What is Latex: Definition and 999 Discussions

Latex is a stable dispersion (emulsion) of polymer microparticles in water. Latexes are found in nature, but synthetic latexes are common as well.
Latex as found in nature is a milky fluid found in 10% of all flowering plants (angiosperms). It is a complex emulsion consisting of proteins, alkaloids, starches, sugars, oils, tannins, resins, and gums that coagulate on exposure to air. It is usually exuded after tissue injury. In most plants, latex is white, but some have yellow, orange, or scarlet latex. Since the 17th century, latex has been used as a term for the fluid substance in plants, deriving from the Latin word for "liquid." It serves mainly as defense against herbivorous insects. Latex is not to be confused with plant sap; it is a distinct substance, separately produced, and with separate functions.
The word latex is also used to refer to natural latex rubber, particularly non-vulcanized rubber. Such is the case in products like latex gloves, latex condoms and latex clothing.
Originally, the name given to latex by indigenous Equator tribes who cultivated the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, was "caoutchouc", from the words caa ('tear') and ochu ('tree'), because of the way it is collected.

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  1. C

    LaTeX How to Solve Equations and Improve Alignment in Latex Math?

    $y=2x+1$ $y=2x^2+3x+5$ $ a+3b=1$ $2a - b=1$ Multiply through by 3 $6a - 3b = 3$ Subtract equation (3) from (1) $6a - 3b = 3$ $ a + 3b = 1$ $7a - 0b = 4$ a =$\frac{4}{7}$ Just learning latex on here and trying to understand how I can keep everything in line, which seems difficult with...
  2. E

    LaTeX Latex question about list of notations

    Hello all, I am trying to do the list of notations using tabular environment. However, any letter after filling the first page does not appear, i.e.: only the first page of the list of notations appears. why? Thanks
  3. S

    LaTeX Cannot compile equation in LaTeX- Help with code please

    Hello! I have been trying to get this equation to work in my LaTeX document, I do not really see any issues with it so if somebody could give some guidance that would be really helpful. Code: \begin{equation} {\bf{R}} = \sum_{i=1}^{N}_{{\bf{u}}_{i}} \end{equation} Thank you
  4. L

    LaTeX Quick (probably easy) Latex Question

    Hi, I'm trying to write some equations in LaTeX. They are inside an align environment. My code is the following: \begin{align*} \omega_\mu{}^{ab}(e) &= \frac{1}{2} \eta^{ac} \eta^{bd} e^\nu_c e^\rho_d ( \Omega_{[\mu \nu] \rho} - \Omega_{[\nu \rho] \mu} + \Omega_{[\rho \mu] \nu}) \\ &=...
  5. J

    LaTeX LaTeX: Quick Question on Aligning Equations

    Hi guys, I'm totally new to latex and I'm loving it so far :) Quick question: when I use "\begin{align}" & "\end{align}" for a system of equations, I get them all aligned up at the "=" signs (assuming I place a "&" in front of them). Is there a way to get them all aligned vertically at the...
  6. qspeechc

    LaTeX Pdf of Not So Short Intro to Latex

    Pdf of "Not So Short Intro to Latex" Hi everyone I'm trying to download "The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e" by Oetiker, but every link I try I get the message "This webpage wants to run the following add-on: 'Zeon Corporation' from 'Zeon Corporation'." Then I am asked if I want to allow...
  7. J

    LaTeX Latex for Long-Division: Displaying Code

    Hi, Can we display a long-division? I tried copying the code in this reference (post 6) and it's not working: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=123&t=197170&p=1084071&hilit=latex+for+long+division#p1084071 Someone in the Homework forum was asking a question about...
  8. D

    LaTeX Help please getting the LaTeX correct for this vector expression

    $t\vec{a}$ and $\vec{b}$ where t is a scalar times the vector a. How can I make $\vec{b-ta}$ look right? Solved $$ \overrightarrow{b-ta} $$
  9. C

    LaTeX How can I change the format of a LaTeX template for a PhD thesis to b5?

    Hi, I would use LaTeX template for PhD thesis http://openwetware.org/wiki/LaTeX_template_for_PhD_thesis but I can not convert it to b5 format :( could somebody help me ? Nina
  10. C

    LaTeX Latex - superscript & subscript together

    latex -- superscript & subscript together Hi, I need to use expressions that have arguments, multiple superscript and subscript indices at the same time, e.g V(ij)_{\sigma_1\sigma_2}^{\tau_1\tau_2} Is it possible to force latex to make this formula more compact, ie. to put the...
  11. M

    LaTeX LaTeX loading freezes system for ~1 min

    I'm not sure if this is really a bug with the forum software as opposed to some incompatibility with my browser, but whenever I load the forums for the first time after booting up my computer, any page with latex on it will freeze my computer, sometimes for over a minute, while the latex...
  12. D

    LaTeX Adding Arrows to a Line in LaTeX

    How can I add a couple arrows on this line? \draw (3.14,-3.14) -- (3.14,3.14
  13. J

    LaTeX Latex: Problem with Conjugate of Quotient

    I can't seem to get the conjugate of a quotient is the quotient of the conjugates: \overline{\left(\frac{z}{w}\right)}=\frac{\overline{z}}{\overline{w}} I'm pretty sure the latex is correct.
  14. D

    LaTeX A light, readily available glue, that can adhere metal to latex.

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  15. S

    LaTeX Using the Symbol \Z for Integers in LaTex

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  16. phosgene

    LaTeX How do I write an integral from a to b in latex?

    As the title suggests, I can only see how to write an integral like: But how would I write an integral like the following?
  17. Darth Frodo

    LaTeX Sigma tab: LaTeX Reference broken

    Hi guys, when I was trying to post something in the H/W forum and tried to use the Latex reference I could press the tab, but nothing happened. Is this a bug? Thanks!
  18. I

    LaTeX My Quantum I professor wants us to write up our homeworks using Latex.

    Hi I am taking Quantum I this 2012 fall. The little problem I am having is that my professor wants us to write our homework on Latex. I have no problem with Latex; I love making documents on it. But the only thing that borders me is that having to write up my homework on Latex, take a great deal...
  19. Borek

    LaTeX Another LaTeX formatting question

    So I was answering in a thread here and what I got was ugly: k_1 = e^{\frac {E_a} {RT_1}} What I don't like is that the exponential part is so small it is barely readable (checked in Opera, Firefox, IE and Chrome). I can write it as k_1 = exp\left({\frac {E_a} {RT_1}}\right) and it...
  20. C

    LaTeX Which LaTeX Software Is Best for Writing Lab Reports and Mathematical Documents?

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  21. K

    LaTeX Adding a jpeg in LaTeX automatically adds directory address

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  22. m4r35n357

    LaTeX Gullstrand-Painleve/Doran articles with bad Latex?

    I've been intrigued for some time by the following posts, but they all have lots of Latex errors (at least for me, Firefox/Linux). https://www.physicsforums.com/blog.php?b=580 https://www.physicsforums.com/blog.php?b=590 https://www.physicsforums.com/blog.php?b=855 Can anyone confirm they...
  23. S

    LaTeX No LaTex Displaying: Forum or Browser Issue?

    As the current time, the LaTex in forum posts isn't displaying for me. Is this a forum problem or (more likely) just a problem with my browser?
  24. DeusAbscondus

    LaTeX Could someone tell me what is wrong with this bit of latex

    $\left( \text{The ones you see were done by use of} $ $\text{perpendiculars}\r) $$$\left(\text{The ones you see were done by use of perpendiculars}\right)$$
  25. C

    LaTeX Aligning Equations in LaTeX: Troubleshooting

    Hi, I want to align several equations in latex. I want the first and second equations to be in the middle. The last equation is too long and I want to split it into 2 parts. I tried \begin{gather} Eq1\\ Eq2\\ \begin{multline} Eq3a\\ Eq3b \end{multline} \end{gather}...
  26. DeusAbscondus

    LaTeX An open source program to take notes in latex

    Hi folks, the subject line says it. I'm currently using geogebra as a note book in which to write "memory cards" in latex. You know the sort of thing: when you learn a new formula and want to keep it in virtual "card" form. I love Sticky Notes, but I can't get latex on to them. does anyone...
  27. S

    LaTeX Exploring LaTeX Tables in Forum Posts

    Do LaTex tables work in forum posts? I've never used them before. Today I tried copying several examples from pages on the web such as: \begin{tabular}{ l c r } 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \\ \end{tabular} which on my browser doesn't show up as a table. I tried...
  28. G

    LaTeX Looking for Help on LaTex? Check Out This Forum-Specific Guide!

    Tired of typing ugly expressions, decided to join the LaTex club. Is there a good guide on LaTex specific to this forum, the ones that came up on google were not very helpful.
  29. S

    LaTeX What's the good LaTex sticky thread now?

    What's the best sticky thread about using LaTex on forum? I looked in my old posts and see I referred new users to https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=546968, but that link doesn't work now.
  30. D

    LaTeX Problem with latex todonotes package

    I tried out the latex todonotes package. Specifically I defined in the preamble: \usepackage{todonotes} \newcommand{\tinytodo}[2][] {\todo[size=\small,inline]{\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{0.5}% \selectfont% [\uppercase{#1}]:~#2% \par }} In the body I use...
  31. U

    LaTeX How Can I View the Output of Latex Code for Partial Differential Equations?

    I'm writing a scientific paper and I need to put in some partial differential equations ...I can generate a latex code for them using a software called 'texmaker' but in order to make them presentable in the form of proper partial differential equations, I need to see the output of the latex...
  32. V

    LaTeX How to Create Graphs and Figures in LaTex Documents.

    I am learning LaTex and I was wondering if there's a way to create graphs and figures with it. Even if it's not as simple as just typing graph sin(x) somewhere. I've been reading online about it and I think you actually can't, but then again I see documents like these...
  33. S

    LaTeX LaTeX Question: Manually Formatting Citations

    I am using Zotero to collect and organize all of my citations, which I then export in a bibtex format to use in my LaTeX document, using natbib to make my bibliography. The problem is that I have a couple 'odd' references that do not format correctly. I think this is due to a combination of...
  34. andrewkirk

    LaTeX Latex keeps on getting parsing errors

    I keep on getting errors from Latex. For instance the following code looks OK to me but won't parse: g(\vec{\bar{V}}_S, \vec{U}(1)) =\ _Sg_{ik}(O) _S\bar{V}_S^i _SU(1)^k However if I break it with the insertion of a close and then an open itex delimiter, the first bit parses but the...
  35. S

    LaTeX Looking for a description of power loss in Latex tubing work in/power out

    Looking for a description of low efficiency in Rubber band or Tubing I am looking for a description of power loss in that you don't get out the work you put into pulling latex tubing. I have some new latex tubing that is treated with UV protection and is super hard to pull from the very...
  36. B

    LaTeX LaTeX alignment and orientation

    LaTeX Help! Currently I writing my Thesis report using LaTeX. I have been noticing the following problem. I need the figures and text to be aligned in a page in the following orientation text figure text figure However, what I obtain is figure text text figure At times, this gets...
  37. S

    LaTeX How to remove date from my LaTex Title Page

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  38. D

    Mathematica LaTeX in Mathematica Slideshow

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  39. L

    LaTeX What is the use of \frac{5}{15} in LaTeX?

    \frac{5}{15} \Sigma Is this what people mean by LaTeX. Just wondering. Thankyou.
  40. W

    LaTeX Fixing Latex Error: Inserting JPG File Not Found

    I've looked over the other threads, and I can't seem to find a fix for my problem. I've save my jpg into the same folder as the .tex file. I've been using \usepackage{graphicx}. I just can't seem to find a solution. I'm using MikTex 2.9 and TeXnic Center on Windows. My code for the picture is...
  41. Borek

    LaTeX Resolving LaTeX Math Rendering Issues

    Is it a bug, or am I missing something obvious? \frac {L\times atm} {K\times mol} \frac {L\times atm} {K\times mol} Same if you don't use \times, on my computer it is rendered the same wrong way under Opera and under Chrome. This is image, not part of the text: ------------...
  42. Loren Booda

    LaTeX LaTex and solution for an infinite series

    What is the LaTex and infinite sum for 1-2-1/2+3-1/2-4-1/2+5-1/2 . . . Does it converge anyway? I am too old for this to be a school assignment.
  43. L

    LaTeX Latex: flushleft environment within tabular cells

    Can anyone tell me what is wrong with what I've written here - its coming up with lots of errors (inlcuded below). I have the \usepackage{multirow} at the beginning. Thanks [tex] \begin{table}[h] \caption{Investigation of interleaf leakage using ion chamber} \begin{center}...
  44. Jameson

    LaTeX Guide to LaTeX: A Helpful Resource

    Hello everyone, Here is a link a Latex guide written especially for using Latex on our site. We thank MHB Helper Sudharaka very much for writing it! If you see anything to edit or add please post in this thread and we'll take a look. Download the PDF file MHB Staff
  45. A

    LaTeX What is the solution for taller parentheses in a matrix using xy-pic in LaTeX?

    Hi, I am trying to show the reader what is the main diagonal of a matrix, so i wrote the code using the xy-pic package, this is the code: \begin{displaymath} \left( \xymatrix @=0.5pc { a \ar@{-}[dr] & b\\ c & d\\ } \right) \end{displaymath} In the compiled file the parenthesis...
  46. B

    LaTeX How Can I Successfully Acquire and Install LaTeX on Windows 7?

    LaTeX -- How do I acquire it? To whom is reading, Can you please either: (a) - Direct me to where a tutorial or explanation is located on this forum (If there are any). (b) - Direct me to where I can find a tutorial or explanation on how to acquire and install it...
  47. L

    LaTeX Latex - tables taking up too much room

    Hi, when i have multiple tables together the spacing between them is large and takes up unnecessary room. I have 5 tables which span the entire width and are one ontop of the other. If i was to put these tables into word they would fit into the one page. However, on latex the are spread over...
  48. A

    LaTeX Effective Ways to Add Horizontal Spacing in Latex Text for Pseudo-code Writing

    Hello guys, I'm trying to get some horizontal spacing into my text. I want to do this because I basically want to write a pseudo-code in my text, so I need every loop to start a bit further away from the beginning of the page than the previous one. I've tried \hspace, but it does not seem to...
  49. I

    LaTeX Latex Beamer: Animated gif files problem

    Hi to all. These days i am working on a presentation using latex beamer. A really usefull thing is to present your animated graphs. I want to include some animated graphs in latex. I have some animated gif files but animated gif files are invalid in latex beamer. So i got some info...
  50. V

    LaTeX Help with Vertical Lines in LaTeX

    Does anyone know a way to get half-vertical lines? I mean, I'd like something identical to /vline , but which starts from the top of the row and only goes halfway down. Similarly, I'd like a line which starts from the bottom and only goes halfway up. Even better would be something like a...