What is Multivariable: Definition and 536 Discussions

Multivariable calculus (also known as multivariate calculus) is the extension of calculus in one variable to calculus with functions of several variables: the differentiation and integration of functions involving several variables, rather than just one.

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  1. C

    Straightforward Multivariable Calculus Max/Min Problem

    Homework Statement A 20-inch piece of wire is to be cut into three pieces. From one piece is made a square and from another is made a rectangle with length equal to twice its width. From the third is made an equilateral triangle. How should the wire be cut so that the sum of the three areas is...
  2. M

    Evaluating Multivariable Limit: (x^2+y^2)/(1+y^2)

    Multivariable Limits! Lim (x^2+y^2)/(1+y^2) (x,y)--> (0,0) evaluate the limit or determine that it does not exist. Im pretty sure that the limit does not exist because if i take it from the y and x axises the values don't match up but not really sure if that is the right way to do it. Any...
  3. S

    Multivariable Limit: Does Not Exist

    Homework Statement Lim (x,y)->(1,1) of (x^2 + y^2 - 2) / (x^2 - y^2) Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution not continuous.. so I thought I would approach 1 from both x and y axises lim x->1 (x^2 - 2)/(x^2) = -2 limt y->1 (y^2 - 2)/(-y^2) = 2 Does not exist...
  4. M

    Multivariable Calc issues showing curve lies on cylinder

    Consider the space curve x = cos t, y = sin t, z = sin^2 t. (1) Without plotting this curve, show that this curve lies on the cylinder x^2 + y^2 = 1. (2) Plot this curve (without the cylinder), then use the appropriate rotations to see the planar projections on the xy-plane, the xz-plane and...
  5. I

    Correlated multivariable gaussian random number generation

    \mathrm{prob} \propto \mathrm{e}^{-\frac{(a -x_1)^2}{2 \sigma^2}} \mathrm{e}^{-\frac{(x_1 -x_2)^2}{2 \sigma^2}} \mathrm{e}^{-\frac{(x_2 -x_3)^2}{2 \sigma^2}} \mathrm{e}^{-\frac{(x_3 -b)^2}{2 \sigma^2}} a and b are known real constants. Is there a way to generate x_1, x_2, x_3 independently...
  6. A

    Multivariable Calculus and E&M Over Summer?

    Is this a bad idea? I want to get my intro courses out of the way, but don't want to sacrifice a full understanding.
  7. T

    Multivariable calc required for intro physics?

    Hi, I was reading ratemyprofessor.com (i know - not a good thing, as most bad reviews are written by lazy students) and I came across something a bit strange. Somebody said that he wouldn't recommend taking the first semester of calculus-based physics unless you've taken calc 3 (multivariable)...
  8. T

    Multivariable chain rule and differentiability

    Homework Statement Hi I'm currently trying to revise for a Calculus exam, and have very little idea of how to do the following: Let f be defined by f(x,y) = (y+e^x, sin(x+y)) Let g be of class C2 (twice differentiable with continuous second derivatives) with grad(g)(1,0) = (1,-1) and Hg(1,0)...
  9. N

    Factoring multivariable polynomials

    Hey, I'm a high school student (11th grade) and I'm working on a computer algebra system for a research project. Most things are are going well (sums, products, derivatives, integrals, series, expansion, complex analysis, factoring basic expressions, etc.). However, I am having difficulty...
  10. D

    Multivariable limit: (sqrt(|x|)y) / (x^2+y^2)

    lim (sqrt(|x|)y) / (x^2+y^2) (x,y) -> (0,0) so I've substituted y = x, y = sqrt(|x|) as well as the substitutions for polar coordinates. the function seems to approach infinite which means that the limit does not exist. the problem asks to show whether the limit exists or not and then to prove...
  11. B

    Continuity for Multivariable Functions

    Just curious how to define continuity for mult dim. functions. I know that the topological and set theorectical definitions work in a very abstract setting; but I just don't know how to prove (for example) that f(x,y) = x + y or f(t,z) = t*z is continuous, other than saying something like: Well...
  12. M

    Integrating over a genral region (multivariable)

    For integrating over type 1 and type 2 regions, why does the g(x) or g(y) bound have to be the inner integral? Thanks!
  13. L

    Multivariable Calc Image-Graph Problem

    Multivariable Calc Image-Graph Problem! Homework Statement Given a function f: R-R2 , by f(t) = (t, t^2 - cos(t)), which represents a curve in the xy plane parametrically, give a function whose GRAPH represents this same curve. 2) Also, give a function h whose level set for height k=0...
  14. F

    Multivariable Dirac Delta Functions

    Hello all. So I am trying to integrate a function of this form: \int\intF(x,y)\delta[a(Cos[x]-1)+b(Cos[y]+1)]dxdy The limits of integration for x and y are both [0,2Pi). I know that this integral is only nonzero for x=0, y=Pi. So this should really only sample one point of F(x,y)...
  15. L

    Interesting Multivariable Limit Problem

    Homework Statement lim (x,y)→(3,1) | (x2y - 6xy - x2 + 6x - 9y - 9) / ( (x-3)4 + (y-1)2 ) Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution Since we have the indeterminate form '0/0' when we simply substitute (x, y) = (3, 1) we need to show the limit Does Not Exist. we will show...
  16. W

    Finding local min, max, and saddle points in multivariable calculus

    Homework Statement Find the local maximum and minimum values and saddle point(s) of the function. f(x,y) = 1 + 2xy - x^2 - y^2 Homework Equations The Second Derivative Test: let D = D(a,b) = fxx(a,b)*fyy(a,b) - [fxy(a,b)]^2 if D > 0 and fxx(a,b) > 0, then f(a,b) is a local minimum...
  17. A

    Multivariable max rate of change

    Homework Statement The equation z(e^(xy)) + z^5 + y = 4 implicitly defines z as a function z = f(x,y) near (0,2,1) (a) find df/dx and df/duy where x = 0, y = 0, and z = 1 (b) find the maximum rate of change of f at the point (0,2) Homework Equations sorry, my first post here not sure what i...
  18. B

    Transition from AP Calc BC to Multivariable Calc

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this forums. Been lurking around for a while, but finally decided to join :) So anyways, I'm a current high school senior right now, taking Calc BC. I'm hoping to major in a math-related field (mathematics, physics, or electrical engineering) when I get to college...
  19. M

    Prove the equality : Multivariable chain rule problem

    Homework Statement Prove that (\frac{\partial u}{\partial x})^{2} + (\frac{\partial u}{\partial t})^{2} = e^{-2s}[(\frac{\partial u}{\partial s})^{2} + (\frac{\partial u}{\partial t})^{2}].Homework Equations u = f(x,y) x = e^{s}cost y = e^{s}sint The Attempt at a Solution I started out by...
  20. P

    Multivariable Function Limit by Squeeze Theorem

    I have uploaded my question along with all of my work to Google Docs as a PDF, it can be found https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B35_M3cbY5nxMTE5Y2NjMzgtYzQ0MC00YmNjLTg1ZDktZmVlYjA4MTQxNzE2&hl=en&authkey=CL-llawP", which is why I did not follow the template provided. (I already had it in a...
  21. L

    Multivariable calculus. The chain rule.

    Homework Statement Let x=x^2ysin(u)tan(v), where x(u,v) and y(u,v) are smooth functions that, when evaluated at u=1 and v=-3 satisfy x=2.112, y=4.797, \partialx/\partialu = -3.491, \partialx/\partialv = -2.230 , \partialy/\partialu = 1.787 , \partialy/\partialv = 1.554. Then the...
  22. K

    Multivariable calculus partial derivatives/chain rule

    Homework Statement http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/8196/mathqshwk4.jpg Find https://webwork.elearning.ubc.ca/webwork2_files/tmp/equations/f3/d5a53499bbf12cafa144440e3095781.png and [PLAIN]https://webwork.elearning.ubc.ca/webwork2_files/tmp/equations/b1/ce11cb4b480b6159791b1605b6f2681.png...
  23. D

    Estimating Maximum Error (Multivariable)

    Estimating Maximum Error, Odd Question? (Please Help Today!) Homework Statement Suppose that T is to be found from the formula T = x(e^y + e^-y), where x and y are found to be 2 and ln(2) with maximum possible errors of |dx| = 0.1 and |dy| = 0.02. Estimate the maximum possible error in the...
  24. L

    Solving Multivariable Limit: Find Limit or Show No Existence

    Homework Statement Find that the limit exists, or show that the limit does not exist. lim (x,y) --> (0,0) of (x^2 * sin^2y)/(x^2 + 2y^2) Homework Equations ?? The Attempt at a Solution i used the lines x=0 y=0 and both times got the limit 0 so i attempted to prove the limit...
  25. D

    How to maximize a multivariable equation?

    I have an function with 4 variables. Each of the 5 variables are bounded between to real numbers. Is there an easy way to find a maximum value of the function? Here is the equation: http://yfrog.com/jleqnp I have MathCAD and Mathematica software available to me. I'm not very familliar with...
  26. T

    Good book for single snd multivariable calculus needed

    Hello!I am a student in class 10 at the moment and am eager to do 11 physics but a devilish problem exists...calculus!Could anyone of you suggest me which topics to complete in maths before approaching calculus.Also suggest a few good books to experience calculus.pls!
  27. J

    Using polar coordinates to evaluate a multivariable limit

    Homework Statement When you substitute polar coordinates into a multivariable limit, do you treat theda as a constant when evaluating? (I know how to use polar coordinates to evaluate a limit but haven't learned what they are yet) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  28. L

    Multivariable Calculus - Tangent Line

    Homework Statement Find parametric equations for the tangent line at the point (cos (-5*pi/6), sin (-5*pi/6), -5*pi/6) on the curve x(t) = cos t y(t) = sin t z(t) = t (Your line should be parametrized so that it passes through the given point at t=0). Im not really understanding the question...
  29. J

    Difficult multivariable problem to find equation for 3d surface

    Homework Statement A given surface contains all points G such that the distance from G to the plane z=4 is double the distance from point G to the pt. (2, -3, 1). Find eqn for the surface. Homework Equations I thought the distance formula for a point to a plane would help, but I can tell...
  30. L

    Multivariable Calculus - Parallelogram

    Homework Statement Suppose u=(-2,-10) and v=(-2,-2) are two vectors that form the sides of a parallelogram. Then the lengths of the two diagonals of the parallelogram are... Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried using pythagrean theorem and some trig to find the...
  31. L

    Multivariable Calculus - Sphere

    Homework Statement Find the equation of the sphere centered at (-7,6,7) with radius 2. Normalize your equations so that the coefficient of x^2 is 1. Homework Equations (x-xo)^2 + (y-yo)^2 + (z-zo)^2=r The Attempt at a Solution (x-(-7))^2 + (y-6)^2 + (z-7)^2 = 2 it saids to...
  32. L

    Multivariable Calculus - Scalar projection

    Homework Statement Find the scalar and vector projection of the vector b=(3,5,3) onto the vector a=(0,1,-5) . Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution What I've tried is multiplying all the i's and j's and k's together and adding up everything because you get a scalar...
  33. M

    Multivariable Calculus~Equation of a Sphere

    Homework Statement Find the Equation of the sphere with points P such that the distance from P to A is twice the distance from P to B. A(-2, 4, 2), B(4, 3, -1) Homework Equations The equation of a sphere would probably be the most relevant equation. That is (x-h)^2 +...
  34. T

    Optimizing Cost for Given Volume of a Cylinder

    if Cost(r)=0.01(2\pir2+v/\pir2(2\pir))+0.015(4\pir+v/\pir2) v=hpir2 how does one show for the optimal radius/height for any volume i.e. where the cost will be the minimum for that volume? all my attempts have ended with 0=0 help please? i'll give you cookehz ^^
  35. A

    Derive Multivariable Taylor Series

    Hello all, I am currently studying multivariable calculus, and I am interested in the Taylor series for two variable function. I am not sure where to begin; I cannot understand any of the proofs (which are apparently sparse) on the internet; they all just state it using a sigma sum; not...
  36. Char. Limit

    Preparing for Multivariable Calculus

    Well, I have a week and a half until my first classes in my first year of college. My math class is multivariable calculus. However, while I aced Calculus in high school, I'm worried that college-level may be of a different caliber. So, I wanted to ask what should I know walking into that...
  37. N

    Multivariable Calc Problem (Surface Area/Integral)

    Homework Statement Find the surface area of the ellipsoid (x/a)^2 + (y/a)^2 + (z/b)^2 = 1. Homework Equations If G(u,v) is a map from R2 to R3 that parametrizes the surface, then the area of the surface is equal to the double integral over the domain of G of the norm of the cross...
  38. B

    Differential eq without multivariable?

    this fall I am taking differential equations at my university without having taken multivariable calculus part 2 (my school splits multivariable calc into 2 quarters, I've only taken the first quarter). I have taken linear algebra (took it last quarter) so basically what I'm wondering is will...
  39. E

    Self study Multivariable Calculus or Introduction to Proofs?

    Hello. I was wondering if I should self study multivariable calculus or introduction to proofs? I am an entering high school senior (contrary to what my username might suggest), and I just took a Calc 2 class last spring. I can only do one or the other, and I don't know which one would be...
  40. pellman

    Multivariable analog to the total derivative?

    For a single variable we have \int_{x_1}^{x_2} f(x) dx = F(x_2)-F(x_1) if f(x) = dF/dx. f(x) is then a total derivative. What is the analog in 3D so that \int_V f(\vec{x}) d^3x does not depend on the values of f in the interior of V? In case there is not a single answer...
  41. T

    Book on multivariable calculus/vector calculus, (cheap-ish)

    Right, high school student here, I may want a book on multivariable/vector calculus soon and I was wondering if you have any suggestions.. I like the look of https://www.amazon.com/dp/0130414085/?tag=pfamazon01-20 but regrettably it seems to expensive for me.. Bear in mind that I live in...
  42. K

    Proving Multivariable Limit: f(x, y) → 0

    Homework Statement Consider that f(x, y) = [sin^2(x − y)] / [|x| + |y|]. Using this, prove: lim(x,y)→(0,0) f(x, y) = 0 Homework Equations Definition of a limit, etc. The Attempt at a Solution I don't know how to start... I've been trying to self-teach limits for a while and...
  43. V

    Multivariable Constrained Optimization

    hi i want to find values of a,b,c such that.. Minimize (a+b+c) constrained to (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 + (z-c)^2 less than equal to R(z) (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 + (z-c)^2 greater than equal to r(z) can anyone help me solving this?? which method should b used for better computation??
  44. Q

    Continuity of multivariable functions question

    Homework Statement Is the function f(x,y) defined by f(x,y) = (yx^3 - 3y^3)/(x^2 + y^2), (x,y)!=(0,0) =0, (x,y)=(0,0) continuous everywhere in R^2? Give reasons for your answer. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I changed f(x,y) into polar coordinates and found the limit as...
  45. G

    Multivariable Calculus: Applications of Grad (and the Chain Rule?)

    Homework Statement We say that a differentiable function f : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is homogenous of degree p if, for every \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^n and every a>0, f(a\mathbf{x}) = a^pf(\mathbf{x}). Show that, if f is homogenous, then \mathbf{x} \cdot \nabla f(\mathbf{x}) = p...
  46. B

    Optimizing Revenue for a Sports Banquet

    A hall charges $30 per person for a sports banquet. For every group of over 50, the hall will decrease the price by $10 per person, in excess of 50 people. a. Write revenue as a multivariable function of the number of people, q, in excess of 50 and the price per person, p. b.Write a...
  47. R

    Multivariable chain rule (with implicit variable)

    Homework Statement If T is implicitly defined via the relationship f(x, y, z, T) = 0 to be a differentiable function of x, y and z, show that the first partial derivative of T with respect to z can be found using: \frac{\partial T}{\partial z} = -\frac{\partial f}{\partial z} / \frac{\partial...
  48. C

    Please help me solve a multivariable limit question

    Homework Statement Find limit as (r, θ)----> (0, pi/2) for the function: r= (w secθ)/(secθ+tanθ)^(Vs/Vr) Both w and Vs/Vr are constants in this question The Attempt at a Solution I tried with L'hopital but it didnt turn well as when I differentiate secθ, I got ln (secθ + tan...
  49. L

    Volume of Solid Multivariable Calc

    Find the volume of the solid in the first octant of xyz space, bounded below by the coordinate axes and the unit circle and bounded about by z = 8xy A) 1/2 B) 1 C) 2 D) 4 E) 8 I know we need a double integral. The bound below should be the unit circle which would be x^2 + y^2 = 1. So...
  50. Z

    How Can We Calculate Coefficients in Multivariable Laurent Series?

    can we define a multivariable power series (laurent series) \sum_{i,j,k,l,...=-\infty}^{\infty}a_{i,j,k,l,...}(X-a)^{i}(Y-b)^{j}(Z-c)^{k}(W-k)^{l}... indices i,j k and l run over ALL the integers positive and negatives how could i calculate the coefficients ?? a_{i,j,k,l} ?