Palin pick an insult to our intelligence

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In summary: I guess you could say that I was surprised that the information released about her turned out to be such a non-issue to the American people. In summary, the VP pick of Sarah Palin has been largely successful in attracting women voters to the McCain campaign. However, the media's initial response was mostly in support of Mrs. Palin, and there was little questioning of her ability or experience.
  • #421
Evo said:
Did you watch the CNN commentary after the debate last night? They were saying the same thing about Palin last night. It was too funny.
I don't get CNN - no cable - but I have read comments made about her and why she wasn't out spinning for McCain, like Biden was for Obama. It's pretty pathetic how the McCain camp has to keep her hidden.

I can't find independent confirmation, but left-wing radio host Ed Schultz claims that contacts on the hill are telling him that McCain's staff had put her through a mock debate and a mock press conference, both with disastrous results, and that they consider her "clueless". Makes me wonder if McCain's folks aren't leaking some of this stuff to set Palin's bar for the debate REALLY low...
Physics news on
  • #422
turbo-1 said:
Makes me wonder if McCain's folks aren't leaking some of this stuff to set Palin's bar for the debate REALLY low...

Makes me wonder if they can set it low enough.
  • #423
But it would be a real mistake for Biden to think that he has a cakewalk in the debate.

He should prepare thoughtfully and be prepared not to ramble as he has a tendency to do. He should let her hang herself on her own and reserve comment unless her jugular is just totally exposed and begging to be put out of her misery of incompetence.
  • #424
The clip was hilarious, although the "This woman..." line was put in a tone that opens the news channel up for criticism for being sexist. They need to be careful to show that Palin is not "some dumb broad", but in fact, "some dumb person".
  • #425
I. Am. Scared.

Why isn't there an entrance exam for running a nation? We have to have a test to drive a car, so why not for our highest offices?
  • #426
OAQfirst said:
I. Am. Scared.

Why isn't there an entrance exam for running a nation? We have to have a test to drive a car, so why not for our highest offices?
Generally, the "entrance exam" (apart from age and residency requirements) consists of talking to the press so that the public can determine if you have the intelligence and character to be entrusted with the job. The McCain campaign is keeping Palin hidden because they know that she has neither. They let her be interviewed by Katie Couric, who has a reputation for throwing softball questions, and Palin totally blew it. I believe that there may not be a VP debate, because McCain's campaign don't believe she can handle it.

Prediction: Palin quits for "family" reasons in the next few days, the VP debate is canceled and McCain picks Romney or someone else with some executive experience to fill the ticket. Romney may be a hard sell, because McCain strung him along, then said that Palin was the best-qualified candidate on his list. If I was Romney, I would think twice about helping out a man that compared me unfavorably to that dim-bulb.
  • #427
turbo-1 said:
I don't get CNN - no cable...
If you haven't already seen the debate, here is the full debate on CNN.
  • #428
Evo said:
If you haven't already seen the debate, here is the full debate on CNN.
Thanks! I saw every minute of the debate, but missed much of the talking-head coverage after.

BTW, if I am wrong and McCain's handlers let Palin stay on the ticket and debate, I predict it will pull viewership to rival or surpass the Superbowl. Who won't want to watch that train-wreck?
  • #429
turbo-1 said:
Thanks! I saw every minute of the debate, but missed much of the talking-head coverage after.

BTW, if I am wrong and McCain's handlers let Palin stay on the ticket and debate, I predict it will pull viewership to rival or surpass the Superbowl. Who won't want to watch that train-wreck?

Nah. She'll be wired.
  • #430
turbo-1 said:
Thanks! I saw every minute of the debate, but missed much of the talking-head coverage after.

BTW, if I am wrong and McCain's handlers let Palin stay on the ticket and debate, I predict it will pull viewership to rival or surpass the Superbowl. Who won't want to watch that train-wreck?

MSNBC will re-air the debate tomorrow afternoon.

(Beats having to pay some pundits to sit around and rehash the rehash.)
  • #431
turbo-1 said:
Prediction: Palin quits for "family" reasons in the next few days, the VP debate is canceled and McCain picks Romney or someone else with some executive experience to fill the ticket. Romney may be a hard sell, because McCain strung him along, then said that Palin was the best-qualified candidate on his list. If I was Romney, I would think twice about helping out a man that compared me unfavorably to that dim-bulb.

Romney would never let his feelings get in the way of his ambition.

Maybe he should dump Palin and go with Carly Fiorina. She's a savvy campaigner.
  • #432
LowlyPion said:
Wolf says "That was not her best answer."

He should work for Fox.
Well, Wolf was being diplomatic. Cafferty probably won't interview Palin, especially after his very accurate comment.


Posted September 26, 2008
0 : Number of news conferences Sarah Palin has held since her selection as Republican VP nominee on August 29

3 : Number of interviews Palin has granted (with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and Katie Couric)

1: Number of times Palin has answered questions from the reporters who follow her on the campaign trail

4: Number of news conferences Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden has held since August 29

89: Number of interviews Biden has granted since August 29
The fact that she evades scrutiny is not a good sign.
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  • #433
LowlyPion said:
Maybe he should dump Palin and go with Carly Fiorina. She's a savvy campaigner.
Two problems with that:

1) McCain is a very proud man, and Fiorina said that he was not qualified to be the CEO of a large corporation, like she was. Last time I looked, HP was a bit smaller than the US government.

2) Picking Fiorina would confirm that the reason Palin was chosen was as a sop to disappointed Clinton backers. Chosen not for qualifications, but primarily for gender. Picking another female running-mate would blow up in McCain's face and lose him the support of Independent and undecided women.
  • #434
turbo-1 said:
Two problems with that:

Only 2?

Actually I was kidding.

I also don't use smileys.

These things will happen from time to time. I apologize for any inconvenience.
  • #435
Astronuc said:
The fact that she evades scrutiny is not a good sign.

The News organizations shouldn't take it personally.

She's ducking her own legislature wanting to interview her over her apparent vindictive firing of Commissioner Monegan, for insubordination in not firing her ex-brother-in-law in a family divorce vendetta.
  • #436
Those are the two most obvious ones, LP. Another is that Fiorina is so Botoxed-up that she is unable to raise her eyebrows, so we'll never be able to tell if she's surprised.
  • #437
Palin Popularity and Approval dropping in Alaska.
Off 14% since being announced for VP.
82% now 68%

The article:

The summary:
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  • #438
I've been following that. NOBODY gets to ask Miss Sarah a question or refer to AK governmental business. ALL requests and emails are funneled through the McCain campaign, and that is ticking off a lot of Alaskans.
  • #439
turbo-1 said:
I've been following that. NOBODY gets to ask Miss Sarah a question or refer to AK governmental business. ALL requests and emails are funneled through the McCain campaign, and that is ticking off a lot of Alaskans.

She may have to quit in order to salvage her job in Alaska.
  • #440
Clinton's campaign was very respectable. She lost in the 2nd to last round by non-unanimous decision. What is this Palin gal and her handlers doing? The Republican camp is going to be responsible for making women unelectable for the next 20 years. Right now the bar is set so low that she's going to trip right over.

Has anyone notice how much she aged in one month?
  • #441
phoenixy said:
Clinton's campaign was very respectable. She lost in the 2nd to last round by non-unanimous decision. What is this Palin gal and her handlers doing? The Republican camp is going to be responsible for making women unelectable for the next 20 years. Right now the bar is set so low that she's going to trip right over.
According to Politico, Obama staffers have been reviewing Palin's gubernatorial debate tapes, and they say that she comported herself well against more experienced politicians and could give Biden a run for his money.

Methinks Obama's team is trying to set Palin's bar just a bit higher.
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  • #442
turbo-1 said:
According to Politico, Obama staffers have been reviewing Palin's gubernatorial debate tapes, and they say that she comported herself well against more experienced politicians and could give Biden a run for his money.

Methinks Obama's team is trying to set Palin's bar just a bit higher.

May be, but did you see her interview with Couric?

"I'll try to find some and I'll bring 'em to yeh" :biggrin:
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  • #443
turbo-1 said:
According to Politico, Obama staffers have been reviewing Palin's gubernatorial debate tapes, and they say that she comported herself well against more experienced politicians and could give Biden a run for his money.

Methinks Obama's team is trying to set Palin's bar just a bit higher.

I think they should certainly take her seriously even as she marginalizes herself in the days leading up to it. Biden needs to turn in a solid performance, and act like presidential material and not get sucked into whatever shrill baiting I'm sure Palin has planned. These people are desperate. Dragging the Democrats down to their level in a brawl is about the only option left.

Biden should steer clear of any toxic remarks. Getting in a mud fight with a pig, only gets you dirty and the pig likes it. (Disclaimer: The aforementioned cliche is in no way intended to compare or even evoke the thought that a hockey mom/pit bull would have anything in common with a pig ... except possibly lipstick.)
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  • #444
LowlyPion said:
(Disclaimer: The aforementioned cliche is in no way intended to compare or even evoke the thought that a hockey mom/pit bull would have anything in common with a pig ... except possibly lipstick.)
Heaven forfend! Only a fool would make that leap. :rolleyes:

Biden should watch himself, though, if the debate goes off as planned. (I still think Palin may drop out, in part because of the National Enquirer story about her purported affair with her husband's business partner, as well as her dismal performances in interviews. Remember, they got the John Edwards story right, and they are ready to fight over this one, too.) It's far too easy to appear condescending or patronizing to somebody who is essentially clueless on the issues, and if Biden over-plays that, Palin can pick up sympathy votes. He's got to be professional and concise (a real task for him) and give Palin enough rope to hang herself.
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  • #445
From a recent article in the National Review:
If at one time women were considered heretical for swimming upstream against feminist orthodoxy, they now face condemnation for swimming downstream — away from Sarah Palin.

To express reservations about her qualifications to be vice president — and possibly president — is to risk being labeled anti-woman.
Yes, she recently met and turned several heads of state as the United Nations General Assembly convened in New York. She was gracious, charming and disarming. Men swooned. Pakistan’s president wanted to hug her.
And, yes, she has common sense, something we value. And she’s had executive experience as a mayor and a governor, though of relatively small constituencies (about 6,000 and 680,000, respectively).

Finally, Palin’s narrative is fun, inspiring and all-American in that frontier way we seem to admire. When Palin first emerged as John McCain’s running mate, I confess I was delighted.
Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.

No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.

If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.

If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.

What to do?
Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.

Do it for your country.
(emphasis added by me)
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  • #447
I would not want to be the McCain Campaign "What they meant to say coordinator."

Palin opened her mouth again in a coffee shop about going into Pakistan.
"If that's what we have to do stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely, we should," Palin said in the exchange, which was captured on video and reported by CBS News.
Except McCain was the one chiding Obama in the debate about talking about going into another country and not just doing it without talking about it first. Which forced this further explanation today by McCain on ABC:
"I don't think most Americans think that that's a definitive policy statement made by Governor Palin," McCain said.
Well, he's right about that. Aside from the fact that most Americans likely think her incapable of articulating a policy statement without it being taken as a SNL skit, it's seemingly problematical that she can articulate a complete thought.

The McCain Gaffe Express keeps on rolling.
  • #448
Palin's Trade Mission Experience?


Not Russia?
Salon said:
When asked for examples of trade missions with Russia that have taken place under Palin's watch, gubernatorial spokeswoman Kate Morgan refused to answer the question. Morgan said she could not legally discuss any trade missions with me because she's a state employee and I had first heard this claim through the Couric interview, which was part of Palin's campaign for the vice-presidency. When I pointed out that any trade missions that occurred would have been official state business, Morgan again noted that I had learned about them in the context of the campaign. "The law is very stringent," she said, and recommended that I contact the McCain-Palin campaign. Two spokespeople did not respond to requests for comment.
What law would that be? The Law not to Embarrass Governor Queen of Hearts any more than she has Embarrassed Herself and the Country?
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  • #449
Lowlypion that was toooo funny:
...(Disclaimer: The aforementioned cliche is in no way intended to compare or even evoke the thought that a hockey mom/pit bull would have anything in common with a pig ... except possibly lipstick.)

The fact the Palin has less than average english grammer skills is wild. If she even comes close to holding her own with Biden would be a - dare I say it - a miracle.

I read in a post somewhere that McCain's choice (and judgement -my words) to pick Palin disqualifies him as a viable candidate. I've heard better coherence and sentence structure in an EBONICs class.

You know, I thought it was funny she has those healthy, normal kids and then the poor child with Downs - thanks this may explain it
...the National Enquirer story about her purported affair with her husband's business partner, ...
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  • #450
Is this the planned October Surprise?
Times_of_London said:
McCain camp prays for Palin wedding
The marriage of the vice-presidential candidate’s pregnant teenage daughter could lift a flagging campaign
Sarah Baxter in Washington

In an election campaign notable for its surprises, Sarah Palin, the Republican vice- presidential candidate, may be about to spring a new one — the wedding of her pregnant teenage daughter to her ice-hockey-playing fiancé before the November 4 election.

Inside John McCain’s campaign the expectation is growing that there will be a popularity boosting pre-election wedding in Alaska between Bristol Palin, 17, and Levi Johnston, 18, her schoolmate and father of her baby. “It would be fantastic,” said a McCain insider. “You would have every TV camera there. The entire country would be watching. It would shut down the race for a week.”

Unfortunately the Bailout meltdown and the Gaffe Express may render such a touching yet naked play for the schmaltzy heart strings of the electorate totally irrelevant.
  • #451
  • #452
Evo said:
Since when is a shotgun wedding viewed as a good thing?

Around the time that the main alternative to a shotgun wedding became legal, I would guess?
  • #453
Evo said:
Since when is a shotgun wedding viewed as a good thing? Have these people seriously lost their minds?

Maybe they can do it on Jerry Springer?
  • #454
LowlyPion said:
Maybe they can do it on Jerry Springer?

Since when do kids of candidates get their weddings televised? They really seem to want to turn Palin's daughter into a sideshow.

As far as it sidetracking the Presidential race, it may sidetrack McCain's, it surely won't get him any votes. :rolleyes:

Reporter: Has the wedding of Palin's knocked up kid changed your mind about the election?

Average citizen: Why yes, I was so moved when McCain decided to call off his campaign until these two kids got hitched, that I feel he is the only choice for President now.
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  • #455
LowlyPion said:
Maybe they can do it on Jerry Springer?
Maybe they can do it on Dr Phil and he can holler at all of them for their lack of values and character. Phil hasn't really done crap since Oprah anointed him - maybe he can redeem himself.

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