Good Horror Films: A Search for Scares

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, Kia is sure her place is haunted, Cyrus is just being a plonker again, there are no videos, LOL, and the haunted house thing is true though.
  • #1
Gold Member
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Has anyone seen a GOOD horror film, one that is very scary?
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  • #2
Slasher films or psychologically scary?
  • #3
Psychologically scary, i hate slasher films they are just so predictable and unrealistic.
  • #4
I saw some of your home videos wolly...yikes.
  • #5
Cyrus said:
I saw some of your home videos wolly...yikes.

Kia is sure my place is haunted.
  • #6
wolram said:
Kia is sure my place is haunted.
What videos?
  • #7
Evo said:
What videos?

Cyrus is just being a plonker again, there are no videos, LOL.

The haunted house thing is true though.
  • #8
Cape Fear!
  • #9
cyrus' tries to womanize

love 'em

  • #10
wolram said:
Cyrus is just being a plonker again, there are no videos, LOL.

The haunted house thing is true though.
I would tend to agree about your house. So many weird things have happened there, you'd think I had been there. :wink:
  • #12
Evo said:
I would tend to agree about your house. So many weird things have happened there, you'd think I had been there. :wink:

You and your army, i am not scared just annoyed, i am sure Ivan would enjoy a visit, the latest is people talking in the small hours.
  • #13
Greg Bernhardt said:
28 Days/Weeks Later, Decent, Dawn of the Dead

Boring, as the supreme being i expect more from you Greg.
  • #14
Are you looking for a few to draw ideas from? Even though it is a slasher film, Dr. Giggles may have a decent amount of material considering what you've said so far. Silence of the Lambs, Psycho and the earlier remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The later version of TCM had more of a psychological twist that it's 70's original.
  • #15
"The Blair Witch Project" was only mildly scary, up to the last scene. The last scene scared the living hell out of scary, it was brilliant.
  • #16
The Thing
  • #17
The best psychological scary ghost movie is the original 1963 "The haunting". You never see anything, but that scene where Claire Bloom and Julie Harris hear the banging outside their bedroom still scares me. If you haven't seen that movie, I highly recommend it.
  • #18
Evo said:
The best psychological scary ghost movie is the original 1963 "The haunting". You never see anything, but that scene where Claire Bloom and Julie Harris hear the banging outside their bedroom still scares me. If you haven't seen that movie, I highly recommend it.

No fibbing, i would love to have some one confirm the noises i hear at night, real life can be more scary than movies, but then i am not scared.
  • #19
wolram said:
No fibbing, i would love to have some one confirm the noises i hear at night, real life can be more scary than movies, but then i am not scared.

You said you hear voices...can you make out words? Is there more than one person talking?
  • #20
lisab said:
You said you hear voices...can you make out words? Is there more than one person talking?
He's had some really weird things happen in that house.

Wolram, is it possible that your house could be built over a subterrainean water source?
  • #21
Are you looking for a few to draw ideas from? Even though it is a slasher film, Dr. Giggles may have a decent amount of material considering what you've said so far. Silence of the Lambs, Psycho and the earlier remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The later version of TCM had more of a psychological twist that it's 70's original. The newer Silence of the Lambs (Hannibal?) also was a good one.
  • #22
The movie I'm thinking of is either called "Vacancy" or "No Vacancy", not sure which one, but it was very good, and not at all predictable...
  • #23
I need to hijack this long enough to say that last night I ran across a movie on The Sci Fi Channel called "Aztec Rex". It's about Hernando Cortez' army landing in Mexico and being eaten by a Tyranosaurus Rex. I kid you not.

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  • #24
lisab said:
You said you hear voices...can you make out words? Is there more than one person talking?
It is hard to define, but i am sure it is four people with at least one female talking, it annoys me so much that i can not hear the words, anyone is welcome to stay at my place bringing with them any recording gear.
  • #25
Evo said:
I need to hijack this long enough to say that last night I ran across a movie on The Sci Fi Channel called "Aztec Rex". It's about Hernando Cortez' army landing in Mexico and being eaten by a Tyranosaurus Rex. I kid you not.

Back to our regurlary scheduled postings.

Was that the late, late, late night movie? Sounds like something that would be on at 3 A.M. when there's nothing else but infomercials to watch.
  • #26
B. Elliott said:
Are you looking for a few to draw ideas from? Even though it is a slasher film, Dr. Giggles may have a decent amount of material considering what you've said so far. Silence of the Lambs, Psycho and the earlier remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The later version of TCM had more of a psychological twist that it's 70's original. The newer Silence of the Lambs (Hannibal?) also was a good one.

Good suggestions, but none of them scare me, i just want the scared feeling.
  • #27
Didn't we just have a thread about the scariest movie ever... that Ben Stein thing?
  • #28
Trouble is Wollie isn't scared of anything. Trying to find a very scary movie for someone who isn't scared of anything isn't an easy task to say the least.

And you're right, his house is definitely haunted, whether in the supernatural or natural sense I have no idea but it's umm... "interesting"
  • #29
Has Wolram looked into the history of the house?

Hi *Kia*!
  • #30
I do believe the old chap before him died there - eeks!
  • #31
Give The Orphanage a watch. It is in Spanish with English subtitles but is worth the read. Very disturbing. This is by the same guy that did Pan's Labyrinth.
  • #32
I like "The Shining"

--it reminds me of what happens to some students when they work on a paper for too many days in a row
  • #33
Psycho. My father took me to see it when I was ten. I was scarred for life. What was he thinking? The shower scene gets a lot of play, but the one that scared me most was when the guy got stabbed at the top of the stairs.

Here's a bit of family history that gets retold from time to time. We went to to see a movie and my 4 year old sister was so scared that she hid under the seat. It was Bambi.
  • #34
jimmysnyder said:
Psycho. My father took me to see it when I was ten. I was scarred for life. What was he thinking? The shower scene gets a lot of play, but the one that scared me most was when the guy got stabbed at the top of the stairs.

Here's a bit of family history that gets retold from time to time. We went to to see a movie and my 4 year old sister was so scared that she hid under the seat. It was Bambi.

I guess another example of the differences between men/boys and women/girls----Men are from Mars, and women are from some other planet to be named later
  • #35
two of my favorites are event horizon, and hellraiser 2 although the bad physics in that one might be distracting for some of the people on here.

hellraiser 2 takes place mostly in a version of hell that is more like a huge labyrinth which i thought was vary cool. it also has a lot of good characters like pin head, that dude with the burnt/stretched/generally mutilated face and his lips cut off or pulled back to expose teeth, and the doctor.

i think the out dated special effects take away from the fearful experience but otherwise i think hellraiser 2 was a horror movie with a great vision behind it.

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