What is Calculations: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A calculation is a deliberate process that transforms one or more inputs into one or more results. The term is used in a variety of senses, from the very definite arithmetical calculation of using an algorithm, to the vague heuristics of calculating a strategy in a competition, or calculating the chance of a successful relationship between two people.
For example, multiplying 7 by 6 is a simple algorithmic calculation. Estimating the fair price for financial instruments using the Black–Scholes model is a more complex algorithmic calculation.
Statistical estimations of the likely election results from opinion polls also involve algorithmic calculations, but produces ranges of possibilities rather than exact answers.
To calculate means to determine mathematically in the case of a number or amount, or in the case of an abstract problem to deduce the answer using logic, reason or common sense. The English word derives from the Latin calculus, which originally meant a small stone in the gall-bladder (from Latin calx). It also meant a pebble used for calculating, or a small stone used as a counter in an abacus (Latin abacus, Greek abax). The abacus was an instrument used by Greeks and Romans for arithmetic calculations, preceding the slide-rule and the electronic calculator, and consisted of perforated pebbles sliding on iron bars.

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  1. E

    MHB Conditional variance calculations (Crypto-currency reward offered)

    I'm reading a journal article that implies the following but I can't see how it is done. I'll give 100 DogeCoin (or equivalent) to whomever can explain this in full. Given that V(A|B) = s V(A) = r*s + w B = A + C and A & C are independent so V(B) = V(A) + V(C) & V(C) = V(B) - V(A) Then how...
  2. A

    Energy Calcs for Spinning Propeller w/ 6V DC Motor

    Hi, I'm designing a gadget whereby I'm spinning a plastic propeller attached to a shaft which is attached to a 6V DC motor. I'm required to do a basic energy analysis of the set-up. The kinetic energy of the propeller is 0.5*I*w^2 (w=omega=angular velocity). Due to friction (air etc) then...
  3. K

    Am I wrong with my calculations or using wrong formula?

    Homework Statement I have a radiator through which water is passed at 90 degrees Celsius, the air speed as it passes through the radiator is 4ms-1. Water temperature difference between inlet and outlet of radiator is 28.33 K. Temperature difference between air before and after passing through...
  4. B

    Micro hydro turbine calculations

    Hi! I'v been looking into this for way too long and have come to that point where nothing makes sense, hoping you guys could help me out! :smile: Basically i have been given a net head of 20m and need to provide a micro hydro turbine with 5kW of power for over one minute. What i want to...
  5. ThomasMagnus

    Lab Calculations: How to Find Theoretical Yield

    Homework Statement Hello, I'm looking for some help on how to perform some lab calculations. We recently did a lab on the Preparation of Geometric Isomers. We were preparing the Cis and Trans isomers of butenedioic acid, i.e Fumaric and Maleic Acid. The Maleic acid was done by reacting...
  6. O

    Engineering Drive Wheel Motor Torque Calculations

    Hello, Example vehicle design criteria: ▪ Gross vehicle weight (GVW): 190kg*9.81 = 1863.9N ▪ Weight on each drive wheel (WW): 1.84kg *9.81 = 18N ▪ Radius of wheel/tire (Rw): 216mm ____________________________________________________ ▪ Desired top speed (Vmax): ? ▪ Desired...
  7. Y

    Damper Calculation: Calculate Damping Force

    Hi, Please tell me damper calculation.ie.how to calculate damping force??
  8. U

    Faraday Lenz lab - My calculations are Way off and I'm not sure why

    The purpose of the lab was to measure, and also calculate, the induced current in a disconnected coil, due to a second coil connected to a power supply. Involved magnetic fields and electric fields (I think. For the purposes of this lab, the magnetic permittivity is 1.26*10-6, the number...
  9. X

    Calculate Stress in "Y" Direction: σ=P/A Equation

    [b]1. I need to know the stress σ in the "y" direction. [b]2. I will use σ=P/A equation. [b]3. First (-2*10^6)N*0.4m=-0.8*10^6N Then σ=P/A=(-0.8*10^6N)/(0.4m*0.02m)=-100*10^6Pa. Is this corrects?
  10. M

    Checking My Force, Torque calculations

    500lbs pressing down on two gears. Surface area of contact on one gear is 0.03125 inches squared. I calculated pressure. 500lbs / 0.0625 = 8000psi being exerted onto the two gears' surface areas. One gear has 4000psi. The gears' radius is 0.47 inches. I calculated torque for an...
  11. gfd43tg

    Engineering Struggling with Nodal Analysis and Voltage Calculations

    I am having a little issue with this problem, because when I do nodal analysis, I get the voltage of the node above the 5 kΩ resistor to be nearly 15 V. I am assuming all of the capacitors are saturated, and therefore act as open circuits. That means no current goes through the 20k or 30k...
  12. K

    Power Calc: Find Current & Power in Circuit - Resistors Absorbing?

    Homework Statement Concider the circuit shown below. Find the current iR flowing through the resitor. Find the power for each element in the circuit. Which elements are absorbing power?Homework Equations Ohm's law: U = IR; Kirchhoff's Current Law and Kirchhof's Voltage Law.The Attempt at a...
  13. gfd43tg

    Troubleshooting Mathcad Functions for Thermodynamic Calculations

    Hello, I am trying to use some functions in MathCad given in my thermodynamics textbook to calculate thermodynamic properties. I attached the functions below. I try using them and then I get an error saying too many commas I just type in: MCPH(T1,T2;A,B,C,D)= of course with numerical...
  14. R

    Are you afraid that no one will care about your calculations?

    I'm making some calculations in logic and I'm using a lot of invented notation and I'm hoping that it will make philosophy more mathematical but I'm often afraid no one will care about my calculations or bother to learn how to do them. Are you ever afraid that no one will care about your...
  15. B

    How do I calculate eddy current losses in mains transformers?

    Hi all i hope some one can help but i have a feeling there will be no easy calculations for this one:confused: Im trying to calculate actual eddy current losses in 50hz mains transformers depending on lamination sizes and can't seem to find any info on the subject that's sub electrical degree...
  16. I

    Lead Screw model in Creo and calculations

    Hi I'm trying to make a lead screw in Creo which would be used to move a 400lb load linearly along the ground. This would be turned manually using a lever as shown in the pic (not the complete model). I have used a lead screw with a major diameter of 1 1/4 and determined the torque to move...
  17. M

    Rollover Calcs: Find Speed to Tip Trolley

    Hi Is this formula all i need for finding the speed i need to tip the trolley? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72823890/Jobb/Rollover.jpg
  18. G

    Calculating Power Output of a Turbine: What Factors Should Be Considered?

    Hi, this is my first post on this forum, although I've often referred to many posts for random information, so thanks to all the people who dedicate time to other peoples questions, I greatly appreciate it. This is my first attempt for something like this and my knowledge of physics is very...
  19. T

    Calculating Wheel Torque for Vehicle Dynamometer Design

    I am trying to come up with a formula to use with my labview program that will calculate wheel torque required to move a vehicle with some given variables. I have vehicle speed, vehicle weight, % grade or angle, tire diameter. I am trying to create a dynamometer that can determine proper motor...
  20. E

    How Do You Calculate Transformer kVA Rating Based on Site Measurements?

    Hi, I've just got into my electrical engineering course and I need some help with a question of mine here. During a site visit, we were shown a main LT panel which has switchgears, ammeters and different kinds of relays and the distribution network from that panel. In the main LT panel...
  21. R

    What Factors Influence the Siphon Effect in Hydrodynamics?

    Hi all, This is my first post. I was wondering what the effects of hydrodynamics are on water in regards to when you suck water out of a pipe leading to a barrel of water for example. When you then stop sucking the water from the pipe the water leaving the pipe then continues to pull water...
  22. P

    Irritatingly failed resistance calculations

    Gentlemen/Ladies, Long time reader, first time posting. I have a few projects that I would like to get done, and I realized if I don't start getting them done, I never will. Heh. I'm making mistakes calculating the resistors I would need for the following. I've done it 5 times now because each...
  23. C

    Power calculations to get sample size needed to run an experiment

    Hi everyone! I am writing a paper in development/experimental economics concerning how household bargaining power (i.e. how much say the husband and wife has about how to spend household income) affect how much money is spent on children. I am going to conduct an experiment and is now in the...
  24. K

    Answer check please - Moment of Inertia Calculations

    Answer check please -- Moment of Inertia Calculations For question 1 I got T=mnut * r pulley * gravity For question 2 I got Isystem = 1/2 M(R23 + R24 + m (R21 + R22) First day of physics lab and I just wanted to double check that these are correct. Thanks.
  25. G

    Internal combustion engine calculations.

    Hello everybody, I am working on the whole vehicle calculations, engine, brakes, suspension and engine simulation, using that software, take a look: http://www.speed-wiz.com/calculations/engine-simulation/engine-simulation-conditions.htm That software, you input the values at the top...
  26. X

    Centripetal Force Calculations

    Hello! Finals are coming up in less than a week and I received some sample problems as review for the exam. I have my work layed out and a draft for it, but I would like some reassurance, if that's okay. :-) Anyway, here is the sample problem: You have been contacted by StM.org (Stop the...
  27. H

    Financial Calculations with Force of Interest

    Homework Statement You wish to invest $10,000 over 10 years. Available to you are 5 different funds. At any time you may transfer money from one fund to another without penalty or transaction fee. To optimize the money you receive at the end of 10 years you realize that you want all of your...
  28. Z

    Calculating Transmission Loss in Rack and Pinion Systems

    I need to find out the transmission loss in rack and pinion but I can't find any formulas or some general figures...
  29. srfriggen

    How do I convert a repeating decimal from one base to another?

    Homework Statement 1. Convert (0.333...)4to base 10. 2. Convert (0.333...)10to base 4. Homework Equations For question 1: I see this can be written as (3/4+3/42+3/43...)10 Can I just use the geometric formula and arrive at the answer 12/3=4 ? But that doesn't match...
  30. S

    Couple calculations Polar to Rectangular Form

    Homework Statement I need to find i1+i2 Homework Equations for i1=0.092<-98.86 i2=-4i1-j10/25=-4i1-0.4 i1=0.092<-98.86 x=rcosθ=0.092cos(-98.86)=-0.0142 y=rsinθ=0.092sin(-98.86)=-0.0909 i1=-0.0142-j0.0909 Therefor...
  31. I

    Chemical Process Calculations, or Material Balances Question

    All of the related work is in the attachment. If you could please help it would be really appreciated. I've asked a bunch of people in my class, and they're confused also. Thanks in advance!
  32. S

    Tragedy of my trajectory calculations for rotary broadcast speaders

    Hello Everyone, First time posting on this forum and looking forward to see what you guys can teach me! I am working on a program for a Raspberry Pi as a controller for a mechanical rotary and need some help from you physics enthusiast out there. Looking for some insight on the calculations...
  33. P

    Curl & Line Integral of Vector Field: Calculations & Results

    Homework Statement Given a vector field F=-y/(x^2+y^2) i +x/(x^2 +y^2) Calculate the curl of it the line integral of it in a unit circle centered at O Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I calculated that the curl is 0 but the line integral is 2π. I don't think this...
  34. L

    Arch Bridge Compression Calculations - Help

    Hi all, basically we're building a model bridge (30 grams) for a mechanical engineering project out of balsa wood and kevlar (for the strings). I've attatched a pdf file of the bridge design, although it doesn't show the strings. We are wanting to do some basic load compression calculations...
  35. A

    How do I solve questions involving lots of theory and no calculations?

    I'm in a grade 12 university level chem class right now, and I'm getting a 72. I realized just today that the reason why I'm doing so poorly is because I'm good at calculations, but not questions that involve even more thinking. For instance, one question gave us some information about...
  36. Raerin

    MHB How Do You Calculate Heat Transfer with Limited Information?

    I know the formula q = mcT and that's the only formula I was taught before assigned these questions (in bold). 1. What mass of iron would be needed to have it increase by 6 degrees with 300J of heat. I am not sure what is meant by the increase of 6 degrees. How do you solve it without knowing...
  37. C

    Calculating Drive Axle Forces and Moments in Golf Buggy Design

    Homework Statement Hello For a project I am designing a golf buggy and I am calculating conflicting information. The problem is as follows; There is a drive shaft, A-B, 1.2m long. There are bearings supporting the shaft 0.1m from the centre of the wheels (therefore 1m apart) The...
  38. R

    Lab issue - Please check my projectile launcher calculations

    Lab issue -- Please check my projectile launcher calculations I am making a lab for a class I teach and my results aren't working out and I need another pair of eyes to see if my method is wrong (I apologize if this should go in homework, but it isn't a homework question so I thought it should...
  39. T

    MHB Root Calculations: Easiest Way to Solve?

    Im just wondering what is the easiest way to deal with calculations where roots are involved? For example how do you solve this one? \frac{\frac{1}{2}}{1-\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}}Thank you for replies!
  40. P

    Exact bond energy calculations

    I need some maths for a program to determine the exact (or as close as it can be mathed) bond energy of bonds from the first two rows of the periodic table S and P orbitals all the websites I can find tell you what the average bond energy for a specific common bond is but that won't do for...
  41. E

    Aphelion and Perihelion distance calculations

    Hi! I was wondering how you can calculate the distance to a planet simply by looking at images when it is at aphelion and perihelion? is it even possible? Thanks!
  42. Z

    Engineering Test rig calculations - motor requirements

    Homework Statement I'm designing a tyre test rig for a university project to measure camber, slip angle etc. An example of a test rig - http://www.ika.rwth-aachen.de/forschung/veroeffentlichung/1999/30.06.-02.07/im173g.gif Although my test rig will be for an RC car tyres, so not quite the...
  43. StevieTNZ

    Calculating Huge Numbers in Excel

    Hi there, If I perform the following calculation in Excel: =100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+50 I get: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...
  44. R

    Confused on Voltage Calculations: Using Nodal Analysis to Find Input to Amp

    I have attachted the question as a picture: my first attempt i calculated the voltage through the auxillary circuit to be 10V but i am confused of where the 0.5 A plays in this part, then i used nodal analysis to find the voltage input to the amplifier but up to that point i am confused of...
  45. A

    Would someone check my calculations and graph?

    Homework Statement I've put together a set of data containing hardness, cold work, stress and dimensions of aluminum and brass test samples. Before I distribute to my group, I wanted to ensure that it looked okay (units, graphs, etc.). I needed to provide three graphs for each material...
  46. ShayanJ

    Aid for understanding some calculations

    Its a while I'm trying to understand [ http://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0108132v1.pdf ] but i have problem following its calculations.The part I have problem in now is the expansion in page 14,Eq. 50.Can anyone help me understand how that is done? Thanks
  47. B

    Error Calculations: Calculating the Gradient & Error Propagation

    There isn't a problem question really, but I think this section is most appropriate since this is a question born out of my lab module. To calculate the gradient of a line of best fit for a set of data you can use the equation M = n \sumxy - \sumx\sumy / n\sumx2 - (\sumx)2 Where...
  48. T

    How Can I Calculate Flywheel Spin-Up Time for Various Mass and Shape Options?

    Hello! I've got a problem that I haven't the faintest clue how to go about. I have a flywheel, spinning on a motor's shaft. I want to be able to calculate the time it will take the flywheel to spin up to the motor's max RPM, based off of the variables: Motor's RPM Motor's Toque Flywheel's...
  49. J

    Are calculations copyright protected?

    Am I infringing copyright if I exactly reproduce the calculations in a paper on physics forums?
  50. M

    Projectile Blast Containment Calculations

    Hello all. I am working on a assignment in which I have to determine if a projectile traveling at a known velocity will break through a side of its containment room (assuming worst case senerios). I have been looking online and in my textbooks and have ended up confusing myself on what...