What is Simulation: Definition and 880 Discussions

A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. Simulations require the use of models; the model represents the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected system or process, whereas the simulation represents the evolution of the model over time. Often, computers are used to execute the simulation.
Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance tuning or optimizing, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games. Simulation is also used with scientific modelling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their functioning, as in economics. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.Key issues in modeling and simulation include the acquisition of valid sources of information about the relevant selection of key characteristics and behaviors used to build the model, the use of simplifying approximations and assumptions within the model, and fidelity and validity of the simulation outcomes. Procedures and protocols for model verification and validation are an ongoing field of academic study, refinement, research and development in simulations technology or practice, particularly in the work of computer simulation.

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  1. Panagiotis Soutzis

    MATLAB How to Design a 5V/1A Charger in Simulink?

    Hello, i need help to design a simple charger of output 5V / 1A . Just to represent the charging in simulink. Anyone for help ?
  2. Dimitris Catzis

    Proper simulation code for a Nuclear Reactor core

    Hi, I want to make a simple nuclear reactor core simulation to calculate the thermal power production. Is there any open source code with interface (or not) that you recommend to use? The core have cylindrical shape with Uranium( up to 90% enriched) molybdenum fuel,Beryllium reflector and one...
  3. BryanCasanelli

    A Dissociative ionization Monte Carlo simulations

    Hi, I'm wondering if there any exists a Monte Carlo free code that can simulate dissociative ionization, per example a beam of protons on water, and then track the fragments (from water) and their energy. Thanks in advance!
  4. L

    A What is best way to start learning DMRG for Fermions?

    I want to learn the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method in traditional formalism (not MPS). While there are many good introductory level articles available for bosonic (and spin) systems, I have not encountered any introductory level article which deals with fermionic systems i.e...
  5. L

    A How to numerically diagonalize a Hamiltonian in a subspace?

    I want to exactly diagonalize the following Hamiltonian for ##10## number of sites and ##5## number of spinless fermions $$H = -t\sum_i^{L-1} \big[c_i^\dagger c_{i+1} - c_i c_{i+1}^\dagger\big] + V\sum_i^{L-1} n_i n_{i+1}$$ here ##L## is total number of sites, creation (##c^\dagger##) and...
  6. hagopbul

    Using a normal processors for HPC

    Hello all: Can you use current of shelf multicore PC as a high performance computer Can it handle the job ? Dose the outcome data tables and simulation results , is correct and with low error margins With out gpu like cuda or opencl Best Hagop
  7. Mohamed_Wael

    Particle-tracing inside a droplet simulation

    I have been simulating a 2D particle/droplet motion inside a larger emulsion using Comsol where the flow field inside the emulsion is calculated from a moving mesh laminar flow simulation. my problem is: I always get an undefined variable error " Variable: comp1.w" however this variable is the...
  8. S

    A Lagrangian vs pseudo-Lagrangian vs Eulerian

    I'm reading up a series of papers on hydrodynamical simulations for galaxies and cosmology. They keep mentioning things like "Lagrangian" or "pseudo-lagrangian" or "Eulerian". I tried looking it up on the internet, but the answers are either too broad and could mean a huge number of things in...
  9. C

    How can I optimise my N-body Simulation code further?

    Homework Statement I wrote a brute force O(N^2) N-body code in python and I am not happy with its performance despite the fact that I have cythonised the calculation heavy parts as well as implemented MPI. I am currently out of ideas for how to optimise it further, can I get some advice...
  10. alan123hk

    Nonlinear transformer model for simulation in LTSpice

    I am looking for a comprehensive nonlinear transformer model, which should be available free, readily available for simulation in LTSpice and able to take account of various factors of nonlinear transformer including hysteresis characteristic, skin and proximity effect, leakage inductance...
  11. Jozefina Gramatikova

    Python: Simulation of the Solar System and Total energy

    Homework Statement I have a project to make the Solar system on Python, which I have done, but they also require from us to calculate the total energy of the system. We don't have to make the orbits of the planets elliptical, they should be circular and I believe I made them like that. Since...
  12. O

    Defining a BH loop in Ansys Maxwell?

    Does anyone have an idea how to insert a BH loop like the one I have attached in Ansys Maxwell and not get an error like in the other picture which is also attached? I have seen it multiple times in different texts but can't define one myself without getting this annoying error. Also the...
  13. A

    Process Simulation Project- Gothenburg Refinery

    Homework Statement I am required to obtain the following 1) Energy targets and pinch temperatures 2) Composite Curves 3) Grand Composite Curve with and without utilities? 4) What utilities are you going to use to fulfill the energy targets? Why have you selected these utilities? 5) Design a...
  14. kroni

    A Simulating Quantum Loop Theory: Can S-Knots Be Represented Numerically?

    Hello, I am contacting you because I would like to know if there is a way to simulate quantum loop theory. Indeed, the S-Knots are much more complex objects than graphs because between the points there is a curve that can be knotted. S-Knots are graph embeddings in 3D and I do not see how such...
  15. O

    How to define a hysteresis loop in ANSYS MAXWELL?

    I am trying to simulate an electric motor in ansys maxwell software, but I can't define the whole loop in four quadrants for the material used in the rotor however it is essential to do this since the motor is of hysteresis type and works on the principle of working point moving all around the...
  16. H

    I Monte Carlo financial simulation

    Let's say I want to simulate a 30-year investment return scenario by running n simulations (e.g. n = 1000) using a normal distribution with mean x% and standard deviation y%. My first approach was to generate exactly n sets of 30 samples from N~(x,y) but I realized that for any given set of 30...
  17. Q

    Can the Simulation Hypothesis be verified or falsified?

    Just as the title describes. I've been under the impression that the Simulation Hypothesis is pure metaphysics if it cannot be falsified. I'm wondering what other members think about it, whether anything empirical can be fathomed as to (dis)-credit it or affirm it.
  18. SeeSharp

    Automotive Design and Simulation of a four stroke Otto engine

    Hello, I am looking for resources that show you how to design an simulate and engine from scratch. I want to design a complete engine using CAD. Afterwards I would like to analyze the engine using FEA and CFD (Heat transfer, fluid flow etc.) simulations. This is all for learning purposes. I...
  19. O

    Troubleshooting Motor Simulation Results in Maxwell: Any Suggestions?

    Hello, I'm trying to simulate a 3 phase hysteresis motor with 4 poles, 36 slots, 220 input voltage peak for each phase, 50Hz, specified dimensions and 0.6 N.m output torque in maxwell transient. The magnetic material used is LNG52 which is also known as alnico600, alnico5DG(ACA52) and alcomax...
  20. K

    I Can I Simulate Planetary Accretion with Disksim?

    Hi - having come up blank when searching, I figured I'd ask here: do you know of any (free, preferably open source) planetary accretion models/simulators available for download? I'm primarily looking for solar system formation / evolution rather than planetary geochemistry (although I'd have an...
  21. S

    B Simulation Theory: Exploring QM Phenomena

    Hi guys, something has been bugging me for a while now and I thought I’d just ask it here in the hope someone can explain it to me. Ever since Elon Musk brought it up, I’ve been thinking about the simulation theory (I know it’s not his original idea, it’s just the event that brought it to my...
  22. K

    Kinematics within a simulation

    Homework Statement I'm simulating a warehouse (in Unity) where forklifts and other vehicles transport stuff from point A to point B. The routes are modeled as a graph with vertices and edges. Every transport is saved as a task in a backend system with the relevant data such as starting time...
  23. M

    MATLAB Switched from win10 and MATLAB to ubuntu and python"q"

    Hi, I felt like I have to learn more than one coding language, and wanted to strengthen my coding skills in general. I am good with Relap5 but I want to learn OpenFoam. is what I did logical and going to be worth the pain ? also I only have the Relap5 version of a windows ,is it possible to run...
  24. UFSJ

    Thermodynamic limit in Monte Carlo simulation

    Hi guys. I'm using the Monte Carlo method to simulate a spin lattice. If I have a square lattice, L x L, I can plot the phase transition temperature by the inverse of the lattice length (1/L) to find the phase transition temperature in the thermodynamic limit (extrapolating the curve for 1/L =...
  25. E

    Proton nuclear simulation issue (MCNP6)

    Hi, I'm simulating in MCNP6 the reaction of proton beam on targets but in the simulation the 96% of the proton are lost for energy cutoff. I don't understand why happen that. I use a tally4 to obtain the reaction in the target, but I suppose the results are wrong because the lost of protons (if...
  26. The Bill

    B Simulation of a neutron star's impact on a supermassive black hole?

    Please forgive the awkward title. "Supermassive black hole" uses up a lot of the title character limit. Has anyone made a simulation of what would happen if a neutron star impacted a simplified (Schwarzschild) supermassive black hole? I've seen simulations of a neutron star colliding with a...
  27. SchroedingersLion

    Setting up an FCC lattice in a simulation

    Greetings, for a Monte Carlo simulation of N hard spheres, I want to set up the initial configuration as a fcc lattice. I am thinking about how to do it most efficiently. Here is the lattice structure: The 3 lattice vectors, each one pointing to a different type of the 12 nearest neighbors...
  28. A

    What are the best software options for simulating semiconductor gas sensors?

    which soft wares are used in gas sensor simulation?
  29. Eva Eva Eva

    MCNP diagnostic X-ray tube simulation

    Dear all, I would like to simulate X-ray tube and check the dose rate in the room. My problem is when I simulate 80kV electrons bombard to the tungsten target, there is just a few photons coming out from the tube window. And the dose rate at 1m from the tube is nearly zero which is impossible...
  30. C

    MATLAB FFT problem for Fresnel simulation

    Hi all, I'm trying to simulate the Fresnel diffraction by using this expersion : $$ A(x')=\frac{1}{j\lambda z}e^{jk(z+\frac{x'^2}{2z})}F(A^{trans}(x)e^{jk\frac{x^2}{2z}})_{u=\frac{x'}{\lambda z}} $$ So when I use this formula my problem is that I don't know how to take the good frequency, here...
  31. A

    Graphene simulation in Comsol Multiphysics

    Hi All How can i simulate Graphene in Comsol? I am using semiconductor module . I s it correct to use Drude model? Drude model is in RF module but my simulation should be run in semiconductor module. How about Kubo formula?(for optics application or no?)
  32. Killavolt

    Automotive Would someone help with a flow simulation?

    Hello all, I've come in search of some information, and hopefully if possible a little bit of help. On searching the web for various ways to improve my truck in general I came across this very interesting mod that I've never once heard of in my entire life, "The Gadgetman Groove", which is a...
  33. E

    A Simulation from a process given by "complicated" SDE

    Actually this is more of a simulation question but since PF doesn't have Simulation category I ask here. I need to simulate a path from a proces given by this Stochastic DE: $$ dX_t = -a(X_t-1)dt+b\sqrt{X_t}dB_t $$ where ##B_t## is wiener process/brownian motion and a and b are just some...
  34. L

    MCNP source definition question

    I'm modelling a scenario for the research that I'm working on, and I got the cells and surfaces all mapped out for the environment finally, but now I'm totally stuck on creating a source. I'd like a point source of Californium-252, but after hours of looking, I don't see any out of the 1000...
  35. G

    Real-time engine simulation - oil temperature

    Hi folks! A while ago, we discussed a real-time simulation of an oil cycle within a combustion engine. Back then I was focusing on volume flow and pressure and you were incredibly helpful in coming up with the required formulas, so thank you again for your help! I'm now moving to the next...
  36. A

    Simulation of transistor switch circuit

    Hello, I'm new to electronics and I'm reading a book currently to learn more about the topic. I'm currently on a section where I'm building circuits where I'm using a transistor as a switch. I decided to experiment with the circuit they gave me and put it in a simulation software called Proteus...
  37. A

    Is there a simple energy simulation for non-specialized use?

    hi i want to make a simple model for a light bulb for a project i am not "Mechanical and energy" specialized i just need it to avoid any thermal issues. is there a simple energy simulation for non-specialized use? thank you.
  38. T

    Help with an Apollo space program flight simulation guide

    Hi all, This is my first time posting on this forum. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question so apologies in advance. Perhaps someone could recommend a more appropriate forum for me to post this on. I'm working on creating documentation for a simulation. It's an Apollo...
  39. P

    What Software Can Simulate EM Wave Interactions in a Faraday Cage?

    Hi guys, I'm wanting to simulate faraday cage form, analysing mesh perforations defined by wavelengths of different electromagnetic spectra (eg. radio, microwave, UV etc). Are there any good analysis softwares which I could import a pre-made digital model with these perforations and simulate...
  40. NotKepler

    Is the Universe a Mathematical Simulation?

    Now, we all know all physical things are related to math. EVERYTHING is related to math. Now, we have all heard the theory that we are all living in a simulation, right? What if... math is the coding of the simulation and throughout time we have been decoding our own simulation.
  41. B

    Simulation Software for a Permanent Magnet Alternator Design

    I am looking to try some design ideas using PMs for alternator design. I am a retired EE so I do not have corporate capital for simulation software. Does anyone know of low to medium cost simulation software that might be workable for basic flux/emf/etc calculations and modeling? Or other...
  42. J

    3-D simulation software with mathematical parameters

    I would like to know where it would be possible to download a 3d simulation software tha twould operate according mathematical pharameters
  43. S

    Understanding PhET simulation (Faraday's law)

    Homework Statement I am supposed to make a project based on this simulation, I am trying to see what is happening: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/faraday If I go to the "Transformer" tab, I have an electromagnet and a circuit consisting of a loop of wire and a light bulb. I can...
  44. O

    What is the Best 2D Physics Engine for a Real-Time Simulation Program?

    Hello! I'm trying to write a 2D program that uses simple physics. I was wondering what would be the best 2D physics engine to use in my case, and if it even matter what engine I choose. I also want my simulation to run in real time, so at least 30 fps on a decent home computer. I prefer a fast...
  45. R

    MATLAB Fraunhofer diffraction simulation in Matlab

    Hello, below is the screenshot from the book INTRODUCTION TO MODERN DIGITAL HOLOGRAPHY With MATLAB (TING-CHUNG POON, JUNG-PING LIU). This book is free to download. There is a script for Fraunhofer diffraction pattern and equation 1.40 is Fraunhofer diffraction formula in terms of Fourier...
  46. S

    Need tutorial for magneto static simulation of C-core (Imag)

    Hello all, I am a new member of this forum, I would like to know where can i find the detailed tutorial of magneto static simulation of C-core. I am in the middle of one project and for further move I need the magneto static simulation of C-core. The image is attached.
  47. Jason Louison

    Automotive Computer Simulation of Engine Performance

    Hello Physics Forums! After almost a year of haggling and research, I think I have successfully made a engine simulation spreadsheet! :oldbiggrin: I have simulated the Nissan KA24DE Engine with two different cam profiles: As far as I'm concerned, there is still a lot of work to be done...
  48. I

    Ansys Maxwell simulation problem

    I am using Ansys 18.2 Maxwell 2D to analyze a transformer by using transient and magnetostatic solvers. Normally the analyses were completed correctly and took time like a half an our . But right now the simulations are comleted suddenly(in few seccond) and there is no error no result and no...
  49. JonMoulton

    New Life History Simulation Modeling Platform

    mod: approved HexSim Life History Simulation Modeling Platform - free to download. Landscape ecology, anyone? After >10 years of development, the HexSim life history simulator is ready for use by students and researchers.HexSim is a free, versatile, multi-species, life history simulator ideal...
  50. berkeman

    Looking for CFD simulation help on this Aero experiment

    Hoping to get some help on a stability analysis of this setup...