What is List: Definition and 506 Discussions

This list of tallest buildings includes skyscrapers with continuously occupiable floors and a height of at least 350 m. Non-building structures, such as towers, are not included in this list (see list of tallest buildings and structures).

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  1. Z

    [C] Circular-linked list ; finding a value ; pointer confusion

    Hi, So I have a circular linked list; each element of the list has a int value and a next pointer to the next element. BUT. When I try to compare rather the NEXT element has a certain value, I always get a true return; how do I properly compare the structure values with an int? I'm doing...
  2. S

    Fortran Error when reading list, Fortran 77

    Hello, I'm trying to run a simulation program, written in Fortran 77 for the g77 compiler ( I use gcc version 3.4.6). I get the following error message when running the program: invalid number: incomprehensible list input apparent state: unit 3 named combin.fig last format: list io...
  3. Pythagorean

    News Why Americans Love Obama's Kill List

    Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2012/06/09/4032952/why-americans-love-obamas-kill.html#storylink=cpy
  4. C

    List of Questions I want to ask regarding physics, philosophy, mathematics, etc.

    Dear Peeps, How are you guys doing? Please forgive me if the title is to vague but I am new on this website and I am confused about some concepts I picked up while reading some of the threads here. I consider myself a layman kind of, I am actually studying aerospace engineering and I have got...
  5. K

    Engineering Curriculum Book List

    Hey everyone, I'm starting applied physics in September, but I'd like to self-study engineering on the side. Not in the sense of practically getting an additional degree by self-studying, mind you, just out of interest... and because I might want to do a masters in engineering after I've done...
  6. Z

    A list of MUST-READ titles for future physicists

    Can anyone give me a short list of MUST-READ physics books? I mean books like for example Feynman's 'QED' and Hawking's 'A brief history of time'.
  7. S

    Suggestions for Summer Physics Reading

    Hello. I've just gotten through my first year of undergraduate physics (not much physics really) and won't have the time to take any courses over the summer. I think it'd be in my best interest to keep my mind on my studies so I figure I will pick up a few books to go through over the summer...
  8. X

    Java Fix Java Linked List Output Issue & Error

    Can someone tell me why there's no output? I compiled it, and it should work, but there's simply no output (netbeans). It also says "incorrect package" at the top of every file. It's a linked list that adds cars, sorts them, and (should) display the sorted results. There's also an error in...
  9. L

    List of things nearing the speed of light

    Hello, I would be interrested in building a list of things moving close to the speed of light. This list would contain these information: name of the experiment/observation date nature of the object nearing the speed of light method used to create the fast object method used to...
  10. E

    Parts List = Bill of materials?

    Is a part list equivalent to a bill of materials?
  11. K

    Looking to get a list of science books commonly used nationally?

    I'm unsure if this is the right place to post this but I am looking for a list of popular Science/Mathematics textbooks that are commonly used nationally from Middle School-High School? I am doing a research paper. In my thesis I feel as if the history of science is not introduced enough. Most...
  12. F

    Applying at companies who don't list job openings?

    I come across a handful of companies which hire physics grads who do not have a job portal on their website. Does anyone have any experience applying at these types of companies? Does it generally mean they aren't hiring, or do not hire in this manner (perhaps they only recruit)? Would it be...
  13. S

    Reversing the order of nodes in a doubly linked list (Solution provided)

    Homework Statement Write an algorithm for reversing the order of nodes in a doubly linked list. You may assume a head and tail reference, and you may directly get and set the next field of any node, but you may not assume any add or remove methods are defined. You may...
  14. L

    Java Java: create a dictionary/ vocab list

    Is there a way I can get the definitions from, say, dictionary.com? Does much method already exist or do I have to go about creating one? How would I get a specific something from a specific website? I prefer using java, but if there's another language that makes it easier, I also know C++...
  15. S

    Comp Sci Why Does My Java Program Display the Menu Before Adding or Removing Items?

    Homework Statement I am supposed to write a program that uses a bag of strings to keep track of a list of chores. The user can add, remove, view, etc. items on the list. Homework Equations When I run the program and i choose an option from the menu. It displays the menu again before...
  16. J

    Removing the first cell from a linked list

    class intList { int value; intList *nextEntry; intList *reverseM(intList *prev); public: intList(int v, intList *next) : value(v), nextEntry(next) {} intList *reverseM(); intList *removeNthM(int i); // remove the ith element from the list int length(); }; intList...
  17. D

    Please help me compile a list of phenomenal dualities?

    Experimenting with theoretical systems, it is important that I am aware of all possible dualities that physics concerns itself with. Such as: Space-Time duality Electro-Magnetic duality Wave-Particle duality Light-Matter duality (QED?) ...and so on. Would anyone care to offer...
  18. M

    List of Questions about Black Holes

    So from what I understand, virtual particles that are created at the edge of a black hole can become the small detectable radiation (hawking radiation) if one of the particles falls into a black hole, becoming a real particle (its partner now no longer has to annihilate with it) and the second...
  19. T

    Find Permutation 4661 of G={1,2,3,4,5,6,7} | Answer Here

    Hi to everyone... I would like to know which is the permutation 4661 of the elements G = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} I have search for the formula around the internet but I could not find it... So I hope anyone can help about this solution. Thank you... and the result on the picture is like this as...
  20. R

    How to sort a list alphabetically but ignore numbers?

    I have a list of urls I need to sort but I need to sort them only using the letters in the url? Eg. example.com/174353/a example.com/3452344/c example.com/435322/d example.com/2342/b example.com/23456/e Would be sorted as: example.com/174353/a example.com/2342/b example.com/3452344/c...
  21. S

    Comp Sci Java - bag adt with linked list

    Homework Statement "Implement a new method for the bag class. The new method allows you to subtract the contents of one bag from another. For example, suppose x has seven copies of the number 3 and y has two copies of the number 3. Then after activating x.subtract(y), the bag x will have...
  22. S

    Comp Sci Linked list sorting method in java

    Homework Statement I need to write a sorting method for my IntNode class. this is supposed to use the selection sort algorithm. Homework Equations selection sort algorithm given by problem while(the first list still has some nodes { 1. find the node with the largest element of...
  23. R

    What is the mathematical topic related to finding gaps in a sequential list?

    If I have a sequence 1,2,3,.. 1000. I can find a gap by summing up and subtrating from the sum of 1.. 1000 (usually with a known formula like n x (n+1) / 2 but with processing power I can just add 1 ... 1000 with a computer program). If there is a two number gap, I can add squares as well and...
  24. Mentz114

    Building a List in Lisp: Novice's Mess Solved

    I'm a lisp novice, so naturally I've got into a mess trying to do something that would be elementary in a procedural language. I want to return this list ( ( a SIMP) ( (MLIST SIMP) x ) (MLIST SIMP) y ) ) from a func where x,y are args passed to the function. x and y are atoms. This...
  25. M

    Projectile Mechanics: 3-D List for Researching

    Does anybody know where I could find a list of 3-D mechanics of a projectile? I would greatly appreciate it :). Thank you very much in advance :)
  26. Math Amateur

    What Is the Span of a List of Vectors in Linear Algebra?

    In order to improve my knowledge of Linear Algebra I am reading Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler. In Chapter 2 under the heading Span and Linear Independence we find the following text: "If ( v_1, v_2, ... ... v_m ) is a list off vectors in a vector space V, then each v_j is...
  27. S

    Mathematica List of CAS: Mathematica, Maple

    Hello All, I would like to ask about experience in general math as well as general engineering software. At university time we used in different departments 1. Mathematica http://www.wolfram.com/ + add on http://www.fgg.uni-lj.si/Symech/ 2. Maple http://www.maplesoft.com/ + add on Mechanics of...
  28. P

    Mathematica Mathematica maximize element extraction from list

    Hi guys, I think this is a simple question for mathematica experts. How can I maximize the extracted value from a list given a index that has to respect some constrains? For example: S = {4,2,3,5} Maximize[{Extract[S,x], x<= 3, x>=1},{x}] I would like 4 is returned instead of...
  29. P

    Mathematica Mathematica, NMinimize extract data from list

    Hi guys, I am struggling again NMinimize. This is my problem: I am creating a model by using goal programming, my problem now is given a list of list i.e a matrix defined in this way S = {{5, 2, 7, 9}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {3, 1, 2, 4}} extract from the first list {5,2,7,9} a number by...
  30. H

    Need a list of core materials and their permeabilities

    Anyone know where I can get a list of different core materials and their permeabilities?
  31. M

    Need a list of good books from general to specialized topics

    need a list of books for general reference for the future. currently a master level engineering student, I went through undergrad with some confusing books and I want to acquire some modern books on individual topics that are well received. for specialized topics, I am in need of introductory...
  32. H

    Mathematica Ordering a list in Mathematica

    Hi everyone, Is it possible to order a list of (x,y) coordinates in Mathematica by x, then y? I currently have a number of data files in which there are 5 columns: x, y, area, circularity, radius. I would like to order the list by x and y coordinates while keeping the rows intact. Thank you
  33. B

    Write down a list of nine features of the radiation fields that can be deduced

    Homework Statement In the limit of large distances, the electric field that is associated with the radiation magnetic fields is given by the real part of: E(r)=[(μ(subscript 0) I(subscript 0) δ l)/(4pi)] cos θ ((-i ω)/r)exp [i(kr-ωt)] θ-hat The magnetic field is given by the real part...
  34. R

    Schools Potential graduate school list and help with chances.

    Hi, I could use some help in evaluating my choices for a phd program in physics. Below is my background and I was wondering what you thought of my chances at the schools listed below or if you have any suggestions for other schools. I want to study atomic, molecular, optical physics for my...
  35. A

    List: texts/ideas for BS math/phy to grad school

    List of texts/key ideas for BS math/phy to grad school Thanks to great feedback, I've updated my attempt to: Pull out the minimal set of math and physics ideas, backed up by the actual history, that underlie the knowledge needed to navigate from junior level math/physics through graduate...
  36. J

    List of different relative speeds?

    Hello, Let me first say this is not homework, If you do not believe me you can use any numbers you would like. I am just curious and would like to see how the "speed" of an object changes relative to different things. Basically, if say, I move 10 mph (or 20 mph, or 5 feet a second, it...
  37. D

    List of Non-Singular Equivalencies

    I was compiling a list of non-singular equivalencies. This is all I have so far. I would appreciate if you can help me to add more to these. Let A be a square n x n matrix. The following statements are equivalent. That is, for a given A, the statements are either all true or all false...
  38. F

    Why doesn't Maple recognize matrix in list?

    Homework Statement I am basically just trying to resolve this matrix in maple by using a list because for a big system, there is no way I am entering all the numbers one by one and only to find out later my size was wrong. So for instance A := matrix([[2,3,3,0],[3,1,4,9]]) Now for...
  39. M

    Python code for generating prime# list and evaluting a number

    Homework Statement I am attempting to allow a user to enter a number and check to see if it is in a list of already generated prime numbers Here's my attempt Where can I put the code to allow the number to be checked, the prime list generator works fine alonedef buildPrimeList ()...
  40. A

    Schools List of Full Scholarship Universities for Sci/Eng

    This is a list of schools with (some type of) full scholarship programs that offer majors in science and engineering. The programs vary from school to school, so see the individual school for the details. I'm sure this list isn't complete. These are just the schools I've come across from a...
  41. C

    Fortran Fortran: separate acids from a list of chemicals in a text file

    Dear Fellow Members, I am presently trying to write a Fortran 95 program to separate acids from a list of chemicals in a text file and then write them to a second text file. The program first matches the word "acid" and is then supposed to check if the word preceding the word...
  42. A

    How can I fix the copy constructor for a linked list in my CharList class?

    having trouble with a copy constructor for a linked list. I know what I am doing wrong I am just not too sure how to fix it. First i'll show my node class and the copy constructor that I am working on. node class: class CharNode { private char letter; private CharNode...
  43. T

    Mathematica Mathematica: Splitting a function into a list of terms

    Hi, I need to split an expression into a list of terms, i.e. an expression like: a+b-c-d+... into: {a,b,-c,-d,...}. Can you help? Thanks in advance.
  44. R

    Schools List of Courses Necessary for Physics Graduate School

    I looked back a few months but could find no posts that explicitly covered both these so my question to y'all is: From your personal experience, if you had to compose a list of undergraduate math/physics courses that are necessary/extremely beneficial to success in physics graduate school...
  45. T

    Java Java: Creating my own Linked List

    Hello everyone. My task here is to construct my own linked list. The outer class is SLList and the inner class is Node. The problem that I seem to be having is when I try to use the fields of the outer class in the inner class, I am getting "cannot make static reference to the non-static field."...
  46. A

    Proving the map function on finite lists using induction

    Homework Statement Prove by finite list induction ∀xs:: [a]. map (\x -> x) xs = xs Homework Equations map f [ ] = [ ] map f (x : xs) = (f x) : map f xs The Attempt at a Solution The list induction principle to prove a finite lists of type a is [P([ ])^ ∀x :: a. ∀xs ...
  47. tom.stoer

    Comprehensive list of cosmological models and their properties?

    Does anybody know about a comprehensive list of cosmological models and their properties? E.g. FRW, dS, AdS, ... Goedelspacetime, ... with metrics g, Christoffel symbols, Riemann tensors, Ricci, Ricci scalar, Kretschmann scalar, ... Tom
  48. C

    How to list arXiv papers on NSF final report

    I had NSF fellowship for the period of 2009 -- 2011, and now I have to fill out final report. When I am trying to fill out the section "publications and products" of my NSF report, it gives me four options: a) Journal publications b) Books c) Internet dissemination d) Other specific...
  49. S

    SphericalPlot3D with List: Create 3D Plots from Point Data

    Hello. SphericalPlot3D can build 3d plot only if arguments are : function (theta,phi) and theta's and phi's ranges. Is there an opportunity to use SphericalPlot3D or smth like that, if i have a list of points, {z,theta,phi}? Thanks!
  50. A

    List n proof all distribution?

    list n proof all distribution? someone help me proof gamma distribution,poison,binomial,geometric,exponential...