UCLA or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Mechanical Engineering

In summary, the speaker has been accepted to both UCLA and Cal Poly as a transfer student from a community college. They are having trouble deciding which school to attend due to the strong engineering programs at both schools. Some people have recommended UCLA for its prestige and job opportunities, while others have suggested Cal Poly for its focus on preparing students for the job industry. The speaker plans on visiting both campuses, but time is limited. Ultimately, the decision may depend on whether the speaker plans on attending graduate school or going straight into industry.
  • #1
I got accepted to both schools as a transfer student form a community college. I'm having trouble deciding where to go, because both colleges have very good engineering programs. I think about it every freaking day, but mostly cause people keep asking if i have decided yet. :rolleyes:

Most of the people i talked to just said, go to UCLA cause its like prestigious school, and it will be easier to get a job. Some said it will be really competitive down there.

My engineering instructor said that in his experience Cal poly students seem to graduate later than UCLA ones cause they make you take extra classes like welding. Also that CAL poly really prepares for the job industry and UC's like UCLa will prepare me for graduate school.

I plan on visiting both campuses right after finals are over, but there isn;t a lot of time left after that.
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  • #2
Well, you can't go wrong with either one really. Here at Poly almost none graduates on time as your professor pointed out, very very few get out in just four years, it just doesn't happen. I'd say if you're planning on graduate school for engineering, then pick UCLA. If not, pick Poly. As a side note, its nice here that we have all small classes (my largest class has been 120 people, only once, and I've been told by friends at UCLA that their smallest classes were that size). There's a major emphasis on 'learning by doing' which will probably be better preparation if you plan to go straight into industry.
  • #3

I would recommend that you carefully consider your personal goals and preferences before making a decision between UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Both schools have excellent engineering programs and it ultimately comes down to what you value most in your education. Consider factors such as the teaching style, research opportunities, campus culture, and location. It may also be helpful to speak with current students and alumni from both schools to get a better understanding of their experiences.

In terms of job opportunities, both UCLA and Cal Poly have strong reputations in the engineering industry. It is important to note that your success in finding a job after graduation will depend more on your own skills, experience, and networking than the prestige of your school. Additionally, while it is true that UCLA may have more opportunities for graduate school preparation, Cal Poly's focus on preparing students for the job industry could also be advantageous for those looking to enter the workforce immediately after graduation.

Ultimately, it is important to choose the school that aligns with your goals and values. Visiting both campuses and speaking with current students and alumni can help you make a more informed decision. Remember that there is no right or wrong choice, as long as you are committed to putting in the effort and making the most out of your education.

Related to UCLA or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Mechanical Engineering

1. What is the difference between UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's mechanical engineering programs?

The main difference between UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's mechanical engineering programs is that UCLA is a larger and more research-oriented university, while Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is a smaller, more hands-on and application-based university. Additionally, UCLA's mechanical engineering program offers a wider range of specializations and research opportunities, while Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's program focuses on practical skills and industry partnerships.

2. Which school has a better reputation for mechanical engineering?

Both UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo have strong reputations for their mechanical engineering programs. UCLA is ranked higher overall in national university rankings, while Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is known for its strong engineering programs and hands-on approach. Ultimately, the reputation of a program depends on individual perspective and priorities.

3. How do the job prospects for UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo mechanical engineering graduates compare?

Both UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo have strong job prospects for mechanical engineering graduates. UCLA's larger network and research opportunities may provide a slight advantage in certain industries, while Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's focus on practical skills and industry partnerships can also lead to strong job opportunities.

4. What resources and facilities are available for mechanical engineering students at UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo?

Both UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo have state-of-the-art facilities and resources for mechanical engineering students. UCLA has a wide range of research labs, including a combustion and propulsion lab and a micro and nanofluidics lab. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has a hands-on engineering technology lab, a wind tunnel, and a 3D printing lab.

5. How do the tuition and financial aid options compare between UCLA and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for mechanical engineering?

UCLA's tuition is higher than Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's, but both schools offer financial aid options to help students cover the cost of attendance. UCLA offers a wide range of scholarships, grants, and loans, while Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has a strong financial aid program, including scholarships and work-study opportunities. Ultimately, the cost of attendance will vary depending on individual financial circumstances and aid eligibility.

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