What is Software: Definition and 997 Discussions

Software is a collection of instructions and data that tell a computer how to work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually performs the work. In computer science and software engineering, computer software is all information processed by computer systems, including programs and data. Computer software includes computer programs, libraries and related non-executable data, such as online documentation or digital media. Computer hardware and software require each other and neither can be realistically used on its own.
At the lowest programming level, executable code consists of machine language instructions supported by an individual processor—typically a central processing unit (CPU) or a graphics processing unit (GPU). A machine language consists of groups of binary values signifying processor instructions that change the state of the computer from its preceding state. For example, an instruction may change the value stored in a particular storage location in the computer—an effect that is not directly observable to the user. An instruction may also invoke one of many input or output operations, for example displaying some text on a computer screen; causing state changes which should be visible to the user. The processor executes the instructions in the order they are provided, unless it is instructed to "jump" to a different instruction, or is interrupted by the operating system. As of 2015, most personal computers, smartphone devices and servers have processors with multiple execution units or multiple processors performing computation together, and computing has become a much more concurrent activity than in the past.
The majority of software is written in high-level programming languages. They are easier and more efficient for programmers because they are closer to natural languages than machine languages. High-level languages are translated into machine language using a compiler or an interpreter or a combination of the two. Software may also be written in a low-level assembly language, which has strong correspondence to the computer's machine language instructions and is translated into machine language using an assembler.

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  1. D

    Fortran [Fortran] Is anyone familiar with the Elk-code software?

    Dear all, Are you familiar with the Elk-code software? It is a software about FLAPW (full potential linear augumented plane wave).Recently,I am reading the source code,but I meet many difficulties. For example,I've a question related to charge density.In the Elk source code, the charge...
  2. C

    Taking good notes fast - on computer? By hand? software?

    Hi, So I'm studying Chemistry and biology and I'd like to hear your advice on notetaking. Perhaps some of you can help me find some good software for taking notes faster? First let me paint the picture for you: Whenever I learn a new subject such as electrochemistry or Entropy etc., I like...
  3. A

    MHB What software can I use for 3D drawing and measurement?

    I want to know software to draw 3d figures with the ability to determine the angles and the lengths of the lines and to move them. I want to draw two triangles sharing a side and an ability to measure the distance between two vertices on them and to rotate them in the 3d space. thanks
  4. K

    Do you know of any software I can use to graph this equation?

    I thought I'd just quickly tell you guys why I want to graph this equation before giving it you. We're studying conic sections at the moment, and I started wondering what would happen if I let the directrix be a parabola. I looked at the instance where the directrix is y=x^2. I let the focus...
  5. A

    Exploring Real Materials with DFT: Ground-State Theory and Beyond

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  6. H

    Improve Your Transformer Design Process with Affordable Coil Design Software

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  7. adjacent

    Offline Server Software for Making Changes & Uploading | MySQL Supported

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  8. S

    BS in Mathematics MS in Software Engineering?

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  9. gfd43tg

    Chemical Process Flow Diagram Software

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  10. H

    (Free) data visualization software

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  11. J

    Where can I get a free data-collection and analysis software?

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  12. J

    Software capable of modeling ground grid performance during faults cau

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  13. S

    What software can I use to visualize transformations of the plane?

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  14. J

    Multi-body dynamics sim software

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  15. U

    Differential Equation Solver Software: Find Your Solution Now

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  16. M

    Can You Recover Lost Files from a Raw File System without Software?

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  17. T

    Software to find similarity of two molecules

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  18. StevieTNZ

    Spreadsheet Software for Windows/Ubuntu - No Limit on Characters

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  19. R

    Software to transform sentences

    I want to build some software that will transform a formal language from one set of symbols to another. What would be the best software to do that with. Here is one example of what I want to do: Say we have (x'Hy) BC (x'Hz) I need an algorithm to transform that into: ((w'Hp) IDx'-z) A...
  20. E

    Recommended software for converting 2D images to 3D CAD model.

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  21. mesa

    Need software for running primality checks.

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  22. Z

    Software to do polynomial calculation

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  23. andrewkirk

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  24. A

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  25. S

    Assistance required about MS PortMon software

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  26. P

    Image reduction and analysis software for windows

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  28. C

    Which degree is right for me to have master's in software engineering?

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  29. A

    Searching 4 graph optimization software

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  30. STEMucator

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  31. M

    Engineering Can an electrical engineer be a software engineer and vice versa?

    Or are differences in how one engineer is trained such that you either become one or the other but not both?
  32. mesa

    Need software for calculating primes

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  33. H

    Determination of Modal loss factor by Finite Element Software

    Dear all, Please tell me the steps are used to find Modal loss factor of composite constrained layer damped beam by using Finite Element software such as ANSYS etc.
  34. M

    Best free software to make to do lists and get things organized?

    Is there any, at all? Open to suggestions. No witty remarks like "a slip of paper and a pen"
  35. A

    Does it matter in which language a given software was written in?

    I have seen many articles stating that some 'xyz' software was written in c++ or java or python. Does it matter what language it is written in? Ultimately the software is in machine language right? Why should the language matter?
  36. T

    Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool(MRT)

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  37. C

    Best 2D animation/drawing software for science youtube videos?

    Hi which 2D animation software would be good for adding simple animations in science class and for youtube presentations?. Eksamples would be: how galvanic cells work, simple biology drawings of cells, DNA etc. I’d like a program that’s quite straight forward but also gives me a lot of...
  38. M

    Which FEA Software is Best for Basic Static Analysis and Thermal Conduction?

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  39. fsonnichsen

    Seeking Affordable Raytrace Software for Throughput

    This is somewhat of an extension of tosik's recent post. I work a bit with weak optical signals for PMTs and spectrometers and I am always trying to optimize the light collected by a system. Galilean collimators, grin lenses, Keplerian telescopes and other constructs are useful for capturing...
  40. H

    Tensor software for General Relativity

    I have used GRTensorII and Cadabra for some time. And I think Cadabra have great potential for GR. But the current vision of Cadabra only deals with abstract tensor analysis, not with writing out of explicit components. So ,(eq :)when I try to check my final tensor expressions of solutions of...
  41. A

    Minimal Programming Mathematics Software

    After using Matlab here and there whilst I was at university, I thought that although it was very powerful, its use was extremely cumbersome and slowed down what should be fairly simple processes like making 3D plots and solving ODEs, PDEs etc. That got me wondering if there were any programs...
  42. T

    Help with software developer career

    So i started my new career last week as an entry level software developer/analyst. Something that's been bothering me is that I'm not really a technology buff. I love to program because i like to solve problems/puzzles. Probably the same reason i like math. If i had to describe myself i...
  43. S

    Any physics simulation software?

    Is there any software for simulating physical phenomena? I've googled it and found one named Physion. It is great for fun but is too limited. Would programming be the only way or is there some ready-made program that could provide an easy environment to develop simulations.
  44. DeusAbscondus

    MHB Hardware & Software question: Device for doing math by stylus

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  45. E

    Quartus II simulator OR recommended simulation software?

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  46. D

    Can you become a software developer with an EEE degee?

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  47. J

    How to Compile MSES Software with Unexpected Syntax in Fortran?

    Hello, I'm trying to compile some software called MSES, its written by Mark Drela in some fortran flavour. I've successfully compiled a number of subroutines through make files but there is one subroutine giving me grief. It's called dplot.f. It has a strage syntax I can't seem to work...
  48. T

    Maple The best software for math and physics?

    Which program is the best for math and physics? What do you think about Maple 17?
  49. E

    Academic presentation software or template?

    I'm curious how scientists make such pretty presentations. I've used Microsoft Powerpoint for all of my presentations since middle school. But my powerpoints lack the style I notice in many academic presentations. There seems to be a standard format on which I am missing out. See, for...
  50. I

    Design the software and the hardware for servo controllers

    I search information about design the software and the hardware of controllers especially servo controllers. I have several questions about this subject and I will glad if you can write your opinion and add some relevant links. A. I want to understand these things: A.1. What is servo...