Is the Dream State Our Afterlife?

  • Thread starter himanshu121
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In summary, according to this article, after death, your energy field (soul, spirit, energy, etc.) will continue to exist in some form. The article does not provide any information on what happens to the neurons and DNA codes of the dead.
  • #1
I wonder What happens after Death. Is there any research link on the subject or any theory under pipeline
Physics news on
  • #2
well we can't "prove" anything after death, scientically.

distilling all the material that i have read the best explanation i can offer is that you will initially experience what you expected.

e.g. if you were a devout christian, loved your mother, and believed in heaven; you would be met by your mother and led thru the experience. i suspect that the terrorists that expected virgins were met by virgins and led into something other than a sexual experience.

these personalities would arrive after the 'whitelight' thingy. i sat with my mother as she passed. she went out having a conversation with her mother during the last 10-15 minutes. that was 37 years ago and really made and impression.

i have put in a conscious request to be met by Elvis but i do not think we are psychically connected.

  • #3
Oh , So The person who dies can see and talk to the loved one who are no more i.e. the person who is going to die senses The Approach of Death

What You have said is exactly in Indian mythology
  • #4
there is a kernel of truth in all mythlogies. now, if we only knew how to separate the chaff, we might have a neat philosphy.

  • #5
i think after death everything is black and you have no concept of what happened because you are not yourself anymore. you have become some infinite happening that doesn't exist three dimensionally.
  • #6
well, conciousness is based off of an energy pattern of brain waves. So if your energy field manages to survive the death of your body, you get to have an afterlife, it may be an eternal afterlife, or it might be finite. Who knows. Maybe ghosts die of old age too :p
Those who weren't lucky and had an energy field that died, will be dead, and that is that.

But maybe on judgement day where the dead are brought back to be judged is the day all the dead, ghosts, and dead ghosts, all come back to their living state. I don't know, now i am just rambling.
  • #7
i believe that all thought will no longer exist. and our physical self will rot away and dissolve unless you mummify your self.
  • #8
Also in Indian spiritual tradition, There is the physical body, then the subtle body and then the soul. The subtle energy body houses the soul just as the physical body housed the subtle body. Very few people understand the soul. It is not an organism. But the bodys, both the subtle and physical, are organisms. There might even be even more bodies, 7 is my guess. They facilitate the soul just as a deep sea diver suit facilitates a man into going into pressures that woul implode his skull. But the soul does not implode! They interface the soul's consciousness with this dimension. The soul cannot direclty exist in this dimension... like a rock cannot float.

There are some philosopheres who acknowledge the existence of an astral body, but not of a soul. Or they think the energy fields around the body ARE the soul. The suble body is an organism, so it can also die. It also has DNA (energy DNA). But generally it is feeding life into the physical, not the other way around. This is my opinion.

There is a theory that one will experience whatever heaven or reality they believe in. I've conjectured that an athiest simply will cease to exist, if he has convinced his soul...
  • #9
Originally posted by himanshu121
I wonder What happens after Death. Is there any research link on the subject or any theory under pipeline
Check the article . The view expressed there is that the pattern of "self" as encoded in the neural network of your brain can be recoded/unfolded into the larger outer network, the social organism (which is computationally much more powerfull intelligent network, a super-brain), as a more durable "Self" pattern. The "Self" is not a magnified replica of "self" but rather the relation of "self" to "Self" is like the relation of the sperm/egg DNA code to the organism that unfolds from it. The article argues that some religions and ancient wisdom do contain a recipe for this recoding.
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  • #10
if we are energy, and it seems more probable everyday, then all that happens at death is that we change 'form'.

i see no reason to deal with neurons and DNA codes, they only apply to the physical.

to amplify, electricity is energy, we observe it as the movement of electrons. but what was the 'energy' that moved the first electron? another form of energy in the 'non-physical'?

  • #11
this actually is the perfect segway into something else i was going to post. you can ask the question what happens after death? but i was going to ask the question, what can happen instead of death. i mean we have these other beliefs in different religions about enlightenment and nervana and such. what is enlightenment? i mean i know what it is, and what happens, but what really happens? like nervana is quoted as," being snuffed out like a candle" but what is that? if u dissapear, where do u go? same with enlightenment... i know that certain religions have beliefs in heaven and going to a better place after death, but how do u work to goin to a better place instead of death? sorry to change the subject but i just thought this was a good opportunity to add my two cents...
  • #12
Originally posted by himanshu121
I wonder What happens after Death. Is there any research link on the subject or any theory under pipeline

Yeah -

I was dead once - 'bout 55 years ago. Didn't like it at all. Boring.

I was smaller than a cell. Made it difficult to watch TV. Bowling was definitely out. Driving . . . FORGET IT!

Decided to give life a try again. Here I am.

Damned if I remember much about being dead, though. Must have been pretty boring.
  • #13
I dedicate 36% of my life to work, which consists mostly of spending time with people I don't like, doing meaningless stuff that guarantees my own survival and the luxurious lifestyle of my employers. Of the remaining 64%, I spend another 36% in the unconscious state called sleep, and some 20% doing meaningless stuff I don't even get paid for, such as shoveling snow over and over and over and over... All in all, I'm left with an average of 14 hours a week, out of 168, to actually LIVE. By my calculations, I'm only 8% alive.

What comes after death? Well, I only know what comes after being 92% dead, and I can tell you it's glorious!
  • #14
Originally posted by spikebrdr
what is enlightenment? i mean i know what it is, and what happens, but what really happens? like nervana is quoted as," being snuffed out like a candle" but what is that? if u dissapear, where do u go? same with enlightenment... i know that certain religions have beliefs in heaven and going to a better place after death, but how do u work to goin to a better place instead of death? sorry to change the subject but i just thought this was a good opportunity to add my two cents...

attainment of total freedom from the cycle of birth, life, pain, misery, and death, and achieve the blissful state of one's pure self. This is also known as liberation or Nirvana, which is absolute freedom, or Moksha.

A living body is not merely limbs and flesh but it is the home of the soul, which has the potential to achieve perfect perception ( Anant-darshana ), perfect knowledge ( Anant-jnana ), perfect power ( Anant-virya ), and perfect bliss ( Anant-sukha ).

From eternity, the soul of a living being is bonded by the deeds or Karma of his mortal existence. Under the influence of karma, the soul seeks pleasures in materialistic belongings and possessions or Maya. Man by nature is prone to anger, self-centred violent thoughts, hatred, greed, and such other vices. To attain Nirvana, the soul must be made stronger so that it can influence the body to do good deeds.

Mahavir preached that right faith ( Samyak-darshana ), right knowledge ( Samyak-jnana ), and right conduct ( Samyak-charitra ) together will help attain the liberation of one's self.

At the heart of right conduct lie the five great vows:

Nonviolence ( Ahimsa )

Truthfulness ( Satya )

Non-stealing ( Asteya )

Chastity ( Brahmacharya )

Non-possession/Non-attachment ( Aparigraha or complete detachment from people, places, and material things)

The monks and nuns follow these vows strictly and totally, while the common people try to adhere to them as far as possible[/URL] [/QUOTE]
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  • #15
One aspect of 'enlightenment' is realising what will happen after your death.

It's worth trying to meditate on death. Sounds a but morbid, but it isn't really. Just imagine that nothing exists except your existence, and that this is all that will ever exist, for all eternity. It's pretty terrifying but if you keep going all sorts of surprising and pleasant things happen.

If you can get the hang of it you realize that there may be more to yourself than there appears to be on the surface.

I've found meditating of death more useful than almost anything eles I've ever done. It's birth I can't get very far with. Some advice on getting to grips with that would be helpful, if anyone has any.
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  • #16
Dreams are beautiful but reality is reality. Science's best answer to this question is that your brain functions cease to exist and you as you know you cease to exist. This, or this happening to a loved one is one of the most challenging things a human can face.

Many people can't accept this, many people envision something great, grand and much bigger then themselves happening to them after death, but these beliefs don't change reality. I myself can't accept this, but I don't have to, time will take its toll eventually.

Many people would call my view morbid and self-destructive. But this is how the real world works, pulling the blanket over your head and pretending not to know the truth changes nothing. I, as I think every one should, use this knowledge give my best shot at live, and to be the very best person I can be, as I believe(with a mound of data backing my belief) that we only get one shot at this.
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  • #17
Originally posted by Deeviant
Dreams are beautiful but reality is reality.
Can't argue with that. But what is the reality in this case?

Science's best answer to this question is that your brain functions cease to exist and you as you know you cease to exist.
Are we supposed to believe this because it's 'science's best answer'? For science this is metaphysics, it has nothing to say on the matter.
You can believe it if you want but I don't like to believe in things without a reason.

Many people can't accept this, many people envision something great, grand and much bigger then themselves happening to them after death, but these beliefs don't change reality. I myself can't accept this, but I don't have to, time will take its toll eventually.
Luckily what you believe will not change reality. I can never understand why it's considered 'scientific' to think that our consciousness ceases with our death. It's no more scientific than believing there are fairies at the bottom of the garden.

Many people would call my view morbid and self-destructive. But this is how the real world works,
You'll have trouble finding any scientific research that supports this assertion, there isn't any.

pulling the blanket over your head and pretending not to know the truth changes nothing.
Very true. Pulling a blanket over your head and pretending that you know the truth also changes nothing.

I, as I think every one should, use this knowledge give my best shot at live, and to be the very best person I can be, as I believe(with a mound of data backing my belief) that we only get one shot at this. [/B]
Whatever makes you think that?
  • #18
Originally posted by Canute

For science this is metaphysics, it has nothing to say on the matter.
You can believe it if you want but I don't like to believe in things without a reason.

Luckily what you believe will not change reality. I can never understand why it's considered 'scientific' to think that our consciousness ceases with our death. It's no more scientific than believing there are fairies at the bottom of the garden.

"Cogito ergo sum". I think, therefore I am.

One must exist in order to experience, and the fact that you experience is convincing proof you exist.

We call the planetary 'mud' we wear a 'body' for the sake of convenience. It is simpler to apply a single label to the collection of parts than to acknowledge the feet, legs, arms, hands, head, torso, etc. individually. Indeed, those parts are all comprised of cells, molecules, atoms, etc., so you can see it would be extremely cumbersome to carry on a conversation without considering it as a single thing. But the body is not a single thing. It is a myriad of things - elemental particles - individual existences each with its own identity.

If you could disassemble your body - if you had the power to remain conscious as each of those particles were removed one-by-one and reassembled twenty feet away - at what point would your consciousness experience the change in location?

Two individual elements cannot become a single identity any more than they can simultaneously occupy the same space. It is not possible to 'be' more than (or less than) a single being. Your corpse is billions of individual beings, so the existence you experience must be that of a single Entity hidden within the assemblage of your body.

This isn't rocket science. It has nothing to do with religion. It is simple logic and elementary deduction. You don't have a soul, you are a soul. And while you are alive, you have a body. When you die, it will fall off (which can be VERY embarrassing as well as downright inconvenient).
  • #19
Originally posted by Messiah
"Cogito ergo sum". I think, therefore I am.
True. However it does not necesasarily follow that 'I do not think therefore I am not'.

One must exist in order to experience, and the fact that you experience is convincing proof you exist.
Ok. But in 'selfless' states of consciousness what is 'you' is not what 'you' normally seem to be.

If you could disassemble your body - if you had the power to remain conscious as each of those particles were removed one-by-one and reassembled twenty feet away - at what point would your consciousness experience the change in location?
Good question. Assuming one does not die in the process then nobody knows.

Two individual elements cannot become a single identity any more than they can simultaneously occupy the same space.
This may be true. However it is not clear that our individual consciousnesses are in fact entirely discrete entities. Are ocean waves one thing or many?

It is not possible to 'be' more than (or less than) a single being.
I don't think anyone disagrees with that.

Your corpse is billions of individual beings, so the existence you experience must be that of a single Entity hidden within the assemblage of your body.
That may be true. But things are not always so clear. Think of a Bose-Einstein condensate.

This isn't rocket science. It has nothing to do with religion. It is simple logic and elementary deduction. You don't have a soul, you are a soul. And while you are alive, you have a body. When you die, it will fall off (which can be VERY embarrassing as well as downright inconvenient). [/B]
I don't like the concept of 'soul' much either, the term carries too much baggage. However there is much evidence to suggest that consciousness (at a fundamental level) is not subject to life and death, and so far none against the idea. We can't scientifically prove that it's true, but this is a not much of a reason to assume that it isn't.
  • #20
Originally posted by Canute
. . . it does not necesasarily follow that 'I do not think therefore I am not'.

If you think you AREN'T, then you probably AIN'T
Good question. Assuming one does not die in the process then nobody knows.
No...I do know. About a year ago, I actually DID this. One night I consumed two quarts of Margaritas. The next morning I actually HAD TO disassemble myself to make it to the bathroom.
However it is not clear that our individual consciousnesses are in fact entirely discrete entities. Are ocean waves one thing or many?
Consciousness is a condition - a state of being. Only a being can have a 'state of' being. You do not have to be conscious to 'exist', but you DO have to exist to be conscious.
That may be true. But things are not always so clear. Think of a Bose-Einstein condensate.
If atoms are not, indeed, the ultimate elemental particles, then YES, they could coalesce. But the true entities - elemental particles - from which they were constructed would still be separate entities.
I don't like the concept of 'soul' much either, the term carries too much baggage. However there is much evidence to suggest that consciousness (at a fundamental level) is not subject to life and death, and so far none against the idea. We can't scientifically prove that it's true, but this is a not much of a reason to assume that it isn't.
Yeah - 'soul' has a highly religious connotation. Unless you believe that existence is the result of a process - cause and effect - it is difficult to countenance a 'creator'.
  • #21
Originally posted by Messiah
If you think you AREN'T, then you probably AIN'T
True. But the question is what sort of state are you in when you aren't thinking at all? This is neother thinking you are or thinking you aren't. It's a borderline case that hasn't yet been proved either to exist or not exist.

Consciousness is a condition - a state of being. Only a being can have a 'state of' being. [/i]
I'll go along with that.

You do not have to be conscious to 'exist',
Try proving it. You'll be surprised.

but you DO have to exist to be conscious.
Try proving that as well if you want an even bigger surprise.

If atoms are not, indeed, the ultimate elemental particles, then YES, they could coalesce. But the true entities - elemental particles - from which they were constructed would still be separate entities.
By a 'non-dual' view, in which, roughly speaking, consciousness is reality, those elements are not actually elemental. They are epiphenomenal. It is science that defines them as discrete and elemental. In reality they are the infintite aspects of one undifferentitated thing that really is fundamental.

I'm not saying that anyone can prove that this is true. But you certainly cannot prove that it isn't. The question of whether consciousness is or is not more fundamental than matter is the biggest unanswered one we've got. It's the most important thing we don't know. It appears to be either an undecidable question or the wrong one.

Yeah - 'soul' has a highly religious connotation. Unless you believe that existence is the result of a process - cause and effect - it is difficult to countenance a 'creator'. [/B]
I don't quite follow that. But whether or not you believe in cause and effect you can choose whether or not to countenance a creator. All the permutations have their supporters. I go for cause and effect with no creator myself. How about you?
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  • #22
Originally posted by Canute
True. But the question is what sort of state are you in when you aren't thinking at all?

This is neither thinking you are or thinking you aren't. It's a borderline case that hasn't yet been proved either to exist or not exist.
Thinking is a process - something you DO, not something you ARE.
Try proving it. You'll be surprised.
Done. I have been unconscious. I still existed.
Try proving that as well if you want an even bigger surprise.
Done. Consciousness is a state of being. You cannot have a state of being without being . . . unless you live in Texas, where the state is consumate confusion
By a 'non-dual' view, in which, roughly speaking, consciousness is reality, those elements are not actually elemental. They are epiphenomenal. It is science that defines them as discrete and elemental.
I was three hours short of a degree in physics (30 years ago) when I decided that too much of it was poorly conceived conjecture. I ultimately degreed in bean counting (math) - which is actually just a language, a systematic shorthand for logic. MANY things cannot be proven empirically but must be derived from logic alone.
In reality they are the infintite aspects of one undifferentitated thing that really is fundamental.
Actually I would agree that all entities are FINITE aspects of one infinitely differentiated thing - the Universe
I'm not saying that anyone can prove that this is true. But you certainly cannot prove that it isn't. The question of whether consciousness is or is not more fundamental than matter is the biggest unanswered one we've got. It's the most important thing we don't know. It appears to be either an undecidable question or the wrong one.
Matter . . . space . . . both are forms of existence. Consciousness is a condition, a state of existence. One is derived from the other. It is not difficult to determine which is more fundamental.
I don't quite follow that. But whether or not you believe in cause and effect you can choose whether or not to countenance a creator. All the permutations have their supporters. I go for cause and effect with no creator myself. How about you?
The Universe was never created - it is eternal. Cause and effect are a function of existence - not visa versa. The principle behind the phenomenon of existence is simply the balance of nature - a reciprocal balance.
  • #23

You're stating your opinions as if they were facts. This makes a discussion difficult.
  • #24
Originally posted by Canute

You're stating your opinions as if they were facts.

I don't consider my statements 'opinions' (I have no preference as to their validity) - rather I view them as logical conclusions. Please be more specific as to the ones with which you disagree and possibly you can change my conclusion by illustrating an error in logic.
This makes a discussion difficult.
Actually noise, static and bad internet connections might make discussion difficult. Refusal to concede a point in which a flaw of logic has been proven might make discussion difficult. But iterating a conclusion should only add to the points which might be discussed - in my OPINION it stimulates cussin' and discussin'
  • #25
There is no scientific principle that asserts that consciousness is a result of the biochemical reations in the physical brain. If there is, what is it? Tell me, please. This is a POSTULATE, not an AXIOM, although many people consider it an axiom because they have limited perceptions. Science asserts that consciousness is an epiphenomenon-- it has no explanation of it in truth.

Am, the physical brain is not the cause of consciousness, just as a riverbed is not the cause of water. Physical brain is an insturment for consciouness to express itself through the physical body. I have no faith in this, I have experienced the reality of it.

Life cannot be explained without the vital principle of a soul. This is so far scientific fact, even though it contradicts scientific theory. It is fact because for decades, I think, scientists have been trying to "create life" to observe life arising from inanimate, lifeless acids. This is Darwin's 100 year old theory, that life coalesced out of a "warm pond." It has not been observed. Also, if I cut off my finder, all the ingredients are there for life: neucleic acids, protiens, etc. But where in history have we observed a new form of life coming from a lifeless body? DNA may even devolop on its own, but DNA is not alive. the wood and the oxygen need a force, heat, to exhibit fire. So to, the physical body needs a soul to exhibit life. The soul is conscious, that is its quality, but the conscious sensation in your head right now is
merely an extension of it. Consiousness exists at many levels and we cannot be considered "unconscious" unless we have the potential to be conscious-- "unconsciousness" is merely another level of consciousness that we may not remember. For example, I am not aware of hearing in deep sleep, at least I can't remember, but I am conscious at some level of the sounds around me as I sleep because If someone says my name or starts talking about me, I usually wake up.

When we sleep, as well, part of our consciousness, at least, leaves the physical brain
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  • #26
Originally posted by elwestrand
I agree with Canute. There is no scientific principle that asserts that consciousness is a result of the biochemical reations in the physical brain. If there is, what is it? Tell me, please. This is a POSTULATE, not an AXIOM, although many people consider it an axiom because they have limited perceptions. Science asserts that consciousness is an epiphenomenon-- it has no explanation of it in truth.

Am, the physical brain is not the cause of consciousness, just as a riverbed is not the cause of water. Physical brain is an insturment for consciouness to express itself through the physical body. I have no faith in this, I have experienced the reality of it.

Brains are simply billions of material particulates - at some subatomic level those particulates are elemental (comprised only of themselves). Each of those elemental particulates is an 'existence' or 'being'. Each existence has the property of identity. Two particulates cannot share an identity.

Brains do not think. The life-form 'being' which is wearing it experiences 'thought'. Brains do; however, facilitate thought and engender what we experience as consciousness. Processes in the brain influence thought just as thought influences the processes in the brain.

Brains are basically the filter between the stimulus from outside the body and the being inside the body. They REALLY come in handy. Without it, you would be dead - again.
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  • #27
I have seen the physical organism and even the subtle ones are something like "pressure suits." They allow the soul to interface with this dimension, this "frequency," like a deep sea diver needs a special suit to go into waters where the pressure would normally implode his skull. Soul doesn't have a skull to implode, but it is like helium trying to go into the deep sea-- this explains why we need sleep. Science does not explain why we need sleep. I have not heard its explanation. Because when we sleep, at least part of our consciousness, our soul actually "leaves" this frequency of reality-- to "recharge" I guess. If evolution were true, then wouldn't it make a whole lot of sense for sleep not to exist? Survival would be much easier. Is there a very good reason why it is beyond the organism's capacity to to do all the rebuilding, growth and hormone processes while we are simply consciously resting? Why sleep?

I am surmising that there are two types of consciousness that we are in comtact with at every moment: That of the soul and yet the all prevading, omnipresent consciousness of energy. (energy being identical with consciousness). In indian philosophy, this latter one is called paramatma, one of three features of God. My zen friend says that every living cell has its own awareness and its own emotion. And no one has been able to comment against my "plant sentience" thesis.
  • #28
Originally posted by Messiah
Not necessarily. Meditative experiences suggest that it isn't that simple.

Thinking is a process - something you DO, not something you ARE.

Done. I have been unconscious. I still existed.
Unconscious doesn't count, since it's defined as not-conscious. The question is what is rather what is consciousness in the absence of thoughts. If it ceases to exist you're right. If not then you're not.

Done. Consciousness is a state of being. You cannot have a state of being without being . . . unless you live in Texas, where the state is consumate confusion
Lol. This is subtle point though. It concerns the precise meaning of 'exist'. In many world-views ultimate reality neither exists not not-exists in a scientific sense.

I was three hours short of a degree in physics (30 years ago) when I decided that too much of it was poorly conceived conjecture. I ultimately degreed in bean counting (math) - which is actually just a language, a systematic shorthand for logic. MANY things cannot be proven empirically but must be derived from logic alone.
Actually I would agree that all entities are FINITE aspects of one infinitely differentiated thing - the Universe
The universe is certainyl differentiated. But what underlies it may not be.

Matter . . . space . . . both are forms of existence. Consciousness is a condition, a state of existence. One is derived from the other. It is not difficult to determine which is more fundamental.
Like I say, try proving it. Idealism is unfalsifiable in priciple, and a very popular doctrine to this day, even among scientists.

Try this -

The Universe was never created - it is eternal.
But assuming it is eternal does not not mean we can assume that it ahas no cause or substrate.
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  • #29
Lets see, science has labled nearly the entire brain AND associated those parts of our brain with parts of our consciousness. Emotion, logic, memory, reasoning. All this can be found readily available in medical journals every month.

Why does taking a very physical drug effect your consciousness if physical matter had nothing to do with your consciousness.
  • #30

Don't let all those clever words in medical journals fool you. Very little is known about this. But nobody argues that brain has nothing to do with consciousness.
  • #31
Originally posted by Deeviant

Why does taking a very physical drug effect your consciousness if physical matter had nothing to do with your consciousness.

It is because the brain facilitates consciousness and like As was said, chemical stimulations in the brain will affect consciouness just as consciousness will affect chemicals in the brain. It is like the difference between pushing a cart and pulling the cart. But the casue for mental cognition is not the brain itself-- it can abandon the brain and remain in existence although it cannot remain in this dimension.
  • #32
Here's and interesting link, ...

Welcome to my Sacred Circle, I am Iacchus

Iacchus is that boisterous shout who heralds the new World (age of "Man"). One of the main goals of Jungian psychology in its quest for Self knowledge, is the Knowledge of the myth of Self that is guiding ones Soul. Iacchus is the myth of Self that guides my Soul, so I call my Self, Iacchus. Iacchus in English is Jack, my given Christian name. In researching the myth of Iacchus I have developed a recreation of his Myth in cooperation with my Collective Unconsciousness and its Self.

So Friends, I invite you to sit awhile and hear a tale of Iacchus. If you thirst, here is a Sacred Cup filled with water from the Well of the Phoenix. May you Never Thirst!
While here's a link regarding the ...
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  • #33
Originally posted by elwestrand
It is because the brain facilitates consciousness and like As was said, chemical stimulations in the brain will affect consciouness just as consciousness will affect chemicals in the brain. It is like the difference between pushing a cart and pulling the cart. But the casue for mental cognition is not the brain itself-- it can abandon the brain and remain in existence although it cannot remain in this dimension.
Please elucidate your meaning of dimension. In the Universe there are three axes - X,Y,Z. The infinite array of polar coordinates - stretching to infinity - which can be derived from these are all dimensions.

Do you assume something exists outside of the Universe?
  • #34
My Theory

I've been tossing this theory around for quite some time. Input please.

When we live we obtain energy through consumption etc., and use that energy to get us more energy and procreate.

But when we die we still have so much energy in us. My theory is that with every bit of energy that is released from your body, a part of your existence goes with it. For everyone uses energy throughout their lives whether tis to run from a predator, chase down food or plain sitting we use energy, and every day our lives grow shorter. So maybe, just maybe we all will exist forever just not contained within one body.
  • #35
Originally posted by Messiah
Do you assume something exists outside of the Universe? [/B]
Sorry to butt in but if by 'universe' you mean what science means then it is well known (even to science) that there is something that exists beyond it.

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