What is Student: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A student is primarily a person enrolled in a school or other educational institution and who is under learning with goals of acquiring knowledge, developing professions and achieving employment at desired field. In the broader sense, a student is anyone who applies themselves to the intensive intellectual engagement with some matter necessary to master it as part of some practical affair in which such mastery is basic or decisive.
In the United Kingdom and most commonwealth countries, the term "student" denotes those enrolled in secondary schools and higher (e.g., college or university); those enrolled in primary/elementary schools are called "pupils".

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  1. D

    Regarding the 'two-body problem' (international student)

    Hi, I have been accepted into a bunch of top 20 Ph.D. programs in math. Now my next problem is trying to figure out with my spouse how to deal with all the practicalities. The problem is that she is graduating with a masters from Oxford and is not sure yet whether she wants to apply to a...
  2. K

    A seventh grade and eighth grade student problem

    Seventh- and eighth-grade students participated in a tournament. Each contestant played each other contestant once. There were ten times as many eighth-grade students, but they were able to win only four-and-a-half times as many points as seventh graders. How many seventh-grade students...
  3. M

    Summer Experience for Engineering Student?

    I'm currently in college studying mechE and physics and currently making plans for summer. I can't take classes and I already do have a job but I am looking for something perhaps engineering-related? My dream would be to take an internship but I'm only going to be a sophomore and have little...
  4. V

    Programs Recent Gr 12 Physics Student Considering University

    Hi. I have a question to ask the countless physics students on this forum. I just completed my gr 12 physics course (SPH 4U) and I absolutely loved it! The teacher was awesome, he had so much passion for the subject and he would go out of his way to tell us about how he majored in physics...
  5. J

    Math exchange student in Cambridge

    I've recently found out that my university has an exchange program set up with the U of Cambridge. I am interested in pursuing math in graduate school. I've finished the standard lower-level coursework in math (Cal I-III, Diff eq, and Linear Algebra), plus Analysis I (analysis on the real line)...
  6. F

    Engineering undergraduate research as a physics student

    Hi everyone, I am physics student (junior), and I just signed up for a research project with an engineering lab (more or less common at my school) There's a lot of other undergrads working there, but no-one else from physics. (it's mostly biomed-E students) So far it's starting out pretty...
  7. S

    Schools How can I improve my studying methods for a challenging college course load?

    Well i have one semester of college under my belt and overall i was pretty relaxed throughout the first half of the year. This semester my course load is 100x harder which is what i expected because i signed up for it! lol My schedule is as follows: Organic Chem Genetics Microbiology Physics...
  8. Quantumjump

    MSc in Theoretical Physics as mature student

    I'm a 32 years old teacher in mathematics and physics in a high school, and I obtained a first class BSc (Hon) in physics a couple of years ago, which was emphazided on theoretical physics in terms of option courses. However, I have always wanted to gain an MSc and, if possible, a Phd in...
  9. R

    Are you a successful academic student? Do you manage your diet?

    Do you think there is a relation between superb eating habits and academic success? Try to share your magic "super-brain" food, whether it's scientifically proven or your superstition/placebo.
  10. V

    Probability that the selected student will be in an odd-numbered grade

    Homework Statement A school contains students in grades 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Grades 2,3,4,5 and 6 all contain the same number of students, but there are twice this number in grade 1. a)If a student is selected at random from a list of all the students in the school, what is the probability...
  11. H

    Is Quitting Grad School Over a Research Setback Justifiable?

    Hi all.. I am now a first-year graduate student in engineering. I have been working on a research problem for 3 months. I thought that I have solved the problem recently and wrote up a manuscript and was ready to submit that. However, suddenly, I found an error with my work and it cannot be...
  12. U

    Schools How Do UK Exam Results Translate to US SATs for Admission to Harvard?

    Hi there, I live in England but want to go to uni in the US, preferably Harvard. I am predicted all A*s in my GCSEs which I'll take in the summer and would hope to get all A's in my AS and A levels. However, I have no idea how the UK examination results would translate into the US. As in, how...
  13. J

    Graduate Studies in the USA for International Students

    Hey, I'm from Poland currently doing undergraduate studying. Now I have a few questions regarding studying in USA. In my country undergraduate course is only 3.5 year and then we have 1.5 year of graduate program. When should I apply to graduate program in the USA? I mean after 3.5 year I...
  14. J

    Writing a story about a college math student

    Hello, everyone: I have a bit of a strange question, but I am a writer and I'm writing a story about a college math student. What I'm in need of is an example of a question in Differential Geometry involving a "Submersion" (preferably a word problem), the process, and the solution. The...
  15. K

    Engineering for a premed student

    So I'll be attending the university of Pittsburgh or Penn State this fall, and I plan on going to medical school after college. I also can't decide on a major. Mostly because of the chance that if I don't get into medical school, I don't want to have a degree that won't provide many job...
  16. N

    Admissions Help UK student applying for International Application in MIT

    Help me, I'm really confused coz the school system in the US is completely different from the one here in the UK.. watch this vid to explain what I'm saying...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=usq7h3n8GUw See, in the US, Students go to Universities in the age of 16...but here in the UK, when...
  17. TheStatutoryApe

    Court Ruling on Student Teacher's MySpace Photo: Justified or Unjustified?

    Be Careful Student Teachers! Rather outlandish court decision... http://voices.washingtonpost.com/securityfix/2008/12/court_rules_against_teacher_in.html?nav=rss_blog
  18. B

    Programs A day in the life of a theoretical physics PhD student

    Can somebody give me an idea what you get upto on a day to day basis? I know roughly what you work towards in a PhD, obviously it depends on your topic, but I have no idea what it consists of day in and day out. For example, what maths do you do daily? What theory do you do daily? How much...
  19. P

    Student birth month distribution probability question

    Homework Statement A class contains 30 students. What is th eprobability that there are six months each containing the birthdays of two students, and six months each containing the birthdays of three students. Assume that all months have the same probability of including the birthday of a...
  20. C

    Calculating Tension in Rope as Student B Accelerates

    Homework Statement A rope of negligible mass passes over a pulley of negligible mass attached to the ceiling. One end of the rope is held by Student A of mass 70 kg, who is at rest above the floor. the opposite end of the rope is held by Student B of mass 60 kg, who is suspended at rest above...
  21. S

    Mechanical Engineering Student Seeking Ideas for Project

    sir, i am a 2nd year mechanical engginering student. i want to start a project so i want some innovative ideas .please suggest some projects.
  22. R

    An 11th grade student needs ur help.

    hi every1 o:) i'm an 11th grader (specialized in Science :cool: ) and have started school about 5 weeks ago. i love being a Science student :!) , I've always loved Science including Mathematics. Physics used 2 b my favorite subject but lately it became not :cry: cuz my Physics teacher makes...
  23. J

    Questions of an Engineering Student: Overwhelmed & Seeking Guidance

    Hey everyone, I have a few questions for any engineers: Do any of you ever get overwhelmed by all the information and tech. that is out there. It just seems like engineering is a field where it is impossible to know everything. Sometimes I think about what it's going to be like when I'm given...
  24. D

    As a CS student I am required to take a two part physics course.

    Will it be of any use to me if I just want to be a software engineer (which typical just consist of me coding things?)
  25. A

    How can a highschool student study the nonuclidean geometry himself ?

    Hello, I'm really interested in understanding Einstein's theory of relativity but I'm still a newbie, so I need to study the nonuclidean geometry, I tried to read "Euclidean and Non Euclidean Geometries" by Greenberg but since it was for the pure mathematics students and it was full of the...
  26. Simfish

    Hey, I'm helping a HS student write a research abstract

    So after some corrections, this is her abstract. Can anyone suggest any further corrections? Thanks! (btw she went to a high school research program) I'm thinking of changing from "is created from" to something else, like "comes from". I'm also thinking of adding some conclusive statement at...
  27. S

    Mechanical Engineering Student with Fluid Mechanics Problem

    Hey everyone! I'm having difficulty and wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me figure out how to approach this problem. I'm a mechanical engineering student and reasonably new to fluid mechanics, and quite confused. :blushing: Thanks for any help anyone can give me :smile...
  28. K

    Exploring College Options: Advice for a Senior Prepharmacy Student

    I'm a senior in high school and I'm currently doing some research on colleges. I want to major in prepharmacy, but I have a fear that I might change it into engineering or art sometime later. I was thinking about applying to Rochester Institute of Technology but since I live in CA. I never been...
  29. H

    Estimate value for Planck's Constant? Please help hopeless A level student

    Homework Statement A clean surface of potassium in a vacuum is irradiated with light of wavelength 5.5 x10 -7 m and electrons are found just to emerge, but when light of wavelength 5.0 x 10 -7 m is incident, electrons emerge with energy 3.62 x 10-20 J. Estimate a value for Planck's constant...
  30. P

    Internships/Research oppurtunities for EP student

    Cans omeone please list out the reasearch oppurtunities/Internship oppurtunities ofr an Engineering Physics student during the summer.. I am interested in theoritical physics...as such where all can i apply for summer research...?
  31. M

    The Student T-Test (Two tailed)

    My bio teacher is basically a dumbass. He doesn't teach us anything (literally) and gives us a test. Just yesterday we had to do a lab for him and we had no outline, (just said look at your handout, and I see that I have 20, with a rat on it and showing me how to make a graph on excel, real...
  32. M

    Theoretical Physics vs Physics (UK student)

    I'm having to decide which degree to take now and can't really make my mind up between straight Physics or Theoretical. I will be applying to Oxford, Bristol, Manchester, Imperial and Nottingham if anyone cares. Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on the 'Physics with Theoretical...
  33. P

    A Student throws a ball straight up

    Homework Statement A student standing on the ground throws a ball straight up. The ball leaves the student's hand with a speed of 15 m/s when the hand is 2.0 m above the ground. How long is the ball in the air before it hits the ground? (The student moves her hand out of the way.)...
  34. C

    Discover the Physics Program at RIT: Insights from a Prospective Student

    I'm currently a senior in high school and am planning on going to RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) granted that I do not get accepted to MIT. At the moment, I plan to major in physics and probably minor in mathematics. Basically, I'm just curious if there is anyone here that is or has...
  35. L

    Schools Calc 3 from High School Student

    Hello ya'll, new to these forums but I've been reading around and enjoyed what I've read. Wanted to get some feedback about some classes coming up this semester. I'm a Sr. high school student, and will taking one class at the HS (AP Bio), and 4 at a college nearby. I took AP Calc BC and...
  36. H

    Unpacking the Meaning of 'Strong Student': Addressing Different Perspectives

    When books say things like, this book intended for the strong student, or for a sharp class, who exactly are they addressing? Are they addressing naturally gifted students who presumably can handle difficult material? Or are they appealing to students who are mature and take their subjects...
  37. W

    Grad Student Loans: Tuition Waivers & Stipends for Ph.D. Programs

    So, for essentially every physics program in the U.S. (including the one I'm about to start at =), you get a tuition waiver and a reasonable stipend for the hours that you put in, but it's less hours than I'm used to. So essentially, I would dread having a TA appointment, a full graduate...
  38. A

    Aerospace/mechanical engineer/engineering student help wanted

    Hi everybody- I've been having trouble choosing between aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering for a long time now and now that I'll be leaving for college (Virginia Tech) soon a certain sense of urgency has spurred my desire to find as much background on the concerned topics as...
  39. J

    Understanding Student Aid: Confusion Over Income Limits and Funding for Couples

    According to the school my wife is attending, she will receive less federal student aid because I will be going to college. Their explanation was that since we made $20,000 last year and two people are going to college she can't receive full funding. We contacted FAFSA and they explained that...
  40. mcknia07

    Navigating College as an Engineering Female Student

    OK, well I am just about to finish my first year of college. I'm so happy, but I have several more years ahead of me. I love it so much, but I am very intimidated... I go to a small college, where I know a lot of the people in my classes, but I am the only girl, and I feel I have a lot of...
  41. G

    Can a Physics PhD Land a Quant Job in Finance?

    Hi I am doing my phd in physics. I am working on experimental physics. My work involves some numerical analysis using Matlab, and finite element analysis also. I know c/c++ pretty well. I am planning to get knowledge on finance by self study and look for finance jobs after graduation. is it...
  42. J

    Confused EE Student: Learn How to Design Circuits from Scratch

    I am an EE student and I feel a bit confused right now, thus far I've only taken circuit analysis (nodal/mesh/thevenin/transformers/phasors etc) and one semester of E&M. I was taking a look at this http://www.ledsales.com.au/kits/nixie_supply.pdf and I know that is explains the function of the...
  43. M

    Questioning My Declining Mental Capacity as an Undergrad Math Student

    I am undergrad math student, aged 20 In the last 3-4 years, I feel that my intellectual capacity has waned and don't feel as smart as when I was a kid. I seem to be fine at handling abstract concepts, but I feel slow and clumsy. My problem isn't lacking ideas, its more about concentration...
  44. D

    Some quick advice for a homeschooled student

    Hi. I'm a homeschooled sophomore and I have some questions about AP exams and classes. I took BC Calculus last year but I didn't take the exam. I think I'm supposed to take the exam this year. I also signed up for AP Statistics for some reason. :-p Right now I'm taking an...
  45. J

    Programs STFC Funding for EU Student to do phd in UK

    Is this very recent? can you post a link? from York Uni website: European Union Nationals EPSRC/STFC PhD Studentships are also open to all EU nationals. For those resident in, or “connected” to, the UK, these studentships provide full funding of University fees and the stipend to cover living...
  46. N

    Engineering Student Seeking Advice: An Exploration of Options

    (I thought I'd repost this into the appropriate section) Hi, I'm a semi-sophomore in Engineering at a community college in Massachusetts. We don't have engineering classes, but a great Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics department (My Linear Algebra class has 6 students in it). I plan to...
  47. M

    Desperate college student needs help in double integral

    here is the problem I couldn't solve, anyone got any idea please help me. thank you very much in advance 1) use double integrals to derive the given formula for the volume of a right circular cone of radius R and height H. the volume of a cone is given by the formula (pi*R^2*H)/3 I...
  48. M

    Desperate college student needs help in double integral

    desperate college student needs help in double integral! here is the problem I couldn't solve, anyone got any idea please help me. thank you very much in advance 1) use double integrals to derive the given formula for the volume of a right circular cone of radius R and height H. the volume of...
  49. B

    Schools Student at a community college in Florida

    Hi I'm a 19 year old student at a community college in Florida. Doring my high school years, making the grade was all it mattered. Cheating on tests and homework was a constant happening. So as you can infer my whole 4 years in high school i prevented my self from learning, and my...