What is Programs: Definition and 562 Discussions

A computer program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task.
A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming language. From the program in its human-readable form of source code, a compiler or assembler can derive machine code—a form consisting of instructions that the computer can directly execute. Alternatively, a computer program may be executed with the aid of an interpreter.
A collection of computer programs, libraries, and related data are referred to as software. Computer programs may be categorized along functional lines, such as application software and system software. The underlying method used for some calculation or manipulation is known as an algorithm.

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  1. C

    Graduate Programs Not Requiring the GRE Good or bad?

    As I'm researching graduate programs, I've noticed a few well-known universities and programs do not require the GRE for admission. Is this a bad sign? Or just the preference of the admission committees? I don't want to turn this into a whether or not the GRE is a good indicator discussion...
  2. nomadreid

    To empirically estimate the big-Oh in small programs

    Homework Statement First, I am a teacher preparing to give a discrete mathematics course, in which I will not do any computing, but the students will (in Python). I want them to make empirical estimates for the growth of their (short) recursive programs by putting in some sort of "counter" in...
  3. W

    Unranked/low ranked graduate programs in theoretical cosmology/hep-th or astro?

    I'm applying for graduate school but am from a basically unknown state school. My stats can be found here: http://www.physicsgre.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5735. I am looking for a low ranked or unranked theoretical cosmology/hep-th school or a similarly ranked observational astronomy program...
  4. fluidistic

    Why not replace politicians by open source programs?

    I am wondering why we aren't replacing politicians (such as presidents of countries) by open source programs. Programmers would program several different programs and people would vote for them. To be eligible the program must pass through thousands/millions of different situations (like the...
  5. L

    Researching Reputable Graduate Programs for MS in Applied Physics

    I am looking to find out if my choices of graduate programs for a MS in applied physics are reputable. I was accepted to both CSU long Beach, SFSU, and Fresno.. Does anyone have an opinion on these schools? Is it normal that they don't offer tuition waivers? They are very vague on what they...
  6. L

    Why are computer programs unnecessarily complicated?

    I was using iTunes, but I found myself having to do a Google search any time I wanted to do anything with it. And apparently lots of other people do too, because there's lots of results for the same exact questions I asked. So I decided to find an alternative to iTunes. I found a program called...
  7. P

    Are There Flexible Graduate Programs for Nanofabrication Research?

    Hi all, I was wondering if you had any advice as to "flexible" graduate programs that have do nanofabrication research. Nanofabrication doesn't fit neatly into the physics or engineering categories, so I would like to find a program that is flexible enough to allow me to perhaps do...
  8. J

    Physics Graduate Programs Involving Internships in Industry

    Hello PhysicsForums! I'm currently a senior undergraduate physics major looking at grad school options. I hope to pursue a future career in industry rather than academia. I've found a couple graduate programs that are very interesting to me. 1) Georgetown University Industrial Leadership...
  9. jbrussell93

    Should I Retake the GRE for Geophysics PhD Programs?

    Hey all. It has been a while since I've posted a question in the academic guidance section so here we go. I am a physics major who just took the general GRE and am a bit disappointed in my scores. V 157 (74%) Q 161 (80%) I scored much higher on the quantitative during practice tests (>90%)...
  10. S

    How to get into some undergraduate programs if you're poor?

    If you need more informations about this case just ask away. I'm a professor from an African country and I recognized back a student who is brilliant enough to convince me to create this post. At his age other kids are struggling with solving quadratic equations or at very elementary number...
  11. L

    Programs Online Degree Programs: Pursuing a BS in Mathematics

    Hello to all on the forum. I was wondering about online undergraduate degrees. I turned 25 in May and am pursing a BS in Mathematics at my local university. However, I find myself failing a lot. It's not because of the material but my lack of availability to attend classes and submit assignments...
  12. F

    Graduate Programs for Radio Astronomy

    Hello all, I'm trying to compile a list of schools (mainly in the US) that offer Ph.D. programs with research in radio astronomy. Here's what I've come up with so far: Caltech Cornell Harvard New Mexico Tech Ohio State University UC Berkley UC Los Angeles UC Santa Cruz University of Arizona...
  13. Y

    Old programs cannot be installed after recovery in Win8

    I have problem with my laptop after updated to Win8.1. I reverse back to Win 8. But now all the old programs I used to installed cannot be reinstalled again. I try troubleshoot compatibility and tried to run under XP service pack III, it won't work. Tried Window 7, it won't work. This is...
  14. J

    Funded master's programs in Germany

    I'm graduating with a bachelors soon, and was talking to a professor about grad school and he wanted to get me into one in Germany. He has a colleague doing what I want to do who has some positions available. The only thing is he was saying in America it goes bachelors->PhD, sometimes with a...
  15. EternusVia

    Programs Graduate Programs for an Applied Math major?

    Hi everyone, I'm currently an Applied Mathematics major at a local university. I have finished two years. I'm trying to decide if I want finish my applied math degree or transfer and take up electrical engineering at a different school. On the one hand, finishing my applied math degree...
  16. B

    Testing IFFT and FIR Filter on FFT Sin Wave Output

    ok I have a working FFT I have test that... I just make a IFFT... and I added a FIR filter. so i am testing it and I send a sin wave into the FFT and then to the Filter and then to the IFFT. after the FIlter every things looks good. but after the IFFT it does not. 1) the points are...
  17. C

    How Competitive are Medical Physics Programs?

    I still have a year left, but it's about time I worry about grad school. I am set on getting into medical physics, but I am a little worried about my GPA. I'm in Canada, my GPA is currently at 3.33, I am going to be doing a directed studies with a Professor next year and continue being a TA...
  18. M

    Programs Biomaterials engineering PhD programs with a physics degree

    I'm currently a physics major in my junior year, and was wondering how difficult it would be to bridge into bio-related materials and devices engineering. For a while I've had plans to pursue a materials science and engineering PhD, but have recently been drawn to biomaterials and soft matter...
  19. M

    Importance of CS in future courses and programs

    I am currently considering pursuing a specialization in Physics and hopefully research in the future. I'm not exactly sure what exactly I'd like to go into, but fields like nanomaterials, electromagnetism, condensed matter physics, astrophysics, particle physics and optics and photonics. I know...
  20. C

    Physics Summer Programs for 10th Grader: After PARI Program

    I am currently a high school student (10th grade) and am looking for any summer programs relating to physics, particularly astrophysics. I was already accepted into a program at PARI through Duke, but this goes 6/16-6/30, and many programs I have found start before or during that. So does...
  21. N

    Langlands Programs: Learn What They Are & Why You're Curious

    What are these Langlands Programs. I am curious.
  22. H

    Calculators Ti-Nspire Calculus based physics programs

    Hi guys, I am a freshman engineering student and recently bought a ti nspire for my calculus based physics class. The teacher strongly recommends getting programs for his class on our calculators to make our lives a lot easier. I've been looking everywhere for programs for like centripetal...
  23. X

    Which Physics Simulation Programs Can I Use to Visualize Complex Phenomena?

    What are some free or commercially available simulation programs? The simulations I'd like to run would be related to spark discharge, electromagnetism, general chemistry, metal alloys, diamagnetic levitation, and such. It's nice knowing the formulas and theories behind stuff, but it'd be much...
  24. D

    Low ranked MS+PhD programs in the US?

    Hi. I am a Physics undergrad in India, in year 2 of 3. I feel like I want to pursue Astrophysics, but I'm not a 100% sure about the field. I'll be applying to some of the low ranked PhD programs in the US, along with some MSc programs in Europe. Can someone list these programs in the US? I'm...
  25. T

    Ontario Engineering Programs With Best Coop Programs

    Hey everyone, I'm currently a Toronto high school student who is interested in applying to engineering programs very shortly. I have done some research, and from what I gather, work experience and coop programs seem to be the most important aspects for a prospective engineer. So, what I am...
  26. B

    Are there any quality online programs for astrophysics?

    Good morning, I have been researching into a possible astronomy or astrophysics educational plan but my research is not looking too promising. I am enlisted the in the military currently so due to the premise of moving anywhere in the world at any time plus deployments online courses are...
  27. S

    Post-Bac Physics Programs in LA

    I graduated from USC with a BA in English Lit and a minor in Neuroscience. I have since taken general physics courses at a community college, following my passion for physics and astrophysics. In addition I took one Astronomy course and some math at the undergraduate level. There seem to be...
  28. C

    Medical and Health Physics Graduate Programs

    I graduated in May with a BS in Physics and I am interested in going into either Medical or Health Physics. I'm still trying to decide which I'd rather go to school for, but I will probably apply to both types of programs in the meantime. Does anyone have advice about what the best graduate...
  29. Y

    How to load programs to computer without a CD or DVD drive.

    I just realize my new laptop has no CD or DVD drive. I need to load anti virus and other programs in. I know all I need is to go and buy a USB DVD drive. But is there any way for me to copy the content of the DVD or CD into a USB flash drive using another computer. Then plug the flash drive into...
  30. C

    Nuclear Engineering Graduate Programs

    Anybody know of any nuclear engineering graduate programs where I can study advanced reactor designs and fuels. I would like to research liquid fluoride thorium reactors. I was looking at NC State but I don't see anything on their that suggest they have any research in those areas.
  31. B

    Suggestions for Physics Programs in Southwest Ohio.

    Hi, can anyone tell me about the quality of undergraduate physics programs at the following universities? Wright State University. (Dayton Ohio) Miami University Oxford. University of Cincinnati. To give a little background info I am over 40 and going to college for the first time. I...
  32. N

    Why do my programs keep coming up as NTVDM CPU illegal instruction?

    I am using Windows XP Version 2002 and I am using freecommandLinetools as a compiler for the c++ language. Every time I write a program it always says it is an NTVDM CPU illegal instruction and it doesn't work, what's wrong with my programs? Here is an example: #include <iostream> using...
  33. M

    Optics for Biomedicine: Limited Programs & Duke's Plans

    I have a very strong interest in optics with biomedical applications, and I have been noticing this field growing over the last few years; however, the number of programs seem very limited. The big programs are University of Central Florida, University of Rochester, and University of Arizona. I...
  34. Barioth

    MHB I need to choose my M.sc programs

    Hi everyone! I need to start thinking about what program to choose for my M.sc (I need to apply before 1 may 2014). I'll have completed my undergrad in pure math by then, but I've no idea of what subject to go in! Every graduate math program my school offer seem very interesting, engineering...
  35. A

    Which Schools Offer Programs in Genetic Engineering and Synthetic Biology?

    Does anyone know of any prominent schools that offer programs that focus mostly on genetic engineering and synthetic biology? I have reviewed biological engineering programs of a few schools and the curricula comprising their programs seem to lack focus with this respect. Perhaps, graduate...
  36. G

    Programs What kind of grad programs can I get into with a physics degree?

    A question I have always had is what sort of graduate school programs are open to you with a Physics undergrad. Obviously Physics and Astrophysics. But I have also heard Materials Science and Electrical Engineering. Is this true? What other programs would be open to a Physics major? And how...
  37. R

    High school physics computer programs or big collections of tasks with

    Hi. I've got my last year high school physics exam tomorrow, and for the second part of the exam (last 3 hours) we're allowed to bring anything we want as long as we can't communicate. We're also allowed to bring computers, so I'd be curious to see if there actually exist any programs that can...
  38. M

    What are the best Alabama Physics programs?

    I am graduating from high school soon, in three days actually, and I need just a bit of advice on where I should go to school to be a Physics student. I live in Alabama and I'm in a position where I have to entirely pay for my college education, and because I did not do particularly well on the...
  39. E

    3.0 GPA Good Enough For Doctoral Programs?

    3.0 GPA "Good Enough" For Doctoral Programs? Many of the physics Ph.D. programs I've looked at require a minimum 3.0 GPA for acceptance into the program, but would one actually be accepted with the bare minimum GPA requirement? Don't get me wrong, obviously you shouldn't shoot for bare minimum...
  40. G

    Career prospects for computational sciences and similar msc programs

    Sometimes I get the impression that with a masters degree in computer science, electrical engineering or similar will with a very high probability land you a job you're very overqualified for, performing trivial tasks that you certainly didn't need an msc for. Is this accurate at all...
  41. D

    Average cost of master and PhD programs in the US

    Hi All, The other day an old high school buddy of mine emailed me asking if I could find out about the general cost of master and PhD programs in math across American schools. I grew up in one of those 'stan countries', but have been living in the US for 7 years now. He's still there and as far...
  42. G

    Why do US and foreign math programs differ in required coursework?

    I was doing some searching and landed on a post by micromass where it was revealed that he/she had taken twenty-some math courses at the undergraduate level at a university in Belgium. I got the impression from that thread that it was not uncommon to have taken that many. I'm currently an...
  43. A

    MS Physics Programs for Teachers?

    Hello everyone! I have a BS in physics as well as an AZ teaching license and am currently teaching high school physics/math. I plan to get a master's in the next few years and would rather earn one in my content area than in education. I can't seem to find any programs that would allow me to...
  44. J

    Do most Phd programs pay your tuition?

    Someone told me that if you get "accepted" into a Phd program but have to pay your tuition and don't receive a stipend then that is the university politely rejecting you. My question is this, if i was truly accepted into a Phd program at a university in the states, will they most likely pay my...
  45. trollcast

    What are some ideas for useful programming projects?

    I'm trying to learn a bit more programming but I'm no good at following books or tutorials as I have learned everything so far by just trying something and if it doesn't work, google for it then move on to the next bug. Problem is I've ran out of ideas for small things to make so I'm thinking...
  46. E

    Is It Possible to Pursue a Master's in Physics Without a Ph.D. Goal?

    Hi, I am interested in getting a Masters in Physics at a US graduate school. I always thought that getting a Masters was an incidental event on the way to getting a Ph.D., but apparently it is possible to just go for the Masters. Does anyone know anything about this? Are there lists of...
  47. 1

    Mathematical Markup in Word: Is It Enough for Academic Writing?

    Are there any programs like microsoft word that also allow you to do mathematical markup like we do here on the forum? I think it would be a nice way to turn assignments for classes involving proofs, etc.
  48. D

    Schools Applying to Grad School: Should I Consider "Safety Schools" Without Desired Programs?

    When applying to grad school, a rule of thumb is to apply to "safety schools". I am wondering does that mean these schools we apply to may not have our desired programs? I live in Canada and I am interested in mainly differential geometry for grad studies, but there aren't many grad programs...
  49. R

    Chances of getting into medical physics programs

    I will be graduated soon from Marshall University with a B.S. in physics with an area of emphasis on medical physics (This program drops some of the upper level physics classes that aren't necessary for medical physics and replaces them with upper level chemistry and biology). I am planning on...
  50. S

    Schools Math Programs Summer Before College

    I'm a prospective math major going to college next fall. Are there any cheap or free math programs available for a graduating high school senior during the summer? Research sounds exciting but I'd be fine with just learning material. By the end of the year I'll have learned basic abstract...