Is Industrial Design the Right Major for Me?

In summary, the person is considering changing their major from supply chain management to industrial design due to their creative interests and struggles in business school. They are seeking advice on whether industrial design is a good career choice and are open to exploring other options such as industrial engineering. They are also concerned about finding a balance between pursuing their passions and ensuring financial stability.
  • #1
I am studying supply chain management and I am really starting to feel like I have no desire to enter the bureaucratic nonsense involved with the corporate workforce. I decided to go into supply chain because it seemed more interesting than management. I also did it because it pays well and everything else in business school seems boring. I am now faced with the dilema of changing majors early in my school career. Also, I have a degree in residential drafting and I was going to become an architect a long time ago but changed my mind due to the economy. I am struggling in business school and I am unable to satisfy my creative itch. I am considering a transfer into the school of architecture to study Industrial Design. I understand that Industrial Engineering is offered at my school as well but I have not figured out what the difference is yet. I am a very hands on oriented person with a knack for design in all mediums however I struggle with things like calculus, physics, and accounting. Also, I have decided that I don't want to major in something for the money but I do want to pay my bills and one day be able to offer my kids the same education that I have been provided. Do you guys think Industrial Design is the way to go, do you participate in this field or know of anyone who does this for a living? I am a sophomore in college at the moment and its not to late to change majors. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Industrial Design is an excellent area for creative people who struggle with math and science. It is very hands-on and allows you to explore a variety of creative outlets. Many industrial designers are also entrepreneurs, launching their own product lines or consulting businesses. Industrial design is an increasingly popular field, and there are many opportunities to make a living from it.However, it is important to consider the practical side of things as well. While industrial design can be lucrative, it is wise to make sure that you will be able to make enough money to support yourself and your family. You may want to speak with a career counselor about potential job prospects and salaries in the field of industrial design, so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it's the right fit for you.Additionally, it is worth looking into the differences between industrial engineering and industrial design. Industrial engineering focuses more on the efficiency and optimization of processes and systems, while industrial design focuses more on the aesthetic aspects of products. Depending on your interests and skills, one may be better suited to you than the other. Ultimately, taking some time to explore your options and determine what makes the most sense for you is the best course of action. Good luck!

Related to Is Industrial Design the Right Major for Me?

1. What is the best time to consider changing my major?

The best time to consider changing your major is before the start of your sophomore year. This will give you enough time to explore your options and make a decision without delaying your graduation.

2. What factors should I consider when deciding to change my major?

Some factors to consider when changing your major include your interests, skills, career goals, and the job market for your desired field. It is important to choose a major that aligns with your strengths and future aspirations.

3. Will changing my major affect my graduation timeline?

It is possible that changing your major may affect your graduation timeline. This will depend on how many credits you have completed and how well your new major aligns with your previous coursework. It is important to discuss this with your academic advisor.

4. How do I know if changing my major is the right decision?

Ultimately, the decision to change your major should be based on your personal and academic goals. It can be helpful to speak with a career counselor or academic advisor to gain insight and explore your options. You should also consider if your current major is a good fit for you and if you are passionate about the subject matter.

5. What resources are available to help with changing my major?

Your university's career center and academic advising office are great resources for exploring different majors and career paths. You can also speak with professors and current students in the majors you are considering to gain a better understanding of the coursework and career opportunities.

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