Exploring Misconceptions About the USA

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In summary: I wouldn't say that about all Americans, but there is a fraction of the population that is clearly unhinged.They would do anything for money...This is a generalization that is not generally true. Money doesn't always drive people to do terrible things.Most Americans don't have a good idea about the outside world.Again, this is not universally true, and there are certainly many Americans who are well-informed about the world around them.They are generally bad mannered.There is certainly a fraction of the population that is rude and generally uncooperative, but this is not representative of the majority of Americans.You can sue anayone for anything
  • #71
yomamma said:
you're wrong. any cable channel can show whatever they want. the only restrictions (or rather suggestions) is that it's late at night
You pay for cable. :wink: On broadcast TV, those rules apply. I think cable is actually quite a bit tamer than it was when it first came out. It really was pushing the limits, and at the time, the Playboy Channel wasn't a premium channel, it was one of the regular channels on cable 24 h with no scrambling until they got a lot of complaints from parents requesting a way to block it...you could get quite an eyeful just flipping channels. :biggrin: I'm probably one of the last 10 people in the country who doesn't have pay TV in my house.

But, generally, all the things that stand out as shocking in the media are rare enough in the general population that they stand out as shocking to us too. Big stories on the news are big news because they are uncommon; if that stuff happened everywhere and all the time, it wouldn't be news. The stuff that goes into our entertainment media is also entertaining because it isn't stuff you see all the time or get to do all the time. A lot of what you see on the TV is there because it's controversial for us too. They don't show stories about the issues everyone agrees about, that's pretty boring and won't get the ratings and boost profits.
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  • #72
Moonbear said:
I'm probably one of the last 10 people in the country who doesn't have pay TV in my house.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
How do you survive?!?
  • #73
This thread is giving me cold pricklies :frown: But it was worth it to see whozum say "the butt, where poop comes out of."
whozum said:
Just look at the amount of people who support the war, that should be evidence enough.
They could support the war for other reasons.
People sitll ask me where Sudan is.
Do you tell them it's in the driveway? ;) I thought you were from the UK? You're a real man of mystery. If you ever feel like sharing some stories about life in Sudan, I'd love to hear them.
Your average american probably couldn't draw you a decent map of the world. Actually I would be more confident in a 4th grader drawing the world than your average 30 year old. They are taught the stuff, they just are too absent-minded (as far as education goes) to care.
I was looking for some actual studies about this and happened upon this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/programmes/wtwta/poll/html/default.stm
BBC Poll Results- What the World Thinks of America.
  • #74
yomamma said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
How do you survive?!?

May be she don't have time for all these...
I know she is a professor in very renowned university and mad scientist
and i think she is one of them who spends most of time here :biggrin:
and especially talking to you Yomamma :-p Something is fishy :!) he he
  • #75
yomamma said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
How do you survive?!?
:smile: I don't miss it at all.
  • #76
Yeah, America sucks - so damnit, why can't we keep people from risking their lives to immigrate here?
  • #77
russ_watters said:
Yeah, America sucks - so damnit, why can't we keep people from risking their lives to immigrate here?

Go live in northern mexico (but not the border towns)... its super suck :D its suck to the max :D
  • #78
Pengwuino said:
Go live in northern mexico (but not the border towns)... its super suck :D its suck to the max :D
Heh - I do live in northern Mexico (for the next few days, anyway...) :biggrin:
  • #79
russ_watters said:
Heh - I do live in northern Mexico (for the next few days, anyway...) :biggrin:

haha, what crime did you commit
  • #80
Pengwuino said:
haha, what crime did you commit

I'll admit, I laughed when I read that.

honestrosewater said:
They could support the war for other reasons.
All the reasons I've heard of were either for revenge or under a deceitful impression that has already been withdrawn and disproven by the government or is highly skepticized by the world. Note that I said the world.

After all, I'm not a big fan of going into afghanistan or any other country (in the name of anti terrorism) for revenge rather than for solving the political mess between the US and the middle east the last 13.5 billion years (that was grounds for the attacks in the first place).

You can't be anti-terrorism. If you think you are anti-terrorist, read the definition of terrorism. It happens for a reason.

honestrosewater said:
Do you tell them it's in the driveway? ;) I thought you were from the UK? You're a real man of mystery. If you ever feel like sharing some stories about life in Sudan, I'd love to hear them.

I've never lived there, but I've been there for about three years worth of summers. I'm going back in a few weeks. I'm english born and have been there my fair share also. I've lived in Arizona for the last eight years.

I was looking for some actual studies about this and happened upon this:

Interesting read, pretty amusing and enlightening.
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  • #81
I wonder if any journalists or news organizations have the integrity to do a "What the world thinks about France" or the UK or the Russians or Syrians etc etc.
  • #82
Pengwuino said:
I wonder if any journalists or news organizations have the integrity to do a "What the world thinks about France" or the UK or the Russians or Syrians etc etc.

I'd bet its (the feedback) not as bad as the US. Its worst because the US is "supposed to be the best".

Think about it, in high school, the biggest drama, the one everyone knew about, was about the most successful kids. The losers never got much attention, let alone had drama spread about em.

You're really patriotic, have you ever been out of the Americas?
  • #83
BobG said:
Yes, historically, marriage in the world has usually been more about economics, security, and social status than happiness and large extended families equals security in numbers. Marriages were arranged for the overall families' benefit, not the couple getting married.

In industrialized countries, marriage has evolved to be about happiness and the high divorce rates have been disappointing. It's also a comparison of apples and oranges. If marriage is about practicality, not happiness, people stay married even if they're not all that happy with each other. If marriage is about happiness, high divorce rates could mean that love is a silly reason to get married or it could just mean that more people don't put up with unhappy marriages.

Kind of like the scene in "Fiddler on the Roof", where, after 20+ years of marriage, the husband finally asks the wife if she loves him.
I don't think there is anything disappointing about high divorce rates; I think it is a healthy sign:
People dare now to stop living under the same roof with someone they are no longer sexually and emotionally interested in.
As for children, it is much better that parents split up soon and amicably, rather than that the parents delay their divorce and build up layers of frustration and bitterness among themselves.
You will find that those children born of parents who came to their senses early enough to avoid the build-up of hatred amongst themselves will have no less quality in their upbringing (in a typical two-household situation) than those children whose parents remain happily married.

It is the children who are torn apart by their parents' quarrels who are the big sufferers here.
There will be fewer of these cases when the image of a divorce is no longer that of an embarassing/shameful failure.
  • #84
I remember watching Powell's address at the UN and being so impressed. :frown: I was 20 and just starting to pay attention to politics and world affairs when the war started.
whozum said:
I've never lived there, but I've been there for about three years worth of summers. I'm going back in a few weeks. I'm english born and have been there my fair share also. I've lived in Arizona for the last eight years.
Are you doing humanitarian work?
  • #85
whozum said:
I'd bet its (the feedback) not as bad as the US. Its worst because the US is "supposed to be the best".

Think about it, in high school, the biggest drama, the one everyone knew about, was about the most successful kids. The losers never got much attention, let alone had drama spread about em.

You're really patriotic, have you ever been out of the Americas?

See, that's what I've always felt is wrong with most people. They think this world is high school and that everyone has to be liked and we all must follow high school principles. I woulnd't hire a high schooler as an employee must less have the world follow his beliefs as to what's important and logical in life. If high school life really defines a good analogy as to how the world works, then this world needs to in a sense, "grow up".

And yes, i am very patriotic (even more so lately thanks to the almost daily rants similar to the OP on this thread) and have not left the nation.
  • #86
honestrosewater said:
I remember watching Powell's address at the UN and being so impressed. :frown: I was 20 and just starting to pay attention to politics and world affairs when the war started.

lol watch the UN as a whole for a few more years if you want to see some REAL embarassments.
  • #87
Pengwuino said:
See, that's what I've always felt is wrong with most people. They think this world is high school and that everyone has to be liked and we all must follow high school principles. I woulnd't hire a high schooler as an employee must less have the world follow his beliefs as to what's important and logical in life. If high school life really defines a good analogy as to how the world works, then this world needs to in a sense, "grow up".

And yes, i am very patriotic (even more so lately thanks to the almost daily rants similar to the OP on this thread) and have not left the nation.

It was a very vague analogy, you need to unbutton your collar my friend :approve: I still stand by my analogy, the jist of it was no one cares about the paupers, its the dirt on the big people that we all dig, just look at magazines like the Enquirer and such.. its everywhere, not just high school.

I feel it is really important for an american nto only to visit other nations (namely 3rd world) but to live there for a bit to really understand why things are different. Try to take a neutral view, which is really hard to do. For example, if I asked you to judge Argentina you wlndt have any BIAS against it, and it may not be favorable, but atleast its fair. It takes a real man to put down their own country.
  • #88
honestrosewater said:
I remember watching Powell's address at the UN and being so impressed. :frown: I was 20 and just starting to pay attention to politics and world affairs when the war started.
Are you doing humanitarian work?

Pfffft I'm 19 :)
  • #89
whozum said:
It was a very vague analogy, you need to unbutton your collar my friend :approve: I still stand by my analogy, the jist of it was no one cares about the paupers, its the dirt on the big people that we all dig, just look at magazines like the Enquirer and such.. its everywhere, not just high school.

I feel it is really important for an american nto only to visit other nations (namely 3rd world) but to live there for a bit to really understand why things are different. Try to take a neutral view, which is really hard to do. For example, if I asked you to judge Argentina you wlndt have any BIAS against it, and it may not be favorable, but atleast its fair. It takes a real man to put down their own country.

Well even in high school no one simply cared about 1 single person. Theres around 200 countries on Earth yet we're the only ones who get little BBC specials like the one linked earlier as far as i can tell as to how bad it is. And yes its everywhere, not just in high school and as i said, i think too many people bring the high school attitude out of high school and bring it to the real world.

Im currently in college so i don't have the time or money to go to another nation. As I've heard a lot of the same from different people, i find lately that it takes a real man to actually praise their own country in the US's case. On forums like this for example, speaking positively about the US is like calling Einstein a fool or something. It sounds like a good analogy for other nations but as of late, it seems like "safe haven" for most people is to bash the US. I suppose there's no real men in other nations because as I sadi earlier, there doesn't exactly seem to be any criticism of any other nations allowed in this world.

I think a better way of saying it would be that it takes a real man to decide first and not immediately jump onto a bandwagon.
  • #90
Pengwuino said:
Well even in high school no one simply cared about 1 single person. Theres around 200 countries on Earth yet we're the only ones who get little BBC specials like the one linked earlier as far as i can tell as to how bad it is. And yes its everywhere, not just in high school and as i said, i think too many people bring the high school attitude out of high school and bring it to the real world.

There are many BBC specials on other countries. Things like the BBC specials are what let Americans get such skewed views of other countries. I remember late 2001 there were so many specials on life on afghanistan, a lot of em were way off.
Im currently in college so i don't have the time or money to go to another nation. As I've heard a lot of the same from different people, i find lately that it takes a real man to actually praise their own country in the US's case. On forums like this for example, speaking positively about the US is like calling Einstein a fool or something. It sounds like a good analogy for other nations but as of late, it seems like "safe haven" for most people is to bash the US. I suppose there's no real men in other nations because as I sadi earlier, there doesn't exactly seem to be any criticism of any other nations allowed in this world.

I think a better way of saying it would be that it takes a real man to decide first and not immediately jump onto a bandwagon.

I'm talking about in general, it takes a stronger voice to disagree with something than it does to agree with it. Yeah the US has gotten a lot of bashing, but I think its earned every bit of it.
  • #91
Pengwuino said:
lol watch the UN as a whole for a few more years if you want to see some REAL embarassments.
Why, was Bolton approved? :-p

Instead of ridiculing people for their mistakes, I would rather spend my time trying to help improve things.
  • #92
Americans never really watch the BBC so how would that be possible.

And how exactly does America deserve it (sounds like bias...)? A huge portion of the crap we hear turns out ot be lies and exagerations. Remember hte Newsweek thing? Lie. War for oil? No proof. Gitmo? One-sided reporting (with a few lies mixed in as well). All of Iraq? One-sided reporting (1 cities power outage hits newsstands for a week while 10,000 children being able to go to class where they couldn't in the first place gets back page coverage for 1 day). Etc. Etc. I suppose in a high school attitude, we deserve the bashing because most high schoolers are rather stupid.
  • #93
Pengwuino said:
Well even in high school no one simply cared about 1 single person. Theres around 200 countries on Earth yet we're the only ones who get little BBC specials like the one linked earlier as far as i can tell as to how bad it is. And yes its everywhere, not just in high school and as i said, i think too many people bring the high school attitude out of high school and bring it to the real world.

Im currently in college so i don't have the time or money to go to another nation. As I've heard a lot of the same from different people, i find lately that it takes a real man to actually praise their own country in the US's case. On forums like this for example, speaking positively about the US is like calling Einstein a fool or something. It sounds like a good analogy for other nations but as of late, it seems like "safe haven" for most people is to bash the US. I suppose there's no real men in other nations because as I sadi earlier, there doesn't exactly seem to be any criticism of any other nations allowed in this world.

I think a better way of saying it would be that it takes a real man to decide first and not immediately jump onto a bandwagon.
You think you're a real man? Check this out: https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=605337&postcount=84
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  • #94
honestrosewater said:
Why, was Bolton approved? :-p

Instead of ridiculing people for their mistakes, I would rather spend my time trying to help improve things.

lol i wish. Go read up on the UN. Tens of millions dead because of the UN and we're suppose to give up our soverignty to these criminals.
  • #95
Pengwuino said:
Americans never really watch the BBC so how would that be possible.

And how exactly does America deserve it (sounds like bias...)? A huge portion of the crap we hear turns out ot be lies and exagerations. Remember hte Newsweek thing? Lie. War for oil? No proof. Gitmo? One-sided reporting (with a few lies mixed in as well). All of Iraq? One-sided reporting (1 cities power outage hits newsstands for a week while 10,000 children being able to go to class where they couldn't in the first place gets back page coverage for 1 day). Etc. Etc. I suppose in a high school attitude, we deserve the bashing because most high schoolers are rather stupid.

Yet the high schoolers arent the ones voting. Theres no win in this argument, neither of us can convince the other the wrongs of their point of view. Ofcourse I don't see any wrongs in my point of view but that's only natural, you feel the same way about yours.

By the way, I have no bias for or against the US. I'm politically neutral and can defend any position that I attack with just as much credibliity. I guess I'm arguing for the sake of argument. I have no attachments for the US whether personally or politically, I simply live here.

Americans don't watch BBC, you are right, but CNN aired just as many ( iwas referring to CNN when talking about afghanistan). Any country gives a one sided view to its public, ofcourse. Its called propoganda. Until you hit both sides of the story, you can't really say much without being biased. that's why I asked you if you'd ever left the country.
  • #96
Pengwuino said:
lol i wish. Go read up on the UN. Tens of millions dead because of the UN and we're suppose to give up our soverignty to these criminals.

How many are alive because of the UN?
You call the UN criminals yet the US is a member. You call the UN criminals although the UN stands for the entire world. You call your own race criminal? It is only natural for every country to act in its own interest. It's wrong though, politics is ****ed up.
  • #97
Pengwuino said:
lol i wish. Go read up on the UN. Tens of millions dead because of the UN and we're suppose to give up our soverignty to these criminals.
Your insults, accusations, and telling me what to do got old yesterday. Please don't talk to me until you can change that behavior.
  • #98
The US has its share of screw ups but we're being told we haaaaaaave to listen to the Gods at the UN. The UN has a horrible record when it comes to "keeping people alive". They come in, can't act, and end up with things like Rwanda. You also get people bought off that end up helping tyrants do more illegal crap that end up with more people dead.

And when did i call humans criminals? The people who make up the organization are criminals that do not at all represent the people of the nations. I am not sure many Russians would approve of the things Russia does in the UN just as I am not sure any Iraqies would have approved of their UN representation (since their UN representation lead to funding Saddam and murdering them off by oh, let's see.. 10,000's a year?). Funny how you said the US deserves all its bashing yet the US funds the UN and you just said the UN does so much good... sounds like a contradiction!
  • #99
honestrosewater said:
Your insults, accusations, and telling me what to do got old yesterday. Please don't talk to me until you can change that behavior.

Can't take a educational suggestion to heart? I am sorry you get offended so easily when people ask you to actually gain some knowledge about a subject your talkinga bout.
  • #100
Pengwuino said:
The US has its share of screw ups but we're being told we haaaaaaave to listen to the Gods at the UN. The UN has a horrible record when it comes to "keeping people alive". They come in, can't act, and end up with things like Rwanda. You also get people bought off that end up helping tyrants do more illegal crap that end up with more people dead.

And when did i call humans criminals? The people who make up the organization are criminals that do not at all represent the people of the nations. I am not sure many Russians would approve of the things Russia does in the UN just as I am not sure any Iraqies would have approved of their UN representation (since their UN representation lead to funding Saddam and murdering them off by oh, let's see.. 10,000's a year?). Funny how you said the US deserves all its bashing yet the US funds the UN and you just said the UN does so much good... sounds like a contradiction!

Sorry I'm going to have to take some points off your score board for this one.
There were no contradictions in my argument.
You can't say Rwanda's state of being is the UN's fault, saying its the UN's fault is saying its the worlds fault. The UN being ****ty as you say only goes to claim that the worlds united efforts suck ass. It is called the UNITED nations after all..

YOu use saddam as an example of the UN's mistakes, but let's not forget who put Saddam in power here, eh?
  • #101
Pengwuino said:
Can't take a educational suggestion to heart? I am sorry you get offended so easily when people ask you to actually gain some knowledge about a subject your talkinga bout.
Its not your suggestion its your tone. This is where blind patriotism takes over logical argument. I'm not demeaning your argument or bashing you personally here, but it is obvious that even in worse come to worse if your argument was beaten time after time and you had nothing left you would still hold onto the US' greatness just because its all you know. I think its true, is it?

No offense man.
  • #102
Yes there were. You claim the UN has saved so many lives yet the UN is mainly funded by the US (and as some people might sya, is a puppet of the US) but that the US sucks and deserves bashing. Big contradiction, big points off.

Rwanda's state of being is entirely the UN's fault. The world is not truly represented by the UN because the UN does not consult with 6 billion people. I don't think we live in a world where 6 billion people, or even a majority of them believed that the UN should have left when a few people died. The UN is a group of politicians trying to boss people around, not anything near a "united effort". If a united effort consists of sending in a few troops and running away when a few die which results in nearly 1 million people dieing... well then we're in serious trouble.

And as I've heard thsi lame excuse countless of times, i'll go by the old reliable reason. If you study history, you'll learn that Iran was a rather big problem at the time and Saddam in power would have been rather helpful. As you said, don't we all work in our own current interests?
  • #103
Pengwuino said:
Can't take a educational suggestion to heart? I am sorry you get offended so easily when people ask you to actually gain some knowledge about a subject your talkinga bout.
Well, I should correct myself. I don't mean don't talk to me ever; I just don't want to continue this discussion the way it's been going.
  • #104
whozum said:
Its not your suggestion its your tone. This is where blind patriotism takes over logical argument. I'm not demeaning your argument or bashing you personally here, but it is obvious that even in worse come to worse if your argument was beaten time after time and you had nothing left you would still hold onto the US' greatness just because its all you know. I think its true, is it?

That quote was not even directed towards you.
  • #105
Yes there were. You claim the UN has saved so many lives yet the UN is mainly funded by the US (and as some people might sya, is a puppet of the US) but that the US sucks and deserves bashing. Big contradiction, big points off.
I never claimed the UN saved so many lives. I asked you how many lives it saved. Also, I never said the US is 100% evil, all I've done through this thread is say things bout the US' perception around the world, and maybe a few glim remarks about the US policies. If you say the UN is such a failure and the US is the prime funder of the UN, what does that say about the US?

Rwanda's state of being is entirely the UN's fault. The world is not truly represented by the UN because the UN does not consult with 6 billion people. I don't think we live in a world where 6 billion people, or even a majority of them believed that the UN should have left when a few people died. The UN is a group of politicians trying to boss people around, not anything near a "united effort". If a united effort consists of sending in a few troops and running away when a few die which results in nearly 1 million people dieing... well then we're in serious trouble.
You are basically discounting american democracy here. WOuldnt the US not be a democracy then, since not every american votes on every decision made? Isnt that what democracy is? All governments follow your definition of politicians.

And as I've heard thsi lame excuse countless of times, i'll go by the old reliable reason. If you study history, you'll learn that Iran was a rather big problem at the time and Saddam in power would have been rather helpful. As you said, don't we all work in our own current interests?
What excuse? Why are you so offended that you have to start attacking? How is it an excuse? I'm sure the UN had its reasons to leave. The US can't admit putting Saddam in power was a mistake?

Its funny how it seems everyone is a problem to America.. why don't they just take everyone out. It would fix the problem, no?

You didnt answer my question earlier, is it true?

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