What is Equivalent: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Equivalent weight (also known as gram equivalent) is the mass of one equivalent, that is the mass of a given substance which will combine with or displace a fixed quantity of another substance. The equivalent weight of an element is the mass which combines with or displaces 1.008 gram of hydrogen or 8.0 grams of oxygen or 35.5 grams of chlorine. These values correspond to the atomic weight divided by the usual valence; for oxygen as example that is 16.0 g / 2 = 8.0 g.
For acid–base reactions, the equivalent weight of an acid or base is the mass which supplies or reacts with one mole of hydrogen cations (H+). For redox reactions, the equivalent weight of each reactant supplies or reacts with one mole of electrons (e−) in a redox reaction.Equivalent weight has the dimensions and units of mass, unlike atomic weight, which is dimensionless. Equivalent weights were originally determined by experiment, but (insofar as they are still used) are now derived from molar masses. Additionally, the equivalent weight of a compound can be calculated by dividing the molecular mass by the number of positive or negative electrical charges that result from the dissolution of the compound.

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  1. S

    Equivalent Resistance between A and B

    When we are asked to find the equivalent resistance between A and B, i understand we are trying to find the Thevenin resistance between A and B, which is caused by what is in the black box. However if there is a resistor actually between A and B, do you add this to the Thévenin resistance...
  2. L

    Equivalent Models: Hybrid-pi vs. T-model for FETs

    Hi, When it comes to the hybrid-pi model and the T-model for the AC equivalents of an FET, what's the exact difference? For example I know that in a BJT circuit, the hybrid-pi includes the resistance r_\pi in the base while the t-model includes the resistance r_e = \frac{r_\pi}{1+...
  3. K

    What is the Equivalent Resistance in this Circuit?

    Homework Statement http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/9245/45050879.png" Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I really just don't know. I understand how equivalent resistance works, but I just don't get this question. Please ignore the marks I have on the page.
  4. A

    What is the Equivalent Resistance of Resistors in Series and Parallel?

    Homework Statement All resistors have the same value, 'R' Homework Equations I don't think mesh/loop analysis or nodal analysis is applicable here, I think I'm just having a hard time seeing how the series-parallel connections work.The Attempt at a Solution I know the top left two are in...
  5. W

    Equivalent bases for Vector Spaces over Complexes.

    Hi: Given a fin.dim vector space V over R, and two different bases B_V,B_V' for V , we say that B_V,B'_V are equivalent as bases ( or have the same orientation) , if there exists a matrix T with TB=B', and DetT>0. How do we define equivalent bases for vector spaces over the...
  6. L

    Using u substitution, which of the following is equivalent to this integral?

    Homework Statement Using the u substutituion u = 2x + 1, ∫(2x + 1)1/2dx (when x goes from 0 to 2) is equivalent to? Answer: (1/2)*∫(u)1/2du (when x goes from 1 to 5) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If u is 2x + 1, then du = 2dx. Thus, I get (1/2)*∫(u)1/2du...
  7. T

    Solving Thevenin Equivalents: Techniques and Steps

    Homework Statement Compute the values of the Thévenin equivalent seen by the 20 kΩ resistor using circuit analysis techniques. Draw the equivalent circuit and list the values. Homework Equations V=IR Nodal analysis mesh analysis The Attempt at a Solution I know a Thévenin...
  8. L

    Engineering Finding Thevenin Equivalent Circuit for Complex Network

    Homework Statement I wish to obtain the Thevenin equivalent for the network show in the attachment between the terminals a and b. 2. The attempt at a solution First I considered the voltage source alone (replaced current source by an open circuit). I = \frac{V}{Z_T} =...
  9. P

    An example of norms that are not equivalent

    Homework Statement Give an example of two norms on a vector space that are not equivalent. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Hi everyone, I know the definition for equivalent norms. I also know that norms on a finite dimensional vector space are equivalent. So...
  10. M

    Equivalent series resistance of antenna?

    Hi! We entered a competition, and got the following question: Modern hearing instruments use wireless communication between the two ears to optimize the performance of the sound processing. The wireless link is typically a magnetic link in the lower MHz range. With this kind of link, each...
  11. S

    Engineering A few quick circuit questions, amps, norton's equivalent, etc

    Homework Statement Problems below in attached files.Homework Equations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norton%27s_theorem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_power_theorem The Attempt at a SolutionQ1) current to voltage amp question Attempt: if i1 is 2mA. Then 5(i1)=.01, therefore using...
  12. W

    Spring Constant given mass, and equivalent mass in free fall from fixed height.

    Homework Statement Two 54kg blocks are held 30cm above a table. As shown in the figure, one of them is just touching a 30cm long spring. The blocks are released at the same time. The block on the left hits the table at exactly the same instant as the block on the right first comes to an...
  13. G

    Interesting equivalent to Schrödinger equation

    While messing around with the Schrödinger equation on paper, I found an interesting, elegant way of expressing it. Let P be the probability density |\Psi |^2, and let \vec Q be a real-valued vector field. \vec F is a vector field describing the forces acting on the system when in a given...
  14. F

    Equivalent resistance of a two pole

    Homework Statement 2. The attempt at a solution I would say Re = 6 ohm, but that can't be right.. So i really don't know how it could be something else. Any help in solving this problem would be apreciated :)
  15. C

    Are the metrics d_infty and d_e equivalent?

    Homework Statement Let X = \textbf{b} denote the set of all bounded real-valued sequences. Define the two metrics: \begin{align*} d_{\infty}(x,y) := \sup_{n \in \mathbb{N}} |x_n - y_n| \text{, and } d_e(x,y) := \sum^\infty_{n=1} \frac{1}{2^n} \frac{|x_n - y_n|}{1 + |x_n - y_n|}...
  16. W

    The limit (R -> 0) of type IIA superstrings is equivalent

    The limit (R --> 0) of type IIA superstrings is equivalent Hi there, The limit (R --> 0) of type IIA superstrings is equivalent to the limit (R --> infty) of type IIB theory. Could someone explain how this works? Thanks
  17. Z

    Determine the equivalent resistance of the circuit

    Homework Statement a 3.0 ohm resistor an unkown resistor r and two ammeters a1 and a2 are connected with a 12 volt source ammeter a2 reads a current of 5.0 amperes 1) detemine the equivalent resistance of the circuit 2) caculate the current measure of ammeter a 1 3) caculate the...
  18. H

    Electric Circuit. Norton Equivalent current

    Electric Circuit. Norton/Thevelin Equivalents Unsolved Problem I used a node voltage equation to try and get Vth and the I in the short-circuit to get the Rth but it didn't work. Unsolved Problem I used a node voltage equation to get Vth and I in the short-circuit. Got Rth and...
  19. Z

    Calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit

    Homework Statement a 50 ohm resistor, an unknown resistor R, a 120 volt source and an ammeter are connected in a compelete circuit. the ammeter reads 0.50 ampere 1)calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit 2)determine the resistance of resistor r Homework Equations a =...
  20. J

    Subspace of R3: Showing W is Equivalent to Span(S)

    Homework Statement Show that W ={(x,y,z) : x +2y +3z =0} is a subspace of R3. By finding a subset S of W such that span(S) = W.Homework Equations Ab = X?The Attempt at a Solution I don't have an attempt because I'm completely lost where to start . Can someone point me in the right way please.
  21. H

    Open Circuit Voltage, Thevenin Equivalent

    Homework Statement Find the open circuit voltage across A & B: Homework Equations V = IR The Attempt at a Solution If I0 is the current leaving the voltage source and passing through the first resistor, I1 is the current through the left resistor in parallel, and I2 through...
  22. M

    Solving Thevenin Equivalent with 1 Point & Ground

    Hey I can't figure out how to convert the below circuit into its thevenin equivalent. I am used to having two points to work with, but in this circuit there is only one and a ground. http://img715.yfrog.com/i/13332492.jpg/ for some reason the image doesn't show up on my screen; if that's the...
  23. K

    How Many Kilocalories are Produced When a Truck Decelerates?

    Homework Statement A 5850kg truck decelerates uniformly from 85.0km/h to 50.0 km/h. if 95.0% of the energy reduction is converted into heat, how many kilocalories are produced? Homework Equations kinetic energy (Ek)= 1/2mv2 1 Cal= 4.18J The Attempt at a Solution So first I...
  24. G

    Proof Two Primitive Root Conditions Are Equivalent

    Homework Statement Let n be a nonzero integer and let a be an integer with gcd(a, n) = 1. We have two equivalent conditions which characterize primitive roots: (i) a is primitive modulo n if the order of a is \phi(n). (ii) a is primitive modulo n if for every element b with gcd(b, n) = 1 we...
  25. E

    Thevenin equivalent q. (AC analysis)

    Homework Statement ^We're asked to find the "Thevenin's equivalent circuit for the source" The Attempt at a Solution I'm a bit unsure how to start this problem. What i initially thought was that i'd combine all my impedances in parallel to the point where it's them combined plus the...
  26. R

    Engineering Circuits Question: Thevenin Equivalent

    Homework Statement Find thevenin equivelent of this circuit with respect to a and b Homework Equations Mesh Currents The Attempt at a Solution Here I will try to find V(open circuit) = Vth = Vab ((I think this anyways)) I apply mesh currents (any faster methods are welcome if...
  27. F

    Engineering Understanding the Equivalent Circuit Model for a MOSFET Circuit

    hi i have a mosfet circuit question since my prof. didn't explained much about the mosfet I am pre lost.. during the lecture..he show us two circuit diagram.. the mosfet circuit and this regular circuit.. and he ask us why the above equivalent circuit model is a valid representation of...
  28. Saladsamurai

    MATLAB Mathematica equivalent of MATLAB

    Hey folks :smile: I just got my student copy of Mathematica 7 and I am really excited to get started. I have some MATLAB m-files that I want to replicate in Mathematica to help me get the syntax. I am a little confused as to where to start writing it though... In MATLAB, you can write...
  29. S

    Calculating Limit at x=a: Not Equivalent?

    When using direct substitution to calculate the limit at x = a some functions are simplified so that x = a is actually defined. For example: Lim x->1 [(x^2 - 1)/(x-1)] Limx->1 [(x-1)(x+1)/(x-1)] Lim x->1 [(x+1)] = 2 (when x=1 is substituted in) I understand that they can have the...
  30. Somefantastik

    Complete, Equivalent, Closed sets

    If a set A and a set B are equivalent, and it is known that A is complete, can it then be said that B is also complete? What if it is known that A is closed, can it then be said that B is also closed?
  31. nomadreid

    Is there an equivalent of the HUP for spins?

    I know the following question is elementary, but being a dilettante in QM, I am confused on the following. So, I have two questions. The first question is whether the following reasoning is correct, and if not, why not. First, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) applies to...
  32. B

    Proving No Equivalence of Norms in l_1

    Homework Statement In l_1 (each element is a sequence of numbers such that the series converges absolutely) show that no pair of the norms ||\cdot||_1, \, ||\cdot||_2, \, ||\cdot||_{\infty} are equivalent norms. Homework Equations ||x||_1=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}|x_i|...
  33. G

    Show Equivalence of Euclidean & Supremum Norms on R2

    Homework Statement Show that the Euclidean and supremum norms are equivalent norms on R2 The Attempt at a Solution The Euclidean Norm is \left|\left|X\left|\left|1 = \sqrt{x1^2 + x2^2} The Supremum norm is \left|\left|X\left|\left|\infty = max (\left|x1\left|,\left|x2\left|)...
  34. J

    MATLAB MATLAB equivalent of Mathematica NSolve

    Hi all, In Mathematica I have used the NSolve function to give me all the possible values of a1, a2 and a3, given the parameters I have set for the equations, for example: NSolve[{an1 == a1, an2 == a2, an3 == a3, an4 == a4} /. params, {a1, a2, a3}] Is it possible to do this in MATLAB to find...
  35. M

    Equivalent Resistance in series circuit

    Homework Statement Three resistors with values of 7.0 Omega, 12 Omega, and 16 Omega are connected in series in a circuit with a 9.0 V battery. a) What is the total equivalent resistance? b) What is the current in each resistor? c) At what rate is energy delivered to the 16 Omega resistor...
  36. M

    Am I understanding superposition correctly? Is it equivalent to all-potential ?

    Am I understanding superposition correctly? Is it equivalent to "all-potential"? In the double-slit experiment, when a single particle is "fired", it will pass through the slits as a wave but hit the receiving end (screen) as a particle. Each particle will clump on the screen, but after many...
  37. A

    Are these circuits equivalent?

    Hi Are the two (attached) circuits equivalent? Also, what if any are the relation between the voltages? (ie. V_c, V_R and V_1-V_2) How would we apply Kirchhoff's voltage law? thanks,
  38. O

    SIMPLE e&m question: finding equivalent capacitance

    I am missing something very simple... in my book, it gives, for capacitors in series, that: 1/C(eq) = 1/C(1) + 1/C(2) using numbers, it says... 1/C(eq) = 1/6.0 uF + 1/3.0 uF ... C(eq) = 2.0 uF I cannot figure out how they got C(eq) = 2.0 uF Thanks
  39. T

    Nortons Equivalent Circuit to find I

    Homework Statement Use Norton's Equivalent Circuit to find current I through 15ohm resistor. Homework Equations norton's theorem states that any two terminal network that includes many sources and resistors can be converted into an equivalent two terminal network with one current...
  40. T

    What is the Equivalent Resistance between Points A and B?

    Homework Statement Find the equivalent resistance between points a and b in the figure Homework Equations 1/Req = 1/R1+1/R2... for parallel Req= R1+R2... for series The Attempt at a Solution 12.63 ohms
  41. T

    Finding equivalent resistance in complicated circuit

    Homework Statement Problem: What single, equivalent resistor could replace all of the resistors in this circuit? Given R1 = 4, R2 = 5, R3 = 14, R4 = 9 Homework Equations In series, R1 + R2... = Req Parallel, 1/R1 + 1/R2... = 1/Req The Attempt at a Solution I have tried...
  42. B

    Construction of an equivalent dielectric tensor

    Homework Statement A medium is described by the response functions \varepsilon (\omega ) and {\mu ^{ - 1}}(\omega ) in \textbf{D} = \varepsilon (\omega )\textbf{E}, \textbf{H} = {\mu ^{ - 1}}(\omega )\textbf{B}. Construct the equivalent dielectric tensor {K_{ij}}(\omega ,\textbf{k}) in...
  43. M

    Is A^2 equivalent to AxA or all the elements of A are squared?

    Homework Statement I was just wondering if say A is a 2x2 matrix. Is A^2 equivalent to AxA or all the elements of A are squared? Homework Equations let A and B be 2x2 matrices. is the following true? (A-B)(A+B) = A^2 - B^2 The Attempt at a Solution
  44. A

    Need Help in equivalent resistance for a circut

    Hi, I got a question in my exam ask for the equivalent resistance, The Question is: Find the equivalent resistance for this circuit using Kirchoff Rules I build the Image by circuit maker. http://lookpic.com/i/965/ud67CMW6.jpeg R1=2 Ohms R2=2 Ohms R3=2 Ohms R4=4 Ohms R5=1 Ohms i know that...
  45. jegues

    Equivalent force systems (statics)

    Homework Statement See figure Homework Equations \sum F_{x} = 0 \sum F_{y} = 0 The Attempt at a Solution I'm confused as to how to check which systems are equivalent. Do I just have to simply reduce all the systems to one force? I tried comparing systems (a) and (b)...
  46. M

    What is the Thevenin Equivalent for a Circuit with a Voltage-Controlled Source?

    Homework Statement I am being asked to draw the Thevenin equivalent for and to calculate the voltage that would appear across RL if it were connected across the 2 output terminals. Using Kirchoff's law I found that the voltage across RL is -12.5 V. However I am really suppose to do it using...
  47. E

    Engineering What is the Norton Equivalent Resistance for This Circuit?

    I'm having trouble finding the norton equivalent resistance for the attached circuit. I reasoned that once you short the source, you just get the (3ohm+2ohm) in parallel with the 4ohm resistor. However the answer I'm getting is not the one given in the book (I get 2.22ohms, when it...
  48. C

    Equivalent Capacitance of a network

    Homework Statement To find the equivalent capacitance of the following network (image attached at the end of the post). The blue capacitors have capacitance of 2C and the black ones have a capacitance of C. Homework Equations Q = CV where Q is the charge on a capacitor, C it's capacitance...
  49. S

    The equivalent lagrangian and the derivative

    hi everyone! I have just posted a thread which was about the equivalent lagrangian. and I think I have another problem with it too! again in section 11.6 d'inverno, it is said that if you use equation 11.37 then you can achive (∂L ̅)/(∂g_(,c)^ab )=Γ_ab^c-1/2 δ_a^c Γ_bd^d-1/2 δ_b^c...
  50. S

    What is the meaning of 'metric potential' in d'inverno's equation?

    Hi everyone! again problem with d'inverno's equation! ok let me see, in chapter 11 section 11.6, it is said that (∂L ̅)/(∂g^ab )=Γ_ac^d Γ_bd^c-Γ_ab^c Γ_cd^d as we see at first if you derive (∂L ̅)/(∂g^ab ) from equation 11.37 you can have the above result. but my professor said it's...