What is Lagrangian: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Introduced by the Italian-French mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1788, Lagrangian mechanics is a formulation of classical mechanics and is founded on the stationary action principle.
Lagrangian mechanics defines a mechanical system to be a pair


{\displaystyle (M,L)}
of a configuration space


{\displaystyle M}
and a smooth function


{\displaystyle L=L(q,v,t)}
called Lagrangian. By convention,



{\displaystyle L=T-V,}


{\displaystyle T}


{\displaystyle V}
are the kinetic and potential energy of the system, respectively. Here



{\displaystyle q\in M,}


{\displaystyle v}
is the velocity vector at


{\displaystyle q}


{\displaystyle (v}
is tangential to


{\displaystyle M).}
(For those familiar with tangent bundles,






{\displaystyle L:TM\times \mathbb {R} _{t}\to \mathbb {R} ,}





{\displaystyle v\in T_{q}M).}

Given the time instants



{\displaystyle t_{1}}




{\displaystyle t_{2},}
Lagrangian mechanics postulates that a smooth path











{\displaystyle x_{0}:[t_{1},t_{2}]\to M}
describes the time evolution of the given system if and only if



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
is a stationary point of the action functional













{\displaystyle {\cal {S}}[x]\,{\stackrel {\text{def}}{=}}\,\int _{t_{1}}^{t_{2}}L(x(t),{\dot {x}}(t),t)\,dt.}


{\displaystyle M}
is an open subset of



{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}




{\displaystyle t_{1},}



{\displaystyle t_{2}}
are finite, then the smooth path



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
is a stationary point of


{\displaystyle {\cal {S}}}
if all its directional derivatives at



{\displaystyle x_{0}}
vanish, i.e., for every smooth











{\displaystyle \delta :[t_{1},t_{2}]\to \mathbb {R} ^{n},}
















{\displaystyle \delta {\cal {S}}\ {\stackrel {\text{def}}{=}}\ {\frac {d}{d\varepsilon }}{\Biggl |}_{\varepsilon =0}{\cal {S}}\left[x_{0}+\varepsilon \delta \right]=0.}
The function


{\displaystyle \delta (t)}
on the right-hand side is called perturbation or virtual displacement. The directional derivative



{\displaystyle \delta {\cal {S}}}
on the left is known as variation in physics and Gateaux derivative in Mathematics.
Lagrangian mechanics has been extended to allow for non-conservative forces.

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  1. R

    Finding all symmetries of a given Lagrangian

    Is there a systematically way of finding all space-time symmetries of a given Lagrangian? E.g. given a electromagnetic Lagrangian, can I somehow derive that the symmetries in question are conformal ones? Thanks.
  2. C

    What is the Equation on My CERN T-Shirt?

    So I was lucky enough to visit CERN earlier this year, and they were selling t-shirts with a long equation on them. And I, like an idiot tourist, somehow jumped to the conclusion this was the standard model Lagrangian and got the t-shirt. Well, it's still a pretty cool t-shirt, but then I went...
  3. R

    Quantizating a symmetric Dirac Lagrangian

    As is well known, a Dirac Lagrangian can be written in a symmetric form: L = i/2 (\bar\psi \gamma \partial (\psi) - \partial (\bar\psi) \gamma \psi ) - m \bar\psi \psi Let \psi and \psi^\dagger be independent fields. The corresponding canonical momenta are p = i/2 \psi^\dagger...
  4. C

    Conservation of momentum from the Lagrangian formulation

    I'm going through John Taylor's book on Classical Mechanics and am having some difficulty understanding his derivation of momentum conservation in the Lagrangian section. Firstly he starts the section off with assuming that all N particles of a system are moved in space by a distance \epsilon...
  5. T

    Theory Behind Dirac Lagrangian: Reasons Nature Didn't Choose Mine

    We all know that the free Lagrangian for a spin-1/2 Dirac field is \mathcal{L}=\bar\psi(i\gamma_\mu\partial^\mu-m)\psi. But, if I were to invent a Lagrangian, I would have tried \mathcal{L}=\partial_\mu\bar\psi\partial^\mu\psi-m^2\bar\psi\psi. What's wrong with this second Lagrangian? Why...
  6. N

    Additional Term added to Electromagnetic Lagrangian

    I am currently reading and trying to solve most of the problems in Carroll's Geometry and Spacetime. I am generally okay at the math (I've done some mathy Riemannian Geometry type stuff), but am not overly good at some of the higher-level physics. Homework Statement (Chapter 1, Question 13)...
  7. A

    Lagrangian Mechanics: Intro and Answers to Ari's Questions

    Hey everyone, So I'm just looking around to get a hold of some lagrangian mechanics for the GRE's coming up. Is the lagrangian always dealing with energy? Basically there was a problem I encountered with trying to find the lagrangian of a rolling ball in some setup, and once I knew that it was...
  8. Y

    QCD Lagrangian: Multiplying 4x4 and 1x3 Matrices

    Hello, In the lagrangian of QCD, there is q which is the quark field and it is the fundamental representation of SU(3). This q is multiplied by a gamma matrix and a q bar. So, how can we have a 4x4 matrix multiplying 1x3 matrix? Thanks
  9. L

    Simple Lagrangian mechanics problem.

    Homework Statement See image (I think I forgot to rotate it, careful with your necks!): http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/7888/p1000993t.jpg The system consists of 2 point masses joined by a rigid massless bar of length 2l, which can rotate freely only in the z-x plane. The center of...
  10. M

    Lagrangian Mechanics Question: How do we get the T and V terms?

    According to my CM text, Lagrangian Mechanics can be used to derive Newton's laws. We define the Lagrangian as L=T-V. Now, how do we know what T is? Is it defined to be 1/2mv^2? The only way I know how to derive that is using the work energy theorem which feels like 'cheating' since I am...
  11. N

    Do Lagrangian and hidden symm broken Lagr describe the same physics?

    Please teach me this: Do the Lagrangian(before broken in symmetry) and corresponding hidden symmetry broken Lagrangian describe the same physics or not?Because the field in the Lagrangian before broken is shifted by a constant in comparision with the field in the broken Lagrangian,but at...
  12. G

    Proving Lagrangian L is Not Uniquely Defined

    Homework Statement I am trying to prove that Lagrangian L is not uniquely defined, but only up to a time derivative of a function: \frac{d\Lambda}{dt}, \Lambda(\vec{q}, t) So L > L+\frac{d\Lambda}{dt} = L+\frac{\partial \Lambda}{\partial q}~\dot{q}+\frac{\partial \Lambda}{\partial t} But...
  13. F

    Bilinear terms in QED lagrangian under charge conjugation

    Homework Statement I want to check that the QED lagrangian \mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4}F^{\alpha\beta}F_{\alpha\beta} + \bar\Psi(i\displaystyle{\not} D - m)\Psi where F^{\alpha\beta} = \partial^\alpha A^\beta - \partial^\beta A^\alpha, \ D^\mu = \partial^\mu - ieA^\mu is invariant under charge...
  14. Char. Limit

    What is the Lagrangian and how does it relate to classical mechanics?

    So I type a differential equation into Wolfram Alpha, like so: And one of the things that W-A outputs is the "Lagrangian" of that equation, which is so: My question is, what is this Lagrangian, what does it describe, and how do I find it?
  15. E

    Lagrangian: singularity in inverted pendulum EoMs?

    Hi all, I'm doing some analysis of a bicycle mechanics problem and at one point the approximations I'm making mean that the problem reduces to the classic inverted pendulum. I'm very confused, as the equations I've worked out appear to have an unphysical singularity in them, and I can't see...
  16. L

    What is the Lagrangian for Electromagnetic Fields?

    Homework Statement In my notes i have the following two equations written with no explanation where thehy came from... can someone help please!? L=(u, x )= -mc\sqrt(u^{\beta} u_\beta)-\frac{q}{c}A^{\alpha}u_\alpha, L(v,r, t) = -mc^2(1-\frac{v^2}{c^2})-\phi +\frac{q}{c}vA L is...
  17. N

    Why the minima of potential of classical Lagrangian called ''vacuum expectation''?

    Please teach me this: Why the minima of potential of classical Lagrangian is called the ''vacuum expectation value of Phi(field function)''.Is it really a vacuum expectation value of field operator at the vacuum states(at this state,the potential part of classical Lagrangian equals zero)...
  18. I

    Why is the lagrangian polynomial in fields and derivatives

    I started to answer this question, and I have quite a bit an answer, but still not complete, let's say that we write a Lagrangian in QFT, which an unknown function of the scalar field \phi and its derivative \partial \phi. We can always Taylor-expand it and get: L(\phi,\partial\phi) = a + b \phi...
  19. N

    Lorentz invariant lagrangian density

    Hi, Would someone know where I can find a derivation of the lorentz-invariant lagrangian density? This lagrangian often pops-up in books and papers and they take it for granted, but I was actually wondering if there's a "simple" derivation somewhere... Or does it take a whole theory and...
  20. K

    How to Solve Complex Integrals in Lagrangian Mechanics?

    Homework Statement Trying to solve a Lagrangian, got down this integral. Unfortunately the zeroth-solution isn't good enough since the constant k is close to 1 for our experimental set-up. \int_{0}^{x}dx(\frac{xsin(x)}{1+kcos^2(x)}})^\frac{1}{2} Any hints? I'm not sure where to get...
  21. B

    Solving a Lagrangian using an Ansatz

    We were working on some Lagrangian and trying to solve it using an ansatz. Due to some problems in the results we got, we started to doubt the correctness of the method in use. Here is a very simple Lagrangian which shows the problem very easily: L=\frac{1}{2}\dot{x}^{2}-gx We took m=1 for the...
  22. C

    Gauge Theory - differentiatin a Lagrangian

    Hi, Hope some one can help me with a problem I am working on: It involves working out: \frac{\delta L}{\delta A_\nu} of the following Lagrangian: L=\frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} + \frac{1}{2} (D_{\mu} \Psi)^{*} D^{\mu}\Psi The solutions show that this is equal to: \frac{\delta...
  23. F

    Symmetry, Lagrangian, Qm, and diff eqs.

    I'm looking for a summary of what invariance or symmetry of the Action in Feynman's path integral has on the equations of motion and on measurement. Do different symmetry groups of the Action integral result in different equations of motion for different particles? Is the least action principle...
  24. C

    How can we find out from the Lagrangian if energy is conserved?

    I actually have 2 questions. 1)How do you decompose the Lagrangian into kinetic and potential energy? 2)Knowing the Lagrangian, how do we find out if energy of the system is conserved. Example: L=q'^2*sin(q)+q'*exp(q)+q q' is the time derivative of q. Thanks in advance
  25. snoopies622

    EM Field Lagrangian: What Defines It?

    According to this site http://quantummechanics.ucsd.edu/ph130a/130_notes/node453.html a good choice of Lagrangian for the electromagnetic field is L = - \frac {1}{4} F_{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu} + \frac {1}{c} j_\mu A_\mu where F_{\mu \nu} = \frac {\partial A_\nu}{\partial...
  26. J

    What is the difference between two Lagrangian densities in electrodynamics?

    Homework Statement Given the Lagrangian density: L= -\frac{1}{2} \partial_{\mu}A_\nu \partial^{\mu}A^\nu -\frac{1}{c}J_\mu A^\mu (a) find the Euler Lagrange equations of motion. Under what assumptions are they the Maxwell equations of electrodynamics? (b) Show that this Lagrangian...
  27. J

    How Does a 4-Divergence Impact the Equations of Motion in Electrodynamics?

    Homework Statement Given the Lagrangian density: L= -\frac{1}{2} \partial_{\mu}A_\nu \partial^{\mu}A^\nu -\frac{1}{c}J_\mu A^\mu (a) find the Euler Lagrange equations of motion. Under what assumptions are they the Maxwell equations of electrodynamics? (b) Show that this Lagrangian...
  28. J

    Deriving EOM of cantilever beam using specific Lagrangian

    Homework Statement The specific Lagrangian for a cantilever beam is given by: \overline{L}=\frac{1}{2}m[\dot{u}^2(s,t)+\dot{v}^2(s,t)]-\frac{1}{2}EI[\psi ^{\prime}(s,t)]^2 where m,EI are mass and bending stifness, respectively. \dot{u},\dot{v} are velocities in u,v directions...
  29. A

    Restriction on terms in the SM lagrangian

    Hello, Just a few questions about a couple of terms in and not in the SM Lagrangian. I'll talk in particular about these fields, and their representations in SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) Q (3,2,1/6) (left-handed quarks, fermion) U (3,1,2/3) (right-handed up-quarks, fermion) \phi (1,2,-1/2) (higgs...
  30. G

    Lagrangian function of pendulum

    Homework Statement Find the Lagrangian and the Lagrangian equations for this pendulum (see the picture). Radius of circle is a, mass of the bob is m and l is the length of the pendulum when it hangs straight down. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I obtain...
  31. T

    Relationship between Lagrangian and Energy

    I know that, for time-independent potentials, we have E=sum (Vi*partial dL/dVi) - L What if one or more of the potentials are time-dependent? Is the relationship between energy and the lagrangian then "total dE/dt = - partial dL/dt "?
  32. G

    Angular momentum of earth from Lagrangian, am I correct?

    Hey, I was just playing about with some lagrangian mechanics and tried to work out the angular momentum of the earth; Starting with the Lagrangian \mathcal{L} = \left(\frac{1}{2}m (r')^2 + \frac{1}{2}m r^2 (\theta ')^2\right)+\frac{G m M}{r} Applying the Euler Lagrange eqn to prove...
  33. M

    Write Lagrangian Homework: Massless Support to Free Movement Along X-Axis

    Homework Statement I worked a textbook problem earlier where I had to write the Lagrangian for a pendulum (of mass m and length l) connected to a massless support moving along the x-axis. I chose the angle theta as my generalized coordinate, since the problem specified that the acceleration of...
  34. B

    Lagrangian mechanics - Euler Lagrange Equation

    Euler Lagrange Equation : if y(x) is a curve which minimizes/maximizes the functional : F\left[y(x)\right] = \int^{a}_{b} f(x,y(x),y'(x))dx then, the following Euler Lagrange Differential Equation is true. \frac{\partial}{\partial x} - \frac{d}{dx}(\frac{\partial f}{\partial y'})=0...
  35. R

    EM Lagrangian in terms of E and B

    What's the most persuasive argument for using the potential phi and A as independent deegres of freedom in the electromagnetic Lagrangian instead of the more physical field E and B? Why does the cannonical approach break down for E and B?
  36. I

    Symmetry of a lagrangian & Noether's theorem

    Homework Statement Assuming that transformation q->f(q,t) is a symmetry of a lagrangian show that the quantity f\frac{\partial L}{\partial q'} is a constant of motion (q'=\frac{dq}{dt}). 2. Noether's theorem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noether's_theorem The Attempt at a Solution...
  37. B

    Lagrangian density of linear elastic solid

    I need the general expression for the lagrangian density of a linear elastic solid. I haven't been able to find this anywhere. Thanks.
  38. pellman

    What is the EM Lagrangian in curved spacetime?

    In flat space time the Lagrangian for the EM potential is (neglecting the source term) \mathcal{L}_{flat}=-\frac{1}{16\pi}(\partial^{\mu}A^{\nu}-\partial^{\nu}A^{\mu})(\partial_{\mu}A_{\nu}-\partial_{\nu}A_{\mu}) which is a scalar for flat spacetime. I would have expected the...
  39. S

    Lagrangian, scalar or pseudo-scalar?

    Hi, My question is. Can in principle, a Lagrangian density for some theory be a pseudo-scalar. Normally people say that the Lagrangian needs to be a scalar, but it case it is a pseudo-scalar it would also be a eigaen function of the parity operator. This topic could well be on the...
  40. C

    Earth-Moon vs Earth-Sun Lagrangian Point system

    My question Does the Sun influence the stability of the Lagrangian points in the Earth-Moon system? Apparently the concept of Lagrangian points works both in the Earth-Moon system and the Earth-Sun system. However, In the Earth-Moon system the Sun, as a third body, has a big influence on...
  41. K

    Lagrangian method problem

    Homework Statement A bead of mass m is free to move on a stationary frictionless hoop of radius R. The hoop is in a horizontal plane (no need to take gravity into account) and it is located a distance d from a stationary wall. The bead is attached to the wall by a spring (constant k and...
  42. LarryS

    Definition of Lagrangian Density?

    I understand the definitions of both the classical and relativistic (SR) Lagrangians. But I cannot find a precise mathematical definition of Lagrangian Density. Please assist. Thanks in advance.
  43. E

    Lagrangian and Hamtiltonian

    When going from the Lagrangian to the Hamtiltonian, we define p_i=\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}_i} as the independent variables in place of \dot{q}. This change of variables is possible if and only if the Hessian matrix \frac{\partial^2L}{\partial \dot{q}_i\partial\dot{q}_j} is...
  44. T

    Yukawa [3 Dirac - 8 scalar] interaction lagrangian

    Homework Statement Given an interaction lagrangian L = i \, g \, \bar \psi(x)_i (\lambda^a)_{ij} \gamma_5 \, \psi(x)_j \phi(x)_a where \psi_i are three Dirac fermions with mass M and \phi_a are eight real scalar fields of mass m and \lambda_a are the generators of SU(3). I have to find...
  45. F

    Classical Mechanics (Lagrangian)

    Homework Statement A ball is sitting on a frictionless seesaw with no inclination at the beginning, and a constant angular velocity \phi. Find the position of the ball as a function of timeHomework Equations L=T-V, T=(m\dot{}x2+m\dot{}y2)/2, V=mgyThe Attempt at a Solution The first problem I...
  46. Y

    Potential Energy Density of Hanging String (Lagrangian)

    Homework Statement Find the potential energy density of a hanging string of mass density m/L that has been displaced from equilibrium at a point a distance d up from the bottom of the string. This point is displaced a distance X in the x direction, and a distance Y in the y direction. The...
  47. O

    Charge conjugation of Complex Klein Gordon Lagrangian

    Homework Statement Show that the complex Klein-Gordon Lagrangian density: L=N\left(\partial_\alpha\phi^{\dagger}(x)\partial^\alpha\phi(x)-\mu^2\phi^{\dagger}(x)\phi(x)\right) is invariant under charge conjugation: \phi(x)\rightarrow C\phi(x)C^{-1}=\eta_c \phi^\dagger (x) Where C...
  48. T

    Power Expantion in Lagrangian Derivation

    In Mechanics by Landau-Lifgarbagez there is a step during the derivation of the Lagrangian where.. \int_{t_1}^{t_2} L(q+\delta q, \dot q + \delta \dot q, t ) \, \mathrm{d}t - \int_{t_1}^{t_2} L(q, \dot q, t ) \, dt then they write "when this difference is expanded in powers of...
  49. L

    Decomposing the Dirac Lagrangian into Weyl Spinors

    If we take the the Dirac Lagrangian and decompose into Weyl spinors we find \mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi} ( i \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu - m ) \psi = i U^\dagger_- \sigma^\mu \partial_\mu u_- + i u^\dagger_+ \bar{\sigma}^\mu \partial_\mu u_+ - m(u^\dagger_+ u_- + u^\dagger_- u_+ ) =0 So far I have...
  50. O

    Exploring Higher-Order Lagrangian Systems with Physical Relevance

    Hello! I`m looking for Lagrangian Systems with Lagrangian function containing higher derivatives in t. I would be really happy if someone can tell some higher order Lagrangians with physical relevance. Thanks, Viktor