What is Theoretical physics: Definition and 543 Discussions

Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena. This is in contrast to experimental physics, which uses experimental tools to probe these phenomena.
The advancement of science generally depends on the interplay between experimental studies and theory. In some cases, theoretical physics adheres to standards of mathematical rigour while giving little weight to experiments and observations. For example, while developing special relativity, Albert Einstein was concerned with the Lorentz transformation which left Maxwell's equations invariant, but was apparently uninterested in the Michelson–Morley experiment on Earth's drift through a luminiferous aether. Conversely, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for explaining the photoelectric effect, previously an experimental result lacking a theoretical formulation.

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  1. E

    Theoretical Physics and technology advice

    I have a small dilemma, so I though I'd ask the geniuses at the physics forum! I dream of becoming of Theoretical Physicist but am recently wondering how much experience do Theoretical Physicists get from working with technology. My thought of a theoretical physicist is one who calculates...
  2. M

    What exactly does Theoretical Physics involve?

    What exactly does Theoretical Physics involve? Do you have to know how to write computer programs? Is it basically the Maths side of physics?
  3. N

    Errors by great minds in theoretical physics

    Hello, It is sometimes stated that the great minds of theoretical physics also made many mistakes, and were not afraid to do so, since you have to dare to make mistakes if you want to do some original thinking; but the errors are forgotten, and the good things are remembered. Now my question...
  4. binbagsss

    Programs How much maths in a theoretical physics degree?

    I am soon to apply for either theoretical physics, theoretical physics with maths, or joint honours - maths and physics year 1 and then transfer to theoretical physics. Only just finished A levels and unsure of the math content in a theoretical physics degree. At the moment I am more or less...
  5. J

    Suggested video lectures: theoretical physics

    Anyone have any suggestions for video lectures that go beyond the standard overview-for-the-layman or slightly-lower-level introductory courses? A post somewhere on here pointed me to Susskind's "Theoretical Physics: the Bare Minimum" on "iTunes U", which is sort of the prototype for what I'm...
  6. A

    Programs Shortest Path to a PhD in Math or Theoretical Physics?

    As of right now I'm a rising sophomore, math and physics double major. It's hard to say whether I'm going to be pursuing a PhD in one of these disciplines or whether I'll be switching to something more employable later, as I haven't had many upper division classes. I do, however, strongly...
  7. C

    Graduate Studies in Theoretical Physics - Opinion Wanted

    I just graduated from a 4 year university. I want to go to a grad school. I am considering to pursue my graduate studies in theoretical physics. What is your opinion on theoretical physics? I welcome all kinds of comments based on theoretical physics and the areas that are closely linked to...
  8. D

    Physics Choosing a Major & Minor for Theoretical Physics Research

    My ultimate goal is to become a theoretical physicist (after I have received my PhD)researching at a university. I am currently looking at majors and minors available for me as an undergrad. I was thinking of majoring in physics, and making my minor, mathematics? What are your thoughts on what I...
  9. T

    Programs Theoretical Physicist PhD: Can I Apply?

    If I did a PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics, would I be able to apply to this job? https://ert.cern.ch/browse_www/wd_pds?p_web_site_id=1&p_web_page_id=9147&p_no_apply=&p_show=N It is looking for an Experimental Physicist but I would be theoretical but I would have the required degree.
  10. T

    Is it possible to pursue theoretical physics investigation if that's not my job?

    Hello, much probably my job won't be research in theoretical physics, but that's what I'd like to do. I'll get out of university with a master's degree in some area of physics. Is it possible to do research even if that's not my job? Does anybody do this?
  11. Simfish

    Does anyone still bother to read papers by the giants of theoretical physics?

    Their most highly-cited papers (of people like Yang, Oppenheimer, Teller, Feynman, etc.) are surprisingly readable. And they're *really* deep. They're highly cited for both of those reasons, after all. But no one seems to touch them anymore. http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v73/i7/p801_1 -...
  12. Q

    How to get help with theoretical physics?

    Im a college student with a good knowledge of basic physics. I am majoring in math (unfortunately) but I spend all of my spare time researching physics. I have a lot of ideas for physics inventions but no physics experts to talk with because I don't know any of the professors. When I email...
  13. K

    Schools Schools and theoretical physics

    As many may know, the UC system recently released all of their admission decisions. I was able to get into UCSD, UCSB, and UC Davis, each with the physics major. I want to do theoretical physics (as the title states), or something involving applied mathematics and physics. My interest lies with...
  14. P

    Theoretical physics route (cambridge math3?)

    dear all, I'm a second yr Math/Physics student in an alright UK university. Not oxbridge though. I am interested in pursuing theoretical physics (knowing it's competitive subject, and mathematically challenging) I have got high first in the first yr (hopefully well among top 5% of class)...
  15. T

    Programs Courses for Theoretical Physics PhD

    What do you think of the following courses in my last two years, if I intend to apply for a good PhD in a more Theoretical area of Physics: In the Physics dept: Mathematical Methods 1 Waves & Diffraction Quantum Mechanics Thermal Physics Electromagnetic Theory 1 Solid State Physics...
  16. R

    Is Applied Theoretical Physics a Viable Field of Study?

    Hello This is my first post and i was wondering is their a possible field know as applied theoretical physics? i am very interested in both applied physics and theoretical physics but i want them to be combined. this is taken into consideration that in college i want to double major with...
  17. L

    Courses Advanced Math for Graduate Theoretical Physics: What to Take?

    Which "advanced" math courses are needed to prepare for graduate theoretical physics? I am a first year physics student preparing my schedule for next year. I would greatly appreciate advice on what kind of math will help me prepare for graduate studies in theoretical physics. Here is a list of...
  18. T

    Physics What can you do with a B.Sc in Theoretical Physics?

    (I haven't actually got a degree yet, I'm just wondering if it's a risk doing the degree, in case I can't get a job) What are some jobs I could get into with a B.Sc in Physics? Where could I work? I'm really interested in finding out how we got here and why the universe is why it is.
  19. T

    Programs Theoretical Physics vs Maths/Physics Undergrad Degree

    I'm studying for a Theoretical Physics degree in the UK, and I have to decide this year if I should stick with that or switch over to a Joint Degree in Maths/Physics. So far, in Maths, I've done calculus up to multivariable and vector calculus, linear algebra, intro do real analysis, intro to...
  20. S

    What Skills Are Essential for Success in Theoretical Physics?

    do you khow definintion of theoretical physics? in this branch of physics; what skills should we have?
  21. O

    Quick question about theoretical physics research

    What is it? By that I mean what does it consist of? My understanding is that experimental physics research is performing experiments and recording observations, then drawing conclusion from that. Is theoretical physics research then just locking yourself in a room and posing problems...
  22. P

    Physics Can I Switch to Theoretical Physics? A PhD Student's Confusion

    Hi. I'm currently a 4th year phd student in astrophysics, studying compact stars. I'm from China and am now an exchange student in US. What I'm asking is: if I really have more interest in theoretical physics, do I still have a chance of entering the field? I'm now in a very confusing stage...
  23. M

    Modules for Theoretical Physics

    Right so I'm a math major but what I really want to be is a theoretical physicist. 3rd and 4th year is when everything gets very specified, and I'm wondering which of the following modules would be most useful for that path? Here are the modules. Only 6 can be chosen from each term...
  24. camipol89

    Difference between theoretical astrophysics and theoretical physics

    Is there a difference between theoretical astrophysics and theoretical physics applied to astrophysics? Thanks
  25. R

    Theoretical Physics: Most Precise & Powerful Science

    "Theoretical physics is the most precise predictive powerful area of science we know The title is a quote of Prof. Neil Turok of The Perimeter Institute in Canada1. I always had the impression physicists tend to "lie" or diminish mathematical rigor. My point - I always thought mathematics is...
  26. U

    Physics Mechanical Eng to Theoretical Physics

    Hai, Could u give a opinion for my Higher Studies from Mechanical to Theoretical Physics, currently I am doing my 3rd year and writing GRE on July 2011 .I could not come to Decision whether to take Mechanical or Theoretical Physics.I hav done a couple of good projects in mechanical...
  27. V

    Reviewing Mechanics: A Course of Theoretical Physics Volume 1

    How is "Mechanics; a course of theoretical physics volume 1", by Landau and lifshitz? I have recently bought Volume 2 of this series (the classical theory of fields) because it was recommending for an undergrad course I'm following. I was wondering how good this first part was. I'm mainly...
  28. E

    Astrophysics and theoretical physics

    Hello, I was wondering what's the difference between an astrophysicist and a theoretical physicist? Cause they seem like the same thing?
  29. S

    Academic guidance in theoretical physics

    Hello everyone, been reading different articles on here for a while but finally decided to sign up as I needed some advice with regards to univesity. Im looking to study theoretical physics at Glasgow University starting fall 2012, however I am confused over my choice of courses. Glasgow...
  30. K

    Occam's razor and theoretical physics

    Hello Forum, I have a general interest in theoretical physics and my knowledge and understanding extends no further than what is presented in popular layman's texts. I have two questions which may be more philosophical - if this is the incorrect forum for these questions, please direct me...
  31. P

    Is my view of Theoretical physics romanticized?

    Hey guys. I am a final year high school student and have lately been researching a career in Mathematics/Theoretical physics. Most recently i have come to the conclusion that: 1. I am not as gifted in mathematics as i thought 2. I do not enjoy PURE mathematics as much as i once believed i did...
  32. R

    Physics Smart enough for theoretical physics?

    Is there a Litmus test I could use to see if I'm cut out for theoretical physics? I'm a first year undergrad, and thus far things have been going well. The classes aren't hard, my grades are good, and I'm finding the time to read some more advanced texts. But there's also fifty other people...
  33. Z

    Considering a switch to theoretical physics

    Considering a "switch" to theoretical physics I'm a math major with 5 semesters left as an undergraduate. My math "profile" is very strong: lots of graduate classes (commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, homological algebra, higher homotopy theory and homology theory, representation...
  34. J

    I'm thinking of entering the field of Theoretical Physics

    First off, I'd like to introduce myself as this is my first post. My name is John, I'm 17, unemployed and science/technology has kept me entertained and happy for most of my life. With that said, I have a few questions. The first one is for the physicists (w/ a job) on this forum. What's a...
  35. M

    Physics Theoretical Physics Career: Where to Start?

    I am very interested in theoretical physics and would like a careers in it. However, I'm not really sure about where to get a job in it or what kind of job. Can anyone help me figure this out? Thank you so much!.
  36. C

    Is Theoretical Physics Progress Stagnating?

    Is it just me or have we had a lack of discoveries in our theoretical physics endeavors for some long time now? e.g. No WIMPs or other 'dark matter' particles detected with all those detectors, no Higgs particle at the LHC, no LIGO gravitational waves detected, no proofs of String theory or...
  37. H

    Programs Explore Degrees for Theoretical Physics and Related Fields

    Hello, I am currently looking at some different degrees for undergrad. I would be very grateful if anyone could give me information. My interests are mostly theoretical physics (quantum, relativity), but I am also interested in nanomedicine, evolution, complex systems, and computer science...
  38. A

    Theoretical Physics in the US?

    Hello I'm a spanish student, I'm finishing my 5th year in physics here in Madrid at UAM. I was planning on following the usual path here and start the Master in theoretical physics that we have here in Madrid at the same university, which is pretty good(2 year) and then it gives you access to a...
  39. M

    Engineering Career Guidance: Mechanical Engineer BS to Theoretical Physics

    Howdy everyone, I'm at the point were I have to make the decision on my career well actually I'm a semester late but I need help with this. First, my main goal, is to be a theoretical physicist or something along those lines because that's where my interest is but I need a Ph.D. for that and...
  40. S

    Courses Choosing modules for theoretical Physics from Math Graduate Diploma course

    Choosing modules for theoretical Physics from Math Graduate Diploma course: Hi forum members, I am studying Math Graduate Diploma at Kings College london. I am going to do M.Sc Theoretical Physics next year. I need your advice in choosing Math Grad Diploma modules closely related to the...
  41. C

    Studying Suggestions about books for Theoretical physics master course

    Hello. I am enrolled for this year in the theoretical physics master offered by ecole normal superieure in paris. It is an enormous task to pull off and so I need (and beg) some advise to speed up my progress from the most knowledgeable of the lot. So I completed a five year course in...
  42. Z

    Math needed for theoretical physics from scratch

    Hi , I want to Study Theoretical physics . I know The Mathematics required for this . I have lecture notes of these mathematical fields but I do not Know if they were written for Physics or mathematics students . The question is do i need to study all the material provided in these notes which...
  43. Coelum

    Prerequisites to understand Theoretical Physics

    Dear all, I want to be able to read and understand the basic concepts of Theoretical Physics (String Theory, LQG, Supersymmetry, AdS/CFT) at the level of: 1- A First Course in String Theory by Barton Zwiebach 2- Quantum Gravity by Carlo Rovelli. I plan to study the following textbooks (in...
  44. G

    Need some guidance here concerning theoretical physics.

    My name is Alex, and my dream is to become a theoretical physicist. I know that is probably very vague, so let me clear it up a bit. I love the universe. I think the universe is the most amazing place, just because of how weird it can be. I really can't get enough of it. I would spend hours...
  45. S

    Physics Theoretical Physics Degree: Starting College Guide

    Im new to college and I am majoring in Physics, how would i go about getting a degree in theoretical physics
  46. T

    Programs Chances of Theoretical Physics PhD?

    Hi I am going into the 4th year of Physics at Oxford this October and have been looking into PhDs etc. I'm quite keen on going into theoretical physics (Particle or condensed) and from reading various university websites it seems that places for this are relatively scarce. At Oxford for...
  47. M

    Courses Stay on Theoretical Physics course or switch to Maths & Physics?

    Hey guys, I know this is predominately an american centred forum but I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I've completed the first year of a Theoretical Physics 4 year course at Durham (in the UK). However with the modules that I chose I do still have the option to swap over to...
  48. marcus

    Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics starts a new LQG group

    Hanno Sahlmann has announced the formation of a new LQG group, at the APCTP in Korea. There are postdoc and PhD student positions to be filled and he indicates he would like to get them filled by this fall (which is fast approaching!) sahlmann@particle.skipthis.uni-karlsruhe.andthis.de...
  49. R

    LMU München - theoretical physics

    Hello, I am lately looking for a theoretical physics master program taught in English, and I came across http://www.theorie.physik.uni-muenchen.de/TMP/courses/index.html" . It really looks like a complete program for those who seek a really mathematical-based courses; not to mention its hot...
  50. S

    Theoretical Physics - advice/guidance after uni?

    Hi, I'm a student currently going into my 4th and final year of an MSci in Physics with Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London. I'm currently averaging at a high 2.1, and hope to achieve a low 1st class degree (I won't go into the reasons for this slightly optimistic sounding prediction...