What is Theoretical physics: Definition and 543 Discussions

Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena. This is in contrast to experimental physics, which uses experimental tools to probe these phenomena.
The advancement of science generally depends on the interplay between experimental studies and theory. In some cases, theoretical physics adheres to standards of mathematical rigour while giving little weight to experiments and observations. For example, while developing special relativity, Albert Einstein was concerned with the Lorentz transformation which left Maxwell's equations invariant, but was apparently uninterested in the Michelson–Morley experiment on Earth's drift through a luminiferous aether. Conversely, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for explaining the photoelectric effect, previously an experimental result lacking a theoretical formulation.

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  1. K

    What area of theoretical Physics get the most fundings?

    What area of theoretical Physics get the most fundings?
  2. P

    Theoretical physics or pure maths?

    Results just came in. I did 2 pure maths, metric spaces 51% & algebra 59%, Partial differential equations 79% and 2 advanced theoretical physics, QM 71% & Stat mech 74% all at the third year level. The scores are exam scores. I like pure maths but find them hard. I usually have trouble doing...
  3. P

    Single man revolution in Theoretical Physics today?

    In the past we had single man revolutions in theoretical physics like Galileo, Newton, Einstein. Will there likely be another figure as big as them today? Or will today be more groups of people building up their ideas rather than a single person producing all the big ideas?
  4. J

    Mathematica Mathematical recommendations for the study of theoretical physics

    I think it's fair to say that a lot (perhaps most) of basic research in theoretical physics these days takes place within the pure mathematics departments of universities. I suspect the reason for this is that the amount of maths necessary to tackle these subjects could fill an entire career...
  5. S

    Exploring the Mysteries of Theoretical Physics

    Lately I have been studieng up on my Theoretical Physics. I feel I have a pretty good understanding of SR, but there are still some holes that nobody, not even my science teacher can help me out with (Im only in 8th grade, so Its not a big surprise that my teacher has no idea... no offense...
  6. F

    Theoretical Physics: Seeking Understanding from Afar

    I am a 2nd year physics undergraduate. I realize that basically there are two types of sciences, one of them to develop technology with scientific knowledge while the other one to seek for fundamental understanding of the physical laws governing the universe. I am passionate in doing the...
  7. J

    Physics, or Theoretical Physics?

    I am not sure whether I want to study Physics, or Theoretical Physics at University. What is the main difference? The courses are at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, if you guys want to have a look at their basic overview of them. I would just like to hear some experienced opinions.
  8. Y

    Mathematica Mathematical Perspectives on Theoretical Physics

    "Mathematical Perspectives on Theoretical Physics: A Journey from Black Holes to Superstrings" by Nirmala Prakash. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1860943659/?tag=pfamazon01-20 Just wondering if anyone here has read or are using the book? What's your opinion about the book? As in, personally, do...
  9. N

    Theoretical Physics: Is Proving Theorems Essential?

    i'm currently in my 2nd yr in a course in theo phys, but my college hasn't put a course aside for the sublject so instead we sit in on maths and physics courses. I'm having a problem with real and complex analysis as while i find the principles dealt with in them useful the only areas we're...
  10. C

    Experimental and Theoretical Physics

    What are the perks and cons to being an experimental or theoretical physicist? and Is it possible to work on both areas? Thanks in advance Charonic
  11. B

    Theoretical Physics or Applied Mathematics?

    Hello, I've searched the forums and have seen similar questions come up, but no direct answers. So sorry for bringing up a topic which may seem to some of you, talked to death! Anyway I'm in the first year of my undergrduate degree programme at university, studying theoretical physics...
  12. P

    Is it better to self-learn theoretical physics?

    It seems that undergrad students usually haven't learned enough maths when they start the physics subjects so after the course, they don't really 'understand' the physics. The other thing is students usually do many other subjects and do not have the time to solve many problems. For someone who...
  13. P

    Which subjects in theoretical physics do undergrads find most difficult?

    Personally, I think Electromagnetism is the hardest although I am not through my undergrad degree yet. I found optics very difficult in first year and haven’t done much after that but it probably is hard. I heard many people say QM is difficult and unintuitive and no doubt it is but at the...
  14. S

    Schools Applying to grad school in theoretical physics

    I'm currently a senior, and I'm starting to apply to grad schools (I know it's late). Right now I'm picking what schools to apply to. But there's too many. I was hoping I could get some suggestions on what schools would be best for me. So my situation is: I'm interested in theoretical...
  15. C

    Places to study theoretical physics

    I've been looking through a bunch of top notch schools curriculums and am having a hard time figuring out the experimental or theoretical bias of the departments, and I was wondering if any of you had some experience with what schools were very good for theory.
  16. R

    Math knowledge used in theoretical physics

    Hi, as usual in September I am deciding which courses to take. I am in the second year of my study and so far I am following the more theoretical path, later maybe with focus on quantum mechanics and quantum information processing. My question is: which math courses should I take this year...
  17. W

    Which school is better for theoretical physics - Princeton or MIT

    So the end of high school is in sight and I now have to start considering colleges. I see a lot of papers written by professors in Princeton, + it is known for Einstein having taught there. Then there's MIT, a school I always hear about. Supposing I have a choice, which one of these colleges...
  18. Q

    Math Theoretical Physics / Mathematics - Books, Career prospects

    Hi, last month I graduated with a BSc in Physics and have decided to take a break for a while to decide my next move. Also, having left Uni, its made me realize that I actually have to decide on a future career, something I've kind of put off until now, and how much I enjoy Physics. I'm pretty...
  19. daniel_i_l

    Is It Too Late to Pursue Theoretical Physics? Find Out Here!

    Unfortunatlly i can only start collage 2 years late (20) is that too late to start theoretical physics?
  20. K

    Exploring Theoretical Physics: Summer Reading List

    Hi new here, I'm getting into this field of theoretical physics, and I have a goal to read several books over the summer. Currently reading Brief History of Time I guess because of its popularity. here is the list A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking Hyperspace by Michio Kaku...
  21. F

    Electrical Engineering or Theoretical Physics: Which Is Right for a Math Lover?

    Hello everyone! I'm in 12th grade and having trouble finally deciding what to choose between Electrical Engineering and Theoretical Physics. My real problem is that I love Math and Physics and false modesty apart, I think I'm good at it.( I haven't entered into University yet but presently I...
  22. S

    Schools Applying to grad school for theoretical physics

    I'll be applying to grad school for theoretical physics (string theory, etc.) this fall, and I was wondering what will be expected of me. It's hard to find research to do in this field as an undergrad. Is taking advanced physics and math classes and having a good gpa enough? I've also graded...
  23. F

    Good books to buy for an intro to theoretical physics

    I'm not sure that this is the right place to post this, but anyway, I wanted to know if there were any good books for an introduction to theoretical physics. The level I am looking for is undergraduate/high secondary school level (Those who are not English, that means 17-18 years old). I'm doing...
  24. samalkhaiat

    Does this reduces experimental physics to theoretical physics?

    An experimantal study is possible provided that; 1) nature is invariant under space-time translations. (so that it is possible to reproduce the results) 2) nature is invariant under Lorentz's group. (and this establishes a possible causal connection between parts of experimental...
  25. L

    Geometry in theoretical physics: alternatives having been tried ?

    String theory opened the barrier of 4 dimensions up to 11. This is a step outside common sense that apparently opened new horizons. I would be interrested to know if larger steps have already been tried and if papers are available on these attempts. For example, I have the feeling that...
  26. K

    What Career Opportunities Exist for Theoretical Physics Graduates?

    Hey, I was wondering what kind of jobs someone can get with a degree in Theoretical Physics, and I'm also curious how if there is a decent job outlook. Thanks
  27. U

    Schools Theoretical Physics in Grad school

    Say an imaginary person named Smith wanted to go to MIT (or some renowned university) for grad school in Theoretical Physics. He finishes college in 5 years earning him a MA/BS ECE degree (electrical and computer engineering) as well as a Physics BA and a minor in Mathematics. He begins to work...
  28. R

    Theoretical Physics: Field for Geniuses? Waste of Genius Mind-Power?

    I know a lot of undergrads that are enamored with Theoretical Physics and things like String Theory. I suppose it is only natural for thinking individuals to be curious about the fundamental lack of understanding we have about the universe and existence, and Theoretical Physics would be the...
  29. O

    Is It Necessary to Master Advanced Math Before Studying Theoretical Physics?

    For all you theoretical physicists out there. I have got all the undergraduate math stuff down (group theory, point set topology, PDEs, introduction to mathematical analysis, linear algebra, classical differential geometry etc.), but now going further in my physics education I am...
  30. W

    The famous Institute of Theoretical Physics?

    Any one know which are the most famous Institute of Theoretical Physics around the word? Give a list please.
  31. G

    Courses Landau Course of Theoretical Physics : Mechanics

    This is the first book in Landau's theoretical physics series and I am wondering how it was, as I was thinking of buying it online. What kind of things must you already be familiar with going into this book? Furthermore, is an understanding of single variable calculus satisfactory for this...
  32. F

    Theoretical physics book for a high school student?

    Hi, can someone please recommend some books on theoretical physics? I have limited knowledge in calculus (chain/product/quotient rule and a bit of anti-differentiation) and I plan to study purely from the textbook. If I need a more advanced understanding of maths, which I'm sure I do, can...
  33. MathematicalPhysicist

    Programs Phd in pure maths and theoretical physics

    im just wondering if there are such excellent grad students or soemone who already did accomplish getting a phd degree in pure maths and a phd in theoretical physics? (or are you familiar to such people?). i think this is insane even to think about it, let alone really doing it...
  34. Y

    Working in the field of theoretical physics

    I am doing my undergrad degree with the goal of working in the field of theoretical physics. I'm starting my third year and I don't know if I should do a physics/math degree or math/minorphysics degree. The difference would be more advanced courses in advanced algebra and the cost would be a...
  35. J

    String Theory and Supersymmetry in Theoretical Physics Curriculum

    I'm sorry marcus, but as you probably know by now, familiarity with the main ideas of string theory and supersymmetry is pretty much mandatory for all students planning to go into theoretical physics, so courses in strings and supersymmetry continue to be a standard part of college syllubi (in...
  36. marcus

    A change going on in theoretical physics

    a shift in theoretical physics GR has a different concept of space and time from the one in String Theory and habitually used in the rest of physics. This is being realized more now because of a shift in factors driving research. Spacetime geometry has taken over the job of driving...
  37. P

    Demonstration on theoretical physics

    I am a high school student, but I need some college level help. Ok, here's my problem. I plan on doing a an demonstration on theoretical physics. This is for a science fair. Now, I had an idea for about half a year, but it fell through. So my question is, is there an experiment (college...
  38. phoenixthoth

    Basic metascience questions in theoretical physics

    i have a few questions of the scientists out there. I'm looking for scientific answers to questions on the philosophy of science, though I'm not sure scientific answers can answer questions on the philosophy of science. here goes nothing... is it assumed that the laws of nature are...
  39. Astrophysics

    Majors Astrophysics and Theoretical physics

    Hello everyone, Since I haven't seen any introductions section here (like the one mkaku.org has) I was hoping that members could introduce themeselves in this thread so everyone can get to know each other better, especially new members like myself. Let me introduce myself first, My name...
  40. marcus

    What's the hottest area in theoretical physics?

    In what area of research is the most creative work-----most likely to have longterm significance----currrently being done? On PF the question surfaces from time to time----who's the greatest living physicist? Who's the most like Newton, but active today, or like Einstein etc...
  41. D

    Exploring Theoretical Physics: Time Travel and Parallel Universes

    I'm new to the topic of theoretical physics so can someone fill me in is it possible to go back in time and go to the future? because say Joe is from the future, and he goes to the pass and kill's his younger version. will he instantly disappear? oh yeah btw, it struck me, parallel...
  42. R

    The Importance of Theoretical Physics

    What is the importance of theoretical physics to our modern society? People often inquire, when I inform them that I wish to get a PhD in it, what the importance of it is. What is the point of theoretical physics? I guess it is the framework open which microchips are built! That is, quantum...