What is Paper: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in water, draining the water through fine mesh leaving the fibre evenly distributed on the surface, followed by pressing and drying. Although paper was originally made in single sheets by hand, almost all is now made on large machines—some making reels 10 metres wide, running at 2,000 metres per minute and up to 600,000 tonnes a year. It is a versatile material with many uses, including printing, packaging, decorating, writing, cleaning, filter paper, wallpaper, book endpaper, conservation paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue, currency and security paper and a number of industrial and construction processes.
The papermaking process developed in east Asia, probably China, at least as early as 105 CE, by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BCE in China. The modern pulp and paper industry is global, with China leading its production and the United States following.

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  1. I

    Where Can I Find the First Paper on Cloning?

    I'm not getting much success with Google - does anyone know where I could find the first paper on cloning ever written?
  2. S

    I coming up with an idea for my UP1 paper

    I have to write a ten page paper on a subject relating to things we have learned in University Physics 1. I'm having a really hard time coming up with something though. It's due Monday and I'm starting to get really stressed about this. Any ideas? (must be related to gravity, energy, and...
  3. Physics Monkey

    Great title (and a nice looking paper)

    The Gravity Dual of the Ising Model http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.1987 A quite interesting paper. Basically they define a way to sum over geometries in 3d pure gravity, they show the sum is finite in some special cases, and they find that for some choice of parameters out pops the 2d ising...
  4. W

    How can I accurately calculate the lift coefficient for my paper plane's wing?

    Hello Guys. Maybe you got in the past some similar questions :) I'm a game developer and I'm programming a game with a paper plane and I want to achieve a nearly real physic. What I got so far: trust = the speed when I throw the paper plane. drag = dragcoefficient * airdensity *...
  5. marcus

    What is the significance of scale-invariance in asymptotic safety theories?

    Some of us might be interested by what Percacci has to say about AsymSafe theories. He goes beyond simple AS gravity, considers a combined theory with standard matter, the significance of scale-invariance at the fixed points, and (to me) surprising tie-ins with other theory...
  6. P

    Looking for funny abstract paper

    I'm trying to look for papers with funny abstracts (in particular, there is one I saw a while ago, I believe it was physics, that had an abstract that only said no which I am trying to find, but I would love to see other funny one as well.)
  7. X

    Dangers and safety considerations in the paper and pulp industry?

    I'm doing a report and for one of my topics what dangers are there in the paper and pulp industry?.Also what safety precautions have to be taken in the paper and pulp industry when manufacturing?.Please be very detailed if possible.Thanks
  8. B

    Can a layman publish a scientific paper?

    Does anyone know the best place if any for a layman to publish a scientific paper or article?
  9. E

    What Are Innovative Astronomy Research Topics for Freshman Students?

    I'm a freshman taking an intro to astronomy course. I was assigned a research paper on a topic in astronomy. I have to analyze a data set. Can i please have some ideas for topics? These are some examples:  What is the relationship between the mass of a black hole’s singularity and the distance...
  10. M

    Why do i get a stright line in both double and single logarithm paper ?

    Homework Statement i have some data and i have to find out if they can be put in the function f(x)=a^x or f(x)=x^a it is about how much time there goes before the population soemwhere grows or such. Homework Equations data: it is about the growth or a population in a villlage (way hard to...
  11. N

    How many pieces of paper will fit under the string?

    Homework Statement The Earth is a sphere with a radius of 24, 843 miles. You wrap a piece of string around the Earth so that it fits snuggly. THEN, you cut it, add 10 feet to the string, and adjust it so that it has equal height all around the world. Question: How many pieces of paper...
  12. matt_crouch

    Exploring Statistical Physics in Astrophysics and Cosmology

    I am currently a 3rd year university student and the project i have been assigned is the the above title, and basically involves looking at statistal physics and its applications. My interests are all in astrophysics and cosmology i was wondering if there was any place for my interests in this...
  13. I

    Variation problem in Schrödinger's first paper

    Homework Statement I am reading Shrödinger's first paper and have some problems understanding it. This is the first step I don't follow. The below is for Keplerian motion and comes from the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. This is what is said: Our variation problem then reads...
  14. marcus

    Our picks for third quarter 2011 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Of the twenty candidates, please choose those you think will prove most significant for future research in Loop-and-allied quantum gravity. Since the poll is multiple choice, it's possible to vote for several papers. Abstract summaries follow in the next post. http://arxiv.org/abs/1109.6538...
  15. L

    Hi all,I am reading a paper related to astrophysics and I am stuck

    Hi all, I am reading a paper related to astrophysics and I am stuck in a step in a calculation. It is about orbiting gas in a spiral galaxy and it calculates the errors in the fitted rotation velocity if one of the viewing angles is incorrectly estimated. My problem is that I don't understand...
  16. A

    Waiting Time for Gravitation Paper Submission - Journals

    if the paper of gravitation( or other physics ) was submitted to the journal : ¿how long i wait for a response of acceptance or rejeccion? i could sent a publication at various journal simulteneously?
  17. D

    Notebook with plain white printing paper?

    For some reason I feel very restricted with using lined paper in notebooks. I think I could organize my thoughts better and take better notes with just plain white paper. If they're loose, I'd lose them and/or crumple them unintentionally. Are there any notebooks out there that are reasonably...
  18. S

    Research Paper on Nuclear Power

    I am looking to write a paper on nuclear power. Our professor said the research/data (has to be peer-reviewed) that I will be using should be no more than 5 years old. What would be a good part of nuclear power to focus on? First I though effect of Japan's disaster on the rest of the...
  19. J

    Finding thickness of paper based on rate of change of radius and constant speed

    I need find the thickness of a piece of paper based on the known linear speed of the paper coming off the roll and the change in diameter of the roll. I have the ability to see the linear speed. It is consistant but changes from roll to roll. I know the starting radius, instantaneous radius...
  20. T

    Structures Practise Paper Question

    The problem has been highlighted in the attached picture, it's an old exam paper question and I've been trying to do it in preparation for a university exam. I am confident in modelling the structure (into both shear panels and edge members), and confident that I am able to identify both...
  21. A

    In a paper says that the limit when [tex]\alpha \to 0[/tex] with [tex]

    In a paper says that the limit when \alpha \to 0 with \sigma = \pm 1 of: \frac{1}{4 \alpha}(1 + \sigma \sqrt{1 - \frac{8}{l^2} \alpha } ) has a well defined limit only when \sigma = - 1 , ¿why??...I don't understand
  22. M

    How Does the AdS/CFT Correspondence Impact Modern Theoretical Physics?

    The title just came to me: "Doubly special relative locality of Bilson-Thompson braids in an asymptotically safe, exceptionally simple E8-valued spin foam"
  23. N

    Submit Paper After Rejection: Other Options?

    Some matured opinions are needed here. After a paper being rejected by Phys.Rev. journals (I already signed the copyright transfer) while the editor suggested 'may consider publication on other sections', can I still submit this paper to other non-APS journals? Thanks in advance.
  24. R

    How do I handle email addresses in a paper as an undergrad?

    Hey guys, I have a question about email addresses in a journal paper. It is natural for authors who are professors to leave their .edu email addresses because are rarely changed. But what about for an undergrad? I am graduating in 2 years and the school will delete my account after I...
  25. J

    Some questions for Monkhorst-Pack's paper

    Hi All, I am trying to figure out how Monkhorst-Pack grits work, but I cannot repeat some results in their paper. (H. J. Monkhorst and J. D. Pack, Special points for Brillouin-zone integrations, 13, 5188, 1976) 1. In equation (9), when |R^b_j - R^a_j|=p, which is not multiples of q...
  26. R

    Paper presentation on Quantum Computers

    Hello there forum! I would like to present a paper on quantum computers. Idk where to start from. I have high school level knowledge on quantum mechanics, semester on quantum physics and also the knowledge the feynman lecture vol 3 would give its readers.
  27. G

    Schools As a college sophmore, what should my approach be for writing a research paper?

    I want to write a research paper on general relativity or mathematical physics. I am a college freshman (will become sophomore after this summer) belonging to an engineering major. In this summer break, I have managed to learn about tensors. Currently, I am following the Respected Professor...
  28. marcus

    Another *Life Might Be Rare* paper

    Don't expect to learn a lot. They don't prove life is rare and they don't prove it isn't rare. Basically they argue that the evidence we have so far (life's quick appearance on the Earth not long after the surface temperature stabilized in the liquid water range) is not sufficient. They argue...
  29. S

    Supergravity paper on LHC-physics by Chris Austin

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1103.2732 Abstract "Rough estimates are presented to show that the bump at 1.7 to 1.9 TeV seen in ATLAS-CONF-2010-088 could arise from about 10^{30} approximately degenerate Kaluza-Klein states of the d = 11 supergravity multiplet in the s channel, that could arise from...
  30. ArcanaNoir

    What program to use to type math paper?

    I have a paper to write for linear algebra, and it has some mathematical notation, (sums, matrices, things like that). I was wondering what program I might use to type it so it looks pretty like a math test. Always wondered how they did that... I have access to an assortment of programs via the...
  31. marcus

    Our picks for second quarter 2011 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Of these twelve candidates, please choose the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Since multiple choices are possible in the poll, you may select several papers. Abstract summaries follow in the next post. Holonomy...
  32. L

    What program do you guys use to write a paper?

    Hi I use word 2007 for my extended essay in mathe but I can't use subscript in any fraction or function. What program do you gus use to write a paper?
  33. bcrowell

    Finkelstein's unidirectional membrane paper

    Finkelstein's "unidirectional membrane" paper The "unidirectional membrane" interpretation of black-hole event horizons originated with this paper: Finkelstein, Phys. Rev. 110, 965–967 (1958), "Past-Future Asymmetry of the Gravitational Field of a Point Particle," downloadable from his web...
  34. S

    FTL via entanglement- paper discussing similar

    I just found a paper which was thinking along similar lines: http://casimirinstitute.net/coherence/Jensen.pdf Any comments on why FTL is not possible (after browsing the paper)?
  35. O

    OLUTION: Physics Term Paper Ideas for Mechanical Engineering Majors

    Hey guys, I have to write a term paper over the summer long semester in a University Physics class. I'm completely overwhelmed with topics, and have no clue of what might be too general of a topic as this is my first physics class ever! Of course, we have to use library databases and...
  36. M

    Can Koide's yukawaon models explain the neglected clue in particle physics?

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.0971" . I regard Koide's relation for the charged lepton masses as the most neglected clue in particle physics. It's amazing that it isn't routinely discussed when people talk about BSM physics. The inherent difficulty of explaining it ought to be attracting...
  37. S

    How to read a physics scientific paper

    Hey I'm curious what sort of strategies people use to efficiently read and understand physics papers. I've never really thought much about it until now, but I'm sure some ways are more effective than others. A simple google search yields some excellent tips, but most are geared towards less...
  38. V

    Max Born's 1926 Paper: Probability Amplitude Interpretation and Controversy

    Has anyone read Max Born paper in 1926 where he proposed about the probability amplitude interpretation of the wave function? The original paper is in german. Did he mention that that "Psi is the probability amplitude for an electron in the state n to scatter into the direction m, it is, in a...
  39. M

    How Much Does It Cost to Sell Authorship of a Scientific Paper?

    I'm about to sell a scientific paper (give authorship to another person), publishable to a moderately high impact factor journal. What would be the price range? :-)
  40. bcrowell

    Interpretation of Einstein's E=mc2 paper

    In "Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content?," http://fourmilab.ch/etexts/einstein/E_mc2/www/ , Einstein says: My interpretation of this is that these energies contain both potential and kinetic terms. A potential energy U is only defined up to an additive constant. If, for...
  41. L

    Uncovering Feynman Rules from Paper

    Consider question 1 in this paper: http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/postgrad/mathiii/pastpapers/2002/Paper65.pdf How do we "read off" the Feynman rules? I can see that the interaction terms give contributions \lambda_3 , \lambda_4 , \lambda_6 to the relevant 3,4 and 6 point vertices respectively...
  42. M

    Susskind and Bousso's incomprehensible new paper

    Bousso and Susskind have a http://arxiv.org/abs/1105.3796" . I have two reasons for creating a thread about a paper which one might otherwise prefer to ignore, as it contains no new quantitative results or ideas for how to obtain them. The first reason is that the paper is bound to get...
  43. cepheid

    News Article + Paper on Dark Energy

    Does anyone know what paper this news article is referring to? http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2011/05/19/science-dark-energy-einstein-blake.html I'm thinking it must be this one, http://arxiv.org/abs/1105.2862 but what the paper is saying and the way the article is...
  44. harrylin

    Boole vs. Bell - the latest paper of De Raedt et al

    Two years ago an intriguing paper of De Raedt's team concerning Bell's Theorem appeared in Europhysics Letters (http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0907/0907.0767v2.pdf). Now (officially next month), an elaboration on those ideas has been published: Hans De Raedt et al: "Extended...
  45. O

    Need VERY recent paper in observational astronomy for journal club presentation

    Hi, I need to find an important, very recent paper in observational astronomy for a journal club presentation. It would help if it is short and easy to read :) . Could someone please suggest one to me? Thanks.
  46. E

    Paper buckling and 2nd Order NL ODE

    Hi all, I was looking at the buckling problem of a piece of paper with both ends clamped. When the two ends come closes they form a bulb-like shape and I was interested in deriving the shape numerically by solving NL ODE, which comes from energy methods (neglecting gravity). The ODE I got...
  47. F

    Light problem with white paper

    Homework Statement Okay, I am using my desk lamp right now to see better when I read, but it's making it more difficult to read because my texts are white sheeted based and it's reflection is making it impossible to read The Attempt at a Solution I don't have color filters, so I need...
  48. J

    Have You Skimmed Gerard 't Hooft's Complex Paper on Elementary Particle Models?

    Yesterday i was reading this new paper by Gerard 't Hooft. Its a complex paper, does anyone of you skimmed the paper yet ?. It certainly gives me fruit fot thoughts http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.4543 A class of elementary particle models without any adjustable real parameters Authors: Gerard 't...
  49. B

    Advice regarding first research paper

    Hello everyone! I am planning on writing a paper about the angle of repose of different granular materials (i.e.the cone that sand makes in an hourglass). My research will involve both experimental and theoretical work; I am going to collect data regarding the shape that different materials...
  50. R

    Fractal geometry in crumpled paper

    I've made an experiment similar to the one found here: http://classes.yale.edu/fractals/fracanddim/boxdim/PowerLaw/CrumpledPaper.html The result was: the mass of crumpled paper balls is proportional to D^n, being D their mean external diameter, and n ≈ 2,5. As n is not an integer, the...