What is Paper: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in water, draining the water through fine mesh leaving the fibre evenly distributed on the surface, followed by pressing and drying. Although paper was originally made in single sheets by hand, almost all is now made on large machines—some making reels 10 metres wide, running at 2,000 metres per minute and up to 600,000 tonnes a year. It is a versatile material with many uses, including printing, packaging, decorating, writing, cleaning, filter paper, wallpaper, book endpaper, conservation paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue, currency and security paper and a number of industrial and construction processes.
The papermaking process developed in east Asia, probably China, at least as early as 105 CE, by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BCE in China. The modern pulp and paper industry is global, with China leading its production and the United States following.

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  1. andjelatodorovic

    Studying What topic should I write about in physics paper?

    I want to write a paper that includes some inovative experiment results. It's a high school project so many things in physics are unknown for me. What topic whould you recomend(based on what hasn't been fully discovered and yet doesn't include complex knowledge of mathematics)?
  2. 6

    Understanding a0 in Paper: Page 9 of 1405.1283v1

    Can someone help me understand exactly what a0 is in the following paper (page9)? http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.1283v1.pdf "where a0 ≡ be−∆/2 (60) is a fixed length that can only be determined by experiment." Found it in this article which has a better diagram...
  3. I

    MIT Motor Challenge: Build a Paper Clip Motor

    I'm not sure if this should go here. I followed the guidelines of the MIT motor challenge for physics 8.02 and came up with this: I thought it would be a nice example of what one can accomplish with some very basic materials. This could make a nice high school science project in the right...
  4. D

    I Michelson-Morley Exp: Does this Paper Have Validity?

    [Moderator's note: link deleted] Does it have any validity?
  5. katatosh

    Help finding sources for research paper

    Hello all! I am a senior in high school with a love for physics. In English, we were assigned an argumentative research paper with a topic of our choice. So, naturally, I chose String Theory, since it is a semi controversial topic in theoretical physics today. My only problem is that I have a...
  6. C

    What is the Source of 3 Sun M Energy Released in BH Merger?

    Each of the two BHs in the collision brought in matter and energy prior to merge, neither emitting any significant energy prior to merge. Same for the combined BH after merger was complete. So, my question is, what is the source or mechanism for the 3 Sun M worth of energy release into...
  7. I

    Air Cannon School Project Firing Paper Projectile

    Hey guys building an air cannon for class that shoots a wad of paper from a normal sheet of 8.5/11 paper will be dry. Question is... Is Psi more important or CFM with this light weight projectile? Plan on building from PVC, can do 100psi easy. Plan on using a diaphragm valve with a solenoid for...
  8. T

    Aerodynamics of a paper rocket

    I'm pretty new to this forum but have loved sciences if all kinds since I was young and plan to get into nuclear engineering after high school. Back on topic, I have made a rocket launcher out of pvc pipe that is powered by an air compressor. Ranging from 60-120 psi propelling my paper rocket...
  9. quantumfunction

    B Questions about recent paper on Entangled Histories

    I just read this paper and it was very interesting. The paper is called "Experimental Test of Quantum Histories" http://arxiv.org/abs/1601.02943 Here's some of an article about the paper. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/quantum-histories-get-all-tangled I have been reading a lot lateley...
  10. facenian

    Problem understanding Wigner's 1939 paper

    if subspace A is invariant with respect to a linear operator, is it true that A is invariant with respect to the inverse operator? if not I think threre is a mistake in Wigners paper in "B. Some immediate simplifications" page 13
  11. Timizorzom

    Paper Plane Distance Experiment: Power & Energy Calculation

    Hi, I'm doing an experiment to get my silver CREST award, in which I've created a mechanical paper plane thrower. I have thrown various types of plane, but all with the same design. The thrower uses a 9V battery, but is more like 6 now. The thrower has two motors, each which take 70mA. The...
  12. Ecthe

    Understanding the equations of a paper

    Hello there, First of all, I am not fully sure that this is the right place to post this. This post is about equations but the paper is a bout physics... so if an admin find a better place for it please feel free to move it. I am currently trying to fully understand this paper...
  13. Sarai

    Making Paper Longer: Tips to Break a Record

    Okay, so for my applied tech lab class we have to take a piece of paper and make it as long as possible without breaking off the paper in any way. We aren't aloud to use tape and only one piece of paper. We get two practice sheets, in the class. Of course I a, aloud to do things outside of class...
  14. meyol99

    Can I publish paper without references?

    I'm afraid my science papers represent something new and there are no citations and references. Any advice ? Can I publish paper without references ?
  15. NihalRi

    What topic should I base a non-Euclidean geometry paper on?

    Homework Statement A short paper 12-16 pages I'm also fairly new to this topic Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I tried to ecplain it's application using the Robertson walker mrttuc but it ended upmlooking too much like a physics psper:/
  16. D

    Question on Einstein original paper

    Hi, I am reading the Einstein original paper on Special Relativity, in this link (English translation), I am having difficulties on this sentence: "We have now to show, that every ray of light moves in the moving system with a velocity c (when measured in the moving system), in case, as we have...
  17. A

    Why paper contracts when burnt?

    I have observed many times, that when a newspaper is burnt, its writings become smaller. Do the paper really contract when burnt?
  18. D

    Alex Vilenkin's paper about black holes and the multiverse

    What do you think about the following blog post about a recent paper by Alex Vilenkin about the possibility of black holes containing inflating universes? http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/2589
  19. S

    Microwave-to-optical conversion (A Nature paper)

    Hello everyone I recently read a publication (attached) in Nature which talks about microwave-to-optical conversion. The setup consists of resonator depicted by a circle. It is mentioned that this resonator has non-linear electromagnetic response. Up-conversion takes place by three-wave mixing...
  20. E

    How to write a physical paper (Edit: "physics paper")

    Can you give me some links, how to write a physical paper, for instance about theoretical physics. I found a book "Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English" written by Hilary Glasman-Deal, but it is more general, not only for theoretical physics.
  21. kq6up

    Exploring the Josephson Effect: A Research Paper

    I am working on a research paper on the topic of the Josephson effect. We are to write this paper as if it were to be published like a scientific journal entry. My professor did not like my abstract. It was probably too much like an introduction. I have reworked it. Could you guys comment...
  22. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Check Paper: Describe Apparatus, Sensor, Data, Physics, Writing

    I was wondering if anyone wanted to check a paper for me, it's only about 2 pages long worth of actual paper, plus a couple pages of figures. I have to turn it in today (in about an hour), and was wondering how well people think I met the criteria listed below before turning it in. I know I'm...
  23. kq6up

    Citation Help with a Josephson effect Paper

    Homework Statement We are to give a class presentation and turn in a LaTeX paper as a sort of book report on a topic in solid state physics. I chose the Josephson Effect. Homework Equations N/A[/B]The Attempt at a Solution I am working on the bibliography for the paper. Is it customary...
  24. R

    If you wish to publish a review paper, but want to include...

    ... some of your own theories, what would you call it? Like, say I wanted to publish a review paper on the mating of tigers, then you may call the title: The Mating of Tigers - A Review But what now if I wanted to include my own theories on why they mate? Can I even do this without data of my...
  25. D

    Young's Interference experiment

    I am not sure if this is the correct place to put this question, as it is rather straight forward. But anyway, does anyone know if/where I could find a scanned (or otherwise copied) copy of Young's original experiment (or his paper(s) on it)? I am doing a project, that amounts to some...
  26. S

    A Karl Schwarzschild's 100th Anniversary: No BH Event Horizon

    January 13, 2016 will be the one hundredth anniversary of Karl Schwarzschild's paper on the solution to the GR field equations around a spherically symmetric gravitating body. You can find an English translation here: http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/9905030v1.pdf I urge everyone to read it. You...
  27. M

    How to cite for a figure taken from a paper?

    I want to present a picture which was taken from a paper in my thesis. Can I simply write at the end of the figure caption "(taken from [reference])" or should I get an official permission from the paper's author?
  28. yeshuamo

    How to walk my PI through a paper

    I'm an undergraduate involved in a research project. My advisor is a faculty member who has requested that I walk him and our postdoc collaborator through a paper that is relevant to our project; it's a 24-page in-depth journal article. I made an attempt at walking them through a shorter...
  29. O

    Using Mathematica vs pen and paper in Physics

    Hi! I'd like to discuss your experiences with pen and paper vs software. Especially young people are welcome to join the discussion :) I'm wondering if there are people who do *most* of the symbolic calculations on a computer. I am very familiar with pen and paper and I've been wondering...
  30. marcus

    Landmark paper by Smolin pulls together recent QG research

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.03858 The thermodynamics of quantum spacetime histories Lee Smolin (Submitted on 13 Oct 2015) We show that the simplicity constraints, which define the dynamics of spin foam models, imply, and are implied by, the first law of thermodynamics, when the latter is applied...
  31. MTd2

    Removing Static Black Hole Singularity without QM (paper)

    I thought of posting this on astrophysics or general relativity forums since it seems completely classical, but given the extraordinary claim, I am posting here. Note that one of the guys is a notable string theorist. http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.03396v1 Journey Beyond the Schwarzschild Black...
  32. W

    Moment about a point using graph paper

    Homework Statement the ans given is 95Nm , but i gt 80.9Nm , which part i did wrongly ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution 20(4) -39(5/surd 26(3)) +39(1/surd26)(1) -60(3/5)(1)+60(4/5)(3) =80.9[/B]
  33. V

    Theoretical vs measured sheet resistance of conductivity paper

    Homework Statement After performing a lab experiment to determine the conductivity if Pasco conductivity paper, I found the conductivity to be 0.195 Ωm. We found conductivity by graphing measured values of voltage (y axis) and the length (x axis) between the probes of a voltmeter that are...
  34. D

    Measuring a paper clip with precision

    Homework Statement You are asked to find the weight of a paper clip as accurately as possible and given ten paper clips and a scale that has a precision of 0.1 g. (A paper clip weighs about 1 g.) Which of the following proceedures would give you the most precise measurement the weight of a...
  35. MTd2

    Traversable wormhole without negative energy (paper)

    I'd like to know your views. Is it too good to be true? Or is there any obvious blunder?http://arxiv.org/abs/1509.07854 NUT wormholes Gérard Clément, Dmitri Gal'tsov, Mourad Guenouche (Submitted on 25 Sep 2015) We show that supercritically charged black holes with NUT provide a new setting for...
  36. D

    System of ODE - comparison with paper

    I have the following system of differential equations, for the functions ##A(r)## and ##B(r)##: ##A'-\frac{m}{r}A=(\epsilon+1)B## and ##-B' -\frac{m+1}{r}B=(\epsilon-1)A## ##m## and ##\epsilon## are constants, with ##\epsilon<1##. The functions ##A## and ##B## are the two components of a...
  37. Coffee_

    BEC Paper Q: Eigenvectors & Eigenvalues of Operator

    http://bec.science.unitn.it/infm-bec/papers/preprints/becenc.pdf It's in regards to expression (4) I don't understand why the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of this operator happen to be the single particle eigenstates and the occupation numbers as they mention just below this expression. I do...
  38. Serenity4uswild

    Tower out of paper that would support a textbook

    Hello :) I was assigned a project yesterday and have been struggling with it trying to find my perfect measurements... I have to create a tower out of paper that would support a textbook My materials are paper and glue. My paper may be as long as I want but no wider than 1 inch, I currently have...
  39. M

    Building an air cannon that shoots a wad of paper

    We are building an air cannon that shoots a wad of paper. I know the volume of the tank, the pressure of the tank, the size of the barrel, and the weight of the object. I need to know how to solve for initial velocity given this information. I will use the Vi to find the estimated distance...
  40. A

    How Does Air Pressure Affect Curveball Distance in Different Ballparks?

    Hello everyone, It's my first time posting, so I hope everyone is doing well. I am looking for some help for a high school research paper/lab I'm currently working on. Basically, I am investigating how the varying air pressures of different baseball parks have an effect on the distance traveled...
  41. ohwilleke

    An interesting new paper on f(X) gravity

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.04641 The body text of the paper ends up calling the "Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity theory" f(X) gravity. From the body text (citations and internal references omitted without notation): The paper closes by identifying many issues for further study and arguing...
  42. M

    What is the "unoccupied band" referring to in this paper?

    The abstract of this paper ( http://www.sciencemag.org/content/297/5588/1853 ) says "The electronic properties of the one-dimensional chains are dominated by an unoccupied electron band" I'm not sure what the paper is referring to by an unoccupied electron band. Wouldn't a metal be described...
  43. J

    Do you use two lines (of ruled paper) for a rational functio

    Do you use two lines (of regular ruled paper) for a rational function? FOr example, would you use two lines or one for the equation ## f(x) = (x^2-3) / x+2 ## I can see three ways (in general) of writing this. 1) numerator and denominator each get one line 2) num and den are written smaller...
  44. E

    Other How to publish if a mistake is found in a paper

    I found a mistake in one paper. It is not only a lapse, but it changes and anihilates meaning of the paper. How to publish this? In the same journal as a addenda, (because it can remark in short.)? Or it should be published as pa article in this or in another journal?
  45. Dr. Courtney

    Licensing of data from a published paper

    A colleague and I were recently approached by a publisher of educational materials regarding licensing the data from our paper, "Studying the Internal Ballistics of a Combustion Driven Potato Cannon using High-speed Video". See: http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1305/1305.0966.pdf This is...
  46. marcophys

    Create a dust attracting piece of paper

    I'm looking at equipment that scans an image through a feeder... evidently dust build up could be a problem. Thinking of a piece of paper, that might attract dust, that could be run through it (I saw a vid of a piece of cleaning paper run through a system - I'm presuming it is 'dust...
  47. Jimster41

    Are Saturn's Rings Caused by Fractal Structures?

    It's very recent, but it discusses the question of cause of and stability of Saturn's and other ring systems. I came to this site wondering about them. I got the impression from answers received here they were well understood? This paper seems to suggest there are a number of big questions, and...
  48. EverGreen1231

    Questions regarding the mathematics used in linked paper

    Please forgive me if the question is too ambiguous. I've run into mathematics that I've never dealt with before (I only have encountered very basic probability and statistics). Correct me if I'm wrong, but think I see a bit of topology is used in the second and third sections (though this could...
  49. marcus

    Our picks for second quarter 2015 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Please indicate the papers you think will prove most significant for future Loop-and-allied QG research. The poll is multiple choice, so it's possible to vote for several. Abstracts follow in the next post. http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.01065 Wilson loops in CDT quantum gravity J. Ambjorn, A...
  50. Semiavas

    Writing my first paper for publishing, we or I?

    Hello, I came up with an idea, wen't through the steps and it consistently worked. So now I'm writing a paper on it to submit for publishing. Along with this being my first forum post this is my first paper to publish, and I'm also only in my undergraduate right now, so please pardon my...