considering the...
  44. Joe591

    Help with a Bending Stress Calculation

    I've attached a photo of a "problem". How would you calculate the stress at the area in question? I seriously doubt that the bending stress would vary linearly throughout the whole meter of total length of the section. I would expect it to become zero long before it reaches the opposite...
  45. Benjamin_harsh

    Moment of Inertia: Calculation Method

    Ratio of moment of inertia of a circle and that of a square having same area about their centroidal axis is: Sol: both area and square have same area: ##a^2 = \large\frac{π}{4}\normalsize d^{2}; \large\frac{d}{a} =\large \sqrt\frac{4}{p}## Ratio of moment of inertia of a circle and that of a...
  46. C

    Tricky heat calculation from the 1850s

    Hi everyone ! I'm calling for help, for I have been unable to make sense of 1850s calculus ! In the Mechanical Theory of Heat, R. Clausius introduces the mathematical expression of internal energy by investigating an infinitesimal Carnot cycle (that is to say all volume variations are...
  47. S

    What are the rate equations for neutron capture on unstable nuclei B?

    Summary: Problem: nuclear physics, neutron capture In the problem one should calculate time dependence of number of nuclei. Problem statement: Neutron beam radiates sample A with initial number of atoms N0. With neutron capture nuclei (cores) of A are transitioning to nuclei B (they are just...
  48. G

    Pendulum Hammer Impact Force Calculation

    Hi all, I'm a bit embarrassed but I'm extremely rusty with a lot of engineering principles. I've mainly been working in automation and controls within a manufacturing setting and have not done anything like this in ages. Anyways, I have a problem I need to solve and I need to determine the...
  49. T

    Aerodynamics and Torque calculation

    Hi :) I have to mount solar panels to columns. And for the stress calculations, I can't calculate the torque :( Could you help me out?