What is Spectrum: Definition and 765 Discussions

A spectrum (plural spectra or spectrums) is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary, without steps, across a continuum. The word was first used scientifically in optics to describe the rainbow of colors in visible light after passing through a prism. As scientific understanding of light advanced, it came to apply to the entire electromagnetic spectrum. It thereby became a mapping of a range of magnitudes (wavelengths) to a range of qualities, which are the perceived "colors of the rainbow" and other properties which correspond to wavelengths that lie outside of the visible light spectrum.
Spectrum has since been applied by analogy to topics outside optics. Thus, one might talk about the "spectrum of political opinion", or the "spectrum of activity" of a drug, or the "autism spectrum". In these uses, values within a spectrum may not be associated with precisely quantifiable numbers or definitions. Such uses imply a broad range of conditions or behaviors grouped together and studied under a single title for ease of discussion. Nonscientific uses of the term spectrum are sometimes misleading. For instance, a single left–right spectrum of political opinion does not capture the full range of people's political beliefs. Political scientists use a variety of biaxial and multiaxial systems to more accurately characterize political opinion.
In most modern usages of spectrum there is a unifying theme between the extremes at either end. This was not always true in older usage.

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  1. L

    Molecular Hydrogen absorption spectrum

    Is it true, as someone says, that molecular hydrogen in its fundamental state don't (almost?) absorb in the frequencis of the Balmer series of atomic hydrogen emission spectrum? Thanks. -- lightarrow
  2. M

    Do we have a complete knowledge of the spectrum of light?

    The question is pretty simple really, do we have a complete knowledge on the different wavelengths of light? Or are there possibly other sources of light out there that are unknown to us?
  3. A

    The peak of the thermal radiation power spectrum (dR/dλ)

    Homework Statement The peak of the thermal radiation power spectrum (dR/dλ) is at a wacelength of about λm=hc/5kT. Why is the peak of the same power spectrum plotted as dR/df not at fm=c/λm= 5kT/h? Homework Equations dR/dλ= 2πhc2/(λ5(e(hc/λkT)-1)) f=c/λ The Attempt at a Solution
  4. G

    Spectrum of singly ionised helium

    Dear Friends! We know ionized helium has two protons in its nucleus, whereas hydrogen has one. This changes the line spectrum completely. Why? Thank You in advance!
  5. ChrisVer

    How Does the CMB Power Spectrum Relate to Angular Scales?

    http://pdg.lbl.gov/2013/reviews/rpp2013-rev-cosmic-microwave-background.pdf Here one reads in sec. 26.2.4 that: However it states that a single Y_{lm} corresponds to angular variations of \theta \sim \pi /l. I am not getting these statements. Also I find it difficult to understand, since...
  6. P

    Natural Spectrum of the Universe?

    Does anyone know where I might find the natural spectrum of bodies in the universe? Something like http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Spectrum_of_Sunlight_en.svg as a sum of all known stars, black holes, pulsars, solar winds on planetary atmospheres, etc covering the entire...
  7. Z

    Some questions on Invariant Mass Spectrum

    What can we learn from Invariant Mass Spectrum?How to measure it?So,how to read it? Mass measurement is converted into energy measurement,but how could we make the quantity change continuously in order to form the horizontal axis? How to divide different particles to measure them...
  8. R

    Mean colour of visible spectrum?

    How the Mean colour of visible spectrum is yellow? Shouldn't that be green according to acronym VIBGYOR?
  9. Z

    Is decay spectrum continuous or discrete?

    For a definite particle,the decay mode is determinant,finite kind,which embody the characteristic of quantum mechanics. But for a specific mode of a definite particle's decay,the decay spectrum,ie,energy of products,continuous,or discrete? Decay is a process which has unique initial...
  10. J

    Does wave/particle duality apply to the full EM spectrum?

    My question relates to wave/particle duality. If light is regarded as possessing both wave like and particle like properties, and visible light is just part of the whole EM spectrum of radiation, is it correct to say that radio waves for instance, ( being themselves part of the whole spectrum...
  11. E

    Find the Frequency Spectrum of an optical communication link

    Homework Statement 2. Homework Equations 10 Log[10](g/mW)= GdBw The Attempt at a Solution I have attached a document of my approach to this question. I would like to know if my approach is correct? Thank you for your assistance
  12. T

    Why Does the Hydrogen Spectrum Lack X-ray Frequencies?

    Why line spectrum of hydrogen includes no X-ray frequencies?
  13. P

    Someone know Bogoliubov spectrum?

    Any material or views? Thank you.
  14. P

    Some questions about Spectrum Techniques Lab

    Homework Statement i have some questions and some of them i can't answer. The questions are form the "Spectrum Techniques Lab Manual Student Version" the link for this manual...
  15. T

    What Determines the Spectrum of Hawking Radiation?

    Simple questions. There is a formula for the POWER of Hawking radiation, but what's about it's spectrum? What is the shape of the power/wavelength curve?
  16. J

    Inductor's output power measurement using spectrum analyzer

    Hello! I have a question about measurement of spectrum analyzer. I made some inductor by lithography, evaporator, and lift-off process, and tried to measure using spectrum analyzer. (The probing was GSG type) I swept the frequency from 100MHz to 5Ghz, and output power was monitored by...
  17. PolywellGuy

    The Spectrum for a pure electron plasma

    Hello All, In this recent Navy publication, a team of researchers said they have discovered cusp confinement. This could be a major step towards fusion power. I am working on a write up of this publication. I am trying to understand their inferometry data. As far as I can tell, the...
  18. Maher Fareed

    Asking for guidance on the physics of light spectrum

    Hi guys, My name is Maher, and I am not new to physics...I am specialized in Soil physics and mechanics...However, I have recently developed an interest in light physics... I am searching for a book or articles on Ultraviolet, in particular the separation and intensification of the...
  19. F

    Spectrum of the Reduced matrix's eigenvalues

    I would like to know if the density matrix spectrum is always discrete or if it is possible it has a continuum spectrum. It is clear that a pure density matrix has a discrete spectrum but it is not obvious in general. I have heard that all compact operator has discrete eigenvalues and if it has...
  20. Baddum12

    Characteristic Spectrum and the K-alpha line

    I have just finished a junior-level lab assignment in which we used X-ray diffraction to determine the lattice constants of unknown materials. In the theory section of the lab write-up, it briefly explains the K-alpha doublet of the characteristic spectrum. I understand that it is the result...
  21. F

    Bradford dye absorption spectrum question?

    https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/74483 https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/74483 Based in the absorption spectra above, why is 595 nm the best wavelength to measure protein concentration with Bradford dye (Hint: there are two important reasons for choosing 595). I think it has...
  22. D

    Identify emission line spectrum

    Homework Statement refer to the question Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution from figure b , moving to the right, we know that the wavelength increases. since e= hc/λ , so the energy diffrenece should be increases as going to the right, so i consider line 1,2 and 3 is in a specific...
  23. S

    What Causes Unusual Vibration Patterns in AC Induction Motors?

    Hello! I want to ask about spectrum of Ac induction motor, first of all, we measure points at non drive end + drive end - radial+axial direction. At horizontal direction we measure not only velocity but also acceleration. Two questions: 1. I see a peak around 65000 rpm with sidebands at...
  24. E

    Amplitude spectrum of signal, power of signal etc

    Hi! Here is my task: 1. Homework Statement Periodic signal is input signal for circuit (photo). a) Calculate and sketch amplitude spectrum of $$u(t+1ms)$$, b) Calculate participation (in percent) of DC component of power of total mean power of signal $$u(t)$$, c) Sketch power spectrum of...
  25. E

    Phase and amplitude spectrum of signal

    Hi! 1. Homework Statement My task is to calculate amplitude and phase spectrum of this signal: Homework Equations My idea is to calculate complex Fourier series of this signal, $$f(t)=\sum_{n=-\infty}^{n=+\infty}Fne^{j\frac{2n\pi t}{T}},$$ where...
  26. P

    NaLaF4:Er3+ up-conversion spectrum in glass an ceramics

    Hi,Guys. I have registered 2 spectrum's. 980nm induced spectrum of NaLaF4:Er3+ glass and NaLaF4:Er3+ ceramics. Now, i have to explain the observed differences. So the first one and obvious one,is that in the case of glass, luminescence bands becomes wider,because of the lattice structure of...
  27. DavideGenoa

    Spectrum of ##(x_1,x_2,x_3, )\mapsto(0,x_1,2^{-1}x_2, )##

    Dear friends, I would like to find the spectrum of the linear operator ##A\in\mathscr{L}(\ell_2,\ell_2)##, which I have verified to be compact and eigenvalueless, defined by ##A(x_1,x_2,x_3,...,x_n,...)=(0,x_1,\frac{1}{2}x_2,...,\frac{1}{n-1}x_{n-1},...)## but my book does not give examples of...
  28. A

    Discrete Spectrum Non-Degeneracy in 1D: How to Prove?

    Homework Statement Prove that in the 1D case all states corresponding to the discrete spectrum are non-degenerate. Homework Equations \hat{H}\psi_n=E_n\psi_n The Attempt at a Solution Okay so, what I am stuck on here is that the question is quite broad. I can think of specific...
  29. T

    Primodial power spectrum of scalar perturbations

    For scalar modes \mathcal{R}_k originating in the Bunch-Davies vacuum at the onset of inflation, I have the following equation for their primordial power spectrum: P_{\mathcal{R}}(k)=\frac{4\pi}{\epsilon(\eta_k)}\bigg( \frac{H(\eta_k)}{2\pi} \bigg)^2, where: c = G = ħ = 1, k is the...
  30. R

    Emission Spectrum: Color Lines & Atomic Orbital Band

    Are each of the color lines in the emission spectrum correspondant with a single band in the atomic orbital? For example if an electron rises to the 3p band it will emit one line of color only.
  31. CassiopeiaA

    Blackbody radiation over whole frequency spectrum

    I was studying black body radiation and how quantization of energy solves the problem of ultraviolet catastrophe. But I have a very fundamental doubt. A black body can be assumed as a cavity with a small hole with radiation leaking out of it. As the temperature of the black body is increased we...
  32. R

    Back to basics: What exactly is an emission spectrum?

    This will probably end up being a stupid question with a simple answer, but if you don't ask and just accept things then where's the understanding? Anyway, the spectrum of emission is usually shown as some form of Intensity vs Wavelength, my question is how does it relate to time and how is it...
  33. J

    Why do LCD TVs show color spectrum when light shines on them?

    Hi pf, I just noticed that when light shines onto my tv screen (when it is off) you see thin bands of colors reflecting back (see picture attached). I just wondered why this was and also why it ONLY happens if DIRECT light (from a bulb or the sun) hits it. Also, you only ever seem to get 4...
  34. P

    How can I simulate voltage data caused by 1/f noise?

    I am trying to implement what's called the "second spectrum". Basically, you do this: 1. Take a time series of length N. 2. Divide it into m segment, each of length N'=N/m. 3. For each segment m, do a Fourier Transform. The result is the 'first spectrum',S_i^{(1)}(f_1), i=1,...,m 4...
  35. neilparker62

    Stokes Shift in Hydrogen Spectrum ?

    Would one expect the emission and absorption spectral lines for Hydrogen to be at slightly different frequencies ? So if electrons are excited to higher energy levels on absorption of photons and then fall back down again emitting photons, would there be any difference in frequency. Assuming...
  36. A

    Determine density of states from an XPS spectrum

    I've heard any many places that the density of states (DOS) can be determined from an x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectrum. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me can explain how this is done, or can direct me to a good resource? Thanks!
  37. L

    Synchrotron Spectrum: Constructing an Emission Spectrum

    Hi! I try to construct the emission spectrum from relativistic electron rotating in homogeneous magnetic field - synchrotron. In my lecture notes a found out one really easy derivation using the invariance of \frac{I'}{(\nu')^3}=\frac{I}{\nu^3}, where I is the specific intensity and \nu is...
  38. K

    How is Wavenumber related to visible lines in the Hydrogen spectrum?

    It is given in my book that " If the spectral lines are expresses in terms of Wavenumber, then the visible lines of the Hydrogen spectrum obey the following formula: Wavenumber = 109,677(1/22 - 1/n2) Here, I cannot understand that how can the visible lines be expressed in terms of...
  39. carllacan

    Can the Vibrational Spectrum of HCl Be Explained by Isotopic Differences?

    Homework Statement Chlorine has two naturally occurring isotopes, Cl-35 and Cl-37. Show that the vibrational spectrum of HCl should consist of closely spaced doublets, with a splitting given by ##\Delta \nu = 7.51x10^{-4}\nu ## where ##nu## is the frequency of the emitted photon. Hint: think...
  40. S

    Calibration of HF Spectrum Analyzer

    Hey guys, Cannot seem to find the answer to my question within the Owners Manual for our high-frequency spectrum analyzer. When performing the 2-port calibration, it gives the option of testing in forward or reverse, which is a function of the test cable's orientation (male or female). Is it...
  41. S

    Spectrum of careers for Pure Mathematics?

    Hello, I've just been accepted and will begin as an undergraduate in physics this fall. I'm planning on taking classes, in addition to the required courses, concentrated in particle physics, QM, field theory, etc. Also, I took courses on Set Theory and Topology, and fell in love with what I...
  42. P

    Rb saturated spectrum and identification of absorption lines

    Hello guys, i have saturated spectrum of Rb. My goal is to identify which lines i see. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img835/8787/xvwr.png So from http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/fulltext.cfm?uri=oe-15-10-6293 I have identified that there are to 2 Isotopes: Rb85 and Rb85, further from...
  43. A

    Neutrino Spectrum: What Is It & How Is It Like Light Spectrum?

    Is there something like a "neutrino spectrum"?. Would it be analog to light spectrum?. Sorry for the ignorance, just curious. AGZ
  44. Entanglement

    Emission spectrum lines of hydrogen

    I was told at school that when a hydrogen electron gains heat energy enough to excite it shifts to a higher energy level, then after a very small period it falls back to its ground energy level, that means all the energy it gains should be lost, but if that is true since hydrogen has an electron...
  45. Entanglement

    Why is cold gas used for producing an absorption line spectrum?

    Why cold gas is used for producing an absorption line spectrum
  46. S

    Why Do Thermal Neutrons Use v = sqrt(2kT/m) Instead of v = sqrt(3kT/m)?

    The most probable velocity of thermal neutrons can than be approximated by the Boltzmann constant and is given by the following: v = sqrt (2kT/m) where k is the Boltzmann constant T is the temperature m is the mass of the neutrons My question is why is the above equation not the...
  47. A

    Can we produce a white laser from a visible light spectrum?

    I am doing a final year project, my Prof gave me 2 prism. He wants me to do so: A white laser is shot on a prism producing a visible light spectrum, use another prism to converge the spectrum back into a laser. For me, it is theoretically impossible and I tried to convince him that it...
  48. G

    The spectrum of a bounded differential equation

    is it possible to work backwards from a spectrum to which operator?
  49. A

    Quantum yield: fluorescence spectrum correction

    Hello, I hope all is well, I have a few questions regarding fluorescence spectral corrections. I have run into an issue with corrections on the instrument I'm using. I have obtained spectra for a few compounds where the correction was working properly and achieve the results as expected. When...
  50. P

    Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectrum angle

    Dear Physics Buddies, How are well all, okay I hope. I was wondering if I might browse all your infinite intellects and ask you a very simple question. I am working with some medical images in MATLAB and my collaborators would like to know the orientation of the fibres that it contains...