What is article: Definition and 357 Discussions

An article is any member of a class of dedicated words that are used with noun phrases to mark the identifiability of the referents of the noun phrases. The category of articles constitutes a part of speech.
In English, both "the" and "a(n)" are articles, which combine with nouns to form noun phrases. Articles typically specify the grammatical definiteness of the noun phrase, but in many languages, they carry additional grammatical information such as gender, number, and case. Articles are part of a broader category called determiners, which also include demonstratives, possessive determiners, and quantifiers. In linguistic interlinear glossing, articles are abbreviated as ART.

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  1. D

    Is the Gravitomagnetic Field in Heim's Theory Worth Investigating?

    Over in https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=115295 on the forum they are talking about this research being hailed as a test for GR...BUT...could someone tell me if the "gravitomagnetic" field in http://www.physorg.com/news12054.html was what Heim was talking about. I think it's...
  2. marcus

    Check Out New Baez Article on BF - gr-qc/0603085

    http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0603085 no time to evaluate now, have to go someone might want to check it out
  3. S

    Suprising article I found in a 2001 Secientific American.

    I was looking at some secientific armeicans that one of my neighbors gave me and found a very suprising article.It said that "A hurricane powerful enough coul damage New Orleans leves and flood New Orleans" and it was form 2001! :It looked like the exact same thing that happened to New...
  4. W

    Is the Example for Series in Wikipedia Incorrect?

    Hey folks, I'm currently studying sequences and the like in Calc 2, and I went to Wikipedia for another explanation about them. The example given in the article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_%28mathematics%29" seems to be incorrect to me. The example is this: \sum _{n=0}^{\infty...
  5. R

    Can someone with a subscription to AJP please PM me this article?

    Hello... I;m sorry if thi sis the wrong page to post this... I despeartely need this article " Number of Images Produced by Multiple Reflection V. M. Kulkarni Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, Bombay State, India April 1960 -- Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 317-318 American Journal...
  6. C

    Medical Mentally disabled adults learn lessons in love (article)

    I think this is pretty cool. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11333040/"
  7. C

    Medical Hunger Molecule Promotes Cocaine Cravings (news article and journal article)

    http://www.medpagetoday.com/Psychiatry/Addictions/tb/2680" Journal submission pertaining to newsarticle can be found here. http://download.neuron.org/pdfs/0896-6273/PIIS0896627306000456.pdf"
  8. C

    Medical Sleep on it before making major decisions (article)

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11392879" Evidence supporting the notion that its best to sleep on big decisions.
  9. O

    News English translation of the Danish article?

    I have been searching for an English translation of the article that appeared in Jyllands-Posten last September. I have found the original article in Danish here (without the cartoons): http://politiken.dk/VisArtikel.sasp?PageID=397712" Well, I think this is it but I cannot read it. I...
  10. F

    Design News: Solar Power & Stirling Engine Benefits

    A good article showed up in the latest issue of Design News. It's good to see the Stirling Engine getting some new exposure. For those interested, there is a good side bar on the stirling cycle as well. The one thing I had to note to myself was that, while the Stirling engine does have some...
  11. H

    Remote and Poked, Anthropology's Dream Tribe [article]

  12. C

    Medical What Causes Stuttering: Explained by J. Scott Yaruss

    http://www.sciam.com/askexpert_question.cfm?articleID=00094A57-B72C-1398-B72C83414B7FFE9F&catID=3 I used to knoew a kid who stuttered a lot, years of speech therapy got him to sound perfectly normal...still interesting to know what might cause it.
  13. H

    Medical New Antidepressant Drug Increases 'Brain's Own Cannabis' [article]

  14. H

    Medical High IQ: Not as good for you as you thought [article]

    http://cognitivedaily.com/?p=137 Important findings: self-discipline, as rated on a number of scales, appears to be a more significant predictor of academic success than IQ, particularly for GPA (grade point average). Also, self-discipline and IQ, as measured in this study, were independent...
  15. H

    Is There a Cultural Difference in How Americans and the English Smile?

  16. H

    Medical Children Learn by Monkey See, Monkey Do. Chimps Don't. [article]

    http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/13/science/13essa.html Zimmer (the article author) notes in his http://www.corante.com/loom/ .
  17. H

    The Hypomanic American [article]

  18. Mk

    Neutronium article @ Wikipedia in need of experts and knowledgeables

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutronium http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Neutronium#Disputed:_Periodic_table BAH! I'm tired of this, the disputes, the misinformation, incorrect equations and terms, and I am requesting that somebody(s) from here contribute a little, so I can sleep at night...
  19. M

    Grade 11 Physics Article Ideas

    Im in grade 11 and I need to find a interesting article that's realated to present to the class. I've tried Google News but I couldn't find anything appealing. Gah! Does anyone have any ideas of what I could present?
  20. S

    News David Suzuki article on Consumerism

    Science Matters by David Suzuki Science Matters is published weekly in newspapers across Canada. Consumer culture no accident Mar 07, 2003 Most people I talk to today understand that humanity is inflicting harsh damage on the planet's life support systems of clean air, water, soil and...
  21. Mk

    Why Is Getting Sick Beneficial?

    Why should we get sick I need help on finding resources on why getting sick is a GOOD thing. I'm sure there has to be some. I'm not meaning this like "so you can get out of school" etc. - I give thanks, :biggrin: Mk (This shy :shy: face always puzzles me to what it means until I hover it)
  22. CarlB

    Hadley article on parity: physics/0406118

    Any comments on this pithy article on parity: A Conserved Parity Operator Mark J. Hadley, Dept of Phys., Univ. of Warwick, Abstract:The symmetry of Nature under a Space Inversion is described by a Parity operator. Contrary to popular belief, the Parity operator is not unique. The choice...
  23. marcus

    Wonderful wise article about Feynman

    http://www.nybooks.com/articles/18350 Freeman Dyson, reviewing a collection of Feynman's personal letters assembled and edited by Michelle, Feynman's daughter
  24. E

    Question: Quantum Two Time interpretation - arXiv article from Aharonov, et al.

    Please let me know if this is the wrong place to post this question. I'm really fascinated by the idea of time symmetry in quantum mechanics and it's implications for the measurement process. I'm trying to make sense out of an article posted in the arXiv by Aharanov, et al. and it seems like...
  25. cronxeh

    Dont read this article if you are a scientist

    Ok ok I must admit that is a bit harsh - but the following link has some seriously insane misinterpretations about the world around us. But it was hilarious reading it :rolleyes: http://www.fixedearth.com/athiest.html Oh and you got to excuse the misspelled link by the author.. just sad
  26. L

    News Rove talked about CIA Op to Reporters (Article)

    http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15889405-38198,00.html TOP White House adviser Karl Rove was one of the secret sources who spoke to reporters about a covert CIA operative whose identity was leaked to the media, Newsweek has reported. Mr Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, confirmed Mr...
  27. K

    Objective article about physics/engineering in development

    Well, I've been asked by a local newspaper to write an objective article about physics/engineering in development. Pretty broad, huh? Well, I live in a small town, so there's nothing here to talk about, other than the MINOS neutrino detector in my state. But it's supposed to be more worldy, I...
  28. N

    Help finding an article physics related

    So, for extra credit in my physics, i can submit 2 articles that are physics related and published within the previous three months with a page summary but i don't know what magazines i can find some. I don't think i can get them off the net so this is going to be hard because i don't have...
  29. Y

    Big Bang Article - Early Universe more Fluid like

    Interesting experiment http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/discoveries/2005-04-19-big-bang-mystery_x.htm
  30. marcus

    Neutron stars: good short article

    one reason it's good is that it is written for the Wiley "Encyclopedia of Physics" http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0503245 Neutron Stars Gordon Baym, Frederick K. Lamb Comments: Encyclopedia of Physics 3rd ed., R.G. Lerner and G.L. Trigg, eds., Wiley-VCH, Berlin Abstract: "This short...
  31. D

    I saw an article in New Scientist re CBR

    I saw an article in New Scientist... This is a piece from it. OUR universe appears to be unfathomably uniform. Look across space from one edge of the visible universe to the other, and you'll see that the microwave background radiation filling the cosmos is at the same temperature...
  32. marcus

    SciAm Lineweaver cosmology article, March issue

    http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa006&colID=1&articleID=0009F0CA-C523-1213-852383414B7F0147 we've referenced the clear and useful journal articles of Charles Lineweaver and Tamara Davis a lot at PF over the past couple of years Glad to see that they now have a feature article in...
  33. Astronuc

    Nuclear Now - Article on Wired.com

    How clean, green atomic energy can stop global warming Interesting perspective on the present and future of nuclear energy in the world.
  34. D

    Find Chemistry/Biochemistry Articles for Analysis: Tips & Resources

    I have to write an analysis on an article (has to be scientifically published and related to chemistry or biochemistry) that is around at least 4 pages long. I've been surfing the web but i can't seem to find any. Can anyone recommend me some places where i can find them? Thanks.
  35. Z

    Discover Article something not quite right.

    In the Sept issue of Discover they had an article about Einstein. In the article they mentioned something about Special Relativity that I always suspected but had never seen in print. They basically stated that the reason a beam of light always passes you at "c" (the speed of light) no...
  36. Y

    The proper article to use in the sentence A/An NaI detector

    The proper article to use in the sentence "A/An NaI detector" I'm not sure if this is the best forum to put this in, but I'm curious, what is the proper article to use in a sentence such as "A/An NaI detector"? The source I found this from uses "An," probably because "NaI" is read letter by...
  37. ohwilleke

    Cute ZPE Article: NASA Funding & EM Fields

    Cute ZPE artilce: http://xxx.arxiv.cornell.edu/abs/gr-qc/0209016 Its goal in life: Keep NASA funding going by suggesting that EM fields can shut down gravity.
  38. O

    Fact Check: Morphogenic Fields Article

    I was reading an article regarding "morphogenic fields". http://twm.co.nz/shel_morfields.htm I am not really all that interested in the author's conclusions, rather I want to verify the experiments cited. Specifically what he claims in this excerpt: I have done a little checking and...
  39. H

    Article about long range artillery

    I have to write an article about long range artillery and the physics involved. I thought that perhaps I could tell about the coriolis effect or the perfect angle (at which the projectile covers the greatest distance). I wondered if anyone has some other interesting ideas to write about...
  40. D

    Stargazing New Scientist Article - Pendulums + Solar Eclipse

    Just wondered if anyone read this weeks New Scientist and more to the point the article on gravity. Aparently experiments have shown that pendulums behave irratically during a solar eclipse, and hence this has lead to some scientist questioning the laws of gravity and the work of Einstien...
  41. P

    Interesting article about ID vs. evolution

    From the NCSE Oct 15 e-newsletter. I'm not trying to promote ID here, but it sure is refreshing to hear a voice from that arena finally say "hey, shouldn't we be using science to prove our case?"
  42. A

    News A very long and interesting article

    I've had this article for quite some time, and I find it to reflect greatly on the current political situation in America. The article was written in 1938 by Garet Garrett http://www.rooseveltmyth.com/docs/The_Revolution_Was.html Take some time, read it, and let me know what you think...
  43. K

    Wikipedia's article on black holes

    That's what Wikipedia said. If, for an outside observer, it takes an infinite amount of time for matter to enter a black hole, does this mean that from the point of view of an outside observer, after a black hole has formed, no new matter will enter it?
  44. T

    Gain Insight into Sleep Disorders with this Interesting Article

    This was a very interesting article on sleep http://health.yahoo.com/health/centers/sleep_disorders/_101.html
  45. marcus

    Rudy Vaas 3 article series on Quantum Gravity

    http://arxiv.org/physics/0401128 Beyond Space And Time Ruediger Vaas 7 pages, English translation by Amitabha Sen of the German article "Jenseits von Raum und Zeit" http://arxiv.org/physics/0403112 The Duel: Strings versus Loops Ruediger Vaas 10 pages, English translation by...
  46. A

    News What are the Long-Term Effects of US Occupation in Iraq?

    People Resist Conquest and Occupation The Empire in Denial and the Denial of Empire By SAUL LANDAU here : http://www.counterpunch.org/landau04272004.html
  47. P

    What Fascinating Discoveries Await on Titan?

    http://www.physicspost.com/articles.php?articleId=196 enjoy
  48. L

    Contest: The most interesting article of the day: Pioline + Waldron

    This message is meant to start a new format of the postings on sci.physics.strings. Everyone is invited to answer the question "What was the most interesting paper on hep-th, hep-ph, or gr-qc today?" My answer for the night of April 4th is the paper by Pioline and Waldron The Automorphic...
  49. A

    Original Bell article with the proof of his inequality Is necessary.

    Bell J.S. Physics. 1964,1,195. Whether is not present at somebody? Whether is it possible download it somewhere ? There is interesting to my what purpose had Bell, proving an inequality. Is it to deny a quantum mechanics? I hope, that from this article it will be possible to gather the...
  50. wasteofo2

    Scientific american article about the nature of gravity.

    Has anyone read this? Either the physicists interviewed in this article were ridiculously stupid or they're so smart that they go right over my head. People at NASA sent out some sort of probe which was just intended to go out into the uiniverse with no particular destination. It constantly...