What is Terms: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Terms of service (also known as terms of use and terms and conditions, commonly abbreviated as TOS or ToS, ToU or T&C) are the legal agreements between a service provider and a person who wants to use that service. The person must agree to abide by the terms of service in order to use the offered service. Terms of service can also be merely a disclaimer, especially regarding the use of websites. Vague language and lengthy sentences used in the terms of use have brought concerns on customer privacy and raised public awareness in many ways.

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  1. Examples of simplifying expressions involving rational numbers |7th grade | Khan Academy

    Examples of simplifying expressions involving rational numbers |7th grade | Khan Academy

    Learn how to simplify algebraic expressions by combining like terms. The expressions in this video have decimal and fraction coefficients. Practice this less...
  2. M

    MHB Width of a rectangular frame in terms of x.

    By bending a 16 cm wire a rectangular frame is made. By taking the length as x , write the width in terms of x. If the area of the frame is $11 cm^2$ show that x satisfies the equation $x^2-8x+11=0$ Solve the equation by taking the $\sqrt{5}=2.24$ Ideas on how to begin ? (Happy)
  3. olgerm

    B An equation from terms of operator del to terms of sums

    https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/a7fd3adddbdfb95797d11ef6167ecda4efe3e0b9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_force#Lorentz_force_in_terms_of_potentials How to write this formula in terms of sums and vector components? What is ##v\cdot\nabla## ? I think it is some...
  4. M

    MHB Find the value of X in terms of Y

    All I see is the three angles of the triangles equal. Any Ideas on how to begin ? Many Thanks :)
  5. M

    MHB Determine how many times are of PQR in terms of XYZ

    If that's not clear enough, DIAGRAM this will do it. Going Ahead I see that, Line PQ is bisected by the parallel line which originates from X Parallel line which originates from X is parallel to the line PQ QY=YZ=ZR and using the converse of the midpoint theorem \therefore PX = XR...
  6. F

    I Hubble parameter in terms of the scale factor

    From Introduction to Cosmology by Matt Roos, he wanted to derive the Hubble parameter in terms of the scale factor. From the Friedmann's equation, ##\frac{R'^2 + kc^2}{R^2} = \frac{8πG}{3}ρ## The density parameter is ##~Ω(a) = \frac{8πG}{3H_o^2}ρ(a)~## and let ##~Ω_k = \frac{-kc^2}{H_o^2}##...
  7. A

    I Can x = t - sin(t) be expressed in terms of t?

    Sorry title should say x=t-sin(t) in terms of t...Is it possible? I get close.. I do t = x + sin(t) and use the relation again to get an infinite regression T = x + sin(x +sin(x + sin(x + sin(x... )))) I'm not sure if it has a real limit or simplification ... anyone know?
  8. F

    MHB Triangle side terms and area inequality

    Currently revising for my A-Level maths (UK), there is unfortunately no key in the book; Given the triangle with sides a,b,c respectively and the area S, show that ab+bc+ca => 4*sqrt(3)*S I have tried using the Ravi transformation without luck, any takers?
  9. G

    B Other terms for indeterministic hidden variables

    If there were nonlocal hidden variables that are indeterministic and doesn't obey counterfactual definiteness. What terms should they be called. I think hidden variable should only be reserved for deterministic counterfactual definite. What then should we refer to indeterministic...
  10. S

    I Morris-Thorne Wormhole Metric Terms

    Here is the Morris-Thorne Wormhole line element: ds2 = - c2dt2 + dl2 + (b2 + l2)(dθ2 + sin2(θ)d∅2) Now my main question here (even though I've asked this before, but never quite understood) is: What exactly is l? I know that b is the radius of the throat of the wormhole. I know that the rest...
  11. Spinnor

    B An antenna in terms of string theory

    Loosely, in terms of string theory, an electron moving back and forth in a radiating antenna is a string moving in space-time. Far away, the electromagnetic radiation of the antenna is made of strings moving in space-time. Can I think of the near electric and magnetic fields surrounding the...
  12. Q

    I Schrodinger equation in terms of complex conjugate

    I know there's a similar post, but i didn't understand it. Why the derivative respect to t in terms of the complex conjugate of ψ is: instead of being the original S.E in terms of ψ* or the equation in terms of ψ with the signs swapped
  13. Xico Sim

    I Mesons and baryons written in terms of quarks

    Hello, guys. I have not understood what it means when one writes ##\pi^+=u\bar{d}##, for example. I though it simply meant that the ##\pi^+## meson was composed of one up-quark and one anti-down-quark. However, that doesn't explain what writing ##\pi^0=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(d\bar{d}-u\bar{u})##...
  14. kyphysics

    I Expression, Terms, Factors, Coefficients, Mono/Bi/Poly HELP

    I'm trying to clarify my terminological understanding of things related to mathematical expressions. Actually, first I want to make sure I understand what an expression is and is not. From my current understanding, an expression is any number, variable, or combination of numbers and...
  15. S

    Find expression in terms of time for a particle's velocity?

    Homework Statement A particle moves along a straight line so that its acceleration t seconds after passing a fixed point O on the line is (2 - 2t) cm/s2. Three seconds after passing O, the particle has a velocity of 5 cm/s. Find and expression, in terms of t, for the velocity of the particle...
  16. Saracen Rue

    B Finding velocity in terms of displacement

    I know two methods as to how to do this, but one of them doesn't seem to work. Say you're given x = 3t^2 + 6t - 4. If you treat x as an unknown variable and movie it over to the other side, you can use completing the square to solve for t. This eventually gets you: t = 1/3*sqrt(3(x+7)) - 1 Then...
  17. entropy1

    I Expectation value in terms of density matrix

    It says in Susskind's TM: ##\langle L \rangle = Tr \; \rho L = \sum_{a,a'}L_{a',a} \rho_{a,a'}## with ##a## the index of a basisvector, ##L## an observable and ##\rho## a density matrix. Is this correct? What about the trace in the third part of this equation?
  18. Simon T

    MHB Solving An Equation With Rational Terms

    Hey guys, I am not to good in Math and I am having issues solving this equation. 2x-9/3x + 8 = 3/7x How do you solve this equation? The answer is supposed to be x = 0.3956?
  19. Vivan Vatsa

    How can I easily understand the relations between different concentration terms?

    I want to ask that how to understand the relation of different concentration terms. Like the relation of Molality, Molarity & Density & related relations of concentration terms. So how to understand the relations easily?
  20. O

    A Why the terms - exterior, closed, exact?

    Hi all, (Thank you for the continuing responses to my other questions...) I am gaining more and more understanding of differential forms and differential geometry. But now I must ask... Why the words? I understand the exterior derivative, but why is it called "exterior?" Ditto for CLOSED and...
  21. karush

    MHB *Find the sum of the first 17 terms

    Find the sum of the first $17$ terms of the arithmetic series: $8+\sqrt{7}$, $6$, $4-\sqrt{7 }$... $a_1=8+\sqrt{7}$; $n=17$; $d=2+\sqrt{7 }$ $\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{n}(a_1-kd)=136 \sqrt{7 }-170$ Don't have book answer for this? Much Mahalo
  22. olgerm

    I Any EM-field in terms of photon

    I know formula ## p=\frac{h}{λ} ## p is photon momentum h is plankc constant λ is EM-wave wavelenght but it is only valid for one wave. How to describe most general EM- field in terms of photons? Is there always discrete number of photons? If EM field is given in terms of a)EM-vectorfield...
  23. K

    Residual electron-electron interactions, atomic terms

    Homework Statement An atom with an excited-state configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d14p1 With residual electron-electron interactions are taken into account, this configuration splits into atomic terms. List these terms labelled by their L and S quantum numbers Homework Equations L=|l1-l2|...
  24. olgerm

    Maxwell equations in terms of potentials

    These are Maxwell´s equations in potential formulation: ∇2φ = DIV(grad(φ)) . Am I right? ∇2A = ROT(ROT(A))=ROT(B)=grad(DIV(A))-Laplace(A) . Am I right? In coulomb gauge in every point and at any time DIV(A)=[PLAIN]https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/4/4/1/44131cc26bd9db464d0edb7459ccca84.png...
  25. M

    Electronic Spec - Terms generated by config of (e1g)2(e2u)2

    Homework Statement What terms are generated by the configuration (e1g)2(e2u)2 in D6h symmetry? Homework Equations configuration (χd)2 gives terms 1(symmetric product) + 3(antisymmetric product) where χ=symmetry of an orbital and d = degenerate (e1g)x(e1g) = A1g + [A2g] + E2g (e2u)x(e2u) =...
  26. G

    Expressing phase space differential in terms of COM

    Homework Statement The Hamiltonian for a single diatomic molecule of identical atoms is given as $$H=\dfrac{\vec{p_1}\cdot\vec{p_1}}{2m}+\dfrac{\vec{p_2}\cdot\vec{p_2}}{2m}+\dfrac{K}{2}(\vec{r_1}-\vec{r_2})\cdot(\vec{r_1}-\vec{r_2})$$. Find the grand canonical partition function for a gas of...
  27. S

    Calculate the change of temperature in terms of T

    Two Thermally insulated cylinders, A and B, of equal volume, both equipped with pistons, are connected by a valve. Initially A has its piston fully withdrawn and contains a perfect monatomic gas at temperature T, while B has its piston fully inserted, and the valve is closed. Calculate the final...
  28. shintashi

    Confusing terms? Live, Common, Neutral, Ground....

    OK, so I've gone through probably 90 tutorials on electricity and related topics, and there's a bundle of terms I ran into, used by people ages 12-80 with a dozen different accents and twice as many time zones. (So I'm not sure how many terms are universal and how many are provincial). Live...
  29. Ryaners

    (Statistics) Blackbody spectrum in terms of wavelength?

    This is a question about transforming a probability distribution, using the blackbody spectrum as an example. Homework Statement An opaque, non-reflective body in thermal equilibrium emits blackbody radiation. The spectrum of this radiation is governed by B(f) = af3 / (ebf−1) , where a and b...
  30. thegirl

    I Why can U be expanded in terms of T and V?

    when expressing dS as a function of dV and dT, dU was expanded out as you can see in the screenshot below, is there a mathematical rule which allows this? does the fact that the internal energy is expanded out change the meaning of the expression?
  31. Josh_H

    B Where is the slowest point in terms of time?

    If moving inside the event horizon of a super-massive black hole and theoretically surviving we could see the universe pass by at millions of years per second relative to someone on earth, where could we go where time passes at a much faster rate than someone on earth? For example where 2...
  32. R

    I Relativity: Coming to Terms 1: Starting Assumptions

    Coming to terms with the theory of relativity is a long and difficult process that requires shedding all the popular misconceptions and hype surrounding the subject matter. Science doesn't sell but throw in carefully worded claims of time travel, matter materialization, shape shifting and...
  33. karush

    MHB Find the sum of the first 17 terms of the arithmetic series

    Find the sum of the first 17 terms of the arithmetic series $$8+\sqrt{7}, \ 6,\ 4-\sqrt{7}$$ $$u=8+\sqrt{7}$$ $$S_{17} =\frac{u\left(1-\frac{{6}^{17}} {u} \right)}{u}$$ My first shot at this
  34. H

    B Confusion with the terms: Reactive, Unstable and Radioactive

    Really wishing I had paid more attention in high school. I assumed that reactive meant that the element either needed to gain or lose electrons causing it to "want" to grab onto another or be grabbed. Sodium being an example. If I am correct with that part, this next part is where I am picking...
  35. U

    Find the first 3 terms of the asymptotic expansion of Jn(x)

    Homework Statement The bessel function Jn(x) is defined by the integral Jn(x)=1/(inπ)∫0πeixcosφcos(nφ)dφ From this formula, find the first 3 terms of the asymptotic expansion of Jn(x) when x=n and n is a large positive integer. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I tried combining the...
  36. Anchovy

    What is a 'sphaleron' in basic terms?

    I'm trying to build a vague understanding of what a sphaleron is (for context: I'm reading about baryon number asymmetry in the early universe and the word keeps cropping up). I've found a paragraph that seems to get me half way there but still leaves me feeling a bit :oldconfused: : So first...
  37. G

    'Physics' Terms for Integral quantities?

    'Flux' is often used to describe quantities associated with a surface integral. I wonder if there are corresponding terms for the line and volume integrals. Linflux? Volux?
  38. G

    Why QM (or rather, nature) is weird, in lay terms.

    If I show you three face down cards (normal playing cards, so can be either a red or black suit), and tell you that no matter which two you pick, they would be different colors, I have no doubt you'll say I'm being weird (to put it mildly). Well, nature does pretty much the same thing. This is...
  39. avito009

    What is Rise in laymans terms?

    As per me rise is the vertical length of the structure. Am I right? I read in Gordon's book "Structures or why things don't fall down" that the rise should be half the span of the bridge. Why? What does span mean?. As per me span means the area between one end where there is a column and the...
  40. duran9987

    Derive Radiation Pressure in terms of N, V, hf

    Homework Statement Compute the radiation pressure exerted by a gas of photons (according to kinetic theory). There are N photons, each with energy hf, the momentum is hf/c, and the walls are perfectly reflecting. Express the pressure in terms of N, V, and the product hf. Homework Equations...
  41. E

    Unraveling the Metric Found in Special Relativity

    In special relativity, we can prove that the metric is -+++ for all observers and that is by making use out of lorentz invariance. Some on this forum say that it comes as a result of constancy of light and others say that Minkowski predated einstein in making that metric, which was confusing...
  42. G

    MHB First two terms of sin(sin(2x))

    I'm asked to find first two terms of the series $\sin(\sin(2x))$. $\sin(t) = t-\frac{t^3}{3!}+\frac{t^5}{5!}-\cdots$ $\sin(2x) = 2x-\frac{2^3x^3}{3!}+\frac{2^5x^5}{5!}-\cdots$ $\displaystyle \sin(\sin(2x)) =...
  43. D

    Positive and negative work in terms of energy.

    How would we define positive and negative work in terms of energy? When the force and displacement are in opposite directions, we say the work done by the force is negative. When the force and displacement are in the same direction, we say the work done by the force is positive. However, how we...
  44. hypnoticdesign

    What exactly is a sample in terms of sample rate (audio)

    I can't seem to find an answer anywhere to this just by searching. I'm trying to understand samplerate more thoroughly. I know 44000 samples per second means that the highest frequency that can be recorded is 22000 hz but what is each sample? Does it mean there is a constant 44000 snippets of...
  45. 5P@N

    Why is an integrated function with multiple terms....

    I have encountered this general Integral: "∫ 1/ax+b dx = 1/a * ln|ax+b| +C" I was not given a proof, but would like one, along with an easy explanation, please.
  46. themagician

    Understanding Space-Time: Exploring Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

    Can anyone explain space-time to me, and how it disproves Newtons theory of gravity please? I've heard of the analogy that mass bends space-time like a bowling ball on a rubber sheet, but I don't understand how this happens, nor how this contradicts Newtons theory of gravity.
  47. C

    Expressing an integral in terms of gamma functions

    I want to show that $$\int_0^{\infty} \frac{ds}{s-q^2} \frac{s^{-1-\epsilon}}{s-t \frac{z}{1-z}} = \Gamma(1-\epsilon) \Gamma(\epsilon) \frac{1}{t \frac{z}{1-z} - q^2} \left((-t)^{-1-\epsilon} \left(\frac{z}{1-z}\right)^{-1-\epsilon} -(-q^2)^{-1-\epsilon}\right) $$ I have many ideas on how to...
  48. N

    And - Or - Not in terms of one another

    It is possible to express the boolean AND in terms of boolean OR and boolean NOT: a AND b <=> NOT (NOT a OR NOT b) Similarly, a OR b <=> NOT (NOT a AND NOT b) Why can't we express NOT in terms of OR and AND?
  49. B

    Exploring Polyflow Terms: Plane of Symmetry, Zero Velocity Wall & Free Surface

    What is the "plane of symmetry", "zero velocity wall" and "free surface" terms which I have seen in Polyflow? It says in Vnormal=Fs=0 for plane of symmetry and Vnormal= Vs= 0 for zero velocity Wall. Now I get when Vs=Vn=0 it means that the wall isn't moving and it's in a static state but didnt...
  50. E

    Why do those two terms add here?

    When I was studying complex manifolds in a Freedman's SUGRA book, I ran across this. In a complex manifold, the metric is...