Life After Summer: Secure Career & School Options

In summary, the person hates summers because it's too hot and humid and they want school to start again.

Glad that summer's over?

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  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
Well summer is about to end and has already ended for some of you. Personally I'm at that age where I just want to obtain a secure career, want to go back to school to finish up my last undergraduate year

Some of you may be wondering on the significance of the last two choices; I wanted to distinguish those who are attending a university from those who will be returning to grade school/high school. I would imagine that the latter would be more reluctant to go back to school.
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  • #2
I can still drag summer out until early october. But they have got pretty boring since i started working full time.
  • #3
Summer sucks. I can't wait till it's over and the temps fall again. It's really irritating when you get into your oven car at the end of the day.
  • #4
I can't wait for school to start again! I have the worst job ever. I move heavy furniture around on hot days and clean out toilets. And they treat me like garbage. One time they had me working from 4pm-midnight and when I go to punch out they tell me to be back at 6am! I live two hours away, that would mean I would have gotten two hours of sleep if I went home, but I just slept under a tree and got bitten by mosquitos. And this happened twice!
  • #5
two words for you "air conditioning".
  • #6
Andy said:
two words for you "air conditioning".

I would DIE if I didn't have AC. When winter rolls around I almost never use the heater, I just wear my coat and I like the cold. But the heat is just too much. What did people do before AC was invented? What do other animals do about the heat if they can't use AC?
  • #7
Not doing research is bumming me out, but I'm going to teach myself Perl programming coming week so WhoHooo! I'm having fun :wink: and I get to practice playing piano that I'm really bad at but improving so I should enjoy the extra time that I have now :smile:

As for áfter summer, that's when I'm planning on taking a vacation! AND planning to start a new job! :biggrin:
  • #8
Whoops.. voted incorrectly. I meant I'm looking forward to going to the university.
  • #9
It's a tough call for me (so none of the options work). While I work year-round, so it really isn't a summer break or anything like that, I do enjoy warm, sunny days when I can go outside and bask in the sun during breaks. Though, August is a tad too warm for me. So, on the temperature side of things, I don't want summer to end. On the other hand, when it's fall, I'll be settled into my new home and new job, so I'm looking forward to that. Plus, fall and winter are when most of my experiments are's the breeding season for the sheep... (then the rest of the year is processing tissues and analyzing data and writing), so I'm looking forward to getting back into experiment mode. But as soon as the temperature drops below 60 F, I'll be looking forward to spring again.
  • #10
I hate summers. I want school to start again! It can't end soon enough for me.
  • #11
I hate summer, too hot and humid to be outside, it makes any outside activity miserable, I can't wait until the Fall gets here and things start to cool off.
  • #12
My "summer" just started three days ago. I was taking two summer classes. Now I get a month off before fall semester starts. I'm determined to enjoy this month of not worrying about assignments, midterms, studying etc.

It's only been three days though and I'm already bored.

  • #13
Summer was fun, but I'm looking forward to starting school. August 24th is bearing down fast though, so I think I'm definitely going to work as hard as I can at doing absolutely nothing until then. Except for when I have to get all my junk for classes.
  • #14
Summer is not my favorit season, but you can give me a cool crisp fall night anytime!
  • #15
summer ? Round here its always summer. It'll never end :biggrin:
(cept for the ice age or nuclear winter)
  • #16
I would not say I hate summer, just right now I can not wait til next semester, which is going to be extremely awesome!
  • #17
Mental Gridlock said:
I would DIE if I didn't have AC. When winter rolls around I almost never use the heater, I just wear my coat and I like the cold. But the heat is just too much. What did people do before AC was invented? What do other animals do about the heat if they can't use AC?

they lounge around in the pool, use a fan
  • #18
I hate summer, I've got nothing to do :frown:. Also, I hate uni, but at least I'll be in my last year when I go back (not till end of September).
  • #19
I actually don't start school until sep. 22, so i still have a fair amount of free time. I'm loving summer so far, since i don't really have any job responsiblities, and pretty much just play on the beach. I hope this never ends!
  • #20
unggio said:
they lounge around in the pool, use a fan
Or just acclimate to the heat, drink lots of water and save the strenuous activity for early morning or evening when it's cooler.
  • #21
Very tough call for me.

Finished uni, and it's coming to the end of the longest summer holiday I'll ever have. It's almost like my childhood days are over!

On the other hand, no regrets, and I'm looking forward to having an interesting job, and to having some money coming in (to make a change!), and moving to a different town and meeting completely new people has its appeal.

A mixed bag.

Related to Life After Summer: Secure Career & School Options

1. What are some secure career options after summer?

Some secure career options after summer include jobs in healthcare, technology, and education. These industries tend to have high demand for workers and offer stable job opportunities.

2. How can I prepare for a secure career after summer?

To prepare for a secure career after summer, you can research industries and job markets to determine which fields are in high demand. You can also gain relevant skills through internships, volunteer work, or online courses.

3. What are some secure school options after summer?

Some secure school options after summer include public universities, community colleges, and trade schools. These institutions often have lower tuition costs and offer a variety of academic programs.

4. How can I ensure a successful transition from summer to a secure career or school option?

To ensure a successful transition, it is important to set clear goals and create a plan for achieving them. This may involve networking, updating your resume, or seeking guidance from a career counselor or academic advisor.

5. Are there any resources available for finding secure career and school options after summer?

Yes, there are many resources available such as job search websites, college and university websites, and career fairs. You can also utilize your network of friends, family, and professionals to gather information and advice.

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