What is Resonance: Definition and 657 Discussions

Resonance describes the phenomenon of increased amplitude that occurs when the frequency of a periodically applied force (or a Fourier component of it) is equal or close to a natural frequency of the system on which it acts. When an oscillating force is applied at a resonant frequency of a dynamic system, the system will oscillate at a higher amplitude than when the same force is applied at other, non-resonant frequencies.Frequencies at which the response amplitude is a relative maximum are also known as resonant frequencies or resonance frequencies of the system. Small periodic forces that are near a resonant frequency of the system have the ability to produce large amplitude oscillations in the system due to the storage of vibrational energy.
Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and resonance of quantum wave functions. Resonant systems can be used to generate vibrations of a specific frequency (e.g., musical instruments), or pick out specific frequencies from a complex vibration containing many frequencies (e.g., filters).
The term resonance (from Latin resonantia, 'echo', from resonare, 'resound') originated from the field of acoustics, particularly the sympathetic resonance observed in musical instruments, e.g., when one string starts to vibrate and produce sound after a different one is struck.

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  1. F

    Engineering Please explain Circuit resonance in a Crystal Radio?

    Homework Statement I'm in grade 11 working on a science fair project I found on this site: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_ideas/Elec_p014.shtml Grade 11 physics doesn't cover much so I'm confused about why the radio is set up the way it is... I know that...
  2. C

    Resonance & Triple Alpha Process: Why Does It Matter?

    Why does "resonance" greatly increase the likelihood of the triple alpha process? Why does the fact that the combined energy of 8Be and 4He is (almost) the same as the energy of an excited state of 12C greatly increase the probability of that reaction (i.e. 8Be + 4He → 12C + stuff) occurring...
  3. P

    Greenhouse Gases and Resonance

    Hi, I am now learning about climate change and have come across resonance. When I previously studied SHM however, I learned about resonance, and I believe I have a good understand of what it means. If the frequency of a driving force matches the natural frequency of the system, this leads to...
  4. jegues

    Resonance RLC of Tweeter for Speaker

    Homework Statement We are modeling the tweeter of speaker and its enclosure with the circuit shown in the figure attached. We are also given an "magnitude of input impedance" curve as shown in the figure with various data points. With access to these various data points we are able to...
  5. D

    Detecting resonance Q factor with a change in dielectric properties.

    I have seen some examples where a system has a resonance frequency, and, when the system changes, its Q factor also changes, and so the resonance frequency shifts, and this shift can be measured to detect the change in the system. An example I can think of is very sensitive mass measurement...
  6. dillmon

    Amplifying Sunlight Through Fiber Optic Cables w/ Resonance?

    Here is my question: Can light of multiple wavelengths (for example sunlight) that is transferred through a fiber optic cable be amplified equally with resonance? If this is not possible, are there other methods besides resonance to achieve this effect. If optical resonance is used, how do the...
  7. A

    Is Hybridization Affecting Molecular Planarity and Aromaticity?

    I have two doubts in my course regarding resonance and aromaticity... (1) In various resonating structures, the hybridization of an atom may vary. Eg:- in aniline's nitrogen atom, it is sp3 as well as sp2 in different resonating structures. Since the actual molecule is a weighted mean of all...
  8. dillmon

    Light Resonance: Conceptual Question for Physicists

    Hello Physicists, I don't have an actual math problem, just a conceptual one. I was wondering specifically about light resonance. If I understand resonance correctly, if one has two mirrors directly facing each other, one can create a standing wave. At a certain frequency of the light...
  9. S

    Engineering I to create resonance circuit

    Homework Statement i need to find values of capacitors coils and resistors in order to create resonance mixed circuit on the frequency of 100 hrz (as shown in the following screenshot) Homework Equations ω0=1/√(L*C) ω0=2∏f0 The Attempt at a Solution
  10. C

    How Does Resonance Occur with Wavelength and Layer Thickness?

    What does the below senetence mean? I don't understand it, maybe because of my not so good english. "When the wavelength becomes of the same order as the layer thickness, resonance occurs. " Does it mean when the wavelenght and layer-thickness are exactly equal (e.g. both 0.1m)? Thanks.
  11. D

    AC Circuit Analysis: LCR & Resonance

    Hi, I am currently struggling with this AC question that is required for my first year electrical engineering coursework. I know sort of how to go about it all, but am having a really difficult time implementing the correct calculations. Any help would be appreciated! Context You are given a...
  12. A

    Designing a resonance tube with a defined ambient wind speed

    Hello, As we know, when you blow over the neck of a bottle, it resonates at a certain frequency. I want to build a cylinder that will resonate at a certain wind speed: 4 mph or about 1.78 m/s I definitely know how to find the resonant frequency of a cylinder. However, I'm not sure what...
  13. K

    How to determine resonance of an open or closed pipe?

    Homework Statement A pipe resonates at successive frequencies of 540 Hz, 450 Hz, and 350Hz. Is this an open or a closed pipe? Homework Equations L = (nλ)/2 or L = ((2n-1)/4)λ v = fλThe Attempt at a Solution The difference between the first two frequencies (540 & 450) is 90Hz, and the...
  14. Saitama

    Why is this showing resonance?

    Homework Statement Why does the following structure show resonance? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The question was given by my teacher and he said that yes it will show resonance. But i still can't able to make it out why would it show resonance? The point is...
  15. T

    Question about Natural Frequency and Resonance

    So, I was reading a book on Nikola Tesla the other day, and it said that he said that he could theoretically split the Earth in two with resonance. If I had a variable frequency oscillator, and I knew the natural frequency of an object, obviously I could create a standing wave. But, could I, as...
  16. W

    What is the role of resonance in the heating process of a microwave oven?

    hi , i have studied that thing to be heated in microwave oven have water contents -due to resonance of microwave and frequency of water molecules - water molecules start oscillating with larger amplitude thus thing gets heated. But how just ceramic without any water contents get heated and how...
  17. S

    Third resonance length frequency(which formula do i use?)

    for 15 a) (question in attachment) using given 0.54m i calculated L1 also after rearranging L1=λ/2 i got wavelength which is 1.08m L2 = λ and since the distance between all the resonant lengths is always the same, i just added 0.54 to length 2 to figure out length 3 which is L3=1.62m my...
  18. S

    Resonance frequencies question (first and second resonance frequencies)

    Trying to figure out how to go about solving this question, using these forumlas i tried to solve it but i didnt get the right answers for frequency 1 i went with f1=v/2L for frequency 2 i went with f2=v/L any ideas on how to solve this?
  19. S

    Understanding Resonance and its Relationship to Frequency and Displacement

    Consider the attached xls which shows the plot between frequencies and resultant displacements. Does resonance position always correspond to a point where the slope of the curve )curve between frequency and resultant displacement) is zero? Please help
  20. N

    Solving Resonance: Find 1st Resonance Position in 0.931m Tube

    Homework Statement The water level in a vertical glass tube 0.931 m long can be adjusted to any position in the tube. A tuning fork vibrating at 629 Hz is held just over the open top end of the tube, to set up a standing wave of sound in the air-filled top portion of the tube. (That air-filled...
  21. A

    Effect of resonance on Fatigue Life

    I'm doing a research project which aims to develop a mathematical correlation for fatigue life prediction at resonance frequency. An experimental setup is also to be created which would be used to carry out the experiment, cyclic loading cycles until failure. For this a Cussons linear vibrator...
  22. W

    Why are Vc and Vl larger than Source current at resonance in an RLC circuit?

    I'm looking at this question and I can't seem to come up with an answer, don't the VL (inductive voltage) and Vc (capacitor voltage) just cancel each other out leaving you with Vr (resistance voltage) as the source voltage, but I don't see why VL and Vc are much higher than the source voltage...
  23. G

    Pspice Schematics LC resonance graph

    Hi!:smile: I have a LC circuit in pspice schematics, i want to simulate graph: input voltage versus frequency,to see resonance voltage. To simulate at least something i must give power source (VAC) some value,so when i choose to trace voltage in power source at the graph, its the constant value...
  24. J

    What does Resonance Frequency mean?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong subsection, i figured this would be the most appropriate section. *** title has a mistake. i meant resonance WIDTH not its freq.*** anyway, i came across resonance WIDTH (sorry not freq.) in one of my HW problems. I honestly can't recall ever going over this in...
  25. N

    Carbon Monoxide: four resonance structures?

    Hello! I was looking at the Water Gas Shift Reaction and I was interested to know why it is exothermic. Since it involves carbon monoxide, I looked at the resonance structures for CO, and found three, see the wiki article here...
  26. D

    Derivation of resonance fixed-fixed beam

    I'm trying to derive the resonance frequencies for a simple fixed-fixed beam, as opposed to a simply-supported beam. I'm working off the following references: 1. http://emweb.unl.edu/Mechanics-Pages/Scott-Whitney/325hweb/Beams.htm But this is for a fixed-free cantilever beam. And 2...
  27. P

    Resonance of water in a sphere

    http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/souspe2.html According to the above link the calculated speed of a wave in water is 1483m/s, whilst the measured speed of a wave in water was 1482m/s @ 20C Imagine therefore we have a huge sphere with an internal diameter of 1482 meters and...
  28. R

    Relating resonance with two different Pipes

    Homework Statement A pipe, open at one end, has a leng produces pipe A, open at one end, and pipe B, o A pipe, open at one end, has a length L. Cutting this pipe crosswise produces pipe A, open at one end, and pipe B, open at both ends. a. For what length of pipe A will the third...
  29. E

    Calculate Resonance Frequency of a Molecule

    Is there any systematic, predictive way to calculate the resonance frequency of a given molecule? Say I'm given a formula and a structure but nothing else. Is there any way to calculate it without just experimenting? I'm not sure if this question is in the right place, and I'm not...
  30. jaketodd

    In Electron Spin Resonance, Does Spin Up Have More Energy Than Spin Down?

    Also, is spin +1/2 the same as spin up? And is spin -1/2 the same as spin down? The first image in the link below is a good reference. http://depts.washington.edu/cmditr/mediawiki/index.php?title=Electron_Spin_Resonance_(ESR)" Thanks, Jake
  31. A

    Understand Quantum Resonance: What Is It?

    I'm finding that I don't really understand what a resonance, in the quantum mechanical use of the term, is. From what I get out of my texts it's related to an infinite square well potential. Is it when a particle is trapped but not bound? (I'm not even sure that last sentence makes sense in...
  32. B

    Would a Deimos/Phobos orbital resonance affect Mars?

    Currently Jupiters moon's Io, Europa, and Ganymede are in a Laplace resonance. If Mars's moon's Phobos and Deimos were in such a Laplace resonance (1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1) would it affect Mars? If yes, please explain how you feel it would...
  33. F

    Angular Frequency and Resonance Frequency

    For the equation, angular frequency =(2)(pi)(resonance frequency)= 1/square root (LC), can this also be used when a circuit is not at resonance frequency? Thanks
  34. F

    Prove this Total Voltage at Resonance

    Prove that at the resonance of a series RLC circuit, instantaneous velocity across the capacitor is equal to negative instantaneous velocity across the inductor, and thus, the total voltage across C and L is zero. Thanks!
  35. A

    Question on nuclear magnetic resonance and Larmor frequency

    The energy difference between two nuclear spin states in an external magnetic field B is given by \Delta E = \gamma \hbar B Why does resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation by nuclear spins take place at the Larmor frequency? Shouldn't it be that the photon energy is equal to the...
  36. B

    SH driven oscillator amplitude at resonance equation

    I found via this forum the hint to use the inverse squared equation to differentiate to find the resonance frequency from the amplitude equation (equilibrium not transient solution). Thank you! (AlephZero?) When substituting the resulting frequency for the resonance into the amplitude...
  37. R

    T2 in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance & MRI

    I want to understand MRI and what exactly is T2. I have read the November issue of Sci-am and I'm still confused what exactly is T2 as it has different descriptions. The article "The Incredible Shrinking Scanner" by Bernhard Blumich: "The system can also monitor the precessing spins as they...
  38. R

    Acoustic Resonance of a Building

    A friend of mine and I were having a discussion about acoustic resonance. He theorized that a building could be destroyed by acoustic resonance. Where I disagreed. Thinking that a building doesn't really have an acoustic resonance because of its non-uniformity of being brick and mortar...
  39. S

    Understanding Harmonic Resonance in Power Systems

    hi, i am new bie in power sytem. I have found term "harmonic resonance" in power system, when i was gooleing, i found that resonance means XL = XC. but i can't figure it out in my head. what the harmonic resonance is? i have tried to find graph or figure that explain it, but the result is...
  40. M

    Resonance Stabilization when electrons can't donate?

    A question in ExamKrackers asks us why triphenylmethanol is so acidic. Link to the structure below: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triphenylmethanol Explanation: I'm not seeing how the lone pairs on the Oxygen could donate into any of the rings though. It can't donate those electrons onto the...
  41. Y

    Wave propagation, resonance and collapse

    Hello, there is a subject of wave propagation and collapse that has plagued me for some time, and although i must have heard about it, my memories are probably skewed ( i studied EE and had high frequency, physics of materials and nuclear/quantum physics sometime in 1970s :) as subjects). In...
  42. H

    Feshbach resonance for Li: repulsive and attractive?

    Hello, I am looking into the Feshbach resonance for Fermi gas (Lithium in particular). The following is unclear: Is it correct to say that there is a repulsive interaction between the atoms in the regime, where the scattering length is positive? I have found various sources saying so...
  43. K

    Confusion about frequency and resonance of tuning forks?

    hello. ok so i know that if you have two tuning forks of the same natural frequency, one can stimulate the same frequency to another and resonance is achieved. but what if I have a 100 Hz tuning fork and say maybe a 180 Hz tuning fork. If a strike the 100 Hz one, how will the other one be...
  44. K

    Accuracy of Resonance Lab Experiment

    Homework Statement Hi! We did a resonance lab using a closed air cloumn and 3 different tuning forks, each with different column lengths and i collected the data as follows: frequency(hz) column length(m) # of wavelengths wavelength(m) speed of sound air temp 384...
  45. C

    Why doesn't resonance result in infinite energy transfer?

    I have a question about resonance. According to this graph, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Resonance.PNG When no damping force (the red line), there should be no energy loss due to frictional force or other damping force. So the energy should be fully transferd to the system from the...
  46. B

    How Can I Find Resonance Frequency and Create a Schedule for Input Resistance?

    Homework Statement Find resonance frequency and build schedule(google translator) for input resistance(or input conductivity) Homework Equations K1xL1/L0=70 K1xL2/L0=60 K1xL3/L0=76 K2xC1/C0=80 K3xC2/C0=50 K3xC3/C0=60 The Attempt at a Solution C0=1mkF L0=1millihenry What do...
  47. R

    Connection between precession and resonance frequencies?

    I'm brushing up on my knowledge behind the physics of NMR. Turns out there was a lot I had misconceptions about; I thought it was very similar to absorbance/transmittance spectroscopy. I read some material about it which threw that idea out the window. I'm now looking at a video that shows a...
  48. T

    Resonance Self Shielding Correction Definition

    Hello, I was hoping that someone might be able to provide a definition for the "resonance self shielding correction". -TP
  49. G

    Engineering RLC circuit close to resonance

    Hi! Recently I did an experiment of an RLC circuit nearing resonance, and I found a substantial amount of loss of both current and voltage (30%). (More so than a different kind of AC circuit) My question is, why is this so? Or is this just a coincidence/human error? Some of...
  50. H

    Relation between cavity resonance and sound speed

    Our sound will be like "Donald Duck" if we inhale helium gas and the explanation from web is because" The cavity resonances which determine the vocal formats would be raised by the higher sound speed,"(http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/souspe.html). Why cavity resonance raise as...