What is Video: Definition and 722 Discussions

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical television systems, which were quickly replaced by cathode ray tube (CRT) systems which were later replaced by flat panel displays of several types.
Video systems vary in display resolution, aspect ratio, refresh rate, color capabilities and other qualities. Analog and digital variants exist and can be carried on a variety of media, including radio broadcast, magnetic tape, optical discs, computer files, and network streaming.

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  1. marcus

    Gerard 't Hooft video lecture-Perimeter

    Gerard 't Hooft video lecture--Perimeter http://pirsa.org/08040000/ online video of lecture 't Hooft gave on 7 May, 2008Black Holes and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Gerard 't Hooft - Spinoza Institute for Theoretical Physics "The theory of Quantum Mechanics requires 'completeness'...
  2. E

    Video Requests, Do These Video Tutorials Exist?

    Hey I am looking for some video tutorials, all are level 1, or freshman level, so nothing to involved. - Vibration - Bending (Beam) - Stress / Strain - General Mechanics ( Vectors, Momentums, Torque, Free Body Diagrams, Newtons Laws, Shear Force) - Thermodynamics - SFEE ( Standard...
  3. O

    Free Video Lectures - Learn Calculus Online

    www.freevideolectures.com I found this a few weeks ago and it's a definite gold-mine. It's a relatively new website and they get new submissions all the time so hopefully the sections that lack extensive material expand. I've been using the calculus section which is pretty good.
  4. S

    How fast is this jet (UFO?) traveling in this video?

    Homework Statement I want to know how fast this jet, bird, UFO is traveling at around 1:51. It appears to the right of Dana's head in the interview. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvDAeosvDNw&eurl EDIT: I guess this forum doesn't do embedding?Homework Equations No idea, but here's a...
  5. 0

    Can Ants Teach Us About Effective Social Structures?

    That is impressive! Funny how little insignificant ants can get their act together better than a few third world countries...
  6. A

    Video object tracking: ping-pong balls

    I'm interested in determining the trajectory and spin of a ping-pong ball for a project for class. I plan on getting a decent resolution video camera and record the ball (with the camera stationary). Afterward, I'll analyze the video on my computer. My question is: what kind of algorithm can I...
  7. N

    Help me figure out what's different in Paul Berg's protein biosynthesis video

    <- Paul Berg's Protein synthesis: an epic at the cellular level Chances are if you took a biology class where you learned about the cell, you saw this video when you went over protein synthesis at the ribosomal level. In the beginning of the video Paul Berg provides a very brief overview of...
  8. A

    Turning a sphere inside out (video)

    Some of you guys have probably seen this before, but I thought this was really interesting: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6626464599825291409
  9. Saladsamurai

    Here's that Video of Space Shuttle Endeavour I promised

    Back from Florida! Keep in mind the launch was much more intense then the video! It was 2:30 am, and it lit up the pitch black skies and then sunk into the clouds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFR_sXs4KjQ".
  10. rohanprabhu

    Mobile video conversion [resolution is not preserved]

    I have a Sony Ericsson w810i phone. The screen dimensions are 220x176 px. So.. there are two ways i can view a video clip with 16:9 aspect ratio: either vertically: http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/7227/cellvideo2og3.jpg videoRes: 176x99 or horizontally...
  11. W

    Projecting Video Onto Two-Way Mirror

    Hi, I am currently working on an art installation for my degree show that involves projecting a video image onto a two-way mirror so that the viewer on the other side can simultaneously see their reflection and the video image, but am having problems with the technicalities of this. Does...
  12. rohanprabhu

    What Is the Strangest Gunfight Ever Recorded?

  13. A

    AMCAP error message sorry, you have no video capture hardware?

    AMCAP... error message...sorry, you have no video capture hardware?? Hi, Just bought a webcam (pc14-8 led 1.3 megapixel web cam. All I want to do is record some video for youtube but I know little about video capture hardware/software. According to the manual I have the correct system...
  14. C

    Free Video Converter: MPG to 3GP/MP4

    Does anyone know of any decent, free video converter, mpg to 3gp/mp4 ?
  15. Z

    Is MIT's Linear Algebra Video Lecture a Must-Watch for Beginners?

    Hi, I found it is a good video lecture in : http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Mathematics/18-06Spring-2005/CourseHome/ so, as a beginner of linear algebra, It is a good stuff for you! All video can be downloaded to your PC. And Professor Strang is so nice speaking!
  16. glondor

    Amazing Video: Deconstructing an Ant Colony: 40 Tons of Earth & 26 Feet Deep

    Deconstructing an ant colony. The ants moved 40 tons of Earth and dug to 26 feet. http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=4pem1alfgy
  17. siddharth

    What courses are available on Youtube through NPTEL?

    The http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/" is an initiative funded by the Government of India. They've put up video lectures from various courses in engineering and science which were taught at the Indian Institute of Science or the various Indian Institute of Technologies on youtube. This is analogous to...
  18. D

    Video: Scientist plans Time Machine - Is this possible?

    Please watch the video first. Its only about 5 minutes long: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRWwI61so5Q&NR=1 Thats really fascinating to me but I feel that somethings strange about it. Can you imagine this? As soon as he turns the machine on he could get messages from the future...
  19. D

    Are there any good video lectures for learning Calculus I?

    Don't know if it's already been posted somewhere else, my apologies if it has been, but I found http://press.princeton.edu/video/banner/8351.html" video lectures by Adrian Banner quite educational. It's not very advanced stuff, but everything is explained very clearly. Good stuff.
  20. S

    Free Engineering Video Lectures from IIT

    http://youtube.com/profile_play_list?user=nptelhrd It looks like IIT is broadcasting a ton of Engineering (mostly Electrical and Computer) video lectures. These are complete courses! Enjoy
  21. H

    What are the potential uses for virtual reality technology beyond video games?

    With some additional software and hardware modifications, this guy creates a virtual reality display using his Wii. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw&NR=1 Okay, so when are the new VR shooters cooming out? I'm tired of trying to peek around corners in vain. The technology for...
  22. marcus

    Video: The Problem of Time in Quantum Gravity and Cosmology

    This could be good http://pirsa.org/08010033 ==quote== PIRSA:08010033 Title: Lecture 1 ( Windows Media , Macromedia Flash , MP3 Audio , PDF) Speaker(s): Lee Smolin Abstract: The Problem of Time in Quantum Gravity and Cosmology Date: 09/01/2008 - 7:00 pm Location: 405 URL...
  23. Shaun Culver

    Download GR Video Lectures | Free Resources

    Do you have a link where I could download video lectures on GR?
  24. N

    Linear Algebra Video Tutorials

    Can anyone post the links to watch online lectures for linear algebra? I would be really greatful.
  25. C

    What Was the Best Video Game of 2007?

    *** CLICK HERE TO VOTE *** So, for the last few years I've been doing this "Game of the Year" poll with this voting script I made. This poll is different from most polls you've seen-- in normal polls like this you have maybe five or so options, and you pick the one you like best. This poll...
  26. A

    Where can I find basic tensor video lectures and examples online?

    Hi, Does anyone know of some basic video lectures covering tensors available online? Also, what is a good textbook for looking up some basic tensor examples? Maybe there is a place on the web with some good examples?
  27. E

    News What is Life Like in a Socialist Society?

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7955669901632007410 Edit: Apologies (and I won't let it happen again). Essentially it is just a short video of a Hungarian woman explaining her experience with socialism. I just think it gives one a look into what life life might be like in such...
  28. madmike159

    Free Audio Extractor Tool From Video - No 30 Second Limit!

    Does anyone know where I can get a good free tool that takes the audio from video. I found some but they only do 1/2 of what you want or up to 30 seconds.
  29. P

    LED indicator for composite video signal

    Sorry.. I know this is really simple.. I have 3 composite video signals, and switches to select between them. The switches I have are SPCO, so I can't just use another pole for the switch voltage. So, I need a way of detecting the video, and this switching on and LED. At first I...
  30. C

    I'm too much of a wuss to watch this pop-up scare video

    It's one of those scary images that traumatize you... I'm actually not sure if anything will pop up because I'm too scared to even scroll through the video. So, did you have the guts? I didn't :O
  31. A

    C/C++ Where Can I Find Free Video Tutorials for Learning C/C++?

    video tutorail of c/c++! Hello every body i want to ask you about video tutorial of c/c++,How can i get free video tutorial of c/c++? please help me
  32. G

    News Holy Crap I Dont Know What To Make Of This Video

    Apparently the US does not exist anymore. Hurry up and watch it before the video is taken down. Oh yeah, don't go try searching Wiki for "North American Union" since it is a waste of time. The entry has been apparently locked/deleted.
  33. R

    Turning a Sphere Inside Out: A Video Tutorial

    great video on how turning a sphere inside out http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6626464599825291409 enjoy!
  34. wolram

    Debunking Video: Uncovering the Truth

    (deleted link)
  35. N

    UC Berkerly:Complete Video Lectures on YouTube

    Quick link. http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9790452-7.html
  36. R

    Gravity Wave, How? Video inside

    Gravity Wave, How!? Video inside http://youtube.com/watch?v=yXnkzeCU3bE Please tell me how it works.
  37. R

    Dark matter revealed in video feedback

    "black hole the video". see what you think. go to a google video window. video feedback loop shows a black hole in real time. is the center rotation dark matter?
  38. fargoth

    How do water behave with no gravity - video

    found this, and thought you guys will enjoy it too =) so here you go: The movie
  39. Greg Bernhardt

    Free video conference software?

    anyone know of good free video conferencing software?
  40. cepheid

    How can I play a movie on my TV from my laptop without black bars?

    Hi there, Bear with me, this will take a bit of background explanation. I have a 19" LCD TV. I have a laptop computer (more specifically a brand new Apple MacBook -- I've been a PC user up to now and recently switched). I wanted to connect the computer to the TV for the purpose of playing...
  41. Saladsamurai

    Does anyone know of any Video Lectures

    that can be accessed online for free that cover Calculus 2 (at least intro to integration/formal def'n of limit)? I am trying to get ahead for next semester. I have found some through Google, but I was hoping someone knew of a good one. I have a couple of texts, but I learn much quicker...
  42. C

    Passing SD and HD video through a HPF

    Good morning I have been browsing this forum for quite sometime finding very valuable information, but now I have a question of my own. The very basic principles of RC HPF's tell us that all else equal the frequency and the value of the capacitance are inversely related. This suggests that the...
  43. I

    Good video about relative motion

    a baseball is fired out of the back of a truck going 60mph at 60mph
  44. K

    Debunking Video: UFO Enthusiast Shares Link for Proof - sONQ3KCNDO4

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=sONQ3KCNDO4 Has it been debunked? I need a link! A friend of mine is a UFO fanatic, and he sent it to me to convert me. I have to admit I'm a little impressed. How was it made?
  45. Integral

    Ivan, heres the tire change Video I mentioned last night

  46. F

    Debunking Alien Captured On Video

    Below is a link to a video of a group of boys playing soccer in an alley in Mexico. At 0:29 an alien figure reaches for a boy. The quality of the video is not that great. It was recorded using a cell phone. The boys are speaking in spanish. I speak spanish so I can translate: The boy after...
  47. A

    Where are streaming video files placed?

    Apparently, not in the Temp folder. So then, where could I find their locations? Certainly,somewhere on the hard drive because you can instantly switch to an "already-loaded" segment of the video.
  48. C

    A monkey who controls a video game with his mind

    Very interesting clip about a scientist who mapped neuron cell firing patterns in a monkey's brain while the monkey was playing a simple video game. The scientist then makes a breakthrough discovery that you will see...
  49. M

    Discover the Best Places for Video Lectures and Informative Movies

    Hi Everyone.. I want to learn some physics and I can't wait for school to teach me.. Do you know any good places on the Internet that got video lectures, or just informative movies?? Please post all the links you know :) Thanks
  50. Cyrus

    Music Music Video of School: Driving Around Campus on YouTube

    Heres a music video someone made driving around campus on youtube. Ahahaha, neat.