What is Computer science: Definition and 583 Discussions

Computer science is the study of algorithmic processes, computational machines and computation itself. As a discipline, computer science spans a range of topics from theoretical studies of algorithms, computation and information to the practical issues of implementing computational systems in hardware and software.Its fields can be divided into theoretical and practical disciplines. For example, the theory of computation concerns abstract models of computation and general classes of problems that can be solved using them, while computer graphics or computational geometry emphasize more specific applications. Algorithms and data structures have been called the heart of computer science. Programming language theory considers approaches to the description of computational processes, while computer programming involves the use of them to create complex systems. Computer architecture describes construction of computer components and computer-operated equipment. Artificial intelligence aims to synthesize goal-orientated processes such as problem-solving, decision-making, environmental adaptation, planning and learning found in humans and animals. A digital computer is capable of simulating various information processes. The fundamental concern of computer science is determining what can and cannot be automated. Computer scientists usually focus on academic research. The Turing Award is generally recognized as the highest distinction in computer sciences.

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  1. M

    Computer Engineering VS Computer Science with very special condition

    Hey Guys, WOW, so I am really into a physics forum! :D Well, a brief introduction first so you can understand my case: I am student who just finished high school who wanted to get into medicine school but didn't get enough grades to it (we have it by percentages and I was .75% lower than...
  2. Z

    Good O-Chem and Computer Science texts?

    I know this is PhysicsForums and all, but I was wondering whether anyone had any recommendations for good Organic Chemistry textbooks,as well as for CS. I don't really know much about texts for the former subject, and the latter, all I can think of is Knuth's Art of Computer Programming series...
  3. U

    Computer Engineering vs Computer Science

    This question has probably been asked numerous times on this forum. I've tried searching those related threads but haven't really found the answers I need. I will be attending a 4 year university in California and I am stuck between these two majors and am not sure what suits me...
  4. B

    The meaning of abstraction and implementation in computer science

    Hello, I was wondering if someone could give me a "for dummies" definition of abstraction and implementation in computer science? The online definitions are very technical and I can't quite wrap my mind around them.
  5. C

    Is AP Computer Science A a worthwhile elective for me?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering because I am looking for a rewarding elective to take in my senior year of high school if AP Computer Science A would be a worthwhile choice. I am interested and think it can't hurt to get a taste of a new subject before I go to college. With a strong...
  6. M

    Schools Graduate School for Mathematics or Computer Science?

    Hey guys, so here's the deal. I'm a Math and Computer Science major, about to enter my senior year. I'm pretty sure I want to go to grad school and I just started looking for schools I might want to apply to. The thing is, I'm not completely sure if I'd like to pursue a PhD in mathematics or...
  7. S

    Take Computer Science before Numerical Analysis?

    I'm a math major, and it's required we take Computer Science I. I've never had any experience with programming (don't really know about it). I was thinking of taking Intro to Numerical Analysis, but when I read the course description it said that some computer knowledge is required. Would it be...
  8. S

    Computer science: Learn now or wait

    I'm taking a computer science class in the fall, and I figured I could get a jump start by watching a couple lecture videos from the various universities that put them out online, but in a couple of them they said it'd probably be easier for the people who don't know anything about computer...
  9. K

    Computer Science Classes Relevant to a Physicist

    My plan is to major in Physics and to minor in Computer Science. Here are the classes required for a minor in Computer Science at the college I will be attending: http://www.unf.edu/catalog/link/MINORCCIS3/ Here is a link for course descriptions...
  10. S

    Engineering vs Computer Science

    I will be starting college in the fall, but I'm not sure which path I'd like to take. I struggled with physics during high school but enjoyed the class, but being at a high school level, I don't think I'm cut out for engineering. I was considering Mechanical Engineering, Industrial...
  11. J

    What branch to take: electonics or computer science

    I'm in dilemma over electronics and computer science and engineering. Actually i like everything - everything related to science is interesting to me which adds to my difficulty in choosing the course But i don't know much about - what ill learn in electronics and computers? Do computer...
  12. G

    UF cuts computer science department

    Meanwhile, UF increases funding for its sports programs by $2million over the previous year. And here I though CS was actually a decent major with better than average job prospects...
  13. E

    Schools Is Chemistry Required for Computer Science Engineering?

    hey...can anybody help me out...Im an IB student and I wanted to know whether chemistry is required for computer science engineering or not?
  14. N

    Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

    I am currently a student at the University of Waterloo in Canada enrolled in the Computer Science program. The Waterloo Computer Science undergraduate program is widely regarded as one of the elite in North America and we regularly come first place in computing competition against schools such...
  15. E

    Courses Are computer science courses worth taking for physics?

    I have the option to take these two computer science courses. Would these courses be useful in my experimental-physics studies? My worry is that they would be too far theorized and that I wouldn't take anything out of the class that I could actually USE to do experimental-physics. If someone...
  16. P

    UIUC or UT austin for computer science

    Hello guys, i am international student from Peru, i have been admitted as a transfer student to both this universities for computer science. I was wondering if any of you had some insight as to which is better or the advantages and disadvantages of them. Thank you very much!
  17. L

    Programs How good is a computer science degree?

    I'm considering doing a computer science degree (in the UK) but recently I've been put off from reading what other people have to say about it. It seems most people think a degree in maths, physics or engineering is much better because with those degrees you can do everything you could do with a...
  18. G

    Programs Dual Degree - Computer Science & Biomedical Engineering?

    Hey everyone, I am currently pursuing a BS in Computer Science and am about half way through. I am really enjoying the program and want to finish it. I have also taken an interest in Biomedical Engineering and was considering starting on a BS in this area after I finished my degree in...
  19. F

    Programs Changing from Computer Science major to Information Technology?

    I am currently a student at USF majoring in Computer Science. I am almost positive that I will be switching to Information Technology after this semester. This is primarily because I do not want a job in software development anymore. I still have 43 credits left to complete the CS program. I...
  20. M

    MS Computer Science (related) in Germany

    Hi all, I am having a B.Tech degree from Indian universities and i have over 3.5 yrs of IT experience. I am working in a German company right now. I want to enroll into MS programs in germany with Computer Science discipline or (Bio informatics if possible since I am working in Healthcare...
  21. S

    Univerisy of Florida Cuts Computer Science Department

    Quotes from NY Times. Get the full coverage on Save UF CISE and sign its petition. I still find this shocking even when I opened the webpage again. If this was posted on April 1st, I would have wait for announcement that it's just a prank. But seriously? They're cutting the whole research...
  22. T

    How Does Calculus Relate to Relational Database Technology?

    As a person learning calculus, I always get frustrated by considering the practical applications of it. In an interview Larry Ellison said this about relational database programming: "Relational database technology was invented by a guy by the name of Ted Codd at IBM. It's based on...
  23. K

    How much Computer Science do physicists learn?

    How much Computer Science do physicists (both Physics professionals and students) learn? I'm aware that it is common for physicists (and mathematicians) to learn and do programming as part of their research (computational science/physics). But how extensive are their CS knowledge/training and...
  24. R

    Best path for a switch to Computer Science?

    I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering and I've been out of school for almost 5 years. Several months back I started learning Java just for kicks, but I've reached a point where I'm pursuing more and more knowledge of CS concepts on my own, and the interested level is far exceeding that of...
  25. X

    Is industrial engineering similar to computer science?

    I'm switching my community college choice soon form bitoechnology technician (which I've grown disillusioned with) to computer systems technician: software support which might hopefully lead me to the computer systems technician: software development.Something that occurred to me is how even...
  26. I'm Awesome

    Engineering Women in Engineering and Computer Science

    As a girl I worry about going into an engineering field. I'm concerned about job prospects for women or discrimination in the work place. I also worry that it might be strange to be a minority in a class of mostly men. I’d like to hear what some girls think if there’s any on here that know about...
  27. S

    Differential Equations or Number Theory for Computer Science?

    I'm getting ready to register for classes for the fall. To make a long story short, I might have to take another math class to satisfy a degree requirement, rather than a computer science class. I'm taking Linear Algebra right now. I enjoy it, and it seems to have a lot of practical...
  28. P

    Help computer science? I tried all day and night.

    Homework Statement What's wrong with code below? I tried all day and night...don't know what's wrong and how to change the code. Help anyone. I have uploaded picture of map which I have to make http://www.portmain.com/intro/hw/hw05-field.html Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  29. T

    Courses Which Computer Science Course to Help in Computational Physics

    I'm doing a computational emphasis at my university and since it is as I said an emphasis not a lot of classes are required for it. I look at other schools that offer a BS in computational physics and they require a lot more CS classes. What I'm looking for is some advice in which CS or EE...
  30. H

    Programs Preparing to apply for computer science as first degree

    I have always wanted to apply for Mathematics in university but lately I have developed an interest in computer science(after having read some parts of the book 'An introduction to parallel algorithms and architectures') - what other books should I read and how do oxbridge interviews go?
  31. U

    Computer Science + Math Guidance

    Okay so I was recently accepted to Cornell University's Computer Science program (engineering). I plan on becoming a software engineer when I graduate, but am unsure of what path I should take. From what I've seen, only a computer science degree is needed, but I would think that more math would...
  32. Z

    What resources are available for a beginner in computer science and physics?

    I am planing on taking physics as a major, and am also considering studying computer science on the side (my school offers a 5 year cs masters when your majoring in physics). The thing is, I know nothing about computers. I barely understand the difference in software and hardware. When I see an...
  33. A

    Computer Engineering vs Computer Science ?

    Computer Engineering vs Computer Science ?? Hello ! I am a student from India. I have finished high school and now I can't decide what to study Computer Engineering or Computer Science. I'll be applying as a transfer student to some of the universities in USA/Canada next year. Mainly...
  34. C

    Similarities / Differences between Computer Science and Computational Science

    As stated in the title, what are some similarities and differences between computer science and computational science? More specifically, as it pertains to graduate programs. From what I gather, computational science is a little more applied while computer science is more theoretical. Is this...
  35. C

    Deciding between computer science and engineering

    Hello, I am going to be attending Dalhousie university next September. I have been accepted there, but am now faced with a difficult decision. I don't know if I want to pursue computer science or engineering (electrical or computer engineering). I have loved computer science since a young...
  36. T

    Synergistic relations between computer science and technology.

    I need some topics to write about for my research paper. I'm writing about how computer science and technology both force the other to expand. The 3 examples I'm writing about now are hardware/processor enabled security (ie I'm comparing 16bit x86 which had no security to 32bit which did)...
  37. H

    Computer Science Simple Animations

    Homework Statement Create a class called, ThreeObjectAnimation, that creates a graphic animation with three animation object. The ThreeObjectAnimation class should move three objects around the frame, either randomly, or following a fixed pattern. The movements should occur every 250...
  38. P

    Best way to start a career in computer science without a BS

    Hello, i am from Peru and about to finish my degree in Industrial Engineering in March with outstanding grades. In order to start a career in Computer science i have thought of this options: 1. Start a BS in CS from an ivy league school. (will my good grades in my previous degree help?) 2...
  39. P

    Will a MSC computer science conversion program prepare me for PhD

    hello my fellow physicists. I have a degree in industrial engineering but my true passion is computer science. I want to apply to a MSc conversion program in computer science in the UK. Will this prepare me for a PhD? is this a bad idea? will not having an undergraduate degree in CS be a problem...
  40. R

    Courses Is Computer Science the course for me (sorry, a bit extensive)?

    Hi, I'm new to Physics Forums and in dire need of your help. Please bear with me, here it goes: Though I'm sure this goes through every person's head who wants to go through University, I really have no good idea of which courses I want to take. I thought maybe computer science would be the...
  41. A

    Difference in computer science and software engineering

    So it's my last year in high school and I enjoy programming but I don't know if I should apply to either computer science or software engineering. What really is the difference between the two majors?
  42. Z

    Help on couple of easy computer science questions?

    I got my old tests back today. And I don't understand what i did wrong?? p.s. teacher is not available at the moment( sub//part time teacher). 1. How much memory does it take to hold a 512x512 color image with 256 different levels of color(states)?? Okay, this one I just guessed and...
  43. G

    Segmenting a Vector into Rows of 8 Characters in MATLAB?

    Given an arbitrary one dimensional vector v imputed by the user for example v='Helllllloooooo' or v='Helo' I was able to append empty characters onto anyone dimensional vector that the user can enter so that way the total length of the vector is a multiple of 8 characters of long or not add...
  44. K

    Prerequisite for computer science major

    Hello everyone! Let me first start with some quick background information. I am just finishing up my AA degree and am on my way to a university to go for computer science or possibly computer engineering. I am not good at math, I have to really apply myself just to get a C+. Because of this...
  45. G

    Computer Science MATLAB For and While loops

    I had a test in my computer science course in which I was asked if any while loop can be replaced with a for loop. I put true. I guess the answer was false. My professor said that if you had a while loop in which you asked the user to input a certain value that had to be within a certain...
  46. S

    Why Can't Math Teaching Be More Like Computer Science?

    From elementary to high school I've had teachers who've droned on and on trying to explain minute details about the concepts they're teaching. I've almost always found it more difficult to follow the teacher's train of thought than to just learn the concept myself, so I always just read the...
  47. R

    Is a possible computer science w/phys minor a waste on video games?

    I am very interested in video game development but also other things like, computer programming, network security and robotics. I mean you hear all the time, that the United States needs more engineers to compete with other countries. I'd like to try to be a part of the country's bright future...
  48. B

    Computer Science against all odds

    Hello, I've been struggling for a while to decide which major to put on my transfer application. Some schools don't allow engineers to change majors after transfer, so I figure it's good to make a solid choice now. I wanted to be a civil engineer, but after physics and chemistry I am also...
  49. N

    Electrical engineering vs. computer science

    Hi there, I'm a sophomore in college and I'm split between electrical engineering and computer science. There's computer engineering at my school as well, but my CS advisor warned that the CoE degree is too scattered and that I should concentrate on EE or CS. I know that ultimately it's about...
  50. M

    Masters in Computer Science - Potential

    Hi guys, I'd like to know your opinion about a potential of masters degree in Computer Science for an individual's career in U.S. industry - along the track of data analysis, IT project management etc. Does it make a difference if it is a M.S. or M.A.? What about threat of outsourcing? What...