Palin pick an insult to our intelligence

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In summary: I guess you could say that I was surprised that the information released about her turned out to be such a non-issue to the American people. In summary, the VP pick of Sarah Palin has been largely successful in attracting women voters to the McCain campaign. However, the media's initial response was mostly in support of Mrs. Palin, and there was little questioning of her ability or experience.
  • #106
turbo-1 said:
Watch the video. She says that our national leaders are sending our troops to fight in Iraq and that it is God's plan. She can't deny she said that, and unless she was lying, she presumes to know what God intends.

Palins ACTUAL words from the video.

…Pray for our military. He’s going to be deployed in September to Iraq. Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country. That our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for…
Physics news on
  • #107
"... our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God" Combined with her assertions that God wants a natural gas pipeline built, it seems that she and God are pretty tight. I should ask her if God wants me to win the Powerball lottery.
  • #108
Palin said:
But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that's a repeat in my comments, was let us NOT pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God's side.
U2's Bono used almost exactly the same phrasing in describing his aid to Africa work. Clearly he's another right wing nut job channelling God.

U2 said:
I believe in the kingdom come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
Bleed into one
Well yes I'm still running

You broke the bonds and you
Loosed the chains
Carried the cross
Of my shame
Of my shame
You know I believed it
Yep, no question, nut job, lock him up.
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  • #109
turbo-1 said:
"... our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God" Combined with her assertions that God wants a natural gas pipeline built, it seems that she and God are pretty tight. I should ask her if God wants me to win the Powerball lottery.

So why did you parse the quote like that?

Yellow Journalism - Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers.
  • #110
jimmysnyder said:
Gibson twisted her words to the breaking point.
Compare that, and his tone, to his Obama interview:
...Senator, you're kind to take the time, on a day when you legitimately should be able to simply just take long naps. I thank you. All the best to you.
Better than the SNL can I get you a pillow skit.
  • #111
BobG said:
When you get to the point of having to pray that there actually is a Bush Doctrine? :smile: Have you been out of the country for several years? Congress stand up to Bush? Even with public opinion polls showing that most of the country opposed invading Iraq without UN approval, Congress folded - Democrats included. They gave him a blank check while mumbling about how they hoped he didn't abuse it.

But Obama has voted against the war much to his credit.

And he is after all the candidate that represents change in a good way, and not in a retarded way.
  • #112
turbo-1 said:
I am an independent.
Please accept my sincere apologies turbo-1. That post was not directed at you. I'm sorry you took it that way and I blame myself for it.
  • #113
I have to admit the church's pastor, Pastor Kalnin, is every bit as bizarre as Rev Wright ever was, seeming to believe the end times are coming and that Alaska will be filled with hundreds of thousands of refugees from the lower 48 - something even Palin isn't totally oblivious to:
As I travel around the state, it's really cool to visit other communities and visit other churches and, once in a while, a pastor will come up to me before the service starts and say, "Now, I don't know about your background, but, you know, you're welcome here at our worship service and, now, don't be surprised if maybe a parishioner or two want to raise their hands and clap", and I say, "I grew up at Wassilla Assembly of God! Nothing freaks me out about a worship service!"
  • #114
turbo-1 said:
Show me where in the video that I linked that Sarah Palin did NOT claim to know God's will.
This is non-sequitur. Gibson twisted her words. I quoted her, I quoted him. His words twist hers. I don't care how many times since the big bang Gibson did not twist Palin's words. I quoted the one time that he did.
  • #115
jimmysnyder said:
This is non-sequitur. Gibson twisted her words. I quoted her, I quoted him. His words twist hers. I don't care how many times since the big bang Gibson did not twist Palin's words. I quoted the one time that he did.
Here is the clip again.

Watch the clip, and pay attention. When you manage to get to a point at which you can dispute the point that Palin claims to know the will of God in regard to the Iraq war or the natural gas pipeline, please provide citations. You can't. Gibson did not twist her words - he gave her a chance to clarify her words and she blew it with some contrived scripted reference to Lincoln. Lame.
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  • #116
turbo-1 said:
Show me where in the video that I linked that Sarah Palin did NOT claim to know God's will.
How about at about 7:55 into the video:
Because I didn't know if I was going to make it here tonight ... I flew in from Juneau last night and fly back to Juneau again, tomorrow ... so I didn't prepare anything thinking that our schedule wouldn't allow me to be here.
If she knew God's will, she would have prepared something and probably would have delivered the part she stole from Lincoln a little better.
  • #117
turbo-1 said:
Here is the clip again.

Watch the clip, and pay attention. When you manage to get to a point at which you can dispute the point that Palin claims to know the will of God in regard to the Iraq war or the natural gas pipeline, please provide citations. You can't. Gibson did not twist her words - he gave her a chance to clarify her words and she blew it with some contrived scripted reference to Lincoln. Lame.

I watched the clip and payed attention. At roughly 53 seconds into the clip she says this:
Sarah Palin said:
That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.
This is how Gibson twisted it:
Gibson said:
I take your point about Lincoln’s words, but you went on and said, “There is a plan and it is God’s plan.
Note, that while Palin did indeed say pretty much as Gibson says, the part that he leaves out makes a crucial difference in the meaning. The reason that it is crucial is that if you leave it in, it does echo Lincoln's words, but if you leave it out then it does not.
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  • #118
BobG said:
How about at about 7:55 into the video:

If she knew God's will, she would have prepared something and probably would have delivered the part she stole from Lincoln a little better.
She didn't steal anything from Lincoln, IMO. Her tenuous grasp of history, foreign affairs, etc makes that highly unlikely. She spoke off-the-cuff and McCain's staff tried to give her that fig leaf to cover her evangelist faith, and it failed. Now, you can disagree if you like, but then you'll have to explain how Palin knew that God wanted a natural-gas pipeline built, in the same speech. Did Lincoln claim that God wanted a natural-gas pipeline?

Palin-apologists are stretching the truth thinner than a gnat's butt across a rain-barrel. She is on record with a number of public pronouncements, and they cannot be waved away with faith and bluster.
  • #119
jimmysnyder said:
Note, that while Palin did indeed say pretty much as Gibson says, the part that he leaves out makes a crucial difference in the meaning.

Indeed; not only is she not claiming to know God's plan, she is also claiming not to know if Bush even had a plan for the war in the first place. And, to boot, suggeting that the appropriate response to said ignorance is prayer and not, you know, actual engagement with policy. What's she going to do if she becomes president and there's a crisis? Pray that her cabinet has a plan?
  • #120
quadraphonics said:
What's she going to do if she becomes president and there's a crisis? Pray that her cabinet has a plan?

Undoubtedly she will have Rove and Cheney around as valued advisers to help her bridge her faith with government policies.
  • #121
turbo-1 said:
She didn't steal anything from Lincoln, IMO. Her tenuous grasp of history, foreign affairs, etc makes that highly unlikely. She spoke off-the-cuff and McCain's staff tried to give her that fig leaf to cover her evangelist faith, and it failed. Now, you can disagree if you like, but then you'll have to explain how Palin knew that God wanted a natural-gas pipeline built, in the same speech. Did Lincoln claim that God wanted a natural-gas pipeline?

Palin-apologists are stretching the truth thinner than a gnat's butt across a rain-barrel. She is on record with a number of public pronouncements, and they cannot be waved away with faith and bluster.
Speaking for myself, I never apologized for Palin. I only said that Gibson twisted her words. I think Gibson is too big to apologize.
  • #122
BobG said:
I have to admit the church's pastor, Pastor Kalnin, is every bit as bizarre as Rev Wright ever was, seeming to believe the end times are coming and that Alaska will be filled with hundreds of thousands of refugees from the lower 48 - something even Palin isn't totally oblivious to:
As I travel around the state, it's really cool to visit other communities and visit other churches and, once in a while, a pastor will come up to me before the service starts and say, "Now, I don't know about your background, but, you know, you're welcome here at our worship service and, now, don't be surprised if maybe a parishioner or two want to raise their hands and clap", and I say, "I grew up at Wassilla Assembly of God! Nothing freaks me out about a worship service!"

Actually, Palin isn't even a member of that church. (It was the church she was raised in, however).
  • #123
Usually I try to stay clear of discussing politics on the internet, but I have to ask this: after watching Sarah Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson, surely no intelligent human being would vote for McCain, right?
  • #124
turbo-1 said:
She didn't steal anything from Lincoln, IMO. Her tenuous grasp of history, foreign affairs, etc makes that highly unlikely. She spoke off-the-cuff and McCain's staff tried to give her that fig leaf to cover her evangelist faith, and it failed. Now, you can disagree if you like, but then you'll have to explain how Palin knew that God wanted a natural-gas pipeline built, in the same speech. Did Lincoln claim that God wanted a natural-gas pipeline?

I think that the first bit about the war and "god's plan" is not exactly saying that it was god's plan. Its arguable. The bit where she describes the pipeline as "god's will" though is fairly undisputable. And I hardly see a quote from Lincoln in any of it either.
Is it somehow a famous quote that most people know? Don't people usually preface such quotes with "[so and so] once said..." or something similar? Pretty lame cover up.
  • #125
TheStatutoryApe said:
I think that the first bit about the war and "god's plan" is not exactly saying that it was god's plan. Its arguable. The bit where she describes the pipeline as "god's will" though is fairly undisputable. And I hardly see a quote from Lincoln in any of it either.
Is it somehow a famous quote that most people know? Don't people usually preface such quotes with "[so and so] once said..." or something similar? Pretty lame cover up.

Most people know of the quote and can look it up when they need it. A few people could probably remember the quote word for word either because they're really good at memorizing quotes or really liked that particular quote for some reason.
  • #126
LowlyPion said:
There is nothing to look up.
Look this up:"
I'm not surprised that random people buy into this lie, but I am surprised that Gibson would bring it up in the interview without doing his homework.
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  • #127
I'm encouraged that McCain picked Palin. Surely nothing could make it more clear that this ticket is offering more of the same policies of the last 8 years, or worse. If that is a winning combination I will be amazed. And some people in my close circle have said they will be ready to also give up on America as hopeless, and move to Europe. I admit I too will be extremely discouraged if the lunatic right wing, which is clearly the primary constituency for McCain - Palin, wins again.

I have often been wrong before, but surely the republicans cannot again cry out about war and abortion and terrorism, guns and other hot buttons for two months this Fall, and then proceed to rob the taxpayer blind again for 4-8 more years, pouring it all into the coffers of big business. I mean, how dumb can the electorate be?.

I am confident there are more voters opposed to than in favor of these policies, but it seems they do not vote as reliably as the nutcase right wing. Perhaps more of us need to volunteer to drive old and poor people to the polls. And STUDENTS need to get involved.
  • #128 - Palin on Domestic policy.
When asked what she would change from the Bush administration's economic policies, she talks about non-interventionist policies in between ennumerating some of the advantages of a stable economy :rolleyes:. Then, when pressed that this is no different from Bush's economic policies, she says cut taxes, control spending [which is another way of saying non-interventionist], reform companies like Freddie and Fannie.

jimmysnyder: in the UK the supreme legislative body is the Parliament. Power essentially lies with the (elected) house of commons. A cabinet formed by the Prime Minister (invariably but not technically the leader of the political party holding the majority of seats in the Commons) is the key decision making body in the executive. It's their job to sell government policy to the rest of the house, who vote for or against motions put before them. The (appointed) house of Lords is mainly conmprised of experts in various fields (like Robert Winston) appointed to peerages (say "Lord") who can effectively force Commons a finite number of times to re-think any bills they don't like that have been approved by the Commons before they become law.

The gas pipeline quote (2.05)
The Iraq war as a task that is from God (3.40)
From this I think it's pretty clear that 1)she thinks God's will entails people coming together to build the pipeline 2)she isn't explicitly saying that the iraq war is God's will, but she's encouraging people to pray that they are doing the right thing.
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  • #129
jimmysnyder said:
Look this up:"
I'm not surprised that random people buy into this lie, but I am surprised that Gibson would bring it up in the interview without doing his homework.

Perhaps you can help me out in understanding why a Town Librarian would be requested to resign as a Loyalty issue to the mayor of a city. Just what Loyalty does a Mayor even have a right to demand? Palin was elected as Mayor not Queen. I can't recall such a situation at a town level for a Librarian. Perhaps at the White House, in certain circumstances, but I certainly can't remember such "courtesy resignations" required of the Librarian of Congress for instance. (There have only been 13 Librarians of Congress since 1802.) I'd have to say that the idea seems a little bizarre to expect that a Town Librarian would need to resign for such a petty purpose.

In that regard it raises the issue of just why Palin would have asked such "rhetorical" questions. Why a "Loyalty Test"? Why would a Town Librarian for instance ever have to be faced with a situation of removing books from the shelves at the request of the Mayor? By what right would a Mayor ever think to interfere with what is on the shelves of the Library? That strikes me as a trifle presumptuous and more than a bit imperial in thinking to affect policy for which she would by right have no standing under Law to affect.

Has the world not yet learned the lessons of the "Action against the Un-German Spirit"?
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  • #130
She didn't ask just the librarian to quit. She fired about a half dozen town officials as a loyalty test, as soon as she was elected Mayor.
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  • #131
LowlyPion said:
Perhaps you can help me out in understanding why a Town Librarian would be requested to resign as a Loyalty issue to the mayor of a city.
I believe the librarian position was a patronage job and that the librarian was hired by, and in the previous election had supported the previous mayor. I don't have links for any of this.
  • #132
jimmysnyder said:
I believe the librarian position was a patronage job and that the librarian was hired by, and in the previous election had supported the previous mayor. I don't have links for any of this.
I think that's mostly right.

But are chief of police, public works director and finance director also patronage positions?
  • #133
jimmysnyder said:
I believe the librarian position was a patronage job and that the librarian was hired by, and in the previous election had supported the previous mayor. I don't have links for any of this.
Gokul43201 said:
She didn't ask just the librarian to quit. She fired about a half dozen town officials as a loyalty test, as soon as she was elected Mayor.

While it may be true that the Police Chief and the Museum Director of Wasilla are appointed by the Mayor and serve specifically at the Mayor's pleasure, the City Librarian does not by statute apparently fall into that category of appointees owing "Loyalty" to the Mayor, whose position might be more commonly thought of as a patronage position.

But beyond the issue of the Mayor's authority to have acted to demand resignation, one has to question how such rhetorical questions can be asked about taking books off the shelf of a Public Library in the first place.

Perhaps someone can explain why a Mayor would ask such a question? What would she be thinking that such a situation could ever arise to be asking in the first place ... unless of course she was considering that she might actually ask to have books removed?
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  • #134
Evo said:
Intelligent and detailed? Please quote those here, I'm serious. I've read the transcript and apparently missed them.

And the, the Iraq, the South Africa, they don't have maps. :smile:

Have you seen the Obama stammer sessions? Look for the open questions, not prepared remarks. Transcripts won't do as the service nicely cleans up double 'the's and non verbal, at least for Obama.
  • #135
jimmysnyder said:
Look this up:"
I'm not surprised that random people buy into this lie, but I am surprised that Gibson would bring it up in the interview without doing his homework.
Note that almost all of those false or misleading stories were repeated on this forum.
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  • #136
mheslep said:
Have you seen the Obama stammer sessions? Look for the open questions, not prepared remarks. Transcripts won't do as the service nicely cleans up double 'the's and non verbal, at least for Obama.

Yes, I've seen those. But there aren't many of them, and those open untranscripted remarks come on the primary trail after how many public performances. The Right Wing Nuts have poured over how many hours to take those few moments out of context to twist to their propaganda misrepresentations?

Given Palin's time to prepare and rest and be the best that she can be for Gibson - and that's all she's got? "I can see Russia, so I know what's going on in Georgia"?

Please. She is little more than a golf cart trying to pretend she can qualify for the Indianapolis 500.
  • #137
Here's a better choice for McCain's VP.

Mary Bono Mack - - - loads of experience! Real experience. No embellishment needed.

On the other hand - Palin seems to be McCain's feeble attempt at affirmative action, which I thought the GOP opposed. :rolleyes:
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  • #138
An affront to women... When Palin was mayor of Wasilla, rape victims were required to pay for "rape kits" and processing. It was the only town in Alaska that placed the cost of forensic testing on the victims of sexual assault. The state legislature passed a law banning the practice, which was signed into law by the former governor of Alaska, Tony Knowles. It's not surprising that a pentecostal mayor believes that no abortions should be allowed, even in the case of rape. It is surprising that she felt that rape victims should have to pay for medical testing.
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  • #139
turbo-1 said:
An affront to women... When Palin was mayor of Wasilla, rape victims were required to pay for "rape kits" and processing. It was the only town in Alaska that placed the cost of forensic testing on the victims of sexual assault. The state legislature passed a law banning the practice, which was signed into law by the former governor of Alaska, Tony Knowles. It's not surprising that a pentecostal mayor believes that no abortions should be allowed, even in the case of rape. It is surprising that she felt that rape victims should have to pay for medical testing.
Incidentally, the Federal Law that provides victims with rape kits has its origins in one Sen. Joseph Biden.
wiki said:
The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) is a United States federal law. It was passed as Title IV, sec. 40001-40703 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 HR 3355 and signed as Public Law 103-322 by President Bill Clinton on September 13, 1994. It provided $1.6 billion to enhance investigation and prosecution of the violent crime perpetrated against women, increased pre-trial detention of the accused, provided for automatic and mandatory restitution of those convicted, and allowed civil redress in cases prosecutors chose to leave unprosecuted.

VAWA was drafted by Senator Joseph Biden's office with support from a number of advocacy organizations including Legal Momentum and The National Organization for Women, which heralded the bill as "the greatest breakthrough in civil rights for women in nearly two decades."

VAWA was reauthorized by Congress in 2000, and again in December 2005. The bill was signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 5, 2006. [1]

And , has the gall to call herself a feminist!?
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  • #140
Astronuc said:
Here's a better choice for McCain's VP.

Mary Bono Mack - - - loads of experience! Real experience. No embellishment needed.

On the other hand - Palin seems to be McCain's feeble attempt at affirmative action, which I thought the GOP opposed. :rolleyes:

Yeah, but McCain-Bono-Mack is actually a stranger ticket name than Obama-Biden.
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