What is Nonlinear: Definition and 624 Discussions

In mathematics and science, a nonlinear system is a system in which the change of the output is not proportional to the change of the input. Nonlinear problems are of interest to engineers, biologists, physicists, mathematicians, and many other scientists because most systems are inherently nonlinear in nature. Nonlinear dynamical systems, describing changes in variables over time, may appear chaotic, unpredictable, or counterintuitive, contrasting with much simpler linear systems.
Typically, the behavior of a nonlinear system is described in mathematics by a nonlinear system of equations, which is a set of simultaneous equations in which the unknowns (or the unknown functions in the case of differential equations) appear as variables of a polynomial of degree higher than one or in the argument of a function which is not a polynomial of degree one.
In other words, in a nonlinear system of equations, the equation(s) to be solved cannot be written as a linear combination of the unknown variables or functions that appear in them. Systems can be defined as nonlinear, regardless of whether known linear functions appear in the equations. In particular, a differential equation is linear if it is linear in terms of the unknown function and its derivatives, even if nonlinear in terms of the other variables appearing in it.
As nonlinear dynamical equations are difficult to solve, nonlinear systems are commonly approximated by linear equations (linearization). This works well up to some accuracy and some range for the input values, but some interesting phenomena such as solitons, chaos, and singularities are hidden by linearization. It follows that some aspects of the dynamic behavior of a nonlinear system can appear to be counterintuitive, unpredictable or even chaotic. Although such chaotic behavior may resemble random behavior, it is in fact not random. For example, some aspects of the weather are seen to be chaotic, where simple changes in one part of the system produce complex effects throughout. This nonlinearity is one of the reasons why accurate long-term forecasts are impossible with current technology.
Some authors use the term nonlinear science for the study of nonlinear systems. This term is disputed by others:

Using a term like nonlinear science is like referring to the bulk of zoology as the study of non-elephant animals.

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  1. P

    Is this nonlinear equation solvable?

    The 3 equations are: 3xy-2xz=-1, -xy-xz=-1, -2xy+3xz=2 I've never learned how to solve these nonlinear equations. Is there anyway to solve this? I tried wolframalpha, but this was the result: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=3xy-2xz%3D-1%2C+-xy-xz%3D-1%2C+-2xy%2B3xz%3D2
  2. H

    DG method for nonlinear elliptic PDE

    Preface: just want to start by saying that I'm 99% sure I'm having a stability issue here in the way I'm implementing the time step since if I set \Delta t \ge 1 then for any stopping time > 1, the algorithm works as it should. For time steps smaller than 1, as the time step gets smaller and...
  3. S

    4 nonlinear optics problems: susceptibility, polarization

    [Wasn't sure if each problem needed a separate post. Please feel free to edit if needed.] Also \~ and \^ are tilde and hat respectively. 1a. Homework Statement Use perturbation theory to derive the 3rd order nonlinear susceptibility \chi^{(3)}(3w;w,w,w) (problem gives potential energy, etc...
  4. E

    Solving a system of 3 nonlinear equations

    a = xyz b = xy+xz+yz c = x + y + z How do you solve x, y, and z?
  5. M

    Nonlinear First Order ODE: Bernoulli Equation with n = 2

    Homework Statement (y^2 + xy)dx - x^2dy = 0 The Attempt at a Solution Put it into derivative form. y^2 + xy - x^2 \frac{dy}{dx} = 0 \frac{dy}{dx} - \frac{y^2}{x^2} - \frac{xy}{x^2} = 0 \frac{dy}{dx} + \frac{-1}{x}y = \frac{1}{x^2}y^2 I recognized this as a Bernoulli equation...
  6. E

    Linear operator or nonlinear operator?

    Homework Statement Verify whether or not the operator L(u) = u_x + u_y + 1 is linear. Homework Equations An operator L is linear if for any functions u, v and any constants c, the property L(c_1 u + c_2 v) = c_1 L(u) + c_2 L(v) holds true. The Attempt at a Solution I feel...
  7. N

    Time dependent forcing and nonlinear systems

    Hi, I'm trying to find a toy (i.e. analytic) example of a nonlinear system that has very different behavior for two different types of forcing: 1) \frac{\partial u(x,t)}{\partial t}+ N(u(x,t)) = F(x) where u(x,t) is the dependent variable, N represents some nonlinear operator with only...
  8. T

    Understanding Nonlinear Analysis in ANSYS: A Tutorial for Scientists

    hi, I have some confusion for performing nonlinear analysis in ANSYS with NLGEOM... I was following the tutorial, the APDL is given below /prep7 ! start preprocessor /title,NonLinear Analysis of Cantilever Beam k,1,0,0,0 ! define keypoints k,2,5,0,0...
  9. S

    Software to solve Nonlinear Systems (ineq and eq)

    Hi everyone, I've got an optimisation/computing question. I have a system of nonlinear equalities and inequalities, which I've written below for reference. It's the conditions for a minimiser of a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker problem. Would anyone be kind enough to explain how I could use software to...
  10. marellasunny

    Number of parameters for a nonlinear differential equation

    Take for example a system \frac{dx_i}{dt}=(x_i,t,a,b,...) i-number of state equations. What would be the maximum number of parameters permitted for this system of non-linear differential equations? Is it finally determined by the solution space?Is there a criteria for number of...
  11. C

    Hopf Bifurcation - Nonlinear Diff Eqns

    Homework Statement http://www.freeimagehosting.net/t/9369y.jpg Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution a) is as follows: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/t/4oqft.jpg Then for b), I have the equilibria as (0,0,0) and (r-1,\frac{r-1}{r},\frac{(r-1)^2}{r}) To...
  12. H

    MHB How can nonlinear ODEs be solved effectively?

    I need to solve the following ODE: http://www.sosmath.com/CBB/latexrender/pictures/041ee1419e05bc0776451b294c1dcc0e.png but i can't figure out a way to. Please help!
  13. H

    MHB Q How to Solve Nonlinear ODEs with Two Variables and Homogeneous Equations?

    I need to solve 2 ODEs: 1. http://www.sosmath.com/CBB/latexrender/pictures/7b213e6c9e4d5fd9d92877694610ac22.png 2. http://www.sosmath.com/CBB/latexrender/pictures/528f96046147932945da54b7a47f97a9.pngbut i can't figure out a way to. Please help!
  14. J

    Nonlinear second order differential equation

    What is the solution of the follwoing differential equation \frac{\partial^{2}y}{\partial x^{2}}-ay^{-1}\frac{dy}{dx}=0 where a is a constant.
  15. S

    Nonlinear Systems & Weighted Sum of Impulses

    Hello, my question is that almost all textbooks say that a linear system will give the output to a weighted sum of impulses which equals the superposition of scaled responses to each of the shifted impulses. But if we apply the same input which is a weighted sum of impulses to a non linear time...
  16. D

    MHB Investigating Inconsistencies in Strogatz's Nonlinear Dynamics Book

    Strogatz's Nonlinear and Dynamics book states that $$ \langle\sin^{2n}\rangle = \frac{1\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdots (2n-1)}{2\cdot 4\cdot 6\cdots 2n} $$ for $n\geq 1$. However, $\langle\sin^6\rangle = \frac{5}{16}\neq\frac{15}{48}$. What is the deal here?
  17. J

    System of nonlinear integral equations

    Hello everybody! While solving some physical problem I got stuck with some system of integral equations. The problem is formulated in .pdf file below. I will be over-satisfied with the following 1) to know whether and why this system has/doesn't have a solution 2) how it could be...
  18. K

    Motion in Nonlinear Differential Equations

    Homework Statement How do you derive the time-dependent velocity equation for motion along a curve, such as a skateboarder on a half pipe? For the sake of abstraction, I ask myself the following: A uniform sphere of mass m and radius r is set free from the top edge of a semicircle half pipe...
  19. X

    Are All One-Dimensional Vector Fields Gradient Systems?

    Show that all vector fields on the line are gradient systems. This is exercise 7.2.4 in the book "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos" by Steven H.Strogatz Thanks very much!
  20. M

    Solving a First-Order Nonlinear ODE: A Scientific Approach

    Homework Statement We have the equation: y'(x)^2+2 (x+1) \left(y'(x)+x\right)+2 y(x)+2 x=0 2. The attempt at a solution None. I don't even know how to proceed with this problem, except for, of course, expansion. I tried the factorization method, but no luck here. I have a feeling I...
  21. icesalmon

    Solving Nonlinear System with 18 Solutions: 0 ≤ α, β, γ ≤ 2π

    Homework Statement Show that the following nonlinear system has 18 solutions if: 0 ≤ α ≤ 2∏ 0 ≤ β ≤ 2∏ 0 ≤ γ ≤ 2∏ sin(α) + 2cos(β) + 3tan(γ) = 0 2sin(α) + 5cos(β) + 3tan(γ) = 0 -sin(α) -5cos(β) + 5tan(γ) = 0 using the substitutions x = sin(α) y = cos(β) z = tan(γ) The Attempt at a...
  22. T

    Nonlinear system (has anyone encountered this eq form?)

    Has anyone seen this form of a nonlinear equation with respect to X, but linear with respect to Y & Z? I provided a contour plot within the region for all 3 variables between -2 & 2. The plot is actually Z*conjugate(Z) so that the magnitude is above ZERO. If I am correct I may have seen this...
  23. S

    Simple Pendulum nonlinear second order differential equation

    Homework Statement given: dt=-\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\frac{d\theta}{\sqrt{sin^2(\alpha/2)-sin^2(\theta/2)}} make the change of variables sin(\theta/2)=sin(\alpha/2)sin(\phi) to show that: dt=-\sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\frac{d\phi}{\sqrt{1-k^2sin^2(\phi)}} where k=sin(\alpha/2) Homework...
  24. A

    MHB My answer:y=az^by=19.7(.454z)^0.753

    The basal metabolic rate (in kcal/day) for large anteaters is given by: y=f(x)= 19.7x0.753 where x is the anteater's weight in kilograms a) find the basal metabolic rae for anteaters with the following weights i. 5kg ii. 25kg My answer: i= 66.19kg ii= 222.39 kg Hopefully I got a right...
  25. M

    Nonlinear second order differential equation

    I am having a problem finding the solution for this eq: y''(x)+(2/x)y'(x)+(w^2)y(x)=0 I couldn't find examples in the textbook that goes on a similar line, and have been searching the internet as well, but no use. I am thinking of using substitution v=y' but not sure how to do that in the...
  26. H

    Nonlinear diff equation and power series

    Homework Statement i need to solve this diff equation. y' = x2 + y2 y = 1 when x = 0 i can assume that the answer is a power series on the form Ʃanxn andi only need the 4 first non zero terms of the power-series answer Homework Equations Ʃanxn The Attempt at a Solution...
  27. T

    Nonlinear second order ODE describing a force field

    Not sure if this topic belongs here, but here goes. Homework Statement From the AP physics C 1995 test there is a problem that gives the potential energy curve U(x). With F=-\frac{dU}{dx} in one variable, F(x)=-\frac{a}{b}+\frac{ba}{x^{2}} Where a and b are constants. Now I need to get...
  28. 1

    Dealing with a nonlinear system of equations.

    Homework Statement Hello everyone. I'm trying to solve a non linear 11x11 system. (for eliminate harmonics in a power inversor) I used Excel's Solver but it didn't work. (Solver couldn't solve the system). Then I found fsolve (a scilab function) but again it didn't work I will attach...
  29. M

    Differential Equation, nonlinear, nonexact

    Homework Statement \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{2y - x + 7}{4x - 3y -18} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried using v = y/x and got nothing. Same goes for trying to find an integrating factor to make the equation exact. I am given a hint, Find h and k so that the...
  30. G

    Nonlinear OD transform to linear ODE

    Hello, I am confused as to how to transform nonlinear ODEs to linear ones by change of variables. Usually its pretty straight forward and I can do it, but this particular problem has me stumped and I don't know where to begin. Homework Equations Thank you guys!
  31. G

    Understanding Nonlinear Exponential Maps for Vector Fields

    I'm having trouble understanding the exponential map for nonlinear vector fields. If dσ/dt=X(σ) for vector field X, then how does one interpret the solution: σ(t)=exp[tX]σ(0) ? If X is nonlinear, then X is not a matrix, so this expression wouldn't make sense. If X is a...
  32. F

    Mathematica Solving systems of nonlinear ordinary equations in Mathematica.

    I'm trying to solve a system of five nonlinear equations (degree 7) in Mathematica: Solve[{q (a^2 + b^2 (3 q^2 + r^2 + 8 t^2)) ((e - q)^2 - R^2 - 4 T^2)^2 + q ((e - q)^2 + R^2 + 4 T^2) - 2 (e - q) (r R + 4 t T) == 0, R (a^2 + b^2 (3 R^2 + (e - q)^2 + 8 T^2)) ((e - q)^2 -...
  33. J

    Solving a Second Order Nonlinear ODE: Integrating and Separating Variables

    1. y''y^4 = 8 I tried almost every method I know, including laplace transforms, variation of parameters, reductin of order, v=y' substitution
  34. Y

    How to go about solving this first-order nonlinear differential equation?

    I saw this post at stackexchange: I ran across this post when trying to solve a homework problem. But I have no idea how he got that solution for that. When I use the Euler-Lagrange, I get this diff eq below. Here is the simplest form I have managed to get it in...
  35. H

    Need help on a nonlinear first order DE question

    Hi Everyone I tried all ways I can to solve (y^2+x^2+x)y'-y=0, but still cann't find a way to solve it. Could anybody help on it? Thank you very much!
  36. B

    Nonlinear DE similar to a Bernoulli equation

    Hi all, I've got a nonlinear differential equation of the general form y' + f(x)y + g(x) = h(x)(y^n) to solve. For g(x) = 0 this is your standard Bernoulli equation. I've been trying to think of a way to solve it but haven't managed so far. Any ideas would be appreciated. Many...
  37. P

    Linear or Nonlinear Differential Equation?

    Homework Statement Is this differential equation linear or nonlinear? Assume that y' means dy/dx. Homework Equations 1. Homework Statement [/b] Is this differential equation linear or nonlinear? Assume that y' means dy/dx. Homework Equations \sqrt{xy'+2x2}=5 The Attempt...
  38. T

    Nonlinear First order ODE: dy/dx = x + y^2

    Homework Statement I want to find the general solution for y(x) if dy/dx = x + y^2 with initial cond't y(1) = 2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I can't figure out how to make it linear. (Obviously I don't think it's seperable) Any suggestions/solutions...
  39. P

    How do I solve this Nonlinear First Order Differential Equation?

    Hello! I am taking a self study diff e course, and I have run into a problem with no one to ask for help. Here is the problem: d/dt [ h^3(t) + 3h(t)^2 + 3h(t) ] = q(t) h(t) is output. q(t) is input. is this Nonlinear First Order Differential Equation. But I could not expand to...
  40. B

    Solving a system of two nonlinear second order ODEs (Mechanical vibrations)

    I was wondering what the common methods for solving such a system are: 2 m \ddot{x} - m l \ddot{θ} θ + k x = 0 m l^{2} \ddot{θ} - m l \ddot{x} θ + m g l θ = 0
  41. jbrussell93

    Schools Preparation for grad school - nonlinear systems

    Lately I have been reading about nonlinear systems and chaos. It's fascinating and I would like to know more about how I could prepare myself to possibly study this in grad school. I would be interested in looking at biological systems such as neural networks or even animal populations. I'm a...
  42. V

    What branch of math deals with nonlinear systems?

    Like linear algebra goes in depth about linear systems, what should I look for to learn about the extension of linear algebra to nonlinear systems? Is there a name of the field of study? If I go into a book store to buy books about it, what should I be looking for? Abstract Algebra? Complex...
  43. M

    Nonlinear evolution of the quantum mechanical state vector

    Hi, My understanding that one of the postulates of quantum mechanics is that the vector describing the quantum mechanical state of a system evolves in a linear fashion. My question is how this can be reconciled with systems where the system evolves in a non-linear fashion for example systems...
  44. D

    Solution to nonlinear ODE with radicals

    I am not too familiar with differential equations but am familiar with basic calculus, I came across this equation trying to describe a particular function: dy/dx =((sqrt((y-x)^2+y^2)-abs(y))/(y-x))*abs(y)/y Anyway I tried to separate the variables unsuccessfully and using v(x)=y(x)/x with...
  45. N

    Mathemaica: Nonlinear Least Squares

    Hi I like to fit in Mathematica using NonlinearModelFit. When I look at the fitted parameters, there is an entry called "P-value". Here is what it means: "The p-value is the probability of observing a t-statistic at least as far from 0 as the one obtained.". I'm not quite sure what this...
  46. F

    Nonlinear differential equation (Laplace transform?)

    Hi, Part of my research, I nondimensionalized an ODE to eventually arrive at this form: sin(τλ) = q^((n+2)/(n+1)) + κq' + q'' where q' = dq/dτ The problem is of course the nonlinear q^n. n is an integer greater than 0. Is there a Laplace transform for this? Or what solutions are there for...
  47. K

    Particle motion ode (1st order nonlinear nonhomog)

    hi all, I've been trying to work this problem out, \frac{dv}{dt}-A(B-v)^{1.6}=G A, B and G are constants and Matlab can't give me a solution either. I'm wondering if there is even a solution?
  48. M

    First-Order Nonlinear ODE from transient heat transfer

    A problem from a heat transfer book with conduction and radiation led me to a differential equation like this: T'(t) = a - b*T(t) - c*T(t)^4 Although my professor said that there wouldn't be an analytical solution for this one and to get the answer by an iterative method I got curious and...
  49. sunrah

    Nonlinear DE Reduction for \ddot{y} = - \dot{y} - y -sin(y)

    Homework Statement \ddot{y} = - \dot{y} - y -sin(y) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution to reduce the order I need to find a solution y1. it seems to me the only obvious solution is y1 = 0 but i can't use this to do a reduction can i
  50. C

    Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory and Nonlinear Differential Equations

    I've been reading through my mechanics of materials textbook recently, notably in regard to the section on the deflection of beams. The well regarded Euler-Bernoulli beam theory relates the radius of curvature for the beam to the internal bending moment and flexural rigidity. However the theory...