What is Programming: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Computer programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a specific task. Programming involves tasks such as: analysis, generating algorithms, profiling algorithms' accuracy and resource consumption, and the implementation of algorithms in a chosen programming language (commonly referred to as coding). The source code of a program is written in one or more languages that are intelligible to programmers, rather than machine code, which is directly executed by the central processing unit. The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of instructions that will automate the performance of a task (which can be as complex as an operating system) on a computer, often for solving a given problem. Proficient programming thus often requires expertise in several different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms, and formal logic.
Tasks accompanying and related to programming include: testing, debugging, source code maintenance, implementation of build systems, and management of derived artifacts, such as the machine code of computer programs. These might be considered part of the programming process, but often the term software development is used for this larger process with the term programming, implementation, or coding reserved for the actual writing of code. Software engineering combines engineering techniques with software development practices. Reverse engineering is a related process used by designers, analysts and programmers to understand and re-create/re-implement.

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  1. S

    Java Any beginning computer programming course (such as for JAVA.

    Not necessarily for JAVA, but in any beginning computer programming course at a college or university: What will the school, or department, or the teacher require of the students? Need the student use their own personal computer for this? Can student do the work using JAVA without having an IDE...
  2. P

    New user here, Need direction and help before my end....

    It has been over 15 years since I completed a Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering. However that alone does not really date me much. So far I have yet to find a source of employment that lasts long enough or is of enough compensation to pay off student loans before I can even begin to...
  3. kolleamm

    B Find line slope based on degrees (for video game programming)

    I'm trying to code a script for a character in my game. This will tell the character if the player is in front or behind them. Basically I know the coordinates of the character and their angle of rotation (if rotated 45 deg, that is where they are looking) Perpendicular to their angle is a...
  4. The_Inventor

    C/C++ Creating a simple password program in C++

    So I'm trying to teach myself C++ programming and I'm having trouble writing a password program. Essentially I want to program to ask the user to input a password, and then compare that input with the correct password. If the user input matches the password I want the program to output a message...
  5. A

    [Programming] How would I simulate water pressure?

    Hey, this is my first time posting and I've been looking everywhere but can't find a decent water model. I hacked a program together to decently simulate water physics, but it's not nearly robust enough for what I need. So, in this world, everything is based on a grid. Any non-wall tile can...
  6. ScrollPortals

    Respecting Time Symmetry when programming

    Where can I learn to break the habit of using time steps and instead use mathematical frameworks to preserve time symmetry when programming simulations? I recently visited a site ( bugman123.com ). He's got a lot of STEM experience. He's written simulations and programs for a lot of things...
  7. ChrisVer

    Assembly language programming vs Other programming languages

    I was having a morning look into assembly language videos and stuff and I was wondering: how much faster is assembly compared to some higher-level programming languages (like C or C++ or python)? And also why is it faster than those languages? I mean a general C++ source code should be...
  8. hilbert2

    Comparison of high-level computer programming languages

    A little question about the appropriateness of a certain research subject... Would it be useful to make a study of the computational effectiveness of equivalent codes written with Matlab, Mathematica, R Code, Julia, Python, etc. in a set of typical computational engineering problems like...
  9. jedishrfu

    Insights The Joy of Processing - Comments

    jedishrfu submitted a new PF Insights post The Joy of Processing Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  10. Illuminatio fit

    Studying Interesting programming project in physics -- ideas requested

    I'm looking for some non-big project related to physics or/and abstract math. It firstly should be a good programming task(since its my programming credit) Bachelor student in theoretical physics. Not bad at C and Python, a bit of C++ and Haskell. Interested in field theory, quantum stuff, diff...
  11. ShayanJ

    Java Asynchronous web programming using Java

    I want to learn web programming with Java. I'm using eclipse neon with tomcat 8.5.13. My question is do these tools support asynchronous programming and server push technologies or should I use other tools? Thanks
  12. Const@ntine

    Comp Sci Function Derivatives & Sines (C++)

    Homework Statement Okay, I'm going to "cheat" a bit and add two programs here, but I don't want to clutter the board by making two threads. Anyways, here goes: (1) The value of the sine of an angle, measured in rads, can be found using the following formula: sin(x) = x - x3/3! + x5/5! - ...
  13. doktorwho

    Review C Code: Find & Resolve Issues in Visual Studio & repl.it

    Hi, i wrote a code and annotated it but i have few problems with it. First it won't run on Visual Studio but it runs fine on repl.it online site which uses a C ide. Second, it seems wrong when i input 5 45 6 -4 8 3 It should print out 8 3 but for some reason it misses out on 3. Could you see...
  14. Avatrin

    How much memorization is needed to learn embedded systems?

    Hi I have a bachelor in mathematics with a minor in physics, and my plan for the future is to move on to computational science and robotics. However, before I can do that, I need to work a few years due to bad personal finance. In my city, the easiest route is programming. I already knew...
  15. BillTre

    Brief Overview of Programming Mammalian Cells

    Bacterial cells have previously been programmed with human logic. Mammalian cells are now being programmed by molecular biologists. Among other things, they are using recombinases as parts of switch mechanisms to remove particular bits of DNA in response to an input. These changes would have...
  16. doktorwho

    Job Skills What does it take to work at Google Deep Mind?

    Hello everyone, I am a senior in high school and am very very interested in robots and artificial intelligence. In summer i will be going to an electrical engineering college and i want your advice as to what further steps should i make and what knowledge to accumulate over the 4 years at...
  17. T

    Engineering Jobs combining programming with hardware?

    Hi, I'm a high school student in a STEM program, and as of now my primary interests have been in Computer Science, Math, and Robotics. Currently, as I research colleges, my intent is to double major in either Math and Computer Science, or in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. However...
  18. R

    Physics with the help of programming.

    I am studying physics. I have concluded that since ancient time, physics have been understood with the help of philosophy, now iI am seeing that the physics is turning into more mathematical seems like nature is a matrix composed mathematically. And computer is running as best candidate for the...
  19. F

    MHB Troubleshooting Java Programming in Netbeans: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

    Hello everyone, I am new to the forum. Programing was never an interest of mine but it’s an unfortunate requirement for classes I am taking I could really some help. I have tried fixing the code the best I can, but when I run this through Netbeans, no matter what numbers I put in for Wall...
  20. S

    Which must be first? Beginner programming, or Algebra 1?

    I am just curious about this. Must one of these be taught before the other, or does the order not really matter? Should a student be taught beginning computer programming AFTER being taught introductory algebra 1? Or can the reverse order be done? My guess is that learning Algebra 1 first is...
  21. V

    How should I represent a financial market as a graph?

    Hi guys. I am reading several papers about financial market and authors show the possibility to represent this market as a graph in which nodes correspond to traders and edges represent trading relationships. Which programming software could be a powerful tool to write a such code? I am...
  22. O

    Schools How did you learn/study programming in University

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if you were completely new to programming when you went to University, how did you learn to program? I spend a lot of time reading the books my University requires, but it all feels very dense and difficult to follow. I retain little to nothing. I started out with...
  23. N

    C/C++ Preparing for Exam with Programming Problem Practice

    Hi i have exam next week and would like any to help me review by giving programming problems to solve. From simple, medium and hard or have a website that i can practice this.
  24. phinds

    Insights Computer Language Primer - Part 1 - Comments

    phinds submitted a new PF Insights post Computer Langauge Primer - Part 1 Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  25. doktorwho

    Learn C: Best Book for Beginner & Harvard Intro to Programming

    Hear me out on this. I am an absolute beginner to C, i know some Python and i just finihed a month course on Pascal (school currciulum) and we're starting C by the end of February. Even though I am a beginner I am a fast learner and i want a book that is escalating moderatly or even fast. Also...
  26. S

    Programs Physics PhDs with the most programming

    I should rephrase the title slightly. My question is: which physics PhD makes a student most qualified for a job in Google or Facebook? In other words, which physics PhD uses the most comprehensive set of programming tools and theoretical computer science techniques? Certainly, a PhD in...
  27. txr534

    Programming Languages for the Physicist

    Hi all, I am a sophomore physics and math major who has realized the importance of being able to code, so I decided to start learning. My question is, what languages should a young physicist learn? I was going to start with C but would like to know where to go from there. Thanks for the help!
  28. K

    How to involve system features in C programming?

    How to involve system functions like notifications, alert, and somewhat like that in C program?
  29. J

    How would one read website content using a program?

    I'm basically looking to find out how I could code a program to read the textual contents of a website (in either batch, dev c++ or powershell script - or a combination) and then search for a specific word, which when found, will trigger a set of commands. It's basically like the findstr command...
  30. Guidestone

    Why is my PIC 18F2550 not sending data when I tell it to?

    Hey guys. I got a project in which I'm working on right now and I got to use a microcontroller in it. The microcontroller is a PIC 18F2550 and I have to receive data whenever I send the 'a' character via the serial port(RS232). The data I'm suposed to receive is generated with the ADC from the...
  31. doktorwho

    How to understand this code written in Pascal?

    Homework Statement I just started learning pascal (school curricuulum) and am finding it quite boring compared to python. After skipping a few lessons i came today and we had this code shown. I know it creates a matrix and then transposes it but am misunderstanding the details of the code and...
  32. doktorwho

    Python Which of these training websites would you recommend?

    I would be really thankful if you could check out them because I'm kinda indecisive about everything and i want your opinion on this. I was looking for a website that would have programming problem sets set in order so i could solve them and also have fun. I'm a python newbie and this is what i...
  33. T

    How to properly use the nlm function in R for minimizing functions?

    I try to find out how to minimize functions i R by using nlm function: > f<-function(x,y){x^2+y^2+10-5*x-y} > nlm(f,0.1,0.1) That only gives me an estimate for x. How would write the code to get x and y?
  34. doktorwho

    Python Which of these codes do you think is the simplest

    Since i don't know how to write code here on forums i will upload a picture and explain what's it about. In the picture there are three codes that define the same procedure of finding the biggest number out of three given. The first code in the picture is defining a procedure called...
  35. R

    Why Does MIPS Show a Negative Result for Large Factorials?

    when I try to compile the MIPS instruction in order to compute the factorial of n number? i get the following error in the console as: Enter the factorial number: 20 factorial of given number: -2102132736 The output which I am getting as negative integer of a given factorial instead of...
  36. pioneerboy

    Electronics Building an Alarm Clock with Basic C Programming Skills

    I'd like to build my own reliable alarm clock, but I don't have any knowledge in electronics and no fancy equipment, only some humble C programming experience. What do I need and what do I need to know to build one myself. Thanks very much.
  37. doktorwho

    Python Which of these code editors would you recommend?

    Hi, I am looking to buy a code editor for my iphone so i can code on it. I don't know any of these but they are most if not all paid and i was thinking of asking for your help in choosing one of them. I would like it to be a python editor but it should also support other languages. It is also...
  38. Hercuflea

    Revolutionary Changes in Programming: Past, Present and Future

    I'm just a casual/academic programmer. The last major revolution in programming (that I know of) was object oriented programming. But some of the latest developments (in C++) that can actually be used by everyday programmers that I can think of are things like smart pointers which were only...
  39. G

    Programming an OldMaid Card Game python

    I am having trouble removing the same cards from my hand in my game of oldMaid. this is my source: Mod note: Added code tags to preserve indentation, and modified code slightly (replacing index i in arrays with j. deck=[] suits = ['\u2660', '\u2661', '\u2662', '\u2663'] ranks =...
  40. S

    Where is my logic wrong in this dynamic programming problem?

    I'm trying to solve https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/summing-pieces and I think I have come up with an O(n) solution although the numbers aren't coming out exactly right. The problem is essentially to find a sum like ABCD ---> All sets of sets of contiguous subarrays spanning ABCD is {...
  41. A

    MS vs PhD in Robotics:Which Program is Best for You?

    Hello everyone, To start, I found this forum incredibly helpful throughout my college education thus far. This forum has helped me pick my major in undergrad back in 2011, helped me narrow down which graduate program to gravitate toward upon graduation in 2015, and now I have a continued...
  42. poincare

    Schools Programming requirements for math grad schools ?

    How much importance do pure mathematics graduate schools give to programming ? Like how much programming knowledge do they expect a successful applicant to have ?
  43. A

    I Plotting the orbits of the planets

    Hello everybody! Long-time lurker and second-time posting. I'm working on a project for my math class, and I'm trying to plot the orbits of the planets using vectors. I've chosen to use MATLAB because I am decently familiar with it. I've used the formulas described in this post here to get my...
  44. M

    Studying Programming Struggles for Physics Majors: Ideas to Cope

    I'm not sure what to do, I keep on struggling with the MATLAB assigments and I'm a physics major. Any ideas on how to cope with this? Didn't really expect to be doing this much programming, and I do not like it.
  45. J

    MHB Compound Interest C programming problem

    Hello everyone, i hate that i can't figure this out and I'm just looking for good direction on how to figure out the last bit of my code. I'm first time user of C programming and haven't fully grasp the concepts and tools available to me so be patient if you offer any help. My task is to write a...
  46. Avatrin

    Differences between programming languages

    Hi So, I know programming in Python. However, I am considering learning Java and C++. I know it's easier to learn a new language if you already know a programming language. However, how similar are the different languages? The impression I get from skimming through online resources is that they...
  47. J

    Fortran Problems when averaging a value

    Hi, I am running a fortran 90 program and I have some problems when getting an average. It happens that at some point the value of suma2 is not updated, even when the value of the term s(fixed2(j))/real(nfixed) is not zero. Below is the output of fort.32. The problem dissapears when suma2 is...
  48. ShayanJ

    C/C++ ARM programming in ubuntu with C\C++

    I'm thinking about learning ARM programming with C\C++(I think C is a better choice though). But I don't know what tools I can use on linux(ubuntu). I prefer to use open source software. Is there any suggestion? Thanks
  49. J

    Job Skills Applied Physics BS is good for programming jobs?

    An Applied physics BS in Italy (a lot of C programming, analog and digital electronics with arduino and assembly and digital design) plus as many CS exams as i can (i'm thinking about OOP in Java 8, algorithms analisys and design, database theory and SQL and Multicore programming in Java and...
  50. D

    Engineering Recommended textbooks based on provided topics (supplementary undergrad texts)

    well hello everyone! I have just started my college and i have in mind to find books that are beneficial to certain subject I am studying and i asking for your help. I'm not an English native so I am going to help you help me by providing a subject description so you can tell me your...