What is Job: Definition and 886 Discussions

A job, employment, work or occupation, is a person's role in society. More specifically, a job is an activity, often regular and often performed in exchange for payment ("for a living"). Many people have multiple jobs (e.g., parent, homemaker, and employee). A person can begin a job by becoming an employee, volunteering, starting a business, or becoming a parent. The duration of a job may range from temporary (e.g., hourly odd jobs) to a lifetime (e.g., judges).
An activity that requires a person's mental or physical effort is work (as in "a day's work"). If a person is trained for a certain type of job, they may have a profession. Typically, a job would be a subset of someone's career. The two may differ in that one usually retires from their career, versus resignation or termination from a job.

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  1. A

    Engineering Need some input from experienced engineers regarding job opportunity.

    Hi everyone. I am stuck between Electrical Engineer and Software Engineer. I finished automotive program 3 years ago and currently work as auto mechanic. I like my job, but the pay isn't that high so i decided to go back and get a higher degree in engineering. Im currently taking all...
  2. X

    Being good at school translate into being good on the job?

    I've always been able to study into the night and do pretty well in school. But I'm doing an engineering internship now and I don't feel like I'm doing my best work. Part of it is because I'm EE and working on ME topics, which I'm not very familiar with, but also because I'm wondering if it's...
  3. P

    Job stability and money in experimental physics and for postdocs

    I'm in my last year of college as an undergraduate physics B.S. and have so far tried astronomy and materials science research internships and haven't liked either of them that much. I enjoy the theory behind astrophysics but don't enjoy programming all day. On the other hand, I like the...
  4. Y

    Seeking a job with high school diploma,help please.

    hi I have to get a job before going to college ,I have to work for like a year before enrolling. anyway,I have a high school diploma and a driving license. what can I do with that? I need a job which will enable me to live and rent a room or shared apartment. I will start college at 22...
  5. E

    Engineering Master in Maths seeking engineering job in Fluids Dynamics area

    I did BA Maths at Cambridge with a First Class back in 2009-12, worked in i-banking for one year (partially because I need to fund my graduate study) and will continue with a Master in Maths at Cam this coming autumn. My courses had been (and will continue to be) concentrated in Fluid Dynamics...
  6. J

    Give up on trying to find a programming job?

    I live in Seattle, so my opportunities are better than most people. Still I'm having trouble. My friends who graduated college and were able to get jobs at Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook or Google did so by getting job offers after interning for a year or 2. I have scored two different interviews...
  7. M

    Exploring Nuclear Fusion: Challenges, Degrees, Books and Job Opportunities

    After long thinking I decided that I want to do either engineering or science. I am not really interested in one specific field in science but I am more interested in what field is more useful, active and revolutionary. I became very interested in quantum computing but I lost interest since it...
  8. Z

    Job to Pursue while Majoring in Physics?

    I am a non traditional student, 28 year high school dropout, who is starting on my third year of college majoring in astrophysics with the intention of earning a minimum of a masters either in physics or engineering. I am also going on my 7th year as a bicycle mechanic. I used to love my job but...
  9. Y

    Pre-college Job for an international student,.

    hi all I am an international student *Syrian* ,I will be in the US in July as a F1 visa holder. I will be under the TPS status,so I am thinking about dropping college for a year in order to save some money. so I am looking for a Job before going to college ,I know some of you may suggest...
  10. A

    Word problem : Finding the time in which workers can do a job .

    Homework Statement Each one of the five workers W1, W2, W3, W4 and W5 can do a certain job. W1, W2, W3 together can do it in 7.5 hours. W1, W3, W5 together can do it in 5 hours. W1, W3, W4 together can do it in 6 hours. W2, W4, W5 together can do it in 5 hours. Find the time in which all five...
  11. M

    What can you actually do to find a job with a BS in physics?

    We have lots of threads popping up on that very subject here, and I thought we could work together, gather information from past threads, post them here, and eventually make stickied/pinned post with all the possible avenues, and what kind of background one has to get. All the stuff I've read...
  12. 7

    Will a masters in physics broaden or narrow job possibilities vs. ME?

    I recently graduated with a bachelors in Mechanical Engineering Technology and I want to pursue a masters in an actual engineering discipline (not technology) or possibly physics. I know that a large majority of physics majors go on to work as engineers but they also have other options like...
  13. S

    Overseas Job Seeker in London: Tips for Finding Employment as an MSc Graduate

    I am an oversees student ,who hold MSc in structural engineering from Nottingham university, basically i want to work in London, actually i start to apply late a little bit( a month ago),and i have to find job before October with visa permission to stay in UK. In the previous month i applied...
  14. J

    Is Nebraska Just a Myth? Exploring the Controversy

    I'm not convinced that the state of Nebraska actually exists. All these people claiming to from Nebraska could just be actors. The pictures supposedly from Nebraska? Photoshopped, I'm guessing. I even flew across the country once and I didn't see Nebraska anywhere when I looked out the window.
  15. B

    What are the job prospects for physics graduates in industry?

    I would like to know what physics related jobs are there in industry that a physics graduate has a good chance of getting? Also what kind of things can you do to maximise your chances of working in something physics related after your degree as opposed to doing something in programming or finance?
  16. I

    Physics Suggestions for a Ph.D. - What is the actual job of a physicist?

    Hello everyone! It won't be long before I'll take my degree in theoretical Physics and then I'll have to apply for a Ph.D. I'd like to work on some fundamental Physics. The problem I have to face is that I actually know (almost) nothing about contemporary physics and so I don't have the...
  17. M

    Physics What are the Job Opportunities for a Theoretical Physics Degree Holder?

    Im considering a career in Theoretical Physics. In terms of jobs what opportunities would I have after my Bachelors , my Masters and then after my PHD. What is the most typical pattern followed by most people going into physics? Job after Masters or before it? and what is the future like for...
  18. A

    Going to Grad School In Lieu of an Unsuccessful Job Search

    Hello everyone, I am wondering what your opinions are on going to graduate school if a job search isn't working out. While I would like to get a PhD, and always have, the fact of the matter is that I need money and cannot fund that type of commitment. The main problem with my resume is that it...
  19. L

    On leave from academia and in preparation for the job market

    Hi, I am a student in physics who completed his masters (5 years degree) in physics (fundamental and theoretical physics) and didn't have any success in finding a PhD position since then. I am still waiting for an answer from my last opportunity in entering a PhD by next fall, but my history...
  20. S

    Finding a Job After Graduation: Advice for Recent Grads

    Hi everyone, I just graduated 5 months ago with a ChemE degree and I need advice on finding a job. I have a good GPA (3.4) and have 3 summers worth of internships. I live in the US and am willing to relocate. So far I've applied to about 40 positions (I know, I know that's not a lot). I've...
  21. T

    Preparations for a future Job [First post]

    Hello there people of the Physics Forum realm, My name is [Content secured]. I will tell you, however, that I am 14 years old and am looking into the future. Since sixth grade I dreamed of becoming a Theoretical Physicist or a Physicist for NASA. I'm seeking guidance for help on what to...
  22. J

    How to get an entry level job in the Big Data industry?

    How to get an entry level job in the "Big Data" industry? I.e. developing algorithms and crunching numbers for Netflix, Twitter, etc.
  23. N

    Job hunting advice for theoretical physics PhD

    I've often heard on PhysicsForums that career prospects are bright for theorists who paid attention to their math fundamentals and learned to program. That's me! It's also several of my fellow grad students. I suspect many others on this forum are in similar situations, and they may also benefit...
  24. Astrum

    Part-Time Job During Early Undergrad Years?

    Next year, I'll be a full time student. Due to poor planning on my parents part, the amount of money saved for tuition and other university costs is not as high as it should be. In order to avoid having to ask my father for money (which he wouldn't be too keen on giving me), I've been thinking...
  25. trollcast

    What does an engineering job actually entail?

    I'm interested in studying engineering (specifically electronics and software). I enjoy designing and creating a solution to a problem but I'm wondering if this is the case with engineers in the real world? Do engineers normally build / test prototypes they design? Are you normally allowed...
  26. S

    Schools Graduate School Reputation & Industry Job Market for Physics PhD

    (I've been reading PF for years now, and decided I should finally contribute. Unfortunately, my first significant post is a question, but I hope that will change in the near future!) I'm graduating in May with a double major in Physics and Mathematics, and I have a couple offer for graduate...
  27. C

    Advice from science graduates in a quant job

    I am doing a physics undergrad degree. I'm fairly settled now on applying for grad school in mathematical physics. Anyway, I want to have a fair amount of money to spare in my life and I'm considering quant jobs as a plausible career path for me. The question is should I use my spare credits in...
  28. P

    How can I find a physics related job?

    Ok, here it goes. I graduated with a degree in math in 2010, and so far to now, I have been teaching chess, and math at college prep tutoring centers. I am interested in getting a job in physics, because I think physics is cool. My first question is: Do I need to go back to school, if I choose...
  29. C

    How to become more valuable for a job

    With more and more programmers arising and college students graduating in some computer field. I want to know what the best way to be valuable to a company so I will not have a hard time competing with many other programmers for the same job. Also I do not want to be a code monkey I heard that...
  30. E

    Maximizing Job Potential: Computational Mathematics vs. Microelectronics

    Computational Mathematics (System optimization) or Microelectronics?
  31. J

    Medical Physics - What to do in grad school to get a job after

    Hi! I am brand new to this forum. I wanted to ask some advice about how I can best improve my chances of getting into an enjoyable career after grad school. I am currently a senior due to graduate in May with a BS in physics. I've been accepted into a large research university for their...
  32. phosgene

    Job prospects: real analysis vs statistics

    Hi guys, I'm entering my second year of a science degree majoring in physics. I'm torn between taking real analysis or statistics this year. Which ever one I take will heavily influence my second major (if I don't take real analysis then its statistics or applied maths. If I do take it then it's...
  33. T

    Should I stay with my job or go for an Internship?

    I am currently going to school to become an engineer and I have just recently started working for a start up company ran by a mechanical engineer from MIT. I am learning a lot and love working there. My question is should I stay there and learn as much as I can or should I intern somewhere to...
  34. E

    Which undergrad major provides more job opportunities?

    Applied math or Engineering (including various disciplines...). what job options cross over between the 2 and which don't. Thank you!
  35. D

    Engineering Recent Engineering Grad Unhappy With First Job

    In may I graduated with a Bachelors in EE. I have been working at my current job since then as an electrical engineer. I work for a smaller company and don't find the work i am doing interesting. Also from conversations with my friends who also graduated with me i think I would be happier at a...
  36. D

    Math Mathematics, and Economics Job Prospects

    Hi everyone, I've set up my schedule through the next three years so that I will be able to graduate with a double major in mathematics, and economics (both bachelor of science). I was just wondering if anyone knew the job outlook on these two degrees. I have a strong interest in both...
  37. Rolen

    Job oportunities on europe and US

    How's the situation for a phd on europe and US? Is it hard to find a job on industry or college? I live in Brazil, and I'm considering to do my phd on UK, but it seems that opportunities for a phd on europe are very scarce. Here on Brazil, a PHD(or doutor) can find a job very easily at any...
  38. J

    Finished PhD -- it's been one year and can't find a job

    Hi everyone, I completed my PhD in experimental low energy physics over a year ago and I still cannot find a postdoc position in my field. I have three papers published about my work, and passed my viva with minor corrections, and have good references, but again I just cannot find a postdoc...
  39. D

    Engineering Is it possible to get an engineering job with a criminal record?

    Hello, 2 years ago I was convicted of possession w/ intent to sell marijuana (a felony in my state). I'm about to graduate college with an economics degree, but my job prospects are seriously limited as most of the jobs in that field are finance and banking related, and having a criminal...
  40. N

    Physics What Are the Chances of Becoming a Physics Professor in the US?

    Iam a high school student in India . I am very much interested in physics and i really want to take it up as a career . I plan to go to the United States to pursue my undergrad and graduate work . I want to be a theorist . I plan to get my Phd in physics . I can work really hard and i am pretty...
  41. H

    Math Math MS vs PhD for industry job

    I'm currently in a Math PhD program (in the US), and I have the option of mastering out soon. I initially thought I might do pure math and go into academia, but have since changed my mind. So now I'm trying to figure out whether I should get the MS or continue on for the PhD. My intentions...
  42. A

    How to fill out a job application

    On one application the employer asks about job history. Two questions are included which I have not come across before other than in an interview and I don't know how I should go about answering them. They are: What did you like most about this job? and What did you like least about this...
  43. V

    What are my job options with a statistical degree and no finance background?

    Hi everyone, Help me please to understand what to do - I'm really confused. Sorry for maybe stupid questions - I just don't know where to go to find out this information... A bit about myself. I live in Canada (Ontario) and now I'm doing my Masters in Stats. I have good mathematical...
  44. J

    Just got accepted a job as a reader/grader

    For the math department. I'm super excited. I'm an undergraduate junior math/EE major. Anyone ever be a grader? Any tips? I'm only grading bio calc c 3 hours a week, but it's still cool. Pays well too. :)
  45. H

    Physics Getting a job after physics undergrad then PhD

    Hello, I have great interest in physics, however I don't have the gpa (3.0) to get into grad school. Has anyone gotten a job first, at a national lab for example, and then applied for a PhD program? Thank you
  46. D

    Engineering Second thoughts on physics PhD-Engineering masters/PhD or job?

    Second thoughts on physics PhD--Engineering masters/PhD or job? Hi all, I recently started a funded MSc-->PhD graduate program in physics at a mid-top tier 2 university, and I'm having concerns regarding my future career prospects. My initial plan was to finish the PhD, but now I'm considering...
  47. Z

    Can I Get a Job with Tattoos After a PhD?

    Hey, my question is that, could I get a job with these much tattoo after a Ph.D? I'm from hungary but I want to work in USA at any university, but I'm afraid of rejection, because of my tattoos. (this is not me on the...
  48. M

    Math How to apply for a job in Industry with a degree in Applied mathematics?

    For Academia jobs, I used www.mathjobs.org, and it's quite good. I will have a degree in Applied-Mathematics (Numerical Optimization and Operation research). I am trying to apply for Industry jobs. However I am not sure how or where to apply. I heard the application process can be quite...
  49. H

    Job Prospects for HKUST Graduates | Engineering Degree

    Hi I will be applying to HKUST soon, would someone enlighten me with the job prospects for a graduate with a Bachelors in Engineering degree from this university Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is ranked 27th in the world according to QS world ranking How much should one...
  50. N

    Does a better school mean a better job?

    My question is does a degree from a higher ranked school give better job opportunities? Are employers more likely to higher people with a degree from a higher ranked school? So far I have completed one semester of college at SIUC. I am a mechanical engineer major. I like SIUC and have made...