How Did PrudensOptimus's Dating Adventure Turn Out?

In summary: If you want to put the kibosh on any possible romance then go ahead, tell her how nervous she makes you feel and how you're intimidated by her. And Congratulations, because you just made another friend..What about the people that are intimidated by you?The people that are intimidated by me might still like me. They might just be intimidated by my confidence.
  • #176
jimmy p said:
sounds like a lot of work. I have been sitting at my computer thinking about doing work, and in my spare time, trying to bait a girl into liking me :)

Wow, i feel much comforted to hear the same from you. I try to bait one too, but no time to spend with her.

So, I chose to do something worth while, working out, swimming, and prooving EMC2:
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Physics news on
  • #177
Congrats, PrudensOptimus!

PrudensOptimus said:
Around April I was invited to an interview for semi-finalists for ASMS(Arkansas Math and Science school), got accepted, happy.

Snaps for PrudensOptimus getting into ASMS!
Way to go!
  • #178
Ok, little update here (to keep this thread alive mostly). I went to talk to her at work to let her know what time I would pick her up and stuff, and, seriously, she did not seem interested what so ever. The only thing I can think that happened was, and it seemed quite evident, that she was just in a bad mood to start with. I'm not even sure if she really heard the time I told her I'd be by. I'm thinking that I should call her tomorrow to verify.
  • #179
You know, I had always thought that you had to actually be in a romantic relationship before you had to get your heart broken. It seems I was wrong. I'm sorry, guys. I know you had high hopes for the best for me, but, I'm afraid that's not going to happen. Sorry to break it to y'all, but I thought you should know.
  • #180
Chrono, I am so sad to hear that. It sounds like she could have some emotional problems, she is acting a bit odd.

I wish there was something I could do or say to ease your pain, but it will just take time.

You sound like a very loving, caring person. The right girl will come along. I know that you don't want to hear that right now, but it will happen.

In the mean time, you have all of us here that enjoy your company. Ok, maybe that's not that comforting. :frown:
  • #181
Evo said:
Chrono, I am so sad to hear that. It sounds like she could have some emotional problems, she is acting a bit odd.

I wish there was something I could do or say to ease your pain, but it will just take time.

You sound like a very loving, caring person. The right girl will come along. I know that you don't want to hear that right now, but it will happen.

In the mean time, you have all of us here that enjoy your company. Ok, maybe that's not that comforting.

Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad to that you enjoy my company.

Time? Perhaps you're right. I really thought we could have been together, and I tried as hard as I could to make that happen. But, it seems I must have missed something along the way.

Emotional problems? I don't know. She knew we were going out Friday. I made sure she was off, then she tells me that she's working. I understand none of it.

Once again, I appreciate you putting up with me on this.
  • #182
Put up with you? I'm honored that you listen to me. :smile:

It could be the timing isn't right. Just play it cool and who knows?

Listen to me, the freak magnet, giving advice. :wink:
  • #183
*pats on the shoulder*

Don't be sad, it is not your fault. She must be in the doldrums now and has a huge baggage of resentment, confusion, sadness, anger and frustration from the previous relationship to sort out. She needs time in a cave to lick her own wound and wait for it to heal. You are a good person, you just appeared in the wrong time. You have pulled out all the stops to make her feel loved and cherished. It is not your fault that she feels the way she does. Do not be sad, and do not bear a grudge either, growing up is an ordeal for all of us. The feelings are young and powerful while the experience to know what to do with them is woefully missing. My younger brother has his heart broken twice, so I know what you are going through. In the end time will heal all wounds, both yours and hers. It may be hard to believe now but you are still very young and you will fall in love again, perhaps even more passionately than this time. Cheer up :smile:
  • #184
Polly said:
Don't be sad, it is not your fault. She must be in the doldrums now and has a huge baggage of resentment, confusion, sadness, anger and frustration from the previous relationship to sort out. She needs time in a cave to lick her own wound and wait for it to heal. You are a good person, you just appeared in the wrong time. You have pulled out all the stops to make her feel loved and cherished. It is not your fault that she feels the way she does. Do not be sad, and do not bear a grudge either, growing up is an ordeal for all of us. The feelings are young and powerful while the experience to know what to do with them is woefully missing. My younger brother has his heart broken twice, so I know what you are going through. In the end time will heal all wounds, both yours and hers. It may be hard to believe now but you are still very young and you will fall in love again, perhaps even more passionately than this time. Cheer up

In the doldrums? That's possible, but with what happened last night I'm just thinking she was just playing me for a fool.

Twenty-four hours have passed since it happend, and I must say, I'm not as...depressed as I thought I would be. I mean, when it happened I was mad as hell, and then, I kid you not, I cried for a few minutes. No one at work tonight had noticed that anything was wrong.
  • #185
Hi Chrono. If it is true that she played you for a fool then she must have been someone else's fool and she was taking it out on you. Now that you know what it feels like to be taken as a fool, try to forgive her for that must have been what she has gone through too. From my experience if you are able to sympathize someone you hate, your own wound will heal faster.
The worst time is probably over now and you are recovering. Some months from now I am sure you will be able to say, everything happens for the best :smile:
  • #186
Polly said:
Hi Chrono. If it is true that she played you for a fool then she must have been someone else's fool and she was taking it out on you. Now that you know what it feels like to be taken as a fool, try to forgive her for that must have been what she has gone through too. From my experience if you are able to sympathize someone you hate, your own wound will heal faster.
The worst time is probably over now and you are recovering. Some months from now I am sure you will be able to say, everything happens for the best

You know, you may be on to something.
  • #187
Dang, guys, I never expected to feel this well after what happend. And it's been less than a week, three days have passed since the "date" night. By the way, I went to the show by myself. I think I've moved on. How I know, you may ask? Well, there's this new girl at work (that seems to be the only place I meet chicks, I've noticed). And I tell you what, I think I'm going to try to get with her.
  • #188
Chrono said:
Dang, guys, I never expected to feel this well after what happend. And it's been less than a week, three days have passed since the "date" night. By the way, I went to the show by myself. I think I've moved on. How I know, you may ask? Well, there's this new girl at work (that seems to be the only place I meet chicks, I've noticed). And I tell you what, I think I'm going to try to get with her.
Good for you Chrono! :biggrin:
  • #189
You don't think that's too soon, though? Oh, well. It couldn't hurt, I don't think.
  • #190
It may be a little soon, but you weren't in a heavy, long term relationship with the other girl, so I think finding someone else (as long as you don't use her just to ease your pain), may be just what you need.
  • #191
Evo said:
It may be a little soon, but you weren't in a heavy, long term relationship with the other girl, so I think finding someone else (as long as you don't use her just to ease your pain), may be just what you need.

You're right. We didn't even have a relationship. I think it's about time I started looking for someone. I mean, it's summer soon and I'm going to have plenty of time on my hands to go out. I actually think one of the older coworkers of mine would agree that we do go out. She did predict that the other one would hurt me.
  • #192
Polly said:
Hi Chrono. If it is true that she played you for a fool then she must have been someone else's fool and she was taking it out on you. Now that you know what it feels like to be taken as a fool, try to forgive her for that must have been what she has gone through too. From my experience if you are able to sympathize someone you hate, your own wound will heal faster.
The worst time is probably over now and you are recovering. Some months from now I am sure you will be able to say, everything happens for the best :smile:

hoho seriously love this quote haha " if you are able to sympathize someone you hate, your own wound will heal faster."

hey chrono who ever you love , make a choice and love her.
  • #193
I just keep finding ways to keep this thread from dying, don't I?

Anyway, about the new girl I told y'all about. I asked her for her number a couple of days ago and, well, I wasn't shot down, but I didn't get the number, either. She just said something like she didn't give it out, not even to her present boyfriend. She said it shows initiative that I find it myself. I thought about that and said that it showed initiative that I asked for it in the first place. She just smiled and nodded.

I swear, my mom was right, women are trouble. :devil: Oh, well.
  • #194
Chrono said:
I just keep finding ways to keep this thread from dying, don't I?
That's what I was going to say!
When you said "present boyfriend", do you mean she is having a boyfriend now?
  • #195
Polly said:
That's what I was going to say!
When you said "present boyfriend", do you mean she is having a boyfriend now?

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Actually, that's the first thing she said when I had asked for her number. But, I'm not going to worry about it. Truthfully, I just asked to see if she would give it to me.
  • #196
Chrono said:
I just keep finding ways to keep this thread from dying, don't I?

Anyway, about the new girl I told y'all about. I asked her for her number a couple of days ago and, well, I wasn't shot down, but I didn't get the number, either. She just said something like she didn't give it out, not even to her present boyfriend. She said it shows initiative that I find it myself. I thought about that and said that it showed initiative that I asked for it in the first place. She just smiled and nodded.

I swear, my mom was right, women are trouble. :devil: Oh, well.
Where do you keep finding these wacko women?

Someday you will find a normal girl. Trust me, some exist. :smile:
  • #197
Chrono, a young man's heart catches fire easily, sometimes it is even spontaneously combusted, I understand.

But personally I don't mess with any guy with a girlfriend, doesn't matter the status of their relationship, doesn't matter the mutual attraction or the strong feelings between us, doesn't matter all the "signs" shows that we would be great together. Until he is unattached, he is out of the question, period.

It is not so much about the work/trouble/rate of success involved than about ethics. A very bad analogy but the closest I can think of at the moment is this: would I snatch a toy from a 5 year old who is playing with it? No, I will wait my turn. Until the little boy is done with it, I will just have to occupy myself with something worthwhile, like reading books on the 10/11th dimension :wink: ?
  • #198
Evo said:
Where do you keep finding these wacko women?

Someday you will find a normal girl. Trust me, some exist. :smile:

Normal girl? What are you talking about? (looks around) can't find any here! sorry!
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  • #199
Chrono said:
I just keep finding ways to keep this thread from dying, don't I?

Anyway, about the new girl I told y'all about. I asked her for her number a couple of days ago and, well, I wasn't shot down, but I didn't get the number, either. She just said something like she didn't give it out, not even to her present boyfriend. She said it shows initiative that I find it myself. I thought about that and said that it showed initiative that I asked for it in the first place. She just smiled and nodded.

I swear, my mom was right, women are trouble. :devil: Oh, well.

Of course girls are trouble when you are expecting one with a boyfriend to like you...
Find a normal single girl, preferably one you don't work with. That can get messy.
  • #200
Ebolamonk3y said:
Normal girl? What are you talking about? (looks around) can't find any here! sorry!

Obviously, I'm having the same problem.
  • #201
LOL that makes 3 of us. My girl has fallen through, she is interested in some other guy... i never did find out whether she liked me or not
  • #202
jimmy p said:
LOL that makes 3 of us. My girl has fallen through, she is interested in some other guy... i never did find out whether she liked me or not

Dude, what is it with us and women? I understand more about the fourth dimension than about them. I guess this quote is true, "Getting screwed while everyone else is getting laid."
  • #203
Read Cosmopolitan magazine...they have a lot of great advice on the proper application of make-up.
  • #204
Perhaps I should have studied these first.

Murphy's Love Laws

1. All the good ones are taken.
2. If the person isn't taken, there's a reason.
3. The nicer someone is, the farther away (s)he is from you.
4. Brains x Beauty x Availability = Constant.
5. The amount of love someone feels for you is inversely proportional to how much you love them.
6. Money can't buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining position.
7. The best things in the world are free --- and worth every penny of it.
8. Every kind action has a not-so-kind reaction.
9. Nice guys(girls) finish last.
10. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
11. Availability is a function of time. The minute you get interested is the minute they find someone else.
  • #205
lol those are so true... that is my new bible.
  • #206
Chrono said:
Dude, what is it with us and women? I understand more about the fourth dimension than about them. I guess this quote is true, "Getting screwed while everyone else is getting laid."

W00t, we loner of 3! I gave up on girls man... Time consuming as anything... I'd rather take a nap and rest!
  • #207
Ebolamonk3y said:
Normal girl? What are you talking about? (looks around) can't find any here! sorry!
They are rare, but worth finding. I raised both of my daughters to be normal.

My youngest daughter is 16. She just started dating a boy last month. His parents are absolutely crazy about her because she is the first non psycho girl he has dated. They adore my daughter. His mother calls her "my girl". They told him if he ever considered breaking up with her that he'd have to leave home and they'd adopt her in his place. :bugeye: :biggrin:
  • #208
well that shouldn't matter Evo, I'm here as a substitute anyway! No, my mistake was to give the girl I liked good advice and she took it. i should stop being nice to people. :devil:
  • #209
And what do you think of the boy, Evo?

  • #210
these questions...

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