Taken adderall in order to study better or focus more on a test?

In summary: I've read about neutropics some time ago, and Provigil looks VERY interesting.It can last anywhere from 4 to 12 hours. Sometimes when I take it, I can sleep without any problems. Other times I'll take it, and if I've had a lot of caffeine (which I normally do) that day, I will not be able to sleep soundly.Depending on your sensitivity, and the type of adderall, it can last anywhere from 4 to 12 hours. Sometimes when I take it, I can sleep without any problems. Other times I'll take it, and if I've had a lot of caffeine (which I normally do) that day
  • #1
Has anyone here ever taken adderall in order to study better or focus more on a test?
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  • #2
Focus better?

When I'm writing a test, that's all I can think about!

Although I do take a short break (few minutes) half way through tests and exam, to look around and think of things other than the test. Even though it might not be appropriate, sex is the best thing. If I try to think about something else like hockey, it always seems to get re-directed to the test.

Well, that works for me.

I wouldn't recommend taking drugs personally.
  • #3

JasonRox said:
sex is the best thing.

Haha definitley not appropriate in a test situation! Don't you find it hard to concerntrate after your brief few moments?
  • #4
I would recommend not takin adderall before an important test unless you have done it before, it might turn out bad!
  • #5
rhuthwaite said:
Haha definitley not appropriate in a test situation! Don't you find it hard to concerntrate after your brief few moments?

Depends on who is sitting next to you. :wink:
  • #6
JasonRox said:
Depends on who is sitting next to you. :wink:

what do you mean by that?
  • #7
Nothing000 said:
what do you mean by that?

:eek: I swear! I wasn't cheating! :eek:

"...then what were you looking at?"

:rolleyes: Um... nothing. :rolleyes:
  • #8
Is that what the person next to you would say, or is that what you (on adderal) would say?
  • #9
Im glad I never have to sit next to you
  • #10
Nothing000 said:
Has anyone here ever taken adderall in order to study better or focus more on a test?

I used to take adderall (for about 2 years). I got sick of taking it, and stopped. I still take it ever once in awhile to study, and it can help. It can also do the exact oppsite and put you in a unproductive "zone".

As rhuthwaite said, if you haven't taken it before, DO NOT take it before something important. Any time you start (or try) a medication, it should be done in a controlled enviornment.

Depending on your sensitivity, and the type of adderall, it can last anywhere from 4 to 12 hours. Sometimes when I take it, I can sleep without any problems. Other times I'll take it, and if I've had a lot of caffeine (which I normally do) that day, I will not be able to sleep soundly.

Also, when I take adderall, I notice that my math skills drop. On adderall I think too linear. It's good for trying to store a ton of information that just requires you to spit it out, but it kind of kills my logical skills. It was helpful when I would cram for chemistry, and geography. It was NOT good for physics, math, or engineering courses.
  • #11
Oh I never really explained why I brought up the sleep issue. Let's say you take it the night before a test to cram. You might take it at 2 in the afternoon, and spend all day studying. When night rolls around, if you are really sensitive to it, you might not fall asleep until 2 or 3, or maybe later.

Now if you have a test the next day and you've had 4 hours of sleep, good friggen luck. Also, if you decide to take adderall two days in a row, you can be tricked into thinking you are awake, but really you are not really with it. It's like your body isn't tired, but your mind is still asleep.
  • #12
What about Provigil (modafinil)?
  • #13
So i should take it before hitting town after a busy week?
  • #14
Have you ever used it to study?

A friend of mine (not me :biggrin: ) is studying with its aid as right now. My friend said that it really helps.
  • #15
My friend tells me it is just like adderal without the euphoria. The euphoria from adderal scares my friend because he likes the feeling and doesn't want to get addicted.
  • #16
rhuthwaite said:
So i should take it before hitting town after a busy week?

It can give some people anxiety. I personally don't like to talk to a group of people when I take adderall, but that's just me.

or were you talking about Provigil?
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  • #17
Nothing000 said:
My friend tells me it is just like adderal without the euphoria. The euphoria from adderal scares my friend because he likes the feeling and doesn't want to get addicted.

I'd really like to try Provigil. I haven't tried it.

Adderall can give you euphoria... but it really depends on the dosing and how you handle it. If you take it for some time, all the "positives" begin to turn into negatives. Again... this all depends on the person.

I think the best edge you can have for personal study is exercise, and a proper diet. That's helped me out a hell of a lot more than adderall ever did.

I've read about neutropics some time ago, and Provigil looks VERY interesting.

Also, how did your friend get Provigil?
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  • #18
Used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder and Narcolepsy.

Now there is a combo for you.
Although I suppose you could say that Narcolepsy is failing to pay attention at all.
  • #19
FrogPad said:
Adderall can give you euphoria... but it really depends on the dosing and how you handle it. If you take it for some time, all the "positives" begin to turn into negatives. Again... this all depends on the person.

I think the best edge you can have for personal study is exercise, and a proper diet. That's helped me out a hell of a lot more than adderall ever did.

You said it brother.
  • #20
hmmm... so Provigil probably requires talking with a shrink. I believe it is a schedule 4 drug, so it should be a lot easier to get then the adderall/ritalin route.
  • #21
FrogPad said:
I'd really like to try Provigil. I haven't tried it.

Also, how did your friend get Provigil?

He wen't to the doctor and got a prescription silly! Nothing illegal about it. The only grey area is that my friend (just as most people prescribed to it are) was prescribed Provigil as an 'off label' prescription. Meaning that my friend does not have narcolepsy.

But once the FDA approves a drug to treat a specific symptom, Dr's have the right to prescribe it to their patients for anything they want (as long as it's not like oxycontin or something).
  • #22
FrogPad said:
hmmm... so Provigil probably requires talking with a shrink. I believe it is a schedule 4 drug, so it should be a lot easier to get then the adderall/ritalin route.

Well, I bet a shrink would prescribe it since most of them are very experimental with pharmacuticals. But you can just go to a regular old dr.; any Dr, and talk to them about it.
  • #23
And you should bring it up. Just say, "hey I have been reading about this drug called provigil and I think I would like to try it".

You can just say that you are having trouble staying awake during the daytime.
  • #24
Nothing000 said:
He wen't to the doctor and got a prescription silly! Nothing illegal about it.

:smile: duh...

I wasn't asking for the name of a dealer so I could go buy a few tabs :)

I was just curious on how difficult it was to acquire. For example, it's not very likely that you can just walk off the street to a doctor and just get adderall. You'll have to take a series of tests, and then to refill your script you have to continue to talk with a doctor. Although... this can all be bypassed. Some doctors just hand the stuff out, but not all.

I just read a little more about it. This stuff is really new! I remember reading about it some time ago, and it looked promising.

So what is the doctors name?

just kidding :)
  • #25
I wonder if they would like to hear that I drink 2 energy drinks and a double espresso daily.

They'd probably hook me up to a heart monitor.
  • #26
Anyways... speaking of sleep. I need to get some.

Have good one Nothing000.
  • #27
A lot of Dr's take it themselves to work long shifts.

Let me tell how my friend described provigils effects.

I makes you wide awake within 30 minutes of taking it. The first hour you feel really motivated and creative. It lasts about 8 hours and for about 5 to 6 of those hours it is really easy to focus on one single task.

It differs from amphetamine in that it has no euphoria. No come down. You do feel slightly fidgety, but nothing like teeth grinding or things like that.
  • #28
Cool, I need to get back to studying. Check you later.
  • #29
Are these things just like the anti-socialable version of no-dose?
  • #30
I can't tell if you are kidding or not. But I would say that no-dose are more similar to adderal since the only thing in no-dose is caffiene. I know that you already are aware, but caffiene and amphetamine are both stimulants. Modafinil is not a stimulant. It does not make you move faster, or make you jittery, or speedy feeling like stimulants do. It just makes you awake and focused. That is why the government is so interested in it, because they would love to give soldiers stimulants to keep them awake and focused for 48+ hours, but there are so many side effects, including euphoria.

So I bet to the military modafinil is almost the equivalent of discovering a drug that has all the pain killing properties that morphine and other opiates have, but without the euphoria and high potential of addiction.
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  • #31
Ahh well that's a help I mite stick to the no-dose and V
  • #32
What is V?
  • #33
Its a drink full of caffine and god knows what else but its the best thing ever. Gives you a good pick up. Its similar to lift plus if you know what that is?
  • #34
Have you ever tried Monster?
  • #35
No what is that?

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