What is Calculations: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A calculation is a deliberate process that transforms one or more inputs into one or more results. The term is used in a variety of senses, from the very definite arithmetical calculation of using an algorithm, to the vague heuristics of calculating a strategy in a competition, or calculating the chance of a successful relationship between two people.
For example, multiplying 7 by 6 is a simple algorithmic calculation. Estimating the fair price for financial instruments using the Black–Scholes model is a more complex algorithmic calculation.
Statistical estimations of the likely election results from opinion polls also involve algorithmic calculations, but produces ranges of possibilities rather than exact answers.
To calculate means to determine mathematically in the case of a number or amount, or in the case of an abstract problem to deduce the answer using logic, reason or common sense. The English word derives from the Latin calculus, which originally meant a small stone in the gall-bladder (from Latin calx). It also meant a pebble used for calculating, or a small stone used as a counter in an abacus (Latin abacus, Greek abax). The abacus was an instrument used by Greeks and Romans for arithmetic calculations, preceding the slide-rule and the electronic calculator, and consisted of perforated pebbles sliding on iron bars.

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  1. S

    Confusion on entropy change calculations for irreversible process

    I was studying 2nd law thermodynamics. In that context found the clausius's inequality saying closed integral of dQ/T <0 for irreversible process. And from the reversible process entropy was defined. And from that view they said that for irreversible process dS>dQ/T. Now when I saw some...
  2. Christina H

    Calculations for cooling a volume of air

    Hallo, Working on building a cloud chamber based on thermoelectric coolers rather than dry ice or other "consumable" cooling methods, and having some difficulty working out some of the numbers. Say I have a volume of air at room temperature, for arguments sake 1600cm³, and I want to cool this...
  3. J

    Number of complex calculations in FFT and inverse FFT

    Homework Statement Calculate the total number of compex multiplications required for the calculation in (b) when FFTs are used to perform the Discrete Fourier Transforms and Inverse Discrete Fourier Transforms.[/B] There were two FFT multiplied together and one inverse FFT of that product to...
  4. cellurl

    DIY Leaf-Vacuum: Using Venturi Equations for Pressure Calculation

    I want to make a leaf-vacuum using a leaf-blower. Does anyone know how I might calculate the pressures? Thanks!
  5. F

    Ionization energy calculations

    Why isn't the ionization energy of an electron equal to it's energy level such that: E(electron)= -13.6(Z^2/n^2) = IP for that electron But instead it is equal to the energy difference in energy between the atom and its ionized cation: IP = E(A)-E(A+)
  6. D

    How Do You Calculate BTUs from Temperature Change in a Heat Exchanger?

    Hello, I'm working with a heat exchanger I'm trying to integrate into a cooling application. I've done some tests but want to have some clear understating of how the calculations are done or if I have missed something. Below is what I have so far. So it's a radiation with 2 pwm fans, they push...
  7. D

    Meaning of total ground state energy in periodic DFT calculations

    Dear all, periodic DFT codes (e.g. VASP) effectively simulate an infinite crystal due to the periodic boundary conditions. However, the energy value that one obtaines at the end of a simulation if finite. Frankly, I'm quite confused right now. Is the energy to be understood 'per unit cell'...
  8. stephenranger

    Solving the Car Parking Lights Puzzle: Current, Resistance & Time Calculations

    Homework Statement A total charge of 50 Ah is stored in a 12 V battery of a car. Each of the bulbs of the four parking lights is labelled 3,6 W / 12 V. Homework Equations a) Find the current from the battery when only the parking lights are switched on. b) What is the resistance of one bulb...
  9. Mingsliced

    Simple Gear Train Efficiency and Torque Help

    Homework Statement I'm on the very last section of a question for the design of a simple gear train. I've managed to design the gear train with all criteria fulfilled and I am confident that it is correct. I just need clarification that my calculations thus far are correct and also a fresh...
  10. elementHTTP

    Mass flow rate, conveyor screw calculations and books

    I am interested in mass flow rate in conveyor screw transportation http://www.colormaxsystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/5-screws-300x222.jpg any recommended book,engineering guides ?
  11. Lamdbaenergy

    Practice calculations for a relativistic speed object

    Effects of a 150,000 kilogram object launched at Earth, just below the speed of light: 99.99999999999999 percent 'c' speed.The object weighing 150,000 kilograms gets a relativistic mass increase of 183,648,173,214,437,391 kilograms, therefore getting a relativistic energy of...
  12. gracy

    Calculating Chromosomes & Nitrogen Bases in Biology

    I am not sure where to put this question in biology or maths forum.But i finally decided to ask here.Somatic cells have two "copies" of each of chromosomes, one inherited from each parent. Each sperm cell, on the other hand, only gets one "copy" of each chromosome (either the one from your mom...
  13. A

    Sgr. A* - Mathematical calculations

    Hey guys First real thread besides my introductory thread. I'm a Danish student in what is somewhat equivalent to my junior/senior year in the american school system. That was a small attempt at school system conversion. I'm writing a project about the black hole Sgr. A* in the centre of our...
  14. H

    Capacitor: charge and energy calculations

    Homework Statement A capacitor of capacitance 12*10^6 is fully charged from a 20V d.c. supply. i Calculate the charge stored by the capacitor. ii calculate the energy delivered by the dc supply iii calculate the energy stored in the capacitor. iv account for the difference between your...
  15. G

    Afraid no one will care about my calculations

    I'm coming out with a new logic in about a year which hopefully will be the first step towards solving the common sense problem in AI as well as making metaphysics more scientific. I'm afraid people will be unwilling to the hard work of performing the calculations I recommend.
  16. O

    Weight Driven Generator Calculations

    Hello! I am in the beginning stages of designing a system that would drive a generator using gravity - similar to an old grandfather clock. I have a couple of questions about my assumptions/design that I am stuck on: - I found a motor which is rated 6v-12v DC, 188 RPM @ 12V with no load, and a...
  17. F

    Understanding entropy calculations

    Homework Statement A mass m of water cools down from 50degc to 10degc (the temperature of the surrounding environment). Calculate the entropy increase of the system (the water). The water has specific heat capacity c. Homework Equations dS=dQrev/T S is entropy, Q is heat added to the system, T...
  18. ME_student

    Engineering Calculating Op Amp Circuit Parameters

    Homework Statement The op am in the circuit shown is ideal. Calculate the following. a) Ia b) Va c) Vo d) Io Homework Equations I have found three equations one at Vn, Va, and Vo. The Attempt at a Solution The attempt solution is on the attachment. I currently have three equations with four...
  19. M

    Concurrent decay calculations in an operating reactor

    I can’t find yield data for the concurrent creation and decay of fission products in an operating reactor. All the references I can find on the net are for the decay of a fixed lump. In an operating reactor the lump is (for a while) growing at the same time it is decaying. So, I started my...
  20. X

    Optimizing DIY Air-to-Air Counterflow Heat Exchanger Size with Experimental Data

    Hi I am planning to make a DIY heat exchanger. It will be an air-to-air counterflow heatexchanger with equal air flow. I made a small test heat exchanger so I would be able to estimate the required size of the heat exchanger. I did a small experiment with the small exchanger. The outcome is that...
  21. D

    What am I doing wrong? Simple Projectile motion calculations.

    Ok, I have used every calculator I can find, typed it in several different ways for the past three hours and at this point I am giving up and asking for help. 1. Homework Statement A rock is thrown from the edge of a 14 meter high cliff with a velocity of total magnitude of 7m/s. Find the...
  22. K

    Calculating size of wooden members

    I need help calculating the size of the wood members I need in my truss. I understand the basics; I first need to calculate the load, then the stress on each member, then pick a wooden member which has that stress with a safety factor of let's say 2.0. The reason why I want to perform the...
  23. A

    Calculations with acceleration

    Homework Statement Initial velocity=15m/s slows down to 10m/s in 4.0s. Acceleration= -1.2m/s^2 How far does the car travel in 4.0s If the car were to slow down at the same rate how much additional distance would it travel before coming to a complete stop Homework Equations A=d/t D=(1/2)at^2...
  24. A

    Blade Runner -- Prosthesis propulsion question

    Hi there. I have come to this forum to try and find someone able of helping me with some (im sure) basic Physics. I'm trying to work out the Physics behind the Prosthetic carbon fibre legs that Oscar Pistorius uses, a diagram would be incredible! I want to know what calculations would be...
  25. M

    Electrical Circuit Calculations

    Homework Statement Calculate the individual currents in I2 and I3 (See diagram). I basically need to know how I calculate the current at any point in that circuit and that would help me. Homework Equations V=IR Rseries=R1+R2... 1/Rparallel=1/R1+1/R2 The Attempt at a Solution I honestly have no...
  26. K

    Redox titration and mass percent composition calculations.

    Homework Statement Hello everyone, I have completed a lab and I’m working on my report. I’m not sure if my work is correct but I would most definitely appreciate it if anyone could check it for me? I’m particularly having trouble finishing question #3. It’s worth a lot of my grade so I want...
  27. S

    Automotive This is somewhat of a question -- calculations about my car accident

    Now, I had a collision approximately two weeks or so ago, however, I was the one blamed for the collision due to a "witness" but I need some help with the correct calculation I need. You see, her car weighed 2602 pounds, where as my car weighed 3359 pounds, but she hit me hard enough on the...
  28. D

    How long will it take to freeze a 16 carbon steel pipe using liquid nitrogen?

    Please help. I am Trying to calculate the time taken to freeze a 16" carbon steel pipe that is full of water with no flow. The water is at 20 oC and am using Liquid nitrogen feed into an insulated pipe freezing jacket surrounding the pipe to freeze it. If anyone can help with the calculations...
  29. D

    Understanding RMS Values: Intuition Behind Calculations

    Could someone explain to me the intuition behind RMS values? I understand how you calculate them; you take the average of the squares and square root them. I am just wondering why. For example when it comes to voltage, how did someone just think up of this magical way to compute an effective...
  30. N

    CFD calculations in solar updraft towers

    Hi all, I have been asked to contribute material for a presentation at my daughters school. The subject is alternative energy via solar methods and several other parents have already selected the obvious platforms (photovoltaics, CSP, etc.) and I thought solar updraft towers would be kind of...
  31. marcus

    Making basic astro/cosmo calculations easy with google calculator--examples

    The aim is partly pedagogical. I want to assemble some examples illustrating how the google calculator can play a role in learning cosmology and related. Suppose you don't remember the Schw. radius of the earth. Paste in "2G*mass of earth/c^2" press return, and you get 0.887 cm...
  32. E

    Pressure Calculations through Volume Differences

    Recently I've been researching the pressurization of water through the releasing of the waters of hydration in hydrates. The goal is to create a volume difference inside a container of fixed volume, basically the volume of the contents should be greater than the volume of the container in order...
  33. J

    Engine Coolant Heat Dissipation Calculations

    Okay, I created this topic because the other one seem to get no responses?! I found this paper that was useful to me : http://people.bath.ac.uk/enscjb/airtex.pdf It mentions the figure 2.0 - 2.6 L/min/kW. Is this kW, the bhp? Question 1:For a Nissan Maxima (3.5 L engine), could I take this...
  34. O

    Why Don't My Patched Conics Calculations for Orbital Mechanics Match the Text?

    I'm working on self teaching the patched conics approach for orbital mechanics. I am a very visual learner and I am having difficulty finding text that tailors to my need. Recently I have been working on the calculations for an interplanetary transfer and I seem to be getting pieces of the...
  35. B

    Stress calculations for acrylic

    I need a formula for deriving the required material thickness for an acrylic panel. The project will involve an acrylic window for a large aquarium. I have included a dimensional rendering. The maximum design stress must be maintained at or below 800PSI. The maximum water pressure...
  36. A

    Significant Figures in long physics calculations?

    Hi all, Newbie here. Forgive if I'm starting this thread in the wrong place! Started college physics this semester and although the physics is not the most challenging, I'm running into lots of trouble with the sig figs! First of all, when doing long calculations, where do you round the sig...
  37. A

    Low RPM autosuficient system project calculations

    I have a cart which is moved by a wench. One of the wheels will have an alternator used for wind applications at 1032 RPM (after multiplier). At 1032 RPM the alternator produces 13A 90V. I also have a 1:5 multiplier installed. I am thinking of buying two VMAX SLR175 Solar Battery with 175 AH, in...
  38. EverGreen1231

    Questions concerning UFLS Calculations

    I have been interested in finding out more about this topic but I can't seem to find any articles/periodicals that don't assume you to already have 20 years experience with under frequency load shedding in transmission engineering. My questions are: 1.) How is it that you determine the amount...
  39. K

    Thermal Hydraulic Calculations using NS

    Hi all I am very much a layman when it comes to Thermal Hydraulics and this may be a naive questions but here it goes... On the job, i use various codes to examine two phase flow in the core loop. Despite being vetted and validated numerous times over the course of many years (TRAC, RELAP...
  40. H

    Resonant frequency calculations for 'solid object' systems

    Hi, thanks for stopping by :) This is for a big assignment (Yr 12). I asked my physics teacher this, but she couldn't give me a definite answer, and neither could my music teacher who previously studied physics, and then he messaged an engineer he knew, who hasn't replied yet... ~ Given...
  41. Warpspeed13

    Question about fast neutron leakage calculations

    Ok so the equation for the probability that a fast neutron will not leek out of a non infinite mass is Pfnl= exp(-(Bg)^2 Tth) so Bg is the geometric buckling and for a sphere that value is (pie/r)^2. My question is what is exp? And what is Tth / how do I get the value of it?
  42. R

    Concerning differentials in electric field strength calculations

    Hi guys, first time posting here, but I have a question that I have been thinking about for quite a while, and I hope someone can help out with it. Assume a line of charge (with overall charge of +Q and of length L) that is lying on the x-axis. You want to calculate the electric field strength...
  43. shahbaznihal

    Can the Boltzmann equation accurately predict the relic density of dark matter?

    Hi, My question is: Whats the whole point of solving the Boltzmann equation for relic density of dark matter? I mean, we already know the current density of dark matter in the Universe so that end is fixed by experiment. If we have a model of dark matter evolution then it has to comply to the...
  44. T

    Calculators How do I save equations on a ti-36x pro for future calculations?

    Can anyone help me on how to save functions on a ti 36x pro for future calculations? I am doing a lot of plug and chug calculus and physics problems that would save me time if I knew how to save the functions and real them later, by changing what x is. Ie. Newtons method to finding roots...
  45. T

    Inductor Energy Loss Calculation

    I was so happy with the assistance provide here by NascentOxygen! Great contributor! I have another question: Homework Statement A 20V battery is connected to an inductor with 1000μH that has 1000 turns with a cross section area of 1cm^2 is connected for 0.3 Sec during where 20J energy are...
  46. T

    What Happens to Inductance with Changes in Current and Loop Configuration?

    Hello, I'm new to this forum. I hope I am submitting this to the right thread. Just started physics and I am looking to get a little assistance Homework Statement A single loop carries 100mA and has an inductance of 100μH Homework Equations For air cored L = μ0 * (N^2*A/length) L = Nø/i...
  47. vanoccupanther

    Mean-Field Approach to Ferromagnetism (Assistance with Calculations)

    Homework Statement I am currently working as an intern in a research institute (I'm a 3rd yr undergrad) and my supervisor has asked me to create a simulation from a particular model - please see linked <http://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.69.045202> or attached paper. I...
  48. P

    Calculating Spring Tension for Adjustable Shock Damper with Varying Masses

    I am building a shock damper for various weights which will be added at Mass D below. What I need to calculate is by how much would I need to turn my adjusters thus changing the angle of the spring, which in this case is 14.9 Kg rated, to allow for different weights to remain at a level...
  49. E

    Problem with molecular separation calculations

    I am attempting to complete a basic question involving molecular separation from Alonso & Finn "Fundamental University Physics" Second Edition, Chapter 2, Question 9. The Problem states "Using the data in table 2-1 and A-1, estimate the average separation in molecules of hydrogen at STP (gas)...